Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Le Morte D'Arthur, vol 2 by Thomas Malory (hardest books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Le Morte D'Arthur, vol 2 by Thomas Malory (hardest books to read TXT) 📖». Author Thomas Malory

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>Pointling, aiming, 114

Pont, bridge, 11 I

Port, gate, 7 No

Posseded, possessed, 8 12

Potestate, governor, 5 8

Precessours, predecessors, 51

Press, throng, 1 N

Pretendeth, belongs to, 1 N

Pricker, hard rider, 5 IO

Pricking, spurring, 14 5

Prime, 6.o A.M., 6 49 1319

Prise, capture, 4 6

Puissance, power, 126

Purfle, trimming, 1 26

Purfled, embroidered, 1 26

Purvey, provide, 4 l, 18 3

Quarrels, arrowheads, 115

Questing, barking, 1 N

Quick, alive, N 1

Quit, repaid, 4 28; acquitted, behaved, 5 11

Raced (rased), tore, 1 23, 10 41 18 23

Rack (of bulls), herd, 16 I, 3

Raines, a town in Brittany famous for its cloth, 21

Ramping, raging, 9

Range, rank, station, 10

Ransacked, searched, 13 N

Rashed, fell headlong, 9 6

Rashing, rushing, 6 8

Rasing, rushing, 6 8, 7 4

Rasure, 18 25

Raundon, impetuosity, l lo, 39

Rear, raise, 4 2

Rechate, note of recall, 10 52

Recomforted, comforted, cheered, 733

Recounter, rencontre, encounter, 4 24X 10 3

Recover, rescue, 20 N

Rede, advise, 1 23; sb, counsel, 214

Redounded, glanced back, 1 N

Religion, religious order, 15

Reneye, deny, 8 37

Report, refer, 18 4

Resemblaunt, semblance, 14 6

Retrayed, drew back, 7 12

Rightwise, rightly, 15

Rivage, shore, 7 2I

Romed, roared, 5 4

Roted, practised, 10 36

Rove, cleft, 217

Rownsepyk, a branch, 6 I6

Sacring, consecrating, 14 3

Sad, serious, 9 7

Sadly, heartily, earnestly, 7 2

Salle, room, 17 16

SamitS N silk stuff with gold or

threads, 1 25

Sangreal, Holy Grail, 12 4

Sarps, girdles, 20 14

Saw, proverb, 10 61

Scathes, harms, hurts, 10 30

Scripture, writing, 17 2 1

Search, probe wounds, 8 8

Selar, canopy, I7 6

Semblabk, like, 6 IO

Semblant, semblance, 8 8

Sendal, fine cloth, 5 8

Sennight, week, 418

Servage, slavery, 13 15

Sewer, officer who set on dishes and tasted them, 7 36

Shaft-mon, hand breadth, 7 22

Shaw, thicket, .9 39

Sheef, thrust, 13 9

Sheer-Thursday, Thursday in Holy Week, 1720

Shend, harm, 20 I9

Shenship, disgrace, 7 IS

Shent, undone, blamed, 7 15

Shour, attack, 20 I4

Shrew, rascal, 10 47

Shrewd, knavish, 9 I8, 24

Sib, akin to, 3 3

Sideling, sideways, 1064

Siege, seat, 13 4

Signified, likened, 17 9

Siker, sure, 7 I 8, 11 I3

Sikerness, assurance, 4 27

Sith, since, 1 Se

Sithen, afterwards, since, 5 9

Skift, changed, 9 40

Slade, valley, 6 5, # 7

Slake, glen, 6 5

Soil (to go to), hunting term for taking the water, 18 2I Sonds, messages, 21 I

Sort, company, 9 J I

Sperd, bolted, 8 34

Spere, ask, inquire, 13 17

Spered, asked, 7 30, 218

Sperhawk, sparrothawk, 12 7

Sprent, sprinkled, 17 7

Stale, station, 5 IO

Stark, thoroughly, 4 I7

Stead, place, 4 I4

Stert, started, rose quickly, 2 I6, 14 IO

Steven, appointment, 2 14; stefven setf appointment made, 8 I3

Steven, voice, 21 I2

Stigh, path, 7 3 I

Stilly, silently, 7 I9

Stint, fixed revenue, 1 24

Stonied, astonished, 6 8; became confused, 934

Stour, battle, 9 34, 16 8

Strain, race, descent, 13 8

Strait, narrow, 1 IO

Straked, blew a horn, 9 2I, 10 52

Sue, pursue, 16 20

Sued, pursued, 3 IO

Surcingles, saddle girths, 7 I6

Swang, swung, 8 14

Sweven, dream, 1 I3; PlS 21 I2

Swough, sound of wind, 5 4

Talent, desire, 10 20

Tallages, taxes, 5 2

Tallies, taxes, 5 2

Tamed, crusheda 2 I8, 3 lo, 15 2

Tatches, qualities, 2 2, 8 3

Tene, sorrow, 2 I6

Term, period of time, 21 I

Thilk, that same, 5 S

Tho, then, 17 I

Thrang, pushed, 7 30X 20 8

Thrulled, pushed, 9 4

Till, to, 9 26

To-brast, burst, 6 I3

Ta-fore, before, 1 4, 16 I4

To-morn, to-morrow, 4 24

Took, gave, 7 30, 16 6

To-rove, broke up, 8 38

To-shivered, broken to pieces, 1 22

Traced, advanced and retreated, 20 2r

Trains, devices, wiles, 9 25

Trating, pressing forward, 6 8 7 4

Travers (met at), came across, 17 I9

Traverse, slantwise, 10 65, 17 I9

Traversed, moved sideways, 20 21

Tray, grief, 2 I6

Treatise, treaty, 4 24

Tree, timber, 17 19

Trenchant, cutting, sharp, 19 I r

Trest, hunting term, 18 2 I

Truage, tribute, 1 23X 5 I

Trussed, packed, 20 I 8

Ubblie, wafer, Host, 17 20

Umbecast, cast about, 18 21

Umberere, the part of the hel et which shaded the eyes, 8 4I Umbre, shade, 8 I

Unavised, thoughtlessly, 9 I7

Uncouth, strange, 3 6

Underne, 9-I2 A.M., 7

Ungoodly, rudely, 7 3I

Unhappy, unlucky, 20 I I

Unhilled, uncovered, 12 4

Unnethe, scarcely, 1 IS, 182

Unsicker, unstable, 17 23

Unwimpled, uncovered, 10 39

Unwrast, untwisted, unbound, 8 34

Upright, flat on the back, 16 8

Up-so-down, upside down, 10 60, 14 9} 213

Ure, usage, 1 I6

Utas, octave of a festival, 5 3

Utterance, uttermost, 9 3

Varlet, servant, 10 60

Venery, hunting, 8 3

Ventails, breathing holes, 10 60

Villain, man of low birth, 10 6

Visors, the perforated parts of helmets, 8 7

Voided, slipped away from, 1 I6

Wagging, shaking, 19 9

Waited, watched, 6 S

Waits, watches, 7 30

Wallop, gallop, 1 22

Wanhope, despair, 16 to, 13

Wap, ripple, 215

Ware, aware, 14 7

Warison, reward, 9 IZ

Warn, forbid, refuse, 610, 16 I1

Weeds, garments, 10 7 I

Weltered, rolled about, 5 5, 118

Wend, thought, 4 27

Wer-wolf, a man turned into a wolf by magic, 19 II Where, whereas, 9 7

Wide-where, over wide space, 9 z

Wield, possess, have power over, 7 26

Wield himself, come to himself, 8 I3

Wight. brave, strong, 7 9, 9 4, 20 z

Wightly, swiftly, 213

Wildsome, desolate, 7 22

Wimpled, with the head covered, 10 68

Win, make way, 9 4

Wite, v., blame, 126, 4 I I

Withinforth, on the inside, 16 I 3, 20 22

Withoutforth, on the outside, 16 I3, 2022

Wittiest, cleverest, 17 3

Wittily, cleverly, 10 36

Witting, knowledge, 11 I4

Wold or nold, would or would not, 13 IO

Wonder, adj., wondrous, 17 I

Wonder, alv., wondrously, 10 68, 20 22

Wonderly, wonderfully, 9 4

Wood, mad, 1 IS, 9 3

Woodness, madness, 1 IS

Wood shaw, thicket of the wood, 9 12

Worship, honour, 7 z 3

Worshipped, cause to be honoured, 18 5

Worts, roots, 16 3

Wot, know, 116

Wrack, destruction, 20 I

Wroken, wreaked, 3 7

Wrothe, twisted, 12 z

Yede, ran, 2 I8

Yelden, yielded, 20 20

Yerde, stick, stem, 17 5

Yode, went, 6 z

Yolden, yielded, 5 IZ

Y-wis, certainly7 10 58



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