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Read books online » Fiction » The Spectrum Force Volume Three by Heather Ray (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Spectrum Force Volume Three by Heather Ray (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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unique beauty.

She sat at the control of the small vessel, pink eyes narrow as she searched for the turbulent Great Red Spot.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a thick white dust poured over the edges of her vision, whisking her consciousness thousands of light-years away.

This time, she was already seated, and let her mind follow the insistent plea.

She could feel the urgency, tingling her mind from the one who sent the message. Hanging in a vibrant sky, high over the tree line, floated the Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, and Purple Enforcers.

She watched in astonishment as the team wrestled Jocelyn, inexplicably forcing her to release the transformation.

How odd… why would they fight one another?

Her eyes widened when she considered the possible cause. Unless, she has been enchanted!

Frowning deeply, her fingers hovered over the Hyperspace Portal transmitter, just waiting for the large cyclonic storm to come into view.

Chapter Forty-Three

Craig took no note of the stoic beauty of the granite fortress. He paid no heed to the damaged wall, crushed furniture, or even sparking telecommunications hardware.

His gaze still lingered out the broken aperture through which he could see his teammates.

I can't help them like this,

he reminded himself, stepping away from the hole. I can only hope Spectra will arrive soon.

Until then… he had a mission to fulfill.

After assuring that he was too distant from the wide hole to be seen, Craig carefully shirked the heavy cloaking mantel from his shoulders. Once folded neatly, he stuffed it into the nearest crevice. Slowly, he lifted his stone heavenward.

"Spectrum Sync!" he commanded, his voice soft yet firm.

No sooner did the warping energy bathe him did a sudden sensation tug at his mind. Once his vision cleared, his head turned toward the staircase leading into an encroaching darkness.

The Diadem!

he realized, his smile returning. Mashal was right! It called to me as soon as I was Synced!

Wasting no further time, a vibrant aura erupted around his uniform, letting him fly through the stairwell at breakneck speed. He followed the signal as if it were a physical cord, urgently pulling him to his goal.

He emerged from the stairwell at its peak, and tore through the hallway. His aura brightened the cavern, the light reflecting off the soft gray rock to create a near-blinding reflection. Yet he didn't need visual acuity to find an open chamber, one of many along the seemingly endless hall.

He slipped inside, and set his feet upon the ground. Tightening his fist, he magnified the light he manifested, letting it seep into every corner of the spacious, nearly empty room.

His face folded in consternation as he laid eyes upon the barren podium. "Dammit… someone got to it first!"

Only… that couldn't

be true. The Diadem had

to be there; it had summoned him to this exact spot!

No… not this exact spot. Somewhere nearby…

Craig closed his eyes, and let that mental bond pull his face in the right direction. Then, he opened his eyes, and stared at the fireplace that stood against the wall.

He approached, kneeling beside the small opening. Ashes dirtied his gloves, and created a dark layer of soot against the base of the fireplace.

His eyes narrow, Craig just barely managed to slip his head and shoulders into the fireplace.

"There's no opening," he realized, staring upward. "What kind of fireplace doesn't have an opening for the smoke?"

Something clicked in his mind. "Unless, this isn't meant

to be a fireplace!"

Smirking smugly at his observation, Craig looked again at the base of the fireplace. Slowly, he felt the soot-covered plane with both hands, until he found what he was looking for.

A latch.

The Blue Enforcer let out a whoop of pride as he pulled the bottom out of the fireplace, revealing a dark, tight tunnel.

After carefully setting the trap door against the back wall, the athlete wiggled his broad shoulders into the hole. He gradually descended into the darkness until his feet touched solid stone.

Lifting his arms forward, he illuminated the void. The light stretched in all directions, revealing walls of piled granite slabs divided into a myriad of unfathomable tunnels.

Craig released a huff of annoyance. "Looks like I'm just getting started."

He pressed forward into the staggering maze, taking comfort in the persistent tug of direction that guided him to the Diadem.

Chapter Forty-Four

"Jocelyn" sat idly within a sphere of swirling colored energy. She was truly trapped… the Spectrum Force was clever to assume she couldn't activate the powers of Light herself.

She couldn't… she didn't know how.

Still, she smiled devilishly, and made herself comfortable on the cool grass of Edenia. She still had the upper hand. The humans had absolutely no idea what to do next.

The four remained in full uniform, each standing outside the sphere. The lingering silence proved they were involved in a telepathic discussion… yet she was unable to eavesdrop. When transformed, the humans had enough telepathic ability to shield their thoughts from unwelcome visitors.

*You know we're screwed, right?* Keith thought, keeping his careful glare on the captive. *We can't force her to let go of Jocelyn, and we can't take her with us. If we do find the Diadem, she'll probably alert the other Denebians to come take it.*

*But she can't sit there forever!* Tamara pointed out.

*Neither can we.* Rachel contributed. *We're the ones on the clock. We can't even be sure she hasn't already summoned help. There could be an entire ocean of those black things on their way right now.*

*We could hide out in Gaius' place.* Matthew suggested.

*No can do,* Keith answered, shaking his head. *She was already inside, and she knows exactly where the entrance is. We have to assume everything she knows, the other Denebians know. The last thing we want to do is give them even more information, even by accidentally showing her something that should've been a secret.*

*Then we'll contact Spectra. It's all we can do.*

"Jocelyn" watched as the Purple Enforcer pulled a small sphere from her belt. "I suggest you don't try anything."

Rachel paused. "What are you going to do about it?"

She answered with a smug smirk. "I can do plenty of things. I can command my ship to detonate this entire planet. It is small enough to be blown to oblivion by conventional means. I can send my Shadows back, and swallow you all whole. Or… I can even kill this body, right before your eyes."

Silence fell.

*She's bluffing…* Keith said. *She has to be!*

*Yeah,* Tamara agreed. *If she hurts Jocelyn while she's in there, it might hurt her too!*

*We don't know that!* Matthew pointed out. *And we can't take the chance! We're talking about Jocelyn's life!*

"You can't hurt her," Rachel spoke aloud. Her voice was more confident than she truly felt. "You have no weapons."

"You humans are very fragile," she countered. She rose to her feet, relishing the at-ready stances the Spectrum Force took at her slightest movement. "and my hold on your Orange friend is absolute. I can will her heart to stop beating, or her lungs to stop inflating. That's all it would take, isn't it?"

Matthew's fists clenched. "Release our friend now

, or else-!"

*Matt, stay cool,* Keith advised.

"You are in no position to make threats… Matt, isn't it?"

He snarled. "We'll destroy your ship. Your body is somewhere on it, right? Well, how'd you like not having a body to go home to?"

She strode toward him until mere inches of space separated them. "How very vicious of you, Matt."

He teeth gnashed furiously beneath his mask.

"Still, I find it hard to believe you

have the power to destroy a Denebian warship."

"We'll find a way," Matthew answered, "If you've done your research well

, you'd know Humans are very resourceful."

"And I am living proof that Denebians are even more so."

*Spectrum Force!* a telepathic voice declared. The entire team jumped in surprise, searching the skies around them.

*Spectra!* Tammy cheered.

*Where are you?* Rachel demanded.

*How'd you know we needed you?* Keith wondered.

*Can you help Jocelyn?* Matthew begged.

"Jocelyn" watched as the Force disregarded her completely. Her triumphant grin collapsed.


She glared at the white-clad form that casually approached on foot. "Spectra. I knew you couldn't keep away for long."

The Force all stared in shock at Jocelyn.

"Dissolve the shield," Spectra instructed, "This is my fight."

The team mutely complied, and made way for their teacher and friend.

Phaedra's confident air returned. "Believe it or not, I'm glad you showed up. You can find me the Diadem."

Spectra chuckled. "And why would I do that, Demoness?"

"Because Gaius is aboard my ship."

Pink eyes narrowed. "I know. I saw you take him."

"He lives… for now."

"I won't give you the Diadem. He refused you, and I will not sacrifice the power he would trade his life for." She smiled. "You've lost."

Jocelyn's face folded into a vicious snarl. "If you do not cooperate, Gaius will not just die. He will suffer… more than any other 'hero' before him. The Blight has already descended upon him."

Phaedra basked in the glow of Spectra's horrified shock. The Spectrum Force watched her reaction curiously.

Finally, Spectra recovered herself. "You lie, Witch. There is no Blight any longer."

"I would be more than happy to show you exactly how

much he suffers, at this very moment." Her smile was hideous in its evil. "The last Denebian to be infected lingered for months before he was finally put out of his misery."

Spectra's hand shot forward, and clasped the collar of Jocelyn's T-shirt. She lifted the shorter girl until they glared evenly into each other's eyes. "You lie," she repeated, her voice firm, "I do not believe you even capable of harming him in such a way. I know it would hurt you


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