Read books online » Fantasy » Le Morte d'Arthur: Volume 2 by Sir Thomas Malory (reading rainbow books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Le Morte d'Arthur: Volume 2 by Sir Thomas Malory (reading rainbow books .TXT) 📖». Author Sir Thomas Malory

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fellows came to his bed they found him stark dead, and he lay as he had smiled, and the sweetest savour about him that ever they felt.

Then was there weeping and wringing of hands, and the greatest dole they made that ever made men. And on the morn the Bishop did his mass of Requiem, and after, the Bishop and all the nine knights put Sir Launcelot in the same horse bier that Queen Guenever was laid in to-fore that she was buried. And so the Bishop and they all together went with the body of Sir Launcelot daily, till they came to Joyous Gard; and ever they had an hundred torches brenning about him. And so within fifteen days they came to Joyous Gard. And there they laid his corpse in the body of the quire, and sang and read many psalters and prayers over him and about him.

And ever his visage was laid open and naked, that all folks might behold him. For such was the custom in those days, that all men of worship should so lie with open visage till that they were buried. And right thus as they were at their service, there came Sir Ector de Maris, that had seven years sought all England, Scotland, and Wales, seeking his brother, Sir Launcelot.

How Sir Ector found Sir Launcelot his brother dead, and how Constantine reigned next after Arthur; and of the end of this book.

And when Sir Ector heard such noise and light in the quire of Joyous Gard, he alighted and put his horse from him, and came into the quire, and there he saw men sing and weep. And all they knew Sir Ector, but he knew not them. Then went Sir Bors unto Sir Ector, and told him how there lay his brother, Sir Launcelot, dead; and then Sir Ector threw his shield, sword, and helm from him. And when he beheld Sir Launcelot’s visage, he fell down in a swoon. And when he waked it were hard any tongue to tell the doleful complaints that he made for his brother. Ah Launcelot, he said, thou were head of all Christian knights, and now I dare say, said Sir Ector, thou Sir Launcelot, there thou liest, that thou were never matched of earthly knight’s hand. And thou were the courteoust knight that ever bare shield. And thou were the truest friend to thy lover that ever bestrad horse. And thou were the truest lover of a sinful man that ever loved woman. And thou were the kindest man that ever struck with sword. And thou were the goodliest person that ever came among press of knights. And thou was the meekest man and the gentlest that ever ate in hall among ladies. And thou were the sternest knight to thy mortal foe that ever put spear in the rest. Then there was weeping and dolour out of measure.

Thus they kept Sir Launcelot’s corpse aloft fifteen days, and then they buried it with great devotion. And then at leisure they went all with the Bishop of Canterbury to his hermitage, and there they were together more than a month. Then Sir Constantine, that was Sir Cador’s son of Cornwall, was chosen king of England. And he was a full noble knight, and worshipfully he ruled this realm. And then this King Constantine sent for the Bishop of Canterbury, for he heard say where he was. And so he was restored unto his Bishopric, and left that hermitage. And Sir Bedivere was there ever still hermit to his life’s end. Then Sir Bors de Ganis, Sir Ector de Maris, Sir Gahalantine, Sir Galihud, Sir Galihodin, Sir Blamore, Sir Bleoberis, Sir Villiars le Valiant, Sir Clarrus of Clermont, all these knights drew them to their countries. Howbeit King Constantine would have had them with him, but they would not abide in this realm. And there they all lived in their countries as holy men. And some English books make mention that they went never out of England after the death of Sir Launcelot, but that was but favour of makers. For the French book maketh mention, and is authorised, that Sir Bors, Sir Ector, Sir Blamore, and Sir Bleoberis, went into the Holy Land thereas Jesu Christ was quick and dead, and anon as they had stablished their lands. For the book saith, so Sir Launcelot commanded them for to do, or ever he passed out of this world. And these four knights did many battles upon the miscreants or Turks. And there they died upon a Good Friday for God’s sake.

Here is the end of the book of King Arthur, and of his noble knights of the Round Table, that when they were whole together there was ever an hundred and forty. And here is the end of the death of Arthur. I pray you all, gentlemen and gentlewomen that readeth this book of Arthur and his knights, from the beginning to the ending, pray for me while I am alive, that God send me good deliverance, and when I am dead, I pray you all pray for my soul. For this book was ended the ninth year of the reign of King Edward the Fourth, by Sir Thomas Maleore, knight, as Jesu help him for his great might, as he is the servant of Jesu both day and night.

Thus endeth this noble and joyous book entitled Le Morte Darthur. Notwithstanding it treateth of the birth, life, and acts of the said King Arthur, of his noble knights of the Round Table, their marvellous enquests and adventures, the achieving of the Sangreal, and in the end the dolorous death and departing out of this world of them all. Which book was reduced into English by Sir Thomas Malory, knight, as afore is said, and by me divided into twenty-one books, chaptered and emprinted, and finished in the abbey, Westminster, the last day of July the year of our Lord MCCCCLXXXV.

Caxton me fieri fecit.

Abashed, abased, lowered,
Abate, depress, calm,
Abought, paid for,
Abraid, started,
Accompted, counted,
Accorded, agreed,
Accordment, agreement,
Acquit, repay,
Actually, actively,
Adoubted, afraid,
Advision, vision,
Afeard, afraid,
Afterdeal, disadvantage,
Againsay, retract,
Aknown, known,
Aligement, alleviation,
Allegeance, alleviation,
Allow, approve,
Almeries, chests,
Alther, gen. pl., of all,
Amounted, mounted,
Anealed, anointed,
Anguishly, in pain,
Anon, at once,
Apair, weaken,
Apparelled, fitted up,
Appeach, impeach,
Appealed, challenged, accused,
Appertices, displays,
Araged, enraged, ; confused,
Araised, raised,
Arase, obliterate,
Areared, reared,
Armyvestal, martial,
Array, plight, state of affairs,
Arrayed, situated,
Arson, saddle-bow,
Askance, casually,
Assoiled, absolved,
Assotted, infatuated,
Assummon, summon,
Astonied, amazed, stunned,
At, of, by,
At-after, after,
Attaint, overcome,
Aumbries, chests,
Avail (at), at an advantage,
Avaled, lowered,
Avaunt, boast,
Aventred, couched,
Avised, be advised, take thought,
Avision, vision,
Avoid, quit,
Avoided, got clear off,
Avow, vow,
Await of (in), in watch for,
Awayward, away,
Awke, sideways,

Bachelors, probationers for knighthood
Bain, bath,
Barbican, gate-tower,
Barget, little ship,
Battle, division of an army,
Bawdy, dirty,
Beams, trumpets,
Be-closed, enclosed,
Become, pp., befallen, gone to,
Bedashed, splashed,
Behests, promises,
Behight, promised,
Beholden (beholding) to, obliged to,
Behote, promised,
Benome, deprived, taken away,
Besants, gold coins,
Beseek, beseech,
Beseen, appointed, arrayed,
Beskift, shove off,
Bested, beset,
Betaken, entrusted,
Betaught, entrusted, recommended,
Betid, happened,
Betook, committed, entrusted,
Bevered, quivered,
Board, sb., deck,
Bobaunce, boasting, pride,
Boishe, bush, branch of a tree,
Boistous, rough,
Bole, trunk of a tree,
Boot, remedy,
Borrow out, redeem,
Borrows, pledges,
Bote, remedy,
Bound, ready,
Bourded, jested,
Bourder, jester,
Braced, embraced,
Brachet, little hound,
Braide, quick movement,
Brast, burst, break,
Breaths, breathing holes,
Brief, shorten,
Brim, fierce, furious,
Brised, broke,
Broached, pierced,
Broaches, spits,
Bur, hand-guard of a spear,
Burble, bubble,
Burbling, bubbling,
Burgenetts, buds, blossoms,
Bushment, ambush,
By and by, immediately,
Bywaryed, expended, bestowed,

Canel bone, collar bone,
Cankered, inveterate,
Cantel, slice, strip,
Careful, sorrowful, full of troubles,
Cast (of bread), loaves baked at the same time,
Cast, ref: v., propose,
Cedle, schedule, note,
Cere, wax over, embalm,; cerel,
Certes, certainly,
Chafe, heat, decompose,; chafed, heated,
Chaflet, platform, scaffold,
Champaign, open country,
Chariot (Fr charette), cart,
Cheer, countenance, entertainment,
Chierte, dearness,
Chrism, anointing oil,
Clatter, talk confusedly,
Cleight, clutched,
Cleped, called,
Clipping, embracing,
Cog, small boat,
Cognisance, badge, mark of distinction,
Coif, head-piece,
Comfort, strengthen, help,
Cominal, common,
Complished, complete,
Con, know, be able, ; con thanlt, be grateful,
Conserve, preserve,
Conversant, abiding in,
Cording, agreement,
Coronal, circlet,
Cost, side,
Costed, kept up with,
Couched, lay,
Courage, encourage,
Courtelage, courtyard,
Covert, sheltered,
Covetise, covetousness,
Covin, deceit,
Cream, oil,
Credence, faith,
Croup, crupper,
Curteist, most courteous,

Daffish, foolish,
Danger (in), under obligation to, in the power of,
Dawed, v tr., revived, intr. dawned,
Deadly, mortal, human,
Deal, part, portion,
Debate, quarrel, strife,
Debonair, courteous,
Deceivable, deceitful,
Defaded, faded,
Default, fault,
Defend, forbid,; defended,; forbidden,
Defoiled, trodden down, fouled, deflowered,
Degree (win the), rank, superiority,
Delibered, determined,
Deliverly, adroitly,
Departed, divided,
Departition, departure,
Dere, harm,
Descrive, describe,
Despoiled, stripped,
Detrenched, cut to pieces,
Devised, looked carefully at,
Devoir, duty, service,
Did off, doffed,
Dight, prepared,
Dindled, trembled,
Disadventure, misfortune,
Discover, reveal,
Disherited, disinherited,
Disparpled, scattered,
Dispenses, expenses,
Disperplyd, scattered,
Dispoiled, stripped,
Distained, sullied, dishonoured,
Disworship, shame,
Dole, gift of alms,
Dole, sorrow,
Domineth, dominates, rules,
Don, gift,
Doted, foolish,
Doubted, redoubtable,
Draughts, privities, secret interviews, recesses,
Drenched, drowned,
Dress, make ready,
Dressed up, raised,
Dretched, troubled in sleep,
Dretching, being troubled in sleep,
Dromounds, war vessels,
Dure, endure, last,; dured,; during,
Duresse, bondage, hardship,
Dwined, dwindled,

Eased, entertained,
Eft, after, again,
Eftures, passages,
Embattled, ranged for battle,
Embushed, concealed in the woods,
Eme, uncle,
Empoison, poison,
Emprised, undertook,
Enchafe, heat,; enchafed, heated,
Enchieve, achieve,
Endlong, alongside of,
Enewed, painted,
Enforce, constrain,
Engine, device,
Enow, enough,
Enquest, enterprise,
Ensured, assured,
Entermete, intermeddle,
Errant, wandering,
Estates, ranks,
Even hand, at an equality,
Evenlong, along,
Everych, each, every one,

Faiter, vagabond,
Fare, sb., ado, commotion,
Faren, pp., treated,
Faute, lack,; fauted, lacked,
Fealty, oath of fidelity,
Fear, frighten,
Feute, trace, track,
Feuter, set in rest, couch,
Feutred, set in socket,
Fiaunce, affiance, promise,
Flang, flung,; rushed,
Flatling, prostrate,
Fleet, float,
Flemed, put to flight,
Flittered, fluttered,
Foiled, defeated, shamed,
Foined, thrust,
Foining, thrusting,
Foins, thrusts,
Foot-hot, hastily,
For-bled, spent with bleeding,
Force (no), no concern,
Fordeal, advantage,
Fordo, destroy,; fordid,
Forecast, preconcerted plot,
For-fared, worsted,
Forfend, forbid,
Forfoughten, weary with fighting,
Forhewn, hewn to pieces,
Forjousted, tired with jousting,
Forthinketh, repents,
Fortuned, happened,
Forward, vanguard,
Forwowmded, sorely wounded,
Free, noble,
Froward, away from,

Gad, wedge or spike of iron,
Gainest, readiest,
Gar, cause,
Gart, compelled,
Gentily, like a gentleman,
Gerfalcon, a fine hawk,
Germane, closely allied,
Gest, deed, story,
Gisarm, halberd, battle-axe,
Glaive, sword,
Glasting, barking,
Glatisant, barking, yelping,
Gobbets, lumps,
Graithed, made ready,
Gree, degree, superiority,
Greed, pp., pleased, content,
Grescs, steps,
Grimly, ugly,
Grovelling, on his face,
Guerdonless, without reward,
Guise, fashion,

Habergeon, hauberk with leggings attached,
Hair, a hair-shirt,
Hale and how, a sailor's cry,
Halp, helped,
Halsed, embraced,
Halsing, embracing,
Handfast, betrothed,
Handsel, earnest-money,
Hangers, testicles,
Harbingers, messengers sent to prepare lodgings,
Harness, armour,
Hart of greese, fat deer,
Hauberk, coat of mail,
Haut, high, noble,
Hauteyn, haughty,
Heavy, sad,
Hete, command,
Hide, skin,
Hied, hurried,
High (on), aloud,
Higher hand, the uppermost,
Hight, called,
Hilled, covered, concealed,
Holden, held,
Holp, helped,
Holts, woods,
Hough-bone, back part of kneejoint,
Houselled, to be given the Eucharist,
Hoved, hovered, waited about,
Hurled, dashed, staggered,; hurling,
Hurtle, dash,

Incontinent, forthwith,
Ind, dark blue,
Infellowship, join in fellowship,
In like, alike,
Intermit, interpose,

Japer, jester,
Japes, jests,
Jesseraunt, a short cuirass,

Keep, sb., care,
Keep, s., care, reck,
Kemps, champions,
Kind, nature,
Kindly, natural,
Knights parters, marshals,
Know, acknowledge,
Knowledging, acknowledgment, confession,

Lain, conceal,
Langering, sauntering,
Lapped, took in her lap,
Large, generous,
Largeness, liberality,
Laton, latten, brass,
Laund, waste plain,
Layne, conceal,
Lazar-cot, leper-house,
Learn, teach,
Lears, cheeks,
Leaved, leafy,
Lecher, fornicator,
Leech, physician,
Leman, lover,
Let, caused to,
Let, hinder,
Lewdest, most ignorant,
Licours lecherous,
Lief, dear,
Liefer, more gladly,
Lieve, believe,
Limb-meal, limb from limb,
List, desire, pleasure,
Lithe, joint,
Longing unto, belonging to,
Long on (upon), because of,
Loos, praise,
Lotless, without a share,
Loveday, day for. settling disputes,
Loving, praising,
Lunes, leashes, strings,
Lusk, lubber,
Lusts, inclinations,

Maims, wounds,
Makeless, matchless,
Makers, authors, poets,
Mas,ease, discomfort,
Mal engine, evil design,
Mal-fortune, ill-luck, mishap,
Marches, borders,
Mass-penny, offering at mass for the dead,
Matche old, machicolated, with holes for defence,
Maugre, sb., despite,
Measle, disease,
Medled, mingled,
Medley, melee, general encounter,
Meiny, retinue,
Mickle, much,
Minever, ermine,
Mischieved, hurt,
Mischievous, painful,
Miscorr fort, discomfort,
Miscreature, unbeliever,
Missay, revile,; missaid,
Mo, more,
More and less, rich and poor,
Motes, notes on a horn,
Mount~ lance, amount of, extent,
Much, great,

Naked, unarmed,
Namely, especially,
Ne, nor,
Near-hand, nearly,; near,
Needly, needs, on your own compulsion,
Nesh, soft, tender,
Nigh-hand, nearly,
Nill, will not,
Nilt, will not,
Nis, ne is, is not,
Nist, ne wist, knew not,
Noblesse, nobleness,
Nobley, nobility, splendour,
Noised, reported,
Nold, would not,
Noseling, on his nose,
Not for then, nevertheless,
Notoyrly, notoriously,
Noyous, hurtful,

Obeissance, obedience,
Or, before,
Orgule, haughtiness,
Orgulist, haughtiest,
Orgulite, pride, arrogance,
Orgulous, proud,
Other, or,
Ouches, jewels,
Ought, owned,
Outcept, except,
Outher, or,
Out-taken, except,
Over-evening, last night,
Overget, overtake,
Overhylled, covered,
Over-led, domineered over,
Overlong, the length of,
Overslip, pass,
Overthwart, adj., cross,
Overthwart, sb., mischance,
Overthwart and endlong, by the breadth and length,

Painture, painting,
Paitrelles, breastplate of a horse,
Paltocks, short coats,
Parage, descent,
Pareil, like,
Passing, surpassingly,
Paynim, pagan,
Pensel, pennon,
Perclos, partition,
Perdy, par Dieu,
Perigot, falcon,
Perish, destroy,
Peron, tombstone,
Pight, pitched,
Pike, steal away,
Piked, stole,
Pillers, plunderers,
Pilling, plundering,
Pleasaunce, pleasure,
Plenour, complete,
Plump, sb., cluster,
Pointling, aiming,
Pont, bridge,
Port, gate,
Posseded, possessed,
Potestate, governor,
Precessours, predecessors,
Press, throng,
Pretendeth, belongs to,
Pricker, hard rider,
Pricking, spurring,
Prime, A.M.,
Prise, capture,
Puissance, power,
Purfle, trimming,
Purfled, embroidered,
Purvey, provide,

Quarrels, arrowheads,
Questing, barking,
Quick, alive,
Quit, repaid,; acquitted, behaved,

Raced (rased), tore,
Rack (of bulls), herd,
Raines, a town in Brittany famous for its cloth,
Ramping, raging,
Range, rank, station,
Ransacked, searched,
Rashed, fell headlong,
Rashing, rushing,
Rasing, rushing,
Raundon, impetuosity,
Rear, raise,
Rechate, note of recall,
Recomforted, comforted, cheered,
Recounter, rencontre, encounter,
Recover, rescue,
Rede, advise, ; sb., counsel,
Redounded, glanced back,
Religion, religious order,
Reneye, deny,
Report, refer,
Resemblaunt; semblance,
Retrayed, drew back,
Rightwise, rightly,
Rivage, shore,
Romed, roared,
Roted, practised,
Rove, cleft,
Rownsepyk, a branch,

Sacring, consecrating,
Sad, serious,
Sadly, heartily, earnestly,
Salle, room,
Samite, silk stuff with gold or silver
Sangreal, Holy Grail,
Sarps, girdles,
Saw, proverb,
Scathes, harms, hurts,
Scripture, writing,
Search, probe wounds,
Selar, canopy,
Semblable, like,
Semblant, semblance,
Sendal, fine cloth,
Sennight, week,
Servage, slavery,
Sewer, officer who set on dishes and tasted them,
Shaft-mon, handbreadth,
Shaw, thicket,
Sheef, thrust,
Sheer-Thursday, Thursday in Holy Week,
Shend, harm,
Shenship, disgrace,
Shent, undone, blamed,
Shour, attack,
Shrew, rascal,
Shrewd, knavish,
Sib, akin to,
Sideling, sideways,
Siege, seat,
Signified, likened,
Siker, sure,
Sikerness, assurance,
Sith, since,
Sithen, afterwards, since,
Skift, changed,
Slade, valley,
Slake, glen,
Soil (to go to), hunting term for taking the water,
Sonds, messages,
Sort, company,
Sperd, bolted,
Spere, ask, inquire,
Spered, asked,
Sperhawk, sparrowhawk,
Sprent, sprinkled,
Stale, station,
Stark, thoroughly,
Stead, place,
Stert, started, rose quickly,
Steven, appointment,; steven ser. appointment made,
Steven, voice,
Stigh, path,
Stilly, silently,
Stint, fixed revenue,
Stonied, astonished,; became confused,
Stour, battle,
Strain, race, descent,
Strait, narrow,
Straked, blew a horn,
Sue, pursue,
Sued, pursued,
Surcingles, saddle girths,
Swang, swung,
Sweven, dream,
Swough, sound of wind,

Talent, desire,
Tallages, taxes,
Tallies, taxes,
Tamed, crushed,
Tatches, qualities,
Tene, sorrow,
Term, period of time,
Thilk, that same,
Tho, then,
Thrang, pushed,
Thrulled, pushed,
Till, to,
To-brast, burst,
To-fore, before,
To-morn, to-morrow,
Took, gave,
To-rove, broke up,
To-shivered, broken to pieces,
Traced, advanced and retreated,
Trains, devices, wiles,
Trasing, pressing forward,
Travers (met at), came across,
Traverse, slantwise,
Traversed, moved sideways,
Tray, grief,
Treatise, treaty,
Tree, timber,
Trenchant, cutting, sharp,
Tres:, hunting term,
Truage, tribute,
Trussed, packed,

Ubblie, wafer, Host,
Umbecast, cast about,
Umberere, the part of

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