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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume One by Heather Ray (series like harry potter txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Now, your destination is the outskirts of the remains of Umbriel’s capitol. I shall meet you there, and give you further instruction.”

She nodded, winking as her image slowly vanished from the screen. Goldar grinned widely, stepping away from the mirror toward his sword, which hung upon jagged pegs against the wall.

This was truly the perfect opportunity. Now, with Rita so immersed in whatever it was she did in her study, Goldar was free to do what he pleased. No more irrational whining from the spoiled princess! He was finally able to stretch his own creative genius…and he happened upon the perfect plot.

He was overjoyed that Scorpina, an incredibly lethal warrior, agreed to assist him. Together, the two golden warriors would easily match the Power Rangers, especially if they took the battle directly into Gateway City, where the Rangers would be quite wary of innocent bystanders.

He and Scorpina had always been peerless fighters, but when together, they were indomitable. He had no doubt in his mind that they’d be able to trounce the Rangers once and for all.

And then, he and Scorpina would triumph. He would present the planet Earth to the Emperor, and be appointed magistrate of the system. Perhaps he could even convince Lord Zedd to allow Scorpina to remain with him.

He shuddered in anticipation, carefully sharpening his powerful blade for the upcoming battle.
Chapter Eleven

Faint moonlight poured in through the small window, casting long shadows about the darkened room. They were the only lights in the small bedroom... for the glowing purple orbs of its lone occupant.
Her eyes glimmered like gemstones, releasing a faint glow in the darkness. Slowly, the light intensified, illuminating her face, folded with concentration.

Then, a flash of purple energy erupted from her eyes, joining from the twin beams to become a small sphere. The sphere swirled madly in the room, buzzing past loose pages that covered her unmade bed and small study table. It sliced just to the side of her face, causing her flowing hair to flutter in the wind it generated. As the sphere continued its journey, it slowly grew larger with increased energy.

Finally, the sphere stopped circling the room, and plowed directly into its creator's back.

She lurched forward, catching herself by extending her foot. Tears of pain jumped to her eyes as she bent over to recover her breath.
It was in that position, gasping for breath and leaning against her knees, that Erol found her.

"Kreia! What are you doing?" he demanded. "Lights!"

Artificial light flooded the room. He took a moment to absorb the chaotic mess of books and scrolls that cluttered the typically neat apartment, and sighed quietly.

He moved forward to Kreia, but she held her hand to him, denying his help.

He frowned as he watched his love painfully stand erect.

"What... are you doing here?" Kreia breathed, her eyes never looking up at him.

Erol recoiled at the question. "Since when did I need a reason to see you?"

She frowned, slowly moving to her bed. Erol fought the urge to help her, and stood by the door as he watched her gingerly sit down and wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"You should knock," she advised, "You could've been hit by a practice bolt."

Erol's eyebrow rose. "You're practicing in your room? Kreia, you could get yourself killed! That's why we have the training room."
She shook her head. "Cherise and Zale are still sparring. I didn't want to disturb them."

"We've practiced as a group before," Erol pointed out.

"Not what I'm practicing."

The Green Ranger stared at Kreia with intense concern... that she blatantly ignored. Suddenly, he felt as if a wall had appeared between them.

Erol felt an overwhelming sense of dread as he watched Kreia turn her attention to a thick volume that was on the bed beside her. She slowly picked it up, and began staring at its contents in silence.

"Kreia," he said quietly, "is everything all right?"

She nodded mutely.

"Then, why are you acting like this?"

She glanced at him through the corner of her eye. "Like what?" she inquired, almost defensively.

"Like... someone else

," he muttered, "You haven't even spoken to me since I asked you to marry me..."

He frowned when he saw her cringe.

"...and I'm still waiting for an answer."

Kreia froze, even the gentle motion of her breathing pausing as the icy silence drowned the pair. Erol felt his heart climb into his throat as he stared her.

She wouldn't even look at him.

His knees weakening, the Green Ranger leaned against the wall beside the door. Something in his soul told him he ought to stay near the exit, in case he'd need to make a hasty retreat.

"I'm sorry," she exhaled.

Her voice was so weak, he barely heard it over the sound of his pounding heart.

"Why?" he choked. Suddenly, it was quite difficult to draw a decent breath.

"We... can't be selfish," she stated, her voice strained, "We're Power Rangers. We have a duty to protect the planet. Love is a distraction..."

"Who's talking to me right now?" Erol demanded, his voice hoarse, "You... or Regita?"

After several moments of silence, she offered an answer. "The Purple Ranger."

"That's it then," he realized grimly, his hands slowly pulling through his hair, "Our love just isn't... worth anything."

Kreia swallowed. "I didn't s-"

"Who the hell honestly thinks love is a distraction?" he hissed, "Isn't love what separates us from Rita and her henchmen? Why is love selfish

? Or shameful?!"

With his question hanging in the air, Erol stormed from the room.
Kreia listened to his footsteps as they trod down the hall. The quieter they grew, the faster the pace became.

He was running... from her.

With every fiber in her being, she wanted to run after him. She wanted so desperately to crumble into his arms, cry onto his chest and feel his arms tie her into security and peace. But she couldn't even move


"Lights," she mumbled.

The room was bathed in utter darkness once again, as all the light in Kreia's life dimmed into obscurity.

Chapter Twelve

“…and then four years later, Vynne had her first child.”

Zordon smiled wistfully, imaging the joy that must have filled the former Pink Ranger’s life when her child was brought into the world. “A SON OR A DAUGHTER?”

“A boy. His name is Ghedaliah.”


Regita leaned back into the chair he sat upon. “Ghedaliah was a brother to us all, Zordon. We were all a family.”


Regita shook his head. “My destiny was here, in the Command Center. Someone had to keep watch over the world. Vynne and the others chose to live out their lives as normal people, and help spearhead the work to eliminate all of the hateful memories of the occupation.”

The former Purple Ranger grinned. "My particular expertise is far more useful here, searching for you and preparing another team of Power Rangers for battle. I never regret my decision to remain here."

"But I do," came a voice, its tone biting with bitterness, "Every day of my life."

Regita turned toward Erol. He stood boldly at the entrance to the main chamber, his arms squeezed tightly across his chest.

Regita slowly rose to his feet, planting his staff in front of him. "Can I help you, Erol?"

"What did you do?" Erol spat furiously, "What did you say

to her?"

Regita's eyebrow rose. "Perhaps the question should be, what did she

say to you


"That love is a distraction," Erol stated flatly. "A distraction

! A selfish desire! Something unfit

for a Power Ranger to feel!"

He approached Regita slowly, almost threatening. "I know Kreia, old man... far better than you ever

could! I've known her as long as I can remember! And I know

where she got those insane ideas from."

Erol stopped, his nose just inches from Regita's. "How could you? Why would


"I am trying to keep her focused," Regita replied, "Trust me... it's for the good-"

"You took her from me!" Erol howled, "I've seen it in your eyes... you never much liked me. I was always in the way. Distracting Kreia from you

! You're trying to mold her into you

, aren't you? Trying to ruin her life, just like you ruined your own!"

Regita's eyes narrowed at that harsh accusation. "I am trying

to protect this planet! You all have a responsibility to fight for Earth. When you accepted the Power Coin, you accepted that responsibility. There is no room for the kind of feelings you are displaying right now, Erol." He took a step back, distancing himself from the irate young man. "This is exactly

what I meant! This kind of passion is a weakness

, Erol. And all weakness must be purged, or Rita will take advantage of it."

Zordon watched in mute amazement at the display before him. While he had only returned to this plane of existence hours ago, he could tell that this confrontation had been brewing for some time... perhaps, as long as these two stubborn men knew each other.

But Zordon had been a mentor, and father, to scores of human beings over the centuries. He understood the human heart better than the vast majority of even humans.


It was a command, but it was tender. Zordon's voice boomed in the chamber with its usual clarity and force, but no anger or frustration in his tone. Both men reacted by closing their lips, and turning their heated gazes to the Eltarian sage.


Erol's eyes focused on

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