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Read books online » Fiction » My immortal by Hannah mangan (i like reading books .txt) 📖

Book online «My immortal by Hannah mangan (i like reading books .txt) 📖». Author Hannah mangan

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place really needed to be remodeled. I’d call someone tomorrow. And I’d have to put away the pictures. They were all pictures of me in the 70’s with friends and of course saw they might find it peculiar that I was even alive in the 70’s much less the same age. I gathered them and them put them in a box with all my other pictures. I love pictures, capturing special moments forever. And that’s all I have because nothing ever lasts. I have bunches of pictures from all different times in my life.
I also needed a few things like soap and maybe some paint for the walls. So I grabbed my black jacket and a red scarf. I looked in the mirror. I was pretty good looking, beautiful even, skinny and slight with long dark curls, pale skin, and blue eyes. Then I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.
I bumped into a guy in the hallway. “Oh, sorry” I said smiling. “No, it was my fault” he said his eyes widening, as he took me in. “Um, I’m David” he said holding out his hand. “Annie” I said shaking it. “I just moved here, apartment 211” I said. He raised his eyebrows. “What?” I asked. “Well it’s nothing but apparently someone owned it since like the 80’s and no one’s been in there since. I’ve lived here my whole life and never seen anyone come there” he said. “Oh, it’s my grandma’s she left it to me” I said. “Oh” he said. “So you’ll be going to Central High then?” he asked. “No, I’m home schooled” I said. “That sucks, well if you need anyone to show you around” he said. “You know I was just going to go search for a grocery store” I said. “Well I’ve got nothing to do” he said, “let me just tell my mom, real quick” he said opening the door to 212.
He walked in, motioning for me to follow. His apartment was nice and quaint. We walked down a short hallway, lined with pictures and into a small, yellow kitchen where a woman with blonde hair and warm brown eyes stood in an apron, cooking. “Hey mom” said David, “This is Annie, she just moved into 211” he said. She smiled at me, “Nice to meet you, Annie” she said. “Is it okay if I show her to the grocery store?” he asked. “Sure, just be back in an hour for dinner” she said. He nodded, “bye” I said.
We walked down into the lobby. “Hey, Darren” David said to the doorman as we walked out. I signaled a cab and we got in. “first and sixty-second” David said. “So where did you move from?” he asked. “Los Angeles. But I’ve lived almost everywhere” I said. “Really? That’s cool” he said. “Yes, but my original home is Maryland” I said honestly. I handed the cabbie some money, and we got out.
We walked in, “So thanks for coming with me. I probably would have gone all over the city” I lied. “Oh, no problem” he said. “So what’s central high like?” I asked. “Oh, you know old teachers, clichés, and boring classes. Your average high school” he said. I rolled my eyes at him. “It’s okay” he said, “so what do you need to get?” he asked.
I got bread, eggs, and milk though I wouldn’t need it, and we headed back to the paints. “My grandma’s apartment is a little too retro for my tastes” I said. So I picked up a ridiculous bright orange and pink. “Which do you think?” I asked holding them up. “Probably something less blinding” he said, laughing, and pretending to shield his eyes. I laughed and then grabbed a deep crimson and dark purple. I also grabbed a couple of paint brushes and a roller. “Are you going to paint it yourself?” he asked. “Yes” I said as I put the things on the conveyer. “I’ll help you” he said. I turned to him, “Really?” “Of course, it’ll be fun” he smiled. “Thanks” I said, and then he noticed my ring.
“That’s an interesting ring” he said pointing to my middle finger. It was a black oval surrounded by small red stones and set in silver. “Family Heirloom” I lied. It had been mine all those years ago and now it was what let me go out in the sunlight. It has to do with a witch, but that is another story.
After I paid, we headed back to the apartments. “Hey you wanna eat dinner with us?” he asked. I almost smirked, “No, thank you, I ate before I left, but feel free to come over to my apartment after you eat” I said. “Yeah, awesome” he said smiling and then heading into his apartment. I smiled to myself as I went into my apartment. I liked David.
Chapter 3
I put away the groceries and then pulled out some wine and mixed some animal blood that I had, into it. I sipped it, It was very good. Not long after, David knocked. I went to the door, glass in hand. “Hey” he said. And then he looked around and laughed. “You weren’t kidding, very retro, but I think I kinda like it” he said, coming in. I smirked, “Yes, new furniture is being delivered tomorrow” I said, “The carpet is being changed as well.” He laughed again and he seemed confused by my glass of wine. I had forgotten there was a legal drinking age. When I was born there had not been.
“So are you parents here?” he asked. I gave him a leering look, “Nope” I said. He smiled nervously. “I live alone” I said. “Really?” he asked curiously. “My father died, and my mother always works. I’m emancipated” I lied, heading into the kitchen. “That’s cool, I wish I had my own apartment” he said, following me. “It is also very lonely” I said slightly sadly. He looked at me curiously.
“You want some?” I asked holding up the wine. “Uh, sure, why not?” he said. I smiled and poured some. I did not add the blood, like mine though. I didn’t think he would like that. He had gone into the living room. He was looking at the record player. I handed him the glass. “Thanks” he said, “there is lots of old music here, good though” he said, “Some of these are priceless.” And then he turned it on. It was Debussy, light and lilting music that reminded me of my human life.
Then David set his glass down, “Wanna dance?” he asked laughing. I laughed as he bowed and then took his hands. We dance a little, mainly just sarcastic movements. And then he switched it to something louder and jumpy. I laughed loudly when he pretended to strum a guitar. We twirled and jumped and laughed. We finished our glasses and I was careful not to mix them up.
David’s cheeks were flushed, “I should probably leave soon” he said reluctantly. I pretended to scowl. “Hey, do you have a girlfriend?” I asked, not afraid to get to the point like most girls would be. He smiled, “no.” “Good, because then I couldn’t do this” I said pulling him towards me and pressing my lips into his.
His lips were warm and soft on mine. He wrapped his arms around me, and I twisted my hands in his hair, my tongue exploring his mouth. I wrapped my right leg around his hip, pulling him closer, and deepening our kiss. After a minute, I pulled away, gasping. He too, was short of breath. “Wow” he said, still holding me. “Where did you come from, Annie?” he whispered. “Another world” I whispered in his ear.
After a minute he said, “I should probably go or my mom may come to investigate.” I sighed but smiled, I had forgotten what it was like to have parents and rules. “Oh and I’ll come over to help paint tomorrow. What time do you want me?” he asked. “Whenever you want to come” I said, “I don’t sleep” I said. He smiled, “I’ll see you tomorrow then” he said turning towards the door. I have him one last quick kiss and then he slipped out the door.
I had been alive so long and wasn’t patient, so I usually started relationships quickly, so I already cared for David, though we had just met. Probably more for him than anyone I had, in a century.


Publication Date: 08-09-2011

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