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Read books online » Fiction » The Ramayana by Valmiki (classic reads txt) 📖

Book online «The Ramayana by Valmiki (classic reads txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Valmiki

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>“The counselor we now behold
Of King SugrĂ­va righteous-souled.
His face I long have yearned to see,
And now his envoy comes to me
With sweetest words in courteous phrase
Answer this mighty lord who slays
His foemen, by SugrĂ­va sent,
This VĂĄnar chief most eloquent.
For one whose words so sweetly flow
The whole Rig-veda547 needs must know,
And in his well-trained memory store
The Yajush and the SĂĄman's lore.
He must have bent his faithful ear
All grammar's varied rules to hear.
For his long speech how well he spoke!
In all its length no rule he broke.
In eye, on brow, in all his face
The keenest look no guile could trace.
No change of hue, no pose of limb
Gave sign that aught was false in him.
Concise, unfaltering, sweet and clear,
Without a word to pain the ear.
From chest to throat, nor high nor low,
His accents came in measured flow.
How well he spoke with perfect art
That wondrous speech that charmed the heart,
With finest skill and order graced
In words that knew nor pause nor haste!
That speech, with consonants that spring
From the three seats of uttering,548
Would charm the spirit of a foe
Whose sword is raised for mortal blow.
How may a ruler's plan succeed
Who lacks such envoy good at need?
How fail, if one whose mind is stored
With gifts so rare assist his lord?
What plans can fail, with wisest speech
Of envoy's lips to further each?”
Thus RĂĄma spoke; and Lakshmaáč‡ taught
In all the art that utters thought,
To King SugrĂ­va's learned spy
Thus made his eloquent reply:
“Full well we know the gifts that grace
SugrĂ­va, lord of VĂĄnar race,
And hither turn our wandering feet
That we that high-souled king may meet.
So now our pleasant task shall be
To do the words he speaks by thee.”
His prudent speech the VĂĄnar heard,
And all his heart with joy was stirred.
And hope that league with them would bring
Redress and triumph to his king. [pg 327]
Canto IV. Lakshman's Reply.
Cheered by the words that RĂĄma spoke,
Joy in the VĂĄnar's breast awoke,
And, as his friendly mood he knew,
His thoughts to King SugrĂ­va flew:
“Again,” he mused, “my high-souled lord
Shall rule, to kingly state restored;
Since one so mighty comes to save,
And freely gives the help we crave.”
Then joyous HanumĂĄn, the best
Of all the VĂĄnar kind, addressed
These words to RĂĄma, trained of yore
In all the arts of speakers' lore:549
“Why do your feet this forest tread
By silvan life inhabited,
This awful maze of tree and thorn
Which Pampá's flowering groves adorn?”
He spoke: obedient to the eye
Of RĂĄma, Lakshmaáč‡ made reply,
The name and fortune to unfold
Of Raghu's son the lofty-souled:
“True to the law, of fame unstained,
The glorious Daƛaratha reigned,
And, steadfast in his duty, long
Kept the four castes550 from scathe and wrong.
Through his wide realm his will was done,
And, loved by all, he hated none.
Just to each creature great and small,
Like the Good Sire he cared for all.
The Ágnisháč­om,551 as priests advised,
And various rites he solemnized,
Where ample largess ever paid
The BrĂĄhmans for their holy aid.
Here RĂĄma stands, his heir by birth,
Whose name is glorious in the earth:
Sure refuge he of all oppressed,
Most faithful to his sire's behest.
He, Daƛaratha's eldest born
Whom gifts above the rest adorn,
Lord of each high imperial sign,552
The glory of his kingly line,
Reft of his right, expelled from home,
Came forth with me the woods to roam.
And SĂ­tĂĄ too, his faithful dame,
Forth with her virtuous husband came,
Like the sweet light when day is done
Still cleaving to her lord the sun.
And me his sweet perfections drew
To follow as his servant true.
Named Lakshmaáč‡, brother of my lord
Of grateful heart with knowledge stored
Most meet is he all bliss to share,
Who makes the good of all his care.
While, power and lordship cast away,
In the wild wood he chose to stay,
A giant came,—his name unknown,—
And stole the princess left alone.
Then Diti's son553 who, cursed of yore,
The semblance of a RĂĄkshas wore,
To King SugrĂ­va bade us turn
The robber's name and home to learn.
For he, the VĂĄnar chief, would know
The dwelling of our secret foe.
Such words of hope spake Diti's son,
And sought the heaven his deeds had won.
Thou hast my tale. From first to last
Thine ears have heard whate'er has past.
RĂĄma the mighty lord and I
For refuge to SugrĂ­va fly.
The prince whose arm bright glory gained,
O'er the whole earth as monarch reigned,
And richest gifts to others gave,
Is come SugrĂ­va's help to crave;
Son of a king the surest friend
Of virtue, him who loved to lend
His succour to the suffering weak,
Is come SugrĂ­va's aid to seek.
Yes, Raghu's son whose matchless hand
Protected all this sea-girt land,
The virtuous prince, my holy guide,
For refuge seeks SugrĂ­va's side.
His favour sent on great and small
Should ever save and prosper all.
He now to win SugrĂ­va's grace
Has sought his woodland dwelling-place. [pg 328]
Son of a king of glorious fame;—
Who knows not Daƛaratha's name?—
From whom all princes of the earth
Received each honour due to worth;—
Heir of that best of earthly kings,
RĂĄma the prince whose glory rings
Through realms below and earth and skies,
For refuge to SugrĂ­va flies.
Nor should the VĂĄnar king refuse
The boon for which the suppliant sues,
But with his forest legions speed
To save him in his utmost need.”
SumitrĂĄ's son, his eyes bedewed
With piteous tears, thus sighed and sued.
Then, trained in all the arts that guide
The speaker, HanumĂĄn replied:
“Yea, lords like you of wisest thought,
Whom happy fate has hither brought,
Who vanquish ire and rule each sense,
Must of our lord have audience.
Reft of his kingdom, sad, forlorn,
Once BĂĄli's hate now BĂĄli's scorn,
Defeated, severed from his spouse,
Wandering under forest boughs,
Child of the Sun, our lord and king
SugrĂ­va will his succours bring,
And all our VĂĄnar hosts combined
Will trace the dame you long to find.”
With gentle tone and winning grace
Thus spake the chief of VĂĄnar race,
And then to Raghu's son he cried:
“Come, haste we to Sugríva's side.”
He spoke, and for his words so sweet
Good Lakshmaáč‡ paid all honour meet;
Then turned and cried to Raghu's son:
“Now deem thy task already done,
Because this chief of VĂĄnar kind,
Son of the God who rules the wind,
Declares SugrĂ­va's self would be
Assisted in his need by thee.
Bright gleams of joy his cheek o'erspread
As each glad word of hope he said;
And ne'er will one so valiant deign
To cheer our hearts with hope in vain.”
He spoke, and HanumĂĄn the wise
Cast off his mendicant disguise,
And took again his VĂĄnar form,
Son of the God of wind and storm.
High on his ample back in haste
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