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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » I am not Mahatma by Harshavardhan C (win 10 ebook reader .TXT) 📖

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which is the more serious crime, which has ever taken place?” She said seriously.

Arjun literally shivered. For a movement he become dumb and he could not spell out anything.

“Come on tell me Mr. Arjun the unique episode of the old man in black veil. Why have you gone to that place? Who have blasted the claymore mines? Tell me quickly” She put him in quandary by putting questions of high importance in police point of view.

He was shocked to hear his mother’s voice in different modulations. She proved herself expert in that field many times and henceforth the State continued her with great honour in the same field for years together.

Arjun was admitted in the Medical College at Vijayawada, though he got medical seat at Hyderabad. Perhaps to avoid risk factor and also keeping in view his safety and security, as he was the only son of a high ranking Police officer, she kept him away from Hyderabad. Further she wanted to bring him up without the shade of uniform.

His painful experience with the O.S.D for less than an hour did not matter much, when compared to that of Mrs. Rebecca Solomon, which was quite sensible and toughen interrogation he ever came across. For the first time Arjun felt so discomfort to sit by the side of his mum, because he just realized her professionalism. She was a quite tough officer with an outstanding track record and the entire intelligence network and safety and security of the state and the V.V.I.P’s in the State had been looked after by her. Anything contrary or subject to scrutiny and verification was her prime concern and always under her check.

To such a high rating officer, he had to answer in the capacity of a untrust worthy son. It would have been much better for him, had he been left with O.S.D for further interrogation, so that there would not have been half human bondages between the mother and the son.

“Mum has great hopes on you sir, Please don’t let mum bow down her head before the DGP sir” The driver, who had been there since his childhood, had tried to bring out harmony between the mother and the son.

It was quite an awkward situation, and while facing it, anybody would crook down. What a shameful situation he had been facing; one side mother, another side a small Employee. What happened to all his academic honours and achievements? His academic par-excellence could not support him against the present situation. He even never dreamt off the ugly situation. He even could not share his joy of academic achievements with his mother. How cruel the fate was? He didn’t know, or come across such an ugly situation ever since his childhood. A small mistake for not revealing his relationship with his fiancée to his mum had made mess off things.

“Leave him. He has grown up. Now he is a great doctor. I don’t know whether he uses his doctor’s knife to save patients or kill people. I fear, he may even target you also, and you better be careful with him. He is mad after his party and its ideology” She cautioned the driver.

“I am sorry mum. It’s sheer my bad luck. Unfortunately I have become scapegoat. I don’t know that I have given scope for the department for suspecting myself. I have known pretty well that I am the son of disciplined Police officers, and I will never betray uniform mum”

“Are you still trying to keep me in dark Arjun?”

“No mum, not at all. I am telling you the truth very honestly. I have no knowledge about the old man. When Honey has requested me to help, I have just helped her”

“What? You have helped her to kill 22 cops and you are saying just help, what wonderful reply, I couldn’t expect this type of irresponsive behaviour from you Arjun”

“I am really sorry mum. I am quite innocent and I have hardly know anything about him, least his name also”

“If it is really so you are certainly deceived by your own fiancée, isn’t it?”

“No mum, she is also innocent. If she had any knowledge, I am sure she would definitely bring to my notice”

“Idiot! Now I can say that you are made fool by her. She has played with your innocence and ignorance bloody fool”

“I bring her to you mum and you can elicit the truth, but before knowing the facts please don’t suspect her and corner her mum”

“Then you are a mad lover. Okay I don’t say anything against her Arjun, but you must clear all my doubts, don’t try to defend either yourself or your fiancée. Now tell me frankly why have you gone to the forest side?”

“Honey’s mum is a doctor. She is staying with the tribal people, adjoining the forest. She is a pious woman besides a good doctor to serve the poor and the uncivilized people, educating them and treating them by sacrificing her career and life mum. Actually, I am going to meet her to propose myself to Honey and to take her formal acceptance, but in the meanwhile this mishap has taken place. I am innocent and I really don’t know anything about the militants mum”

“Is her mother a tribal?” She expressed her doubt.

“I don’t know mum”

“Then what you know about them?”

“I know her daughter and she is a good girl, with decent manners, and I am in love with her, please try to understand our love mum”

“You pretend to be innocent and ignorent Arjun. But, you both have unilaterally taken a decision to marry, even without my knowledge. How selfish the children are now a days? And don’t you think that you are the one and the only son to your mother, for whom you are only hope and life. But you never feel at least to inform your mother? Or do you think that your mother is no more? Or have you presumed that if informed, I would object your proposal?”

“I am sorry mum. The problem is not from my side, but Honey’s mum is not interested to perform her daughter’s marriage” He was feeling a lot.

“Then it is her mother’s problem”She said cut throat.

“She does not want her daughter to stay in the city.She insists her daughter to serve the poor, the needy and the destitute and finally wants her to stay back among tribal people”He was trying to convince his mother “Then it is Honey’s problem, you better not to interfere in between mother and daughter”She said in firm.

“Please don’t disown her mum” Still he was trying to influence his mum.

“How old is your love Arjun?” But she was an iron lady and asked him seriously.

He could n’t answer her. There is absolute slilence.

“I know you have no answer Arjun. Don’t forget that I delivered and brought you up till you attain twenty six years. I don’t think the age of your love under any cost will not exceed more than four years, Isn’t it Arjun?”She straight put to him.

He could not reply her nor does he have anything to say.

“Come on tell me Arjun”She insisted him.

He had neither guts to speak to her, when latter was on the peak of her anger, or he found out an answer for her.

“You need not feel shy to reveal the matter to me Arjun. If you still feel not to reveal your affair with your financee to me, it’s Okay, doesn’t matter. You need not disclose it. But at least do you know since how long she has been in love with you?”As a mother she could understand his delicate position, but at the same time she didn’t want to take a chance. Atlast she tried to know certain things about her and her family background.

“Mum, I am confused. I could not understand what for you are probing each and everything about my love?”He said on hearing her doubts as he was perturbed and doubted whether she accept her or not.

“What a stupid question really it is! You yourself don’t know her background. And it is uncertain whether she is ready to marry you or not, even when her mother objects.Even before marriage both the mother and the daughter have made you a Buffon, as you are totally kept under dark, while bringing an old man in a black veil under the guise of a Muslim lady. And this fact you don’t know till the cops have started interrogating you. Do you think as a mother to the only son, I should keep my mouth shut?” She said seriously.

“Sorry mum why are you worried unnecessarily by suspecting their bonafides” He tried to console her.

“Never, and I will not only cause enquiries, but also see that no one will come in your way or against you. And for me your safety and security is the prime concerned, and I will not compromise under any cost on this aspect”She grew wild and remineded him that she was a professional police officer.

“But mum at this stage, if you start probing, I fear nobody will stand your scrutiny, please don’t spoil our relation in the name of police enquiry” He expressed his doubt.

“You stupid don’t forget that I am your mother. At the same time you are my hope and in fact I want to make you happy till I breathe my last Arjun”

“Thank you Mum, and one thing is true that Honey loves me sincerely and I too love her, that much I can say”

“Okay Arjun, I accept your love. But let us presume that if she doesn’t marry you for some reason or the other, what will you do?”

“Sorry mum, please do not say anything against her”

“I have just said, it is only a presumption my boy”

“But, mum I can’t digest that even in my dreams”

“Suppose if you are ready to marry her in registrar’s office, will she elope with you?” “It is too much mum. Please try to understand the difference between elope and marriage” “Okay my boy, for youth it means the same. But, anyway will your fiancée oblige you and come out of her home for you?”

“I don’t think she will agree for it mum”

“Hopeless fellow, still are you confident that she loves you?”

“Mum, don’t belittle our love, and please don’t forget that you are also a woman’ “What! Are you questioning me idiot?”

“I am sorry mum. How could a girl come out from her home for a register marriage with her fiancé? Even if I bluff, it would be bloody stupidity mum. No girl will step out from her home and marry her boyfriend”

“No Arjun, you are wrong and it is a coward’s statement. In fact, I am the live example. Knowing all this, how crazy you are to propose yourself to her? It seems you have totally surrendered yourself to her” “No mum”

“Shut-up, don’t talk anymore. Even before solemnizing your marriage, it seems you have become henpecked”

“Sorry mum, she is a nice girl with decent manners”

“For you she may be a Goddess and princess of beauty.But I am supposed to certify that”

“I am confident mum; you will definitely like her when once you interact with her”

“Okay, I will definitely, but before that you do one thing Arjun, if she sincerely loves you, she has to oblige you isn’t it?”

“Yes mum”

“Then you ask her to get solved all her problems.What I mean is whatever objections are there, she has to sort out with her mother only, Isn’t it?”

“Yes mum, but”He was trying to convince her.

“Shut- up Idiot, you are a doctor, son of great Police officers and don’t let down your self esteem?”

“I am sorry mum. It is quite unfortunate that so far she has been facing problems from her mum only, but after falling in love with me she is unnecessarily subjected to so many scrutinizes, because she only loves the son of a police officer. Is it her fault mum? She wants to pursue her higher studies abroad along

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