Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

Fiction genre suitable for people of all ages. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Our electronic library is always at your service. Reading online free books without registration. Nowadays ebooks are convenient and efficient. After all, don’t forget: literature exists and develops largely thanks to readers.
The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Nightfall by Pranay Javeri (best books to read for self development txt) 📖

Book online «Nightfall by Pranay Javeri (best books to read for self development txt) 📖». Author Pranay Javeri

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on the door was Walter standing. I don't what expression was there on my face but from inside I was happy----------a lot.

"What's your name?" she interrogated.

"Walter Lenoir." he said with a charming and innocent voice. His voice could melt anybody's heart at least mine had melted. It was the first time I heard his voice.

"Oh, why did you come so early, Mr. Lenoir?" taunted Ms. Jones and there were low chuckles in the silent class.

"I was caught up with something, Ms. Jones." he said with the melodious charming voice which made me crazy like hell. I think Ms. Jones was also caught off-guard by his charming voice and personality.

She cleared her throat and said," Go sit beside Ms. Robins." Because there was just my desk that was free. I had a mental confusion after hearing what she said------------I was confused whether to be happy or sad. So, I gave up on both options and choose to be with casual face and tone like nothing had happened.

He said in his gentleman voice," As you say, Ms. Jones." and came towards my desk with a smirk on his face.

He sauntered towards my desk and sat beside me but kept a distance between us. He glanced at me and said," Hello, Ms. Iris Robins. I'm Walter Lenoir." It sounded too formal for me.  

  I was shocked that he knew my name and happy to hear my name in the charming musical voice. I replied in a low voice after few seconds," Hello, Mr. Walter Lenoir."

Then our small talk was interrupted by Ms. Jones. She had begun a lesson. It was boring but suddenly Walter said in a low voice almost a whisper," Can I ask you one question?" I simply nodded. I wanted to hear his musical voice. It calmed my mind.

He asked me," Why did you kiss me?"

I simply answered," It was a dare."

He asked surprised," What! That was a dare?"

"The dare was to lock lips with any boy who enters first in the canteen and then you came and I--------kissed----------- you." I said saying each word separately and keeping my eyes down to avoid the embarrassment and his charming inhumanly beautiful eyes.

After my answer, he didn't say another word. The lecture was silent except Ms. Jones voice and some students asking doubts. Suddenly the bell rang and Ms. Jones ended the lecture after telling the home work. I stood up and he too. We both went outside the class with utter silence.

"Which class do you have?" I asked casually.

"French." he replied.

Then I decided to give up on small talk and apologized him," Walter--------I am--------Sorry-----------Sorry for what happened in the canteen. I didn't know it would create such a mess. I know you're angry on me and would be thinking that how self-conscious I am. I didn't even say sorry to you in the canteen. I got frightened when I saw an unreadable reaction on your face and you didn't even say anything bad to me. I'm really---------really...." before I could say something, his icy cold lips were moving slowly on mine. I froze. I didn't make a move and not even returned the kiss. We were kissing in the corridor------I mean he was kissing me in the corridor full of students who were watching at us. I decided to be oblivious and endure the kiss till it lasted. The kiss lasted for a minute or two and then he separated his lips from mine. The taste of his lips was still there on mine. I was savoring it slowly. All my senses had stopped. I wasn't able to think straight but then he said in his seductive voice," Now, its 'Tit for Tat' and you don't need to feel guilt or apologize me. I returned your kiss. Okay, see you later." and he winked towards me going in the opposite direction. I was standing still in the corridor still registering the series of events that had happened. The realized it after few minutes that he had kissed me. Then I ran to my Spanish class because I was late. The Spanish class was restless. I think it was the effect of the kiss that was making me mad. Jake was sitting beside me but I wasn't able to concentrate either on his or Mr. Perez's talk. I was so mesmerized by him. I remembered his each and every word. The way he spoke, the way he smiled, the way his icy cold lips moved against mine. I was going crazy for him.

The English and Accounts lectures were boring but Film was better. They introduced us to the ways of directing a movie.  Mr. Gilbert, our Film teacher showed us a short movie which distracted me from Walter's thoughts for some time. It was the last lecture for the day. As soon as I left the class, I messaged Millicent.


"Hey, Millicent where are you? Aren't you going to drive me home, today?"


My phone buzzed. It was a message from Millicent.


"Of course, I'm waiting for you outside the gate with my car. Come fast."


I sauntered towards the gate through the corridor to avoid Walter's gaze but while walking in the corridor, somebody threw a paper on me. I was startled to see that------------who could do such a thing. I picked up the paper. It was a note from-----------------Walter.

He wrote in his elegant archaic handwriting,


"See You Tomorrow, Ms. Iris Robins."


I didn't throw the paper-----------why I didn't know. I kept it in my bag. A smile crept on my face and I quickly ran towards the gate to hide my now red face. It was the first time. It was so confusing. I was getting attracted towards him and I wasn't able to stop myself. I was going crazy for him. I wanted to see him but if I would then I won't be able to stop myself from savoring the taste of his icy cold lips.

Millicent and Arthur were waiting in the car for me. I decided not to tell anybody about what happened with me. Not at least now. So, I made a casual face that I usually have and sat in the car on the backseat.

The car engine roared to life as Millicent ignited it. We began our journey towards home. This time it was silent except Arthur's humor and Millicent's curses.

I reached home and glanced at the clock, it said that it fifteen past six. The sky had become a little dark by now and a faint moon was spreading dim light in the sky. I had glass of water.  Mom was not there in the living room, so I decided to not bother her and directly went upstairs to my room. As soon I entered my room. I threw my bag on the bed and directly went inside the bathroom to have a bath because it was a long day for me and I wanted to call it a day and so I did. The hot shower unknotted the muscles of my body and the tiredness of the day. While bathing, I remembered the moments with Walter in the canteen, then in Chemistry, then in Social studies and then the kiss in the corridor. Walter was all over on my mind. I decided to not let him overpower my emotions to this extent and concentrate on the hot shower but it didn't work. After the bath, I engrossed myself with the book I was reading.

I went to the library and continued to read the book. After nearly, one and half hour of reading, thoughts of him were beginning to fade slowly. My mother called me for dinner. She had cooked fish for dinner. I had a tasty meal and I felt satisfied. I went back to my room, brushed my teeth and directly went to bed. But my mom came to remind me about the medicine----------about my near death experience. I swallowed the bitter pills with help of water and fell asleep in a dreamless night.

6. Beginning Of Affair

 6. Beginning Of Affair.



 Surprisingly I woke up early---------------early in the morning when the sun had just began to spread its warm orange-yellow light in the clear sky. The sky was clear and so was my mind. I saw the rising sun after a long, long time.  After watching the beauty of the early morning sky, I internally cursed myself for not waking up early and also for missing such a great scenario every day.

 I hadn't waked up early for watching the phenomenon of sunrise. It was just another sunny day for others but for me--------it was special. It was Monday and today I was going to see him again. I was never so enthusiastic and desperate to go to school but today I was. The reason for my great desperation and liking for High School was-----------------one and only---------------Walter Lenoir. I wanted to see him-------------I wanted to talk to him for hours and hours and get lost in his dark black eyes.

Without wasting time, I rushed in the bathroom. I took a mild shower and then washed my hairs with the lily fragrant shampoo. It smelled great and it was natural. I scrubbed my body with soap once finished with the hair. Once I had finished bathing, I dried my hair and body with the towel. After drying my body, I pulled over the velvet red bath robe I had bought on Saturday during shopping with my mother and Millicent. I spent my weekends, shopping with Millicent and mom on Saturday and hiking with Stella, Jaxton, Millicent and Rhys.

I directly rushed to my closet with the bath robe pulled over my body. I took out a red and black flannel shirt, a plain white t-shirt and light blue high waist jeans. I wore them and examined myself for at least 10-15 minutes in the mirror. The watch said that it seven o'clock by the time I was ready. I packed my bag according to the schedule. My first lecture was Biology at 8:30, so I went downstairs to have my breakfast. My father was already there reading the newspaper with tea. Mom was cooking delicious pancakes in the kitchen whose smell had spread till living room. As soon as I got in the proximity of the smell, I apparently drooled and sauntered towards the dining table.

"Good morning." greeted my father with a smile.

"Good Morning." I said absentmindedly. I wanted to go to school. I was so mesmerized by his one thought. What has happened to the Iris who never believed in High School love? The notorious girl who never considered a boy that important in her life? Maybe she had permanently lost somewhere in the black eyes of Walter.

"Iris---------------Iris, have your breakfast." said mom snapping me out of my series of thoughts.

"What happened, Iris? Is something piquing you?" dad asked with concern evident in his eyes.

I assured him," Nothing, dad----------------everything's fine."

I ate the pancakes served in my plate with chocolate syrup. After finishing them, I wiped my mouth with handkerchief and asserted," So, should we get going?"

He asked raising a brow," Where?"

I pointed my fore-fingers towards the closed door of our house and said," To the School----------------Dad you were going to give me a lift to School."

"Not today, Hun. I have office work to do---------a

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