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Book online «Interior by KLeenaGirl (list of e readers .TXT) 📖». Author KLeenaGirl

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calculated from the start?
My thoughts were cut off yet again, when I was compelled to watch Matthew getting beaten to the ground, blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth.
I shuddered. No, no, no, I don’t want this! I tried to rise up against Debbie again, but she quickly shoved me down.
Shut up, bitch. You don’t have anything to say, your body is mine, and I’ll do what I want with it!
The last one standing: David. His sorrowful eyes stared at Debbie and me. His gun was raised, but there was no intention to pull the trigger.
Debbie groaned. She wanted to kill. I could feel it, she wanted to kill David. I remembered what Harper had said. David had fought Harper, seventeen long years ago, when I had been a baby. So, David had saved me from being kidnapped by Harper? Everything made sense now. David had taken away the experiment of Dr. Harper and, by rescuing me, he had taken away Debbie from her so called Daddy.
You finally got it.
How could I have been so blind, not to see that connection? Anyways, I had to save David from her, just like he had saved me so long ago.
Too late!
Debbie hissed at me and prepared to attack. No, I screamed, more confidently than before, stop that! I’m not going to let you do this!
Oh, but I will. You’re just too weak.
She was right. My power still wasn’t enough to take over again. She had weakened my mind and it became harder to fight her. The longer she stayed, the more tired I got.
You’ve always been weak.
And yet again, my inner demon was right. I could never do anything right. I could never save my friends. I even put them in more danger. I always failed them.
You’re nothing without me.
Yes, without the demon’s power I would be completely out of strength. She was everything in me, the will to stay alive.
Yes, Alex, you finally see it.
I had to succumb her, I had to obey her, to give in….
‘Alex!’ A voice shouted out to me from far away. It was Sebastian’s.
He forced out a smile. ‘Fight her! Don’t let her win! You’re strong and you’re important to all of us!’
‘Silence’, Debbie screamed and threw something at him.
Sebastian…how had he known what I had been thinking? How had he known what Debbie had told me in my thoughts? It didn’t matter right now. All that mattered was that I had my own will back and wasn’t defeated by the demon.
My head was pulled up and I could feel Debbie smiling. I used this little moment of her certitude to come out. With all my energy I halted the body from its constant moving, looked at David and whispered, ‘Shoot me, please.’
David’s eyes changed to a mix of shock and sadness. ‘I’m sorry, Alex’, he answered before aiming for my leg and firing.
I slumped to the ground. Blood poured down from my right leg. The demon was screaming in fury, but I could feel it weakening. As the pain became too much, I closed my eyes.
It was over, for now.

Chapter 14

Absolute silence.
And darkness.
Where the hell was I?
A flicker of light.
Steady beeping.
Lazily, I tried to open my heavy eye lids till I could see something. A very concerned face came into my sight, leaning over my bed.
‘Alex’, the voice belonging to the face said, ‘you’re safe now.’
I blink my eyes a few times and my vision became more clearly. When I opened my mouth to speak, no words came out. I cleared my throat and started again.
‘Eileen’, I choked out, ‘What happened? Where’s everyone?’ The tone of my voice is thin and barely a whisper.
The woman took hold of my hand and answered. ‘The Beales were saved. Everyone else is okay, they don’t have any life-threatening injuries. Just some fractures and sprains.’
That information let me relieve partly. My eyes lazily wandered through the room and stopped at the nightstand beside me. On it, my necklace lay, all fixed again. I was happy that somebody had taken it with him or her. It meant so much to me. My gaze fell back to Eileen.
‘The public?’ I asked and my voice cracked again.
‘Don’t worry. It’ll be alright. David is on the go to fix that.’
Guilt weighed down onto me heavily. It was all my fault, this whole mission had been a failure. Instead of doing my job, I had set my team mates and friends in great danger, almost killing them on my own. What should I do now? How could I ever look into their eyes again with such knowledge?
‘Don’t be so hard with yourself, Alex’, Mrs Cox told me, knowing me too-well, ‘you need to rest.’
‘But – ‘, I resisted to obey, since there were so many things going on in my mind.
‘No but’, she replied, ‘and I’ll tell you what happened and why.’
I gulped and lay back.
‘Well, you have probably figured out by now the connection between Harper and David. It is true, David had saved you seventeen years ago before you could be taken away by Arthur Harper. That night, Harper had indeed killed your family’
I closed my eyes.
‘And he had wanted to kill you, too’
My eyes snapped open immediately.
‘That’s right, you were still alive when he put his violating soul called Debbie in you. I don’t know how but your parents had apparently managed to save you from dying with them. That’s why the demon couldn’t take its full effect of you. It was like there were two spirits in one body and fortunately you built up a power to suppress the demon. However, last night Harper had used a special chemical to awake the demon inside of you. It’s a special poison made of dimethyl sulfate and various acids. Just a very small amount can evoke the demon’
I let the words sink in. So that was how it was. That had been substance inside the grenade.
‘The substance is examined now in ISO’s labs. Maybe we’ll know more about it soon.’
Another thought occurred to me. ‘The last days I had felt really sick. Is there any connection to the meeting with Harper?’
‘There might be’, Eileen responded. ‘I would guess that Debbie had sensed her master, since he was nearby or might have been following you.’
Silence filled the room. My head hurt from constantly lying. I was in a room in ISO’s hospital department. It wasn’t unusually for me to land here, but not quite for the reason I was in here for now.
Eileen had stood up and turned around to pick up my medical chart.
‘Eileen’, I said in a low voice, ‘what about Sebastian? Has anyone told him about - ?’
Knock, knock.
Without waiting for a reply, David opened the door and entered.
‘Alex’, he greeted me smiling weakly, ‘good to see you awake.’
‘Thank you’, I cawed. ‘How did it go?’
‘Well. I think I convinced them that it had been a bad prank played by some violent and crazy teenagers.’ He sat on my bed carefully. ‘Eileen, may I speak to Alex in private?’
‘Sure, Mr. Taylor’, she answered, ‘Alex, take care.’
‘It’s a bit too much for you today, isn’t it?’ David looked at me.
‘Yeah’, I murmured.
Then he lowered his gaze in shame. ‘I’m sorry about that…’ He’s referring to my leg.
‘Don’t bother, I’ll be okay. It’s just a graze. I had worse.’
My words didn’t comfort him much. ‘Actually, David, I have to thank you. You have saved everyone, including yourself.’
‘I didn’t want it to happen again. I don’t want to ever’, my voice trembled, ‘why does it all come back? I don’t want to put you in danger. You’re my family, I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to kill my friends.’
‘It’s okay’, he assured me, ‘we’ll fix it, no matter how, like we always do. Maybe you could start by talking to Sebastian first. If you’re up for this’
‘Yes, I own him some explanations, I guess’
‘He has been waiting for you to wake up all night. He’s in the hallway.’
‘Okay’, I sighed, ‘Call him in.’

Chapter 15

A soft knock on the door.
I pushed myself up onto my elbows. ‘Come in’, I said quietly and a tired, sad face appeared in the doorframe.
‘Hi’, Sebastian answered and closed the door. ‘How are you?’
‘Fine’, I whispered and avoided his piercing gaze as he stood next to my bed. Shame rose up in my chest. There was a heavy lump in my throat ‘What about you?’
He didn’t reply immediately. He looked at me with a serious expression and I could feel my breath stopping. ‘Well’, he finally began, ‘what do you think how I feel?’
I didn’t miss the anger and accusation in his words. The worst was that he had every right to be angry and to accuse me. I wasn’t going to deny that.
‘Sebastian’, I cleared my throat, ‘I know you’re mad and you probably hate me since the last night’s incident.’
He blinked and waited for a ‘but’ which wasn’t going to appear.
‘This is all you have to say?’ he suddenly threw at me, ‘After all that has happened, this is all you say, Alex?’
The hurt in his voice was painful to hear. I frowned. ‘You’re right. You deserve to know the truth and the reasons behind it.’
He simply stared at me. I offered him to sit on my bed, but he declined and remained standing, his arms crossed over his chest.
‘Okay, how to do this?’ I asked myself sighing, ‘Alright, when I was a baby, this man, Dr Harper murdered my parents, but I stayed alive without him noticing.’ I explained everything I had just heard from David and Eileen, telling him about the incident seventeen years ago and the chemical which could evoke the demon. All the time he kept staring at me, though his eyes were growing softer a bit. When I stopped talking, he let out a breath, he seemed not to know he was holding.
Before Sebastian could say anything, I continued. ‘There’s more. This wasn’t the first time I had transformed into the demon.’
His eyes widened. ‘A year ago, I was on a mission. I was with John, Emily, Matthew and Jared. We were supposed to rescue some children who had been kidnapped. We found them – dead. The kidnappers had abused and tortured them till they had died.’ I shuddered at the memory, my eyes became glassy. By now I directly looked at Sebastian.
‘When I had seen that, I just snapped and killed all of those bastards.’ I gritted my teeth at the last word. Just thinking of them brought up a wave of nausea in me. ‘That was what must have triggered the demon. My fury set it free in a few seconds. I lost total control over my body and went against anyone, friend or foe.’
I gulped, horrible scenes rushing through my mind.
‘My comrades had to hold me back, but it was no use. I killed one of my team.’
A tear slid down my cheek, as I braced myself for the words to come next. ‘I killed Jared. He was my boyfriend. I simply shoved him down an abyss. I killed him!’ Breaking down into sobs, I lost eyes contact with Sebastian. Tears spilled out of my eyes releasing me from my sorrow and pain I had swallowed for such
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