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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » The Game by Brady H (summer reads txt) 📖

Book online «The Game by Brady H (summer reads txt) 📖». Author Brady H

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i suggest you come to the warehouse on 49th street. Believe me Brian. This is no joke. There is a lady sitting right next to me as i write this taped to a chair, with duct tape over her mouth. She needs you Bri. Can i call you that? You better help her or she will be laying on your doorstep covered in blood. And when you come, i suggest no backup or your life will end as well. Jessie over and out! Oh! Silly me. I forgot to mention an important detail! You will only have two hours to find her. If you dont make it... well.... it wont be good. Farewell and good luck. No stupid cop has ever passed the Rapmenn test!
Brian ripped the note up and slammed his desk. He didnt know still whether this was a joke or not. But his gut said this was real. Warehouse on 49th? Brian wrote that down on a fresh piece of paper, folded it up and stuffed it in his pocket. It was thursday now. He had two hours. That didnt seem that bad to him at that moment. It shouldnt be hard finding the girl, would it?
The Warehouse

"...Can you hear me! Brian!" Brian came back to conciousness to hear that last part. He mumbled something he couldnt undestand. "Brian dont move were coming in!"
"Huh? What... no dont come in here! He has this place full of traps. Let me be. I got this!" Brian got to his hands and knees and forced himself up off the ground. His burns wernt that bad. He replaced the gun back up searching in every direction. The thunder and lightning had stopped. For how long? Everything was black. All he saw was a white light straight ahead of him down a corridor. Limping, Brian kept his eyes peeled. He moved in towards the craked open door where the light came from.
The door creaked open as he slowly opened it. The gun quickly searched the room. Left than right. What Brian saw in the room shocked him. The walls were coverd with clocks. Digital clocks. Each one said 00.30.59 meaning he had thirty minutes to find Carrie. I had been out that long? He was shocked and pissed off. He wiped sweat from brow and continued his search.

"Jessie! Lets talk about this!" Brian yelled, "i know you dont want to do this! Someone is telling you to do this right?!" Brian waited for a response. Anything. Any noise to give Brian an idea where Jessie was. He had searched everywhere.
There was no noise. Not a peep. Absolutley nothing. Almost impossible quietness. Brian slammed a wall and ran down a corridor breaking down every door. Each door he kicked down, no results.
"You son of a bitch!" He yelled running faster now, no where in particular he was going. He just needed to get to Carrie.
Brian stopped and checked his gun. All loaded. Brian couldnt wait to put a full set of ammo into Jessie. With that he kept on pushing.
Then Brian stopped himself and slapped his own face. How could i be so stupid! He yelled to himself. He knew where they were and passed it a hundred times.
Brian turned around and sprinted all the way to the entrance of the warehouse. Then he retraced his steps and walked rather slowly to remember just where he saw it. Passing a kitchen and what looked like a family room Brian found it. The invisible door.
00.00.30 Brian looked at it for a couple of seconds then kicked the camoflauged door down to see Carrie strapped to a chair and Jessie standing over her pointing a gun to her head, while pointing another gun in his other hand at Brian. Jessie smiled.

The End

"Oh, hey Brian its great to see you. Congratulations you made it with twenty seconds dispair. You know no body has made it this close. Take a seat Bri" Jessie motioned toward a chair scratching his face with his other gun hand then placing back on Carries head. His smile widend. Brian took the seat that was just a bit further from Carrie.
Before Brian could even think, Jessie put a bullet into Brians shoulder. He screamed and jumped off the chair. Jessie left Carrie and stood over Brian lying on the ground looking up at him.
Jessied cocked his gun.
"Farewell my firend"
The shot was loud from in the room. Carrie screamed from behind the duct taped mouth. Jessie's eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets. He collapsed to the ground with his face half off. Brian threw his gun aside and tried the best he could to pull himself up.
Finally, Brian was able to stand. He limped over to Carrie. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Brian peeled off the tape gently with his good arm. Helped her out of the chair.
"I got ya" Brian said and helped her and himself to the exit.
When outside they both breathed the nice fresh air. Brian called the rest of the unit to head over and do whatever they do. Meanwhile Brian and Carrie sat outside of the building out of breath.
"Holy shit what a night" Brian stated.
Carrie looked over at Brian. Her face was bruised. "Thank you. We both went through hell tonight."
"Sure did" Brian said and they both chuckled. Brian wrapped his good arm around Carrie and fell unconsiouss on Carries shoulder.
Paramedics came for both Carrie and Brian.

Brian, when he came back home the next night his Brittany Spaniel greeted him with slobbering kisses. He laughed and wrestled with her until the phone rang. His heart stopped.
"Hello?" He said into the reciever.
"Hi Brian this is Carrie. I just wanted to thank you more properly for what you did."
"I was just doing my job"
"Weather it was your job or not, it was brave of you. Hey someone wants to talk to you" Brian heard rustling on the other end.
"Hello Mr. Brian! Were you the one that saved my mommy!" It was a little girl
"Um... yeah. I wasnt going to let anything happen to your mommy" Brian wiped a tear from his cheek. Then threw a tennis ball at the other end of his house and his dog ran after it.
"You and my mommy should go on a date!" Brian laughed. He heard on the other end Carrie yelling at her daughter to stop. Thats when she took back the phone.
"So sorry about that Brian."
"No problem. Your daughter has a point. What do you say i take you out for dinner saturday." There was a long wait. Brian heard encouraging from her kids in the backfound.
"Saturday it is"
"Sounds good! Ill pick you up at eight"
"Oke doky. Well i gotta go Brian, i will talk to you later, bye!" They hung up. Brian stood in silence. He smiled and went up to bed. He was exhausted.


Text: Brady H
Publication Date: 12-18-2012

All Rights Reserved

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