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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga/Spectrum Force by Heather Ray (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga/Spectrum Force by Heather Ray (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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"That's adorable!" both girls squealed in harmony. Kimberly and Tamara turned away from the baby doll T-shirt that had drawn both their praise, and exchanged a startled glance.

Then, they both giggled.

"This is so much fun!" Tamara sighed, pulling the shirt off the rack. "Jocie can be such a bore at the mall, and Ray has absolutely no patience to enjoy shopping as an art form."

Kim grinned, watching as Tamara posed in front of a mirror. "I know what you mean. My best friend just isn't a big shopper. Lately I've been dragging Tommy, but I can tell he'd rather be anywhere

than a department store."

Tamara rolled her eyes. "Well, taking Keith to the mall is even worse than the others. He loves shopping even more than I do!"

Kim's eyes widened as she looked to the bags hanging from Tamara's wrist. "Really?"

"Really. He's been adding to his collection of Calvin Klein cotton shirts. I mean seriously, even I have my limits! I think he's up to twenty-eight. Stripes, solids, V-neck, collared… you name it, he's got it. I have no idea how he fits all those clothes into his closet!"

Kim couldn't contain her laughter as she imagined Tommy urgently searching through stacks of preppy shirts at Bloomingdale's. "Maybe I should be grateful Tommy'd rather knock the sand out of a punching bag then shop with me."

"Trust me, you get a lot more shopping done when you go by yourself," Tamara noted. "You get to spend as much time as you want in the shoe department without someone hanging over your shoulder."

She then frowned, shaking her head. "Nah, I don't think so. I just don't like the way it falls."

Kim grinned in amusement. "You can tell how it falls just by looking at it?"

"It's one of those skills you pick up when you blitz-shop with Rachel."

Tamara then bit her lip, holding the shirt up in front of Kimberly. "You know, I think it'll look fantastic on you."

Kim's smile turned wry. "And how should I pay for that? With my credit cards and cash, all neatly stuffed in my wallet back in Angel Grove?"

"Oh, right." She glanced at the price tag, and shrugged. "Then it's my treat."

The Pink Ranger shook her head emphatically as Tamara turned toward the nearest cashier. "Tammy, no! I couldn't ask you-"

"Think of it as a souvenir from your visit. You can't leave our universe empty-handed."

Kim gave the shirt another quick once-over. "It doesn't even say 'Langstrum Alps' on it."

"Right. Hmm… let's see if we can find you something at one of those little gift boutiques? Something more… souvenir-ish. And we'll throw in the top, too. It's adorable, and it's thirty percent off!"

Kim laughed. "Far be it for me to turn down a bargain."

As the pair took their place at a register, a ring from Tamara's purse drew Kim's attention. "Is that a communicator?" she whispered.

Tamara shrugged. "We usually just call it a phone, but it serves the same purpose." She pulled the small cell phone from the outer pocket, and rolled her eyes at the caller ID. "Mother Hen's at it again," she sighed, handing Kim her credit card. "I'll be back in two seconds."

Tamara retreated to the entrance of the store as she drew the phone to her ear. "Where's the fire, Ray?"

^I'm fairly sure we decided to keep Kimberly here until Spectra returns. Here

being our apartment, not the general vicinity.^

Oh great, she's in one of her moods


"Ray, just relax. Why should we keep her under house arrest? It's not like she's done anything to make us suspicious-"

^You mean besides falling through an inter-dimensional portal and replacing Jocelyn?^

"Which we've figured out isn't her fault. Craig told me about that 'aggressive portal' stuff Spectra was talking about. Kim said she got sucked in, and the evidence supports that. She hasn't lied to us yet, and I for one think she deserves the benefit of the doubt… and maybe a new outfit as a peace offering."

Tamara grinned as she heard the resigned sigh issue from the receiver. Rachel was definitely caving, and even faster than Tamara had predicted. ^Did you at least bring someone along? Just in case you need backup?^

"Everyone's busy. Keith's got that Human Resource Management class today, Craig has a quiz in Psychology of Violence, and Matt's monitoring. But we're doing just fine. Kim's a great co-shopper! She even hunted down these fantastic platform boots on the sale rack, and I was absolutely sure they were out of size seven…"

^Okay, okay,^ Rachel surrendered. ^Just make sure you're home by quarter of two. You've got to fill in for Matt.^

"I'll be back in plenty of time. See you later!"

Tamara switched off the phone, a satisfied grin on her face as she arrived at the register just as Kim handed the cashier the credit card.

"What's the story?" Kim wondered.

"Rachel's just being Rachel. So we have a 1:45 curfew." She signed her name on the receipt, and together she and Kim collected the shopping bags. "Let's stop by the gift shop and then the food court. Do you like souvlaki? Because 'It's Greek to Me' serves the best souvlaki I've tasted on this coast!"

Kim grinned at the thought, hurrying to keep up with the energetic Yellow Enforcer.

Chapter Thirty-Six

The Moon

Even though he had not directly attacked the Power Rangers in several days, Lord Zedd was far from inactive. He had been hard at work on the surface of the moon, overseeing the final stages of preparation for his ultimate weapon. A Zord of such scale and power, no counterattack the Rangers could mount would even scratch its serpentine hull. Once the final programming was completed, and the power core fully charged, nothing would stand against the might of Serpentera.

However, when he sensed the strange energy reading emanating from the extreme north of the Earth, his attention was diverted. Intrigued, he directed his attention to the Earth, watching as the Pink and White Rangers vanished into the energy vortex of the pole. When they finally emerged, only the White Ranger was standing.

They had disappeared into the Command Center, hidden from his scrutiny, only to return to usual activity later that evening. Yet, while all seven Rangers were accounted for, there was certainly an increased concern for Kimberly's well-being.

Something has happened at the arctic pole,

he surmised, tapping his steel-tipped fingers against the arm of his stone throne. Perhaps it is something I can exploit.

"Goldar! Finster! Get in here!"

The bellow resonated through the cavernous hallways, until the gilded warrior appeared at the doorway, bowing deeply as he approached his Lord. Moments later, the Monster-Baker also appeared, though his bow was more ceremonial than heartfelt.

"Yes, Lord Zedd?" they both spoke.

"Something bizarre is happening on Earth, and it seems to be focused at the North Pole," he revealed, rising from his throne. He approached the balcony, sending his telescopic crimson beam toward the planet. "My sight can't penetrate the energy field, but I must know exactly

what is there. Finster, you will journey to the North Pole and report back to me your findings."

Finster seemed surprised by the order. Rarely was he given the opportunity to take an active role in Zedd's devices. "As you command," he responded.

Zedd turned to the Titan warrior. "Goldar, you will provide a distraction to keep the Rangers out of Finster's fur. Go to Angel Grove with my Putty Patrol, and attack the high school. Capture the Pink Ranger, and bring her to me."

Goldar frowned, clearly remembering the last time he'd tried to spirit her away, after her visit to a fortuneteller. "Again?"

The low growl Zedd released was enough to make the tall beast shiver. "Yes, again

. Only this time, get it right! Kimberly and Tommy saw firsthand whatever anomaly is currently focused at the Pole, and what the Rangers know, I shall know." The despot sneered beneath his silver mask. "Besides, if I sent you to capture Tommy, you'd surely fail. I would hope you'd fare better against the Pink Ranger."

Yellowed fangs bared at the insult, but Goldar held back any overt reaction. Instead, he nodded curtly to his master, his bruised ego giving the Titan a determination he typically did not exhibit.

This time, he would not fail.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Angel Grove

Done, and done,

Jocelyn reflected with satisfaction, closing the exam booklet and stretching her arms. According to the clock, she had over fifteen minutes before the exam period was over, and she'd even had enough time to go over her answers.

She grinned as she glanced around the classroom. Everyone else seemed to be hard at work, filling in the Scantron circles, punching values into calculators, chewing their pencils, scratching their heads, or staring at the question booklet in dismay. All except Billy, who sat near the front of the classroom, quietly reading the latest issue of 'Scientific American.'

Jocelyn's eyes widened as she glanced at the clock again. He must be really


Almost as if he'd heard her thoughts, Billy turned around and grinned at her. When he turned back to his magazine, a sudden six-tone signal issued from his watch.

Billy dropped the magazine, muffling the sound with his free hand. He then discreetly collected his belongings, rose from his desk, and approached Ms. Applebee.

Jocelyn watched, dumbstruck, as Billy nodded a silent thanks and hurried out the door.

Must be Ranger business,

she concluded, turning toward Alexis. The Purple Ranger stared at the door through which Billy left with unveiled concern, before finally turning her attention back to her incomplete exam.

Jocelyn didn't waste another moment. She grabbed the exam booklet and Kimberly's backpack, and made her way to the front of the room.

Ms. Applebee stared in surprise as Jocelyn approached her.

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