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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Gone by By: Morgan:) (free ebooks romance novels TXT) 📖

Book online «Gone by By: Morgan:) (free ebooks romance novels TXT) 📖». Author By: Morgan:)

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so much. She tries to keep me busy. We go to the beach and so much more. I’ve never been out of the house this much. I still haven’t talked to my Father since you have left and since Jesse told him about him enlisting. I still think that he was immature for not seeing you two off. I’ve been dreaming about you. Some good, some bad. I sometimes dream of you leaving me or not coming home. I then wake up drenched in sweat and with a fever. Then other times I dream about you and me and all our wonderful memories. I dream about you coming back and us spending the rest of our lives together. Oh, how I want that so much. Please come home soon. Come home safe. I want to know everything when you write to me. Love you now, love you yesterday, love you still, always will.

Your love, Jane

I folded up the letter and put it in the envelope. I wrote Alan on the front and then set it aside. I looked at Debbie who was still on the floor. She stood up.
“Did you finally write it?” She asked me.
“Yeah.” I replied. I showed her the letter. “Don’t read it.”
“Okay.” She said while setting the letter back down. I walked down stairs and Debbie followed not far behind me. We slipped on my shoes and walked out to the end of the drive way. I put the letter in the mail box and I flipped the red flag up. I sighed as I looked down the empty red dirt road.
“Would he really come back?” I asked myself.
“Don’t let it get yourself down.” Debbie said. Just as she said that Johnny came walking down the road with Kenny. Kenny looked nervous and jittery.
“Hey, doll.” Johnny said while kissing Debbie on the cheek.
“What’s he doing here?” I asked knowing I was going to get angered.
“I wanted to talk to you.” Kenny spoke for himself.
“About?” I asked.
“In private.” He pointed out. He walked over to the children’s swing in the back yard and I followed him. He sat down on one and I sat down on the other.
“I wanted to say sorry.” He said. I didn’t reply. “I like you, Jane. But I think you already know that.”
“You weren’t very suttle.” I said honestly.
“Well, Alan was gone and it seems like It was the only chance I got. I’ve been here, by your side all along, Jane. I’ve always loved you but you’ve never noticed. I wanted you to know my feelings because they have been hidden too long.” He said. I was almost speechless but just because I’m speechless doesn’t mean I don’t open my big mouth and say something.
“Ken, my heart is with Alan. No matter if he is two feet or 200,000 miles away. I love him and its always going to be that way.
“Can’t you give me a chance?” He asked.
“Alan isn’t gone. He will be back and I will be waiting for him.” I told him.
“But I was here before Alan.” Kenny pleaded.
“But you didn’t tell me or anything. That kiss was a mistake. In my eyes, it never happened. Ken, don’t ruin our friend ship over a stupid feeling.” I told him.
“Its not stupid!” He said and stood up. “Is your love for Alan stupid? Is your love for your mother stupid? Love is not stupid. My love for you is not stupid.” He said as he looked me into the eyes. “Alan isn’t here. I am.” He went in to kiss me again but I swung back. He face planted into the sand. He rolled over on his back. I bent down to help him.
“Ken, I’m sorry.” I said but he pushed me away.
“Don’t.” He said and walked away. I walked back to Debbie and Johnny. They were talking mushy mushy while I was gone.
“Well?” Debbie asked once she noticed that I was there. They turned and watched as Ken walked down the street. He was kicking up dirt and mumbling to him self as he went on down the road.
“You don’t want to know.” I told her while fixing my poodle skirt. I looked up to see her and Johnny swallowing each others face.
“Ahem!” I coughed and they both looked at me. Debbie kissed him once more and then said her good byes.
“I will see you later.” She said and headed into the house with me.
“Yeah.” Johnny said as he walked down the street trying to catch up with Ken. Debbie and I got into the front door and as soon as I closed it she began talking.
“God, he is so dreamy!” She said as she leaned against the wall.
“Who? Johnny?” I chuckled.
“Yes, Johnny! He is just so sweet and I just think that I’m...” She paused.
“You’re what!” I shouted. “Debbie Mae Brown!
“I know, I know but he’s just so sweet and gosh! I can’t believe a fella like that is crazy for a gal like me!” She said. I chuckled at her expressions.
“You’re a crazy gal alright.” I joked. She pushed me and we both sat down on the floor.
“Is this how Alan makes you feel?” She asked me.
“This and so much more.” I told her.
I couldn’t wait till I got a letter from Alan. The wait almost killed me. How am I going to go for one whole year with out him? Only surviving on what little words come from a man in a blue suit. I wish I could just hear his rough, manly voice. I wish I could just see his beautiful eyes.

Everyday I would check the mail early in the morning but nothing would come from my love. It wasn’t until two days later when I received a letter from Alan. I pretty much stopped running out side to check the mail, It seemed as if every time I did nothing would come. Today I watched as my Mom went out to meet the mail man. I struggled to hear what there conversation.
“Hello Mrs. Johnson. Jane has a letter.” He smiled and handed her a white envelope. She hugged him.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She shouted. “Jane! Come quick!” She shouted. I ran down stairs and met her at the mail box. She handed me the letter and I stood motionless with it in my hands. I walked back to the house. My Mother not far behind me. The mail man waved as I closed the front door. I ran up to my room and sat on my bed. I laid the envelope down at the end of my bed, only a foot away from me. I didn’t touch it. I didn’t open it. I just sat and looked at it.
I waited so long for this to come. Now that it has come, I don’t know whats in it. I’ve had nightmares about this. Was it something good? Was it something bad? I had to find out. I just had to.
I slowly reached for the letter. I picked it up and brought it close to me. It was cold and dusty. I opened it and took out the letter inside. I took a deep breath as I opened it up. Dear Jane, I read aloud.

Dear Jane,

Hello, my dear. Oh, how there is so much I want to tell you. Stories I want to say. The place that I’m at is so extraordinary. Jane, I’ve met so many people but no one compares to you. I want to tell you so much but its all classified. Its a need to know basis and I think it sucks. Darling, I miss you. I miss your lips. I got your letter. I’m sorry that I’m putting you through this. I would give anything to have you in my arms again. Don’t worry, the time will fly. We will be together sooner than you think. Jesse is doing good. We are not in the same unit but I see him around. He’s a fantastic soldier. I’m happy Debbie has helped you though this. My intention were never to hurt you. I wanted you to know that I will never stop loving you. No matter what happens. I know that everyone said that we wouldn’t make it. I believe in you, baby. I know people doubted us but I never did and I know we will come out of this stronger than ever.

Love, Alan

This time I didn’t cry. This time I smiled. I know I was getting stronger and I know we, as a whole, will come out stronger than ever. I laid his letter in my draw with the first letter he had left me. For the rest of the day I stayed out side. I didn’t do much. I either stayed on the porch and swung on the wooden bench swing, staring at the letter. Rereading every word until it was mentally edged into my brain. After a couple of hours I got up and got dressed. It was about an hour before it got dark so I decided I would go and meet the guys at the beach. I went up to my room and I looked in my mirror and actually smiled at my reflection. I went down stairs and got into my car. I opened all the windows and relaxed as the wind blew my hair. I put my sun glasses on and went to the beach.
When I got there I saw Johnny and Debbie. I walked over to them with a big smile.
“Woah, who is this?” Pete asked. I put my hands in the air and spun around.
“I don’t know but she is stunning.” Marcus said.
“Thank you.” I said sweetly.
“Whats going on?” Debbie asked.
“Nothing. Just happy.” I said. “Its beautiful out.”
“Wanna go for a swim?” Johnny asked.
“But I didn’t bring my swimming suit.” Debbie said and looked at me. I’m usually the one who brings some in my car but I had forgotten today.
“I forgot.” I confessed.
“Well, we don’t need swimming suits.” Johnny hinted. Debbie crossed her arms over her chest.
“Are you crazy?” She asked him.
“I’m down.” Marcus said.
“Me too.” Pete added. Debbie looked at me and I nodded.
“Okay but you can’t look until we are ready.” Debbie laughed.
“No honey. I’m going to help you undress.” Johnny said. I looked around at the empty beach. There was no one for miles. I looked at the empty parking lot. I saw Kenny. I know Pete, Johnny, and Marcus and I know that they wouldn’t look at me naked and think of me that way but I don’t know that about Ken. It made me nervous and I wasn’t sure If I wanted to do this anymore. Pete and Marcus looked at me with that look in there eyes.
“Well?” Marcus asked. I smiled. “Alright then.” He said and dropped his pants.
“Oh my!” I said as I turned around.
“What? You can’t say you haven’t seen one before.” Pete laughed as he took off his boxers.
“Woah! Woah! What’s going on here?” Kenny asked. Debbie and I laughed.
“What?” Johnny asked Ken.
“What? Really? Why are you naked?” He asked us.
“Skinny dipping.” I stated.
“Oh.” He said.
“Wanna join?” I asked. I didn’t want Kenny to but I want us to go back to normal and if he can do this then I know we can go back to normal.
“Hell yeah.” He said. Kenny dropped his pants and I couldn’t help
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