The King Ambition by Redhead16MLM (best books to read all time .txt) 📖

- Author: Redhead16MLM
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Jace called me after breakfast. "Do not tell anyone what happened last night, especially not Jonathan or Lisa," he said. "I know. I won't tell." I said. "Swear on your life?" "Yes, swear on my life." "Thank you." "NO problem." When we hung up, I regretted not telling him how I felt. But I'd see him later. Or Monday. Or tomorrow. I went into my sister's room to watch her unpack. She smiled at me when she saw me. Being in her quiet presence, I felt safe. She'd been the only one who didn't judge or criticize me when I came out.
She set up her Ipod on her iHome. She set it to play everything she had by Evanescence. Bring Me To Life. She'd already unpacked all her clothes and beauty products and got them organized. Now she was working on magazines and books. Her cat, Catt Kat, began to sniff a beetle. Kirsten made a face when she saw the insect. "FYI, I found a club that's not too hard to sneak into." she said. "Nice." I said. We had fake IDs, saying we were twenty one. We loved sneaking into clubs.
After Evanescence, Kirsten chose Kesha. Boots And Boys. Who doesn't like those two things? I gazed at a poster of Adam Lambert. Kirsten loved him. Actually loved. So do I. I watched as the door opened by itself. Kirsten saw it, too. Her mouth opened a little, and we looked at each other. Our parents were out getting groceries and other stuff, so they'd be gone all day. The only other explanation would have been Catt Kat, but she was getting to know the beetle. Kirsten went back to her unpacking, trying to ignore the entity. Suddenly the entity revealed himself. He gazed at her. At first I thought he didn't like her, then I realized by the look in his eyes that he was actually attracted to her. I didn't blame him. My sister was very pretty, with her long perfect straight blond hair and bangs, and her mysterious grey eyes with a blue tinge.
The ghost saw me watching him, and his mouth opened a little. I saw his lips move, but no sound came out. Kirsten turned to him. "What's your name?" she said. She grasped an EVP, an Electronic Voice Phenomenon. "What's your name?" she repeated. "Drake." came the voice. "How...did you live here?" "Yes. I lived here for ten years." he said. "I was stabbed in my stomach and chest by a woman I should not have loved or trusted." "I'm so sorry. What can I do to help you?" "Help me find peace. I will speak to you only later. Your brother is...he makes me uncomfortable." Kirsten frowned on my behalf when he said that. "He's gay, get over it." she ordered. Surprisingly, the ghost blushed.
While Kirsten chattered on about why we moved and how, and how she was doing, I grabbed my cell phone from my room. When I came back, I expected a Living Girl/Ghost Makeout Session, but she hadn't done anything, thank God. The ghost nodded, intrigued. I noticed that he didn't look bored or annoyed. In fact, he looked like he wanted to rape my sister.
I couldn't help but feel angry on her behalf. She didn't seem to care, though. I carefully fluffed my hair and walked out. Looking back, I saw the ghost helping Kirsten unpack. I grabbed a hot pink minidress from my closet and put it on. I chose black pumps. I combed my short blond hair. I carefully put foundation by CoverGirl on, my fave powder, a hot pink blush,lined my eyes with an E.L.F. eyeliner, put pink and black eyeshadow by CoverGirl on,and put red lipstick by MAC on my full lips.
I turned my video camera on. I carefully adjusted myself so that my face was directly in front of the camera. "Hey guys, it's Li Li, did I really just say Li Li? Anyways, here I am, on my third day here. So far I've met a super-popular girl that my sister a-dores, and a group of trenchies. Yes, trenchies, my beauties. Anyways, there's one that vaguely seems to like me. Yes, I know that's strange." I looked over at my door, hearing a noise, and guess who was at the door? "Oh..."
"What are you doing?" Jonathan said, smirking. Jace and a boy named Allen were with him. Allen looked like he was trying really hard not to laugh, and Jace was giggling. Embarassment Central. "This is funnier than when Chris dressed up like a football player."Allen said, rubbing his short brown hair. "Hey, Liam, can I borrow some shoes of yours?" my sister said. She stopped when she saw the trenchies. "Whoa." "Who are are you?" Jonathan said with vague disgust. "For your information, I just so happen to be his sister!" Kirsten said, planting her hand on her hip. Oh man, the Trenchie King has met his match, I thought. "This is your sister?" Jonathan asked. "Yes, unfortunately." Kirsten slapped my arm as she walked past me. "Hey, what are my heels doing in here?" she snapped. "I was hoping you wouldn't find them. They gave me a headache, with all that clicking going on!" I snapped. Allen and Jace laughed and did a guy handshake.
Kirsten growled, revealing her white teeth. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Allen suddenly screeched. "What is it?" Jonathan snapped. Allen pointed a finger at Kirsten's room. "A ghost...I saw it with my own eyes! It was a man, and he was glaring at us, and mumbling something!" "A ghost? Man, get real. I doubt there's a...whoa!" Jonathan said, seeing Drake also. "His name's Drake." Kristen said. Jace squinted down the hall. Then he saw him, too.
Acording to Jonathan, my sister was a whore. I pretended to agree with him. "I don't think she's a whore." Allen said. Jonathan looked at him, surprised. "She dresses like them, acts, talks, walks with them." he said. Allen shrugged. "Don't judge a girl by her cover." he said. Jonathan rolled his eyes. Jace took me aside. "You don't have to agree with everything Jonathan says. We rarely agree with him." "All right." Jonathan whacked Jace in the back of the head, startling him.
We climbed into Jonathan's Ferrari. Rap music blared as he turned the radio on. "I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby" by 3oh!3. Jace's hand brushed mine. We were in the back. I pleasured myself by imagining I was holding Jace's hand. I suddenly realized I was over Alex, and all because of Jace. I looked at Jace, imagining the most perfect moment of my life. Yes, I wanted him. Needed him. "Opening the gates of Llwellyn." I muttered. "Beyond the Mysts of Avalon, and into the Silver Moon Woods." Jace stared at me. Then he started giggling. "That's so weird. My mom loves Llwellyn. She's obsessed with him. You like him too?" "Yeah, and so does my sister." I noticed Allen looked surprised when I said that Kirsten likes Llewellyn, too.
Again, Jonathan rolled his eyes. "I figured as much. I hate that music." Jace rolled his eyes this time. He smiled, a smile so dazzling and perfect that I couldn't help but lean toward him. "What are you doing?" he said, sounding and looking creeped out. "What? Oh, sorry. I was adjusting myself." I lied. I couldn't help the fact that I loved him. I leaned back, feeling depressed. I wanted to feel Jace by my side. Literally, shirtless. But I couldn't have him.
I continued to think about what would happen if I never told Jace how I felt. I'd become a perpetual mope! Kirsten disagreed when I talked to her about it. "You don't need a man like him. You deserve better." she said, clicking off. I disagreed with her. There was something about Jace, something I couldn't place, that drew me to him. But no, I needed to focus on my plan, no boys, no fashion, little makeup. One thing I'd accomplished already. Jonathan had drove us around, then parked in an alley that made my gut churn. Broken windows, taped doors, old police tape, even a few runaways.
I tried to remain positive, then I spotted a guy selling hookahs. Jonathan bought one for himself, one for Allen, one for Jace, and one for me. I rolled my eyes. I put my Ipod on, playing 'Party Rock Anthem'. I looked over at Jace, and he looked uncomfortable. "Wrong song?" I joked, taking my earphones out. "No, Jonathan usually isn't like this." he muttered under his breath. If I'd ever been frightened,it was nothing compared to my mood now!I looked at Jace, who was now reaching for my hand. His hand was cold, but soft. I relished the feeling of his hand on mine.
Jace walked me to my door afterwards. We'd also gotten food at McDonald's. I usually ordered fruit or salad but this time I asked Jonathan to get me a Big Mac. Jonathan didn't care if we ate in his car, it was pretty messy anyway. Kirsten was gone. I noticed that Allen looked slightly crestfallen. Hmm. Interesting. I knew for a fact that Kirsten preferred dark haired punks and blonde-haired jocks over anything else. Her boyfriend was a blonde-haired jock who fell in deep love and asked her to marry him. She didn't truly want him forever, so she turned him down. Now she was into a dark-haired punk again. His name was Tyler. He wasn't bad looking. I knew that Raquel would not care about him one bit. And since Kirsten wanted to stay on Raquel's good side, she kept her feelings for him in.
Why did I keep my feelings for Jace in? For trust. I wanted him to trust me more than anyone. I decided to give myself four months. If I still loved him, I'd tell him and accept anything that would happen to me. Jace
Jace was the new hottie. He was my newest obsession. He was a Trenchie, and most Trenchies don't accept gay men in their groups. Especially not slightly feminine ones. They do accept real girls in their group. But not many girls want to be a Trenchette.
"Favorite movie?" I asked Jace later on the phone. He'd called to give me a questionnaire. I suspected that Jonathan and Lisa were also there, probably the whole group.
"I need to hear yours first." he said.
"I not gonna lie, the Harry Potter series. Maybe There's Something About Mary. You?" I replied. He laughed at my answers instead.
"Mine is The Lord of The Rings. Favorite music?"
"Metal and Goth! Duh!" He laughed again. "Mine, too." he replied. "I also like Pagan music. You?"
"Not a big fan, but there's one or two songs I like by a Pagan band." I checked my newly painted black nails. I chewed on one a little. That's my bad habit. Besides overspending.
I could feel him smiling. The
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