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Read books online » Fiction » The Savior King by M.D.H (comprehension books txt) 📖

Book online «The Savior King by M.D.H (comprehension books txt) 📖». Author M.D.H

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Maybe not by blood but by love and sprit you are my mother Eldora.” Deacon said
A tear ran down her cheek. “Thank you Deacon my son.” She whispered.
“Tonight is a special night you can’t fade away into the shadows like you always do, at full moon gatherings. I know that full moon gatherings bring back dark memories for you. You must stand by Armos tonight. Tonight you will learn something about yourself, now let us be off the other chieftains will be here any moment.” Eldora said.
Deacon did as Eldora told him to do he stayed close to Armos but he still wore his hood up and faded into the shadows behind Armos’s throne. He was puzzled as to why Armos would want him near his side at this full moon gathering. There were a lot more people gathered then usual. Normally Eldora would be trying to talk Deacon into dancing with the young women gathered. He never did he was not interested in dancing he would rather be training. Lots of women tried to catch his eyes over the years but he fond no interest in any of them. Especially on full moon nights they just reminded him of the suffering his people and family went and are still going through.
The gathering was held in the great hall. It had a hole in the stone ceiling so that when the moon reached its highest point it shined through down to a stone alter with ancient symbols written all over it. There was lots of food of every sort. People were eating and chatting among themselves. Eldora set next to Armos at the head of the main table speaking in a whispered tone to Armos. Then all of a sudden the room started to fall silent. Eldora glanced back over her shoulder to look at Deacon for a brief moment with a worried look in her eyes. There was some thing else in her eyes as well a glint of pride.
Deacon then realized why the room had fallen silent the other chieftains and there warriors were entering the great hall. The first was a older man with a long white beard and a wolf fur cloak over his shoulders he had three warriors with him all wearing wolf fur cloaks with there hoods pulled up. The next was the biggest man Deacon had ever seen Deacon was tall and muscular but this man was huge. He had long black hair, penetrating blue eyes, and he wore a fierce scowl on his face. He also had three warriors with him all with the same long black hair and blue eyes. The warriors looked to be just slightly older the Deacon. The third was a short middle age man with short gray hair he wore a bright smile on his face. His three warriors were not smiling they looked ready to kill on a moments notice their eyes never settling on one thin but taking in everything.
Deacon wondered about the warriors with the wolf fur clocks he could not see their faces because they had their hoods up. One was smaller than the other two. The way the smaller warrior hung back by the shadows reminded Deacon of himself. The warrior also looked like he had no interest in being here.

Alaysa stood behind her father after they entered the great hall of Armos’s village. This was suppose to be some kind of special full moon gathering. She did not know what was going on but she could care less she was ready to strike agents the Serpent Order not party. This was the first time the four village chieftains had all been tighter in one place since before she was born and she was almost twenty four years old. She was the only women warrior of her village or any other village for that matter. Her father was the chieftain of her village so he allowed her to train to be a warrior. Now she was the best in her village and most likely the best in the others as well.
Alaysa glanced around from the under the shadows of her hood. The gathering was festive there were lots of people gathered and they all seemed in good sprits. Everyone had gone quiet when we entered the great hall. Now they were all waiting on Armos to greet the new arrivals.
Armos stood and said. “Welcome to my village.” He bowed to my father then the other chieftains said. “Welcome Sir Geron, Sir Jayra, and Sir Robert.” My father and the others all bowed and thanked him. Then we were all seated at the main table.
Alaysa sat next to her father to her left and a young noble women to her right from one of the fallen cities to the north to her left. She was a pretty girl with long blond hair and light green eyes. She must have been about same age as Alaysa maybe a little younger. Everyone started to make small talk and people began to dance and sing. Alaysa left her hood up to try and avoid conversation. She glanced at Armos as he spoke in whispered tones to my father and the other chieftains. Armos was a strong looking man with a short cut beard and a scar on his left cheek. Beside him sat his wife Eldora she was very beautiful for her age with long straight silver hair and light blue eyes that were kind of wet an sad but they also had a hint of hope and a bit of pride in them.
There was also someone else standing behind Armos in the shadows wearing a long black cloak with the hood pulled up. She could not tell who the person was or what they looked like so that only made her more interested. Alaysa’s hood must have slipped back enough for the young women to her left to notice that she was a female warrior and who she was staring at because she said. “That’s Deacon.”
Alaysa pulled her hood down to look at the young women who had just spoken to her and asked. “What did you say?”
“That man you are staring at that’s Deacon.” She said.
“I am Alaysa. And you are?” Alaysa muttered.
“My name is Layna.” She answered.
“So Layna why does Deacon stay in the shadows like that?” She asked.
“He always does I don’t think he likes full moon gatherings. I think that he would rather be training. He is a very fine looking man all the women try to catch his eye. He is kind to them but shows no interest. I have even tried myself to get his attention.” Layna replied
Alaysa could tell by the longing in her eyes that Layna had a lot of interest in this Deacon person. As a matter of fact looking around the room most of the young women were staring at the shadow of a man behind Armos. It made Alaysa interested in him any man that would rather train then enjoy a gathering or the charms of a women was a strange thing to her. She found herself staring at him. She tore her eyes away to find Eldora watching her. Eldora glanced back at Deacon then back at Alaysa and smiled.
Alaysa looked at Layna and asked. “Is he Armos and Eldora’s son?”
A sad look crossed Layna’s face and she shook her head. Then she said. “No Armos and Eldora can’t have children but Deacon is as good as their son. He was not born of this village or any of the four villages that follow the old ways.”
This surprised Alaysa. “So he is a noble that fled the cities like you and your family?” She asked.
Layna let out a soft laugh. “No he is from a small village called Seaside. He’s not a noble I think he was from a farming family. I think that might be why he does no like full moon gatherings. Ten years ago the Serpent Order attacked his village and killed his family. Armos found him and brought him back here. From the first day that he arrived he has been training to be a warrior. He’s the best fighter in the village now. Tonight is his twenty third year full moon gathering.”
Alaysa was thunderstruck no wonder he didn’t like full moon gatherings. It amazed her that Armos and Eldora had taken him in just a peasant boy from a small village. She looked back to the head of table an glanced at Deacon the shadowed figure behind Armos and saw him in a completely new light. Eldora caught her eye aging she had a bright smile on her face. Eldora glanced at the dance floor then looked back at Alaysa. Eldora leaned over and whispered something my father and Armos. They both smiled and nodded at whatever she said to them. Eldora glanced over her shoulder at Deacon and waved him forward.
Deacon stepped forward and leaned down to Eldora. She spoke something into his ear. Deacon straitened and gave Eldora a slight nod or Alaysa guessed it was a nod he still had his hood pulled up over his head. Deacon reached up and pulled his hood back and untied his cloak at the neck slipped it off and laid it over a chair. Alaysa’s breath caught and she feat her eyes go wide. He was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. He had sandy blond hair, dark brown eyes, and a smooth square jaw. Deacon was wearing a skin tight leather chest and back plate that fit his form perfectly. His right arm was covered in silver chain mail his left arm was bare. His muscles glistened in the torch light. He had on black leather pants and black boots. Deacon wore a short sword over his shoulder and a long knife at his waist. Deacon looked very noble to her.
When his eyes locked on hers, it made her gasp. It was like he was gazing into her soul. Alaysa felt her ears burning so she composed herself.
Eldora stood and clapped her hands twice. Everyone fell silent. She spoke with quiet command. “Please clear the dance floor. We have 2 great warriors here tonight, both are the best of their villages. We have Alaysa and we have Deacon. I think a battle dance is in order. The ancestors know Deacon would rather be doing something with a weapon in his hand rather than enjoying a party and Sir Giron says the same for his daughter. So, shall we have a show?”
Alaysa looked to her father and he nodded his approval. So she stood and removed her fur mantle. She did not want to embarrass Deacon by beating him too badly, so she figured she would take it easy on him. As she made her way around the tables to get to the center floor, someone lightly grabbed her arm. She looked back and recognized the man who had touched her arm from when he sometimes visited her village. He was the head training captain here at this village.
He spoke softly, “I have seen you train and I have seen Deacon train. Do not underestimate him. He will not go easy on you because you are a woman. Or for any other reason. Bring your best because he always does.”
Alaysa was amused by his lack of confidence in her, but she took his advice and kindly thanked him for it. She made it to the center of the main hall floor just as Deacon appeared. Alaysa wore her golden chain mail armor with a leather chest and back plate, two short swords across her back, and a long knife ate her waist. She bowed to Deacon and pulled one short sword and her long knife free from
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