Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

Fiction genre suitable for people of all ages. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Our electronic library is always at your service. Reading online free books without registration. Nowadays ebooks are convenient and efficient. After all, don’t forget: literature exists and develops largely thanks to readers.
The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Broken by Nebula . (best novels to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «Broken by Nebula . (best novels to read .TXT) 📖». Author Nebula .

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fancied up?"

"Because!" Kristen opend the door that lead to a large room, much similar to my old room.

After I took a shower Kristen blow dried my hair and said she knew just what to do with it. she put it in medium curls and ran the blow dryer through it to make it look windblown. She did my make-up asking if I had ever worn make-up before and complimenting on my dark Royal blue eyes. She put pink eyeshadow on, mascara, eyeliner, and blush, telling me the trick is to always go light on the make-up. When she was done, she told me there was an outfit on the bed for me. When I saw it I gasped.

It was a navy blue dress with white polka dots that complimented my eyes, yellow wedges, and a brown leather belt. When I lifted the dress I realized it was strapless. Dad always said that if I ever wore strapless he would kill me. Guess that's not going to happen.

"It's very pretty." i said sustaining my tears.

"Great because i have more than enough outfits that I'm donating to you." Kristen smiled. I noticed Kristen's hair was straight and wearing a white spaghetti strap shirt with yellow shorts, and nude wedges.

"Oh no, Kristen, I can't."

"Nonsence, you will have prettier outfits than those sluts." Kristen put her hands on her hips.


"No buts, you are Beta, all the other omega girls should not be prettier than you or the Luna." Kristen pursed her lips.

"There is no Luna," i said rolling my eyes. Kristen Smiled.

She went outside and I put the outfit on, my hair made my skin look pale, but the dress made it look sun-kissed. I looked at myself in her mirror, I had never looked this way, I looked...pretty. I walked out into the hallway and ran right into Cherri, her red hair straightened and her make-up heavy. she glared at me through narrowed eyes,"Make me my Breakfast." she said through clenched teeth, green eyes blazing. I nodded my head, she stormed off. I smiled and left for the kitchen. Instead of making protein shakes I made scrambled eggs instead, with wheat toast and two percent milk. Everybody floated in to get their breakfast. Cherri walked in, "Eggs? Toast?" 

"Don't worry, i made a special shake for you." I said handing it to her, she smiled at it and began to walk away.

"Hey Penny."Nate said and placed a kiss on Cherri's head. my heart gave a sudden pull, i frowned.

"She didn't act up." Cherri said, narrowing her eyes at me. Cherri and Nate had been going out since their Sophmore year, this year, we were all seniors.

"Good." When Nate turned to look at me as Cherri left, he seemed as if he were too narrow his eyes at me, but they widened instead. When he looked at me I felt the strange tug again, I quickly handed him his breakfast, "Thank you." he said. I stared at him, he cleared his throat,"Tonight there is a pack meeting after school. Be here."

"I'm still alowed to those?" i snapped.

"Every meeting with another pack needs to have the Alpha and the Beta present, you are the Beta, therefore, you go." he fired back. i lowered my head,"Yes Alpha Nate." i lturned and left the pack house.

It was mid-October and the leaves were starting to pile up on the ground in heaps again, brilliant shades of crisp golden and sunset oranges mixed in with cherry reds on the ground. A scene like this would want to make an artist paint it.

Our school wasn't far from the packed house, but most of our pack chooses to drive their cars. I hardly use mine. I try to blend in by walking, I have only one friend d at school, anyone who would try I would push away and such. All I need to do is worry about getting through the day alive, not worry about how many friends I have.


First period, American History

Second period, Math connections

Third period, Band,

Fourth period, AP Science

Fifth period, Algebra 1

Sixth period. lunch

Seventh period, ELA

Eighth period, Science connections

Ninth period, Athletics

the only problem I have with this scheduale is the fact that I have Nate in every class.

After school, I took the usualroute home. I was sweaty from athletics and still wearing my athletic clothes. I rounded near the alley the guys normally meet me at, and they were thaer. two of them, one I didn't reconize.

"Hello Ariella." the first one greeted.

"Hello James." i answered. the first man steped into the light, out from the shadows, red hair and deep blue eyes. he gave me an evil smile.

"Who's your friend?" I asked, jerking my head to the other guy. He stepped out of the shadows, auburn hair and light blue eyes,"My younger brother, Darwin." I shook my head. "Let's just get it over with."

"I like you, so straight forward." they sauntered toward me. They punched and kicked me while I screamed out in pain. The new one, Darwin, threw me against the brick wall beside me, slamming my head on the bricks, James took a knife and cut me, stabbing my arms and legs.

They didn't stop throwing me around on the ground. A long time ago they told me that they would kill anyone I told this to. So I never said anything. After they were done kicking me in the ribs, they jerked their hoodies on and ran away. As soon as I left, I began to limp back to the Packhouse. Because of my vast healing ability, my cuts healed and scabbed faster than humans and my broken or fractured bones rest themselves in place again. I hated those men, but the alley was the only way home without getting run over by cars. One of my was taking a while to heal, it must have been pretty deep.

I finally reached the pack house, i shiftedd my bags over my shoulder and reatched for the door knob. Before i could reach it, it swung open, making me jump back.

"Your late." Nate said through clentched teeth.

"You never said a spacific time." I whispered eyes getting wide.

"Just follow me, we are in the back 'forest'''. He grabed my wrist but instanly let go, my blood drentched his hand.

"Ariella? What happend?" He asked.

"Nothing."  I turned away. He would've demanded and  but a howl came from the back.

"Hurry." we both ran to the back door. when we came through, Nate changed into a wolf, he nodded at me, i turned too. I had white fur and Blue eyes, i was the only wolf who had white fur. I had been itching to change, it's like that feeling you get when your about to jumo into a pool on a long hot summer day.



Nates Voice was inside my head.

'you know as Alpha it's my job to protect my pack?' his green eyes bore into mine.

'What? Suddenly I'm worth protecting?' I answered.

'you are a part of my pack therefore part of my duty to protection' He growled.

'you never thought of that when you slaped me' I growled back. he bit into my neck and I wimpered. We both contined down the back into the forest where two different clans were waiting. The other Alpha's fur was brown and had cold eyes. He bared his teeth at us. 

'Finally your Beta arives. you girl, do you always dissapoint your Alpha?' His dark voice echoing in my heaad.

'Do you always apear when not wanteed?' I answered back.

'Control your Beta!' He growled.

'I taught you well.' Nate gleamed.  I walked off towards the back were i reconized Alex's fur, I sat by him

'I bring a warning, we needed to warn you that two of our pack is no longer with us. we now concider them rougues, they were caught multiple times beating another wolf from the Northern Clan, if you see them, they are to be killed. that is all.' The Alpha said.

'How do we know who they are?' Cherri piped up.

'You'll know.' and with that he left, as did the rest of there clan. we all started to head back to the Pack house when Kristen decided to ask, 'Why are you Beta?' I was acught off haurd.

'Because, when Mom and Dad died, she was not ranked high on the pack list, she would've been treated worse if i didn't give up my spot for her.' Alex said.

I nudged him,'I love you.'

'love you too.'

'Ariella!' Nate called. I ran to him and asked him what was wrong.

'The pack already ate so you can just go ahead and just stay out here to sleep.' he said tossing his head.

'But I haven't eaten yet.' i whimpered.

'Then starve.'


After I changed back into my human form, I found my sleep wear and headed outside, i found a lawn chair and curled up in it


It was dark. I saw flashes of faces in front of me, then pounding on my skin as if some one was beating me. Then James apeared laughing at me. Next Alex's face yelling at me, "i know somthing you don't!"



"Ariella!" something was grabbing my shoulders, shaking it. my eyes flashed open. Nate was in front of me, water dripping down his face, black hair plastered to his forehead. I heard lound noises, like some one was throwing rock on pavment.

"Come on! get inside! It's hailing!" Nate cried. I got to my feet slow, then i half jogged half walked with Nate inside. He opened the door, a piece of hail hit my shoulder, i cried out in pain. Nate looked back at me, he grabed my hand and drsgged me inside.

But out of nowhere, as if somebody skipped a chapter in a book, Nate was kissing me. Softly at first, as if he was going through Hell doing it. I could tell he was expecting me to pull back, i knew i should've. He was my gate way to Hell anyway. But i didn't, i couldn't. i felt as if there was a cord between us, pulling us together. i kissed  him back. it was dark, in the middle of the night, he kissed me harder, puching me on the wall, our hands exploring each other. and we were getting more violent. 

Suddenly, out of my intentions my teeth grazed his lip. He groaned and said my name, pulling me to the kitchen island. i don't know what happend next, but his tounge was definatly in my mouth and mine was definatly in his. it was like we were trying to eat each other.

Then Nate stoped and pulled away mutering,"!"

"What?" i was still in shock of our little display.

"This can't be..." Nate continued to mutter.

"What?"!" i demanded to know what was going on.

"Your my Mate."


chapter 3

Those words echoed in my head. Mates. Mates. Mates. 

"I don't want you, don't tell anyone we're mates. I don't want you!" Nate yelled grabbing his hair in frustration.

"This never happened." he walked out like he was carrying a burden on his shoulders.

I was his burden.


"Kristen!" I pounded her door so loud a ringing in my ear started to form. The door slowly opened revealing a sleepy Kristen. Blonde hair tangled and gray eyes droopy.

"What? don't you know what time it is?"

"Can I come in?" I asked almost on the verge of tears again. she must have sensed it, suddenly becoming alerted

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