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Read books online » Fiction » Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy by Evangheline Farcas (english love story books txt) 📖

Book online «Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy by Evangheline Farcas (english love story books txt) 📖». Author Evangheline Farcas

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she loved knowing that she was eating food that was traditional to her home country, it made her feel less of a stranger in a strange land.
Another knock soon followed and Raphael entered as well not waiting to be invited in.
He looked around and smiled, satisfied to see that his charge was being well cared for. Clearing his throat he said, “I have made arrangements, in the morning we will meet the Negrescu’s congregation at the church.”
Puzzled Hadassah asked, “At the church? Wont they be at risk meeting there?”
“Maybe, but we will have heaven on our side, and as long as politics or what is called hate talk is not discussed, all should be well, though discretion would be called for, there are many who would be willing to turn on their own brother in exchange for something.”
More silence followed as she finished her food, Raphael had a far away look as he gazed over the city through the window. Abruptly he turned and faced Hadassah, “As for you my dear, we want you to rest tonight, you will need your strength, Ralph, the guard will stand outside your door if you should need anything, you are safe now.”
Once more tears threatened to spill, yes she knew she must rest, but memories and thoughts were what attacked her now, she so longed to speak to Philip, he would know just what to say to calm her, he would know just what to do, he would hold her.
As if knowing her longing Raphael came to her and engulfed her with a warm protective hug, and for the moment the world faded, it felt as if she was in her father’s arms, the father she had never known. She savored each second, quietly sobbing and thanking God for this extraordinary comfort. That is how she entered the world of dreams with her head resting safely on Raphael’s shoulder, peace enveloping her like a warm blanket.


Faces swirled around her at first with dizzying speed then becoming clearer yet never stopping. There was Philip’s aristocratic face, normally so filled with tenderness was now filled with a look of utter betrayal and accusation. The face of her guard filled with anger that his young life had been cut short. Queen Silvia’s face, usually like that of a mother, now clearly showed her eagerness that Hadassah step out of their lives. The faces of the princesses enraged that their brother’s heart was broken over a mare commoner.
Over and over as each face swirled before her the voices also grew louder, “You!” that simple word full of contempt and accusation.
Faces she did not know also peered at her expectantly sure that she would fail, after all she was just a woman, an orphan, a castaway nothing more, she would never be more no matter how she strived. Poverty would follow her everywhere, death, and separation from all she hoped for. So much was hanging in the balance.
“No!” she screamed.
She looked around, trying to hold onto some hope, trying to grasp for something, for someone.
As she sought relief for her terror a voice broke through and it rang with authority.
“Be still,” it demanded “I AM!”
And just like that all the voices ceased, not daring to utter another word. In fact they changed.
Queen Silvia’s voice broke through, “Listen with your heart, not only your ears, it’s not what it seems.”
Philip’s face last of all turned to her, “Never doubt my love, I stand with you even now.”
Then once more the voice that spoke with such authority that truth demanded to be known spoke once more, “Do you love me child?” He asked and awaited her response.
She knew that voice and her soul leaped in response to it, for it brought safety for her whole being, “You know I do Lord.” she responded with her child-like faith.
“Then follow me and care for my lambs.”
“I am only a woman.” she said giving voice to her doubts once more.
“You are Hadassah, chosen by the King.” He replied.
“I don’t understand, the King?” she asked.
“Yes, chosen by the King, remember when the time comes that you are Hadassah, chosen by the King to care for the lambs no matter the cost. And trust in Me, for behold I am with you always, even until the end of time.”
Then as soon as it had started, it all faded just as abruptly, her eyes opened, being kissed by the deceiving winter sun filtering through the windows. There she lay unblinking for a few moments, in a soft bed, fully clothed yet covered to her chin with a warm comforter. But nothing warmed her so much as that voice that seeped strength into her very bones, the voice of the One who she was falling in love with, for each time she heard it, there was such truth and unquestioned love in it that no other human could claim for her. She longed to hear it constantly and in her soul it reverberated still.


Members of the Filadelfia Church of Timisoara were already gathered in the building which stood on the corner of an intersecting street. They were timid at first, somewhat nervously they gathered around us, wondering why we had called for this gathering.
This would be a call to arms I reminded myself, and my own fears began simmering in my mind. Though I knew and saw all of heaven respond even to just one timid prayer, still I was afraid, would I never learn? Would I never fully trust even after all I had seen, yes, even after all that even now I see gathered around each one of these precious souls? The first Romanian Revolutions should have built my faith to unbreakable heights, yet here I was, ever the fool.
Out of the cluster of people on man stepped forward, trying to hold my gaze, but as he saw Seraph there was a split second where he recoiled, but caught himself and looked down to his left. Was it shame? Who was this man.
Still, the split second passed and what had flashed across his face was gone as well and I was unable to decipher what it meant. Looking at Seraph, he also gave away nothing, or so it seemed, one hand was over his mouth tapping with his finger as if in thought.
“Why are we here?” asked the man, his eyes had wrinkles at each side, and his forward creased as he spoke.
“Because we come with news for each of you, but first who are you?” I asked.
“I am Pastor Lucas, I am substituting for Pastor Negrescu, it seems he hasn’t shown up for the last few services, I have come from Alba Iulia request.” he said.
Seraph greeted him, “Then peace be with you and blessings for coming on such short notice.” he said warmly their eyes locking momentarily, yet there it was again Lucas broke the stare looking away, perhaps at those in the congregation.
Seraph then continued with the introductions, first introducing me, then Hadassah and the guard. “The news we bring you, I’m afraid, is not good. The Negrescu family have been apprehended by the government and transported to Jilava, not only this but there are rumors that each church in Timisoara is slowly being targeted. We come on what it seems to be a rescue mission for each of you.” he explained then looked at me to continue.
“However we do have a plan. Hadassah has gained favor with the house of Sweden as some of you may have heard, and the heart of the Prince.” I began.
“So what does that mean for us? So a girl has the heart of the Prince while our country is falling apart.” said Lucas bitterly.
“It means a chance of escape, that’s what. The queen herself has given us a document that would guarantee sanctuary for those threatened by the government. Romania cannot afford to loose the favor of Sweden because of the fact that Sweden has been a powerful intercessor for refugees in times past.” I explained slowly, feeling the need to let each word sink in for each person listening. “Still it will not be easy, so hence we must proceed with discretion and caution. We will go by train into Hungary and from there transportation has been arranged for as many as needed to proceed on our journey into Sweden. Also, each of you must choose, this country seems like it is loosing a battle it had once won, some of you I know will choose to stay, to fight, but weigh the costs for indeed they will be high.” I said looking at each of them but resting my gaze on Lucas, for beside Lucas I saw a mighty Guardian, but also a hazy darkness trying to engulf him. I looked at Seraph to see if he saw it as well, when he nodded I knew we were facing another battle on top of the one that seemed so paramount.
“I will remain with this group, with those who choose to go. Raphael will go with Hadassah back to Bucharest where a more intricate plan must unfold for those held in chains in Jilava. You may not know this, but torture has been implemented once more in that jail as it had in times past. However we do need at least three people to volunteer to come back with us.” Seraph continued.
There was a deafening silence as each man, woman and child looked at us with fear. It was evident that each was trying to conquer their own doubts. Four from the crowd stepped forward.
A woman first, with golden blond hair and striking blue eyes, her hair was a frizzy mess, yet her demeanor radiated strength and endurance. A man stepped forward next taking hold of her hand giving it a slight squeeze. A teenage boy with curly frizzy hair that looked similar to that of a woman joined them, with a brave look on his face. And Lucas, with a bit of uncertainty, as if a struggle was taking place, as if he desperately wanted to win it, yet he seemed unsure of his own strength. Looking at him I sighed, I’ve seen it so often before, those who tried to win the battle on their own, of their own merit, as if their own strength could carry them. Those learned last and the hard way that strength was first perfected in weakness, and His strength would be the only thing that would be sufficient to conquer.
Seraph placed a hand on Lucas’s shoulder, firm yet gentle. “Not you brother, you are needed with the group that will leave to Hungary.”
Disappointment flashed across his face, “I could help you.” said Lucas.
“Yes you could, we know, but trust in Him Lucas, you will see, just trust in Him, you are needed with this group. Do you understand?” Asked Seraph.
Reluctantly he nodded.
“So then, the remainder of you must now choose who will stay here, and who will go. As I’ve said I will accompany those who will go, and for those who stay, do not be afraid, our fellow brother Damon will soon join you, and he will watch over you.”
An odd sensation overtook me as Seraph made that declaration that hadn’t
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