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Book online «Stone Predator by Kennedy Harkins (important books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Kennedy Harkins

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the werewolf substitute for a pinata?” I asked dryly. Coming home to strange hostages just grinds my gears...not that it’s ever happened before, well no more than twice.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Ace’s voice was dangerously close the out of control. I peeked at him out of the corner of my eyes, he looked stiffer than a metal board. Everyone looked down respectfully acknowledging their Alpha. A blond man stepped forward, I realized after a moment that he was the man that I met the first time I ‘visited’ Ace’s home. Alex Ross, the pack’s Beta, or second.
“We found him trying to break into Vivica’s home. I think he might be involved with what happened at the hospital,” Alex explained. I tensed, at my house? Was Ellen home? Terror gripped me with it’s horrible teeth. If this werewolf was working with the warlock, and he was at my home, then...Someone wanted me dead. I couldn’t see any other explanation, even if the intent was to kidnap me, they’d have to kill me afterward, because they could bet their asses that I wouldn’t ‘keep quiet’ about it. Another thing confused me, why had they been at my house? Was Ace keeping a watch on me?
I felt Ace grow even more rigid beside me, fighting his temper. His eyes were murderous. Wolves are very territorial, and in Ace’s mind I am his territory. This wolf was threatening his ‘mate’, and the only punishment Ace’s wolf could see fit would be painful death. Never mind that we haven’t even had sex yet, and that I hadn’t agreed to anything permanent.
Ace stalked around to the other side of the man so he could better see his face, or punch it, I wasn’t sure at the time. I just hung onto his arm and let him pull me. I was more than a little scared and angry at this stranger.
He was of Asian decent and his features said so, I could only detect a small bit of American in him. His almost black eyes narrowed dangerously at me.
He smiled sadistically, “Hello, my sweet, I’m afraid I missed you earlier. I’m sure we can reschedule.” His eyes roamed my body, I felt dirty. I shrunk back, something in his eyes told me I wouldn’t like what he had in mind for our ‘date’.
With a start I realized I was shaking. No, Ace was shaking, well more like vibrating. His eyes were completely slitted like an animal, and I was thrown across the room with the force of Ace exploding out of his skin.
It happened so fast I barely caught it all, one moment I was by his side the next I was on the other side of the room staring at a wolf. He was almost completely coal black, much like Ace’s hair, except for one white ear on his left side. His eyes were...terrifying I couldn’t even look at them, he was far too dominant in wolf for that, some of that could be his rage, but most was just...Ace.
That thought snapped me back to reality, this wasn’t just a wolf, this was Ace. My Ace. I was blessed with the gift of being able to look him the eye. It was almost as if they were on fire he was so angry, green fire, but there was pain there too. A lot of pain and fear.
I crawled towards him, very slowly, I didn’t want to scare him anymore than he already was. I reached out and intertwined my fingers in his thick fur. I leaned in and rested my head on him. He flinched away from my touch at first, but eventually he turned and met my eyes. Shame, that’s what I read there. He was ashamed that I had to see him like this, that he had lost control. He still hadn’t relaxed his tensed position, ready to pounce on the strange wolf at any moment. I got a better grip on his fur and started moving him away from the wolf. He didn’t resist. Before long we were at the other end of the room, me leaning against the wall, him with his head in my lap.
The pack on some silent command moved the prisoner somewhere else, and a few minutes later I heard the front door open and shut. The house was quiet. Then I noticed Alex leaning against the door frame, wearing an bemused expression as he took in the situation. He took an unconscious step forward and Ace growled. It wasn’t one of those playful noises that he does when he’s pretending to be mad at me, this was real, and had nothing playful about it.
I stared into his eyes and flicked this nose, like you see them do in movies.
“Bad Ace. No bark,” I scolded firmly. That earned me incredulous looks from both of the werewolves in the room. “What? If you insist on acting like an animal, then I’m going to treat you as such.”
Alex smiled tiredly at me, “Why don’t you wait upstairs?” When he saw I was about to argue he continued, “It’ll be easy for Ace to change back if you’re not here.”
I eyed Ace, he looked exhausted, and was trying very hard to hide it. I stifled a sigh, if my absence would make it easier for him, then I guess I didn’t have a chose. Besides, it’s not like I’ll be far...
Back and forth. Back and forth.
I’d tried sitting for a time, but that was just way too calming, so pacing it is.
I’ve never been the patient type. I always say there’s no time like the present. So, you can imagine my displeasure at being cooped up for an hour in Ace’s room waiting for him to...Come to think of it; I have no idea what they’re doing. How long does this shit take? I suppose I shouldn’t be angry, I mean, changing from a large wolf into a large human does sound complicated.
The door swung open and I was disappointed to see a sweaty Alex standing in front of me. Not that I don’t like him, anything but Ace is a let down. Anything but Ace means more waiting!
“He’s asleep on the couch,” Alex sighed, “a forced change is...strenuous and he’ll be out of commission for at a day or two. Maybe less, maybe more.”
“Out of commission?” It came out like a squeak. What did that mean? In pain or... I shuddered at the endless possibilities.
He gave a reassuring smile, “He’ll be very tired and sore. If you can swing it; put him on bed rest. I understand you have a job-”
I waved it off, “I’m the hottest thing that hospital has seen in a long time. I can take a few days off, no problem.” Ace came first. Besides playing doctor with him might prove to be interesting...
He made a move to leave then hesitated and turned back, “He loves you, you know. I’ve never seen him this way about anyone and we’ve been friends since the beginning.” He met my eyes, “What I’m trying to say is; be careful. Let the pack protect you- at least until this whole mess is over. It’s not worth it, trust me. If anything were to happen to’d destroy him.”
I nodded, shocked at his speech. It wasn’t what I had been expecting. Never-the-less I felt...warm and tingly all over. Sure the confession of love hadn’t come from Ace himself, but it was a damn close second.
“I’ll check in tomorrow,” and with that he left me alone with my thoughts. I stood there for a while, just replaying the words ‘he loves you’ over and over again in my head. Part of me was terrified, love with a werewolf? It was a recipe for disaster, but did it really matter? I could feel myself growing closer and closer to him each day, I was in far too deep to get out now. And what’s worse, I didn’t want out. I loved him with all my heart, and if that meant turning my back on my old life, then it was a small price to pay for happiness.
Coming out of my ravine, I was intrigued. I’d never actually seen Ace asleep, and it hardly seemed fair- considering how often he’d seen me. I descended the stairs very quietly, hoping Alex was right and he really was asleep.
Peaking around the corner to the living room; I saw him lying on the leather couch. It was a large piece of furniture, but no where near long enough for him. His feet and half of his calves hung of the other end. He only had on sweat pants and his bare chest was streaked with perspiration. His breathing was relaxed and even, like all stress and pain that he usually carried around had been wiped away. Ace’s eyes were closed and his was peacefully blank.
In other words- he was out like a light.
I tip-toed over to him and gently eased myself into the space he’d left unoccupied, like I said; big couch. Wrapping my arms around him, I snuggled myself into his heat. I was instantly tired, happy, and completely safe.
“Vivi?” His voice was hoarse and a little strained.
This time it was my turn to put my finger to his mouth, “You’re exhausted. Just relax, I’m not going anywhere.” In that simple sentence I explained everything, that I really wasn’t going anywhere, ever. This was where I belonged; at his side.
“You don’t have to make any promises to me. You can leave, I’ll- I’ll let you go. Don’t you ever feel like you...owe me anything.” I could tell it took a lot out of him to say it, and he meant every word. He would let me go if I wanted to leave. He was saying that he didn’t want me to go, but I’d probably be happier without him.
What a load of shit! How can he expect me to just walk away? It was very considerate, but completely unnecessary, and stupid. Like offering someone who was bed ridden and had less than two hours left to live two million dollars. What the hell are they going to do with that? They can’t and won’t use it, so no matter how thoughtful, it’s useless.
“Would you just shut up and hold me, already?” I growled into his ear. He leaned back and closed his eyes, while his arms held me in a firm and unyielding hold against his chest.
“What ever you want,” he breathed and pressed his lips to my forehead. “I’m under your command.”
His Mind

I opened my eyes to the late afternoon sun light streaming through the window. I felt fully rested and rejuvenated. I’d called the hospital late last night to inform them I’d be taking a  couple personal days. The nurse on call had been less than pleased to have to relay that message on the higher authorities. Not my problem.
Now I

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