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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » About That Life by Melissa Starfall (black books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «About That Life by Melissa Starfall (black books to read .txt) 📖». Author Melissa Starfall

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cops where coming. Red, D.J. and I went into D.J’s car.
“You okay?” D.J said.
“Yeah…” I said moving my jaw with my hand.
“Not you Red!” I rolled my eyes.
“so what happened?” D.J asked Red.
“He was getting beat up bad. I stabbed the bad guy.” D.J looked surprised.
“Way to go Red! So are you…. Okay... A…” He bust out of laughter. So did red. We drove to a secrete hide out for the next day.

Chapter 6

It was morning the sun shine woke me up. I was thinking who those people where. Why where they after me only. I was guessing there in a gang they all were blue polar shirts and black dickeys. I woke up D.J telling him where going home. I woke Red up. We were tired. Red and I went to a ice cream shop nearby. Red got a vanilla ice cream cone I just got water. I went to the corner with Red hanging out. I turned and looked into a building window just for fun I was bored and carious.
“Give me your money” Someone said with a gun on my side.
“Please don’t shoot I’ll do anything!” Red laughed and so did the guy. I turned and it was C.J! I punched him in the shoulder.
“Ow ha-ha why you do that?”
“That’s not funny at all yo!”
“Yo? ha-ha I’m sorry brah.”
“put that gun away before someone sees you!”
“It’s a water gun ha!” He said squirting water in my face. I got it and dropped it stomping it hard.
“Man that was a buck fifty! Why would you do…”
“Shh…” I shushed him for a reason. I thought I heard something familiar.
“What is it?”
“Shh…” I looked around and saw the same car the people aimed the gun at us.
“Shit… it’s them we got to get out of here!” they pulled down the window and started to shoot. People screamed and ran others where calling their cell calling the cops we both got down and ducked behind a car. I couldn’t find Red any ware.
“Red!” I saw him hiding in the corner. The gang bangers stopped shooting and aimed at Red and shot him. Everything got silent. All I heard was my heart pounding really hard.
“RED!” I yelled out so hard I damaged my throat. C.J. crawled to his car and got a gun and shoot back. I didn’t care about anything at the moment didn’t even care if I got shot, I picked up Red and he laid there hopeless… I heard him breathing. We got into the car and drove to the hospital quick.

Chapter 7

“We need someone out hear” a doctor said. I heard everything they said.
“Blood pressure is dangerously low”
“He might not make it.” I saw him the day he got shot and the day they tried to save him. I heard nothing because he was in the other room.
“Sir can you tell me what happened? How did he get shot?” Cops and sirens is all I heard. I was in shock. I couldn’t talk. The doctor came out and nodded telling me he was gone. I felt like passing out.
“Sir? What happened?” a Doctor on the phone saw a gun in C.J’s pants. C.J looked at the Doctor, the doctor stared and saw her pushing something under the desk.
“A.J we got to go man!” We both ran off and got into the car. While he was driving it was silent for a second.

“Tomorrow was his birthday…” I said sadly. C.J looked at him feeling bad for him.
“I bought him this ring… it meant his birthstone date, He always wanted that.”
“Dude…. I’m sorry.”
“Ha… it’s straight man... he’s somewhere better now he’s in peace” I said in a scratchy voice. C.J. drove fast and took the other turn.
“What are you doing?”
“We got to get D.J and R.J to help us out” C.J said pissed off. I think I know what he was thinking. “We got to be in a gang that’s what they want! We need too that’s the only way were going to fight.” I knew he was serious so I didn’t say anything. Where’s our “Crew?” C.J grin and said at Samantha’s party.

Chapter 8

We got there and saw R.J on top of the roof yelling out “Victory is mine” I got a rock and hit him. “A.J, C.J que pasa?”
“Where’s D.J? We need him and you down here now we got a mission!” He’s in the room go up stairs and take a left turn you’ll see a door that says do not disturb. R.J got down and raised his hand up. “High Five!” I just walked passed him.
“What’s his problem?”
“His brother just died…” I walked into the house loud music and lots of girls. I knocked on the door that said Do not disturb. A girl opens the door and was half naked. “Are you the boy who wants the…” I pushed her out of the way and said. “D.J we got work to do…” I went down stairs while D.J was getting dressed. I ran into Jessica the girl who gave me her number.
“Hey you never called me is everything okay?” I got her hand and brought her outside and told her that my brother just died and everything that’s going to happened.
“Oh… my I don’t know what to say. I’m coming with you!”
“No! you can’t, it’s too dangerous where going to do this with our crew only.”
“Well I am one of your crew I knew you since high school we were best friends!”
“I can’t take you with me I’m sorry.” I kissed her check and said good bye. She looked sad and worried.
Chapter 9

I told my crew to make a plan on how we going to fight and do this. No one knew how to do anything or why “The leader” wanted me only. I wanted to know why they killed my brother and are after me. Was it an enemy? Was a old friend? I had nothing to say.
“Guys we got to do this tomorrow I got nothing.”
“me too how are we going to do this shit?”
“not sure…”
“Ight sorry we got to do this tomorrow.”
Everyone left the hide out. I heard someone outside the window. I went to see who it was and it was Jessica. “What are you doing here?” she crawled in the window. “I want to help you please.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I’m fine and will always be fine.”
“You don’t know anything”
“I overheard you guys saying you want a plan I can help” she smiled and got a piece of paper.

Chapter 10
I went home and the plan seemed brilliant. I was home alone the glass was shattered still I don’t know why no one was here yet. No cops, no signs saying do not enter. I guess the cops weren’t for us. The place at Main Street 41 is a big place hardly any Nabors around, but I did see a note. I read it and it said. Meet me at the alley. I was scared what if it was someone who wants to kill me? I didn’t go alone but I wanted too. I got to the alley. Someone open the door at a dark spot with lights flickering.
“Glad you came.” Someone said.
“Who are you!?”
“don wor bout it.”
“What? You killed my brother! Why do you want me for!?”
He went closer and punched me in the face. Three times.
“The leader will see you soon!”
He punched me in the stomach I lost my breath. He dropped me on the ground and kicked me on the ribs I think he broke it I couldn’t move every time I did the pain on my right side hurt. He left me laying there, but I still got up and went home. I limped the whole way down there. I went to the living room and fell. Someone opened the door and walked in. I laughed.
“I should of known who the leader was.” I smiled
“Isaac… God I hate seeing your face again...”


Publication Date: 06-21-2011

All Rights Reserved

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