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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Come To Me by By: zzmbrashear (most inspirational books of all time .TXT) 📖

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Today I deploy. I don’t want to go. I want to live my life at home. My brother Milo was always there for me. I have no way of repaying him. He didn’t deserve to go through all he has. I wish there was a way that he could come to but that would be unfair. His wife and son is here.

Fourteen Years Later
Nick is now 17 and he talked to his mother about enlisting in the army. Gloria is not happy. Milo told me that she was crying. She doesn’t want her only child to go to war because she thinks he might die. I told her to not let him go. I told her about my dreams and I knew it wouldn’t make her any feel any better but she needs to know the truth. She told me that that it terrifies her and she would rather him not go but he won’t give up and she is not going to stand in his way for fighting for his country.
“Its a brave and noble thing he is doing.” I told her.
“I know, but theres is something in me that is telling me it is a bad idea.” She said, “And I’m not trying to say it is a bad idea because you served lots of years and are proud of it but I don’t think it is the thing for my Nicolas.” After that talk and I went home I called Nick and set up a day were we can go watch a baseball game. We went to go see the Red Socks because that is Nicks favorite team.
“Wow, did you see that ball? Its out of the park!” Nick said standing up to get a better view.
“Yeah.” I said, “Listen Nick, your mom wanted me to talk to you.”
“I knew you wouldn’t bring me to a baseball game for nothing.” He said sitting down.
“Uh. Nick, thats not fair.” I said laughing.
“This is about me enlisting, right?”
“Nicolas, she is really worried.” I told him
“I want to be like you! This is not fair. Grandpa let you do to war. I want to do something that counts. Please let me do this.” He said begging.
“Its not up to me and I’m thrilled you want to be like me and enlist because the world needs more boys like you but war is not as good as you think it is.” I didn’t want to tell him this but I couldn’t let him go unaware of what he will be experiencing. “I’ve seen thinks you couldn’t imagine. I have seen things that you have nightmares about but the difference is you can wake up. God forbid anything happened to you your mother and father would be devastated but if somethings doesn’t you will wish it did. You never leave war behind. You dream about it, about losing some of your me, you will have flashes.”
“I’m still going. If you can do it then so can I! I want to be someone. I want to make something out of me.” He said with wanting in his eyes.
“You are something. You’re someone to your parents, me and your grandfather even though he is not here to see you.” I told him. I really believed what I said but I’m not sure if he did. The next day I talked to Milo and told him what Nick said. Milo said that he couldn’t tell him no so he talked to Gloria and a year later after his training he left to deploy. Gloria was crying. She almost didn’t let go of him when the bus came.
When I saw the bus I had a flashback. It was fading. I saw me getting on the same bus about 15 years ago. I felt sad because my dad was not there. I didn’t really have a family and when I get one they die. Maybe its for the best. Maybe I’m suppose to stay alone. Forever.

Today is Dad’s birthday. I went to the baseball pits were I could hit for a few hours to let off some steam. I always liked baseball. When I was little Dad use to stay in the yard and practice with me. I got a new job today. I’m a little league coach. The kids are really nice. I have 12 boys that are in the 6th grade. They are really good.
We have been practicing for 1 and half months and our first game is at Merrillville. Its only a half an hour away. The kids are really happy. We win by 4 home runs. I took the kids out to Chuckie Cheeses after. I get home around 8 and go to bed. The next day I went to Gloria’s and Milo’s.
“Hey, how did the game go?” Milo Asked.
I said while getting a soda out of the fridge, “It was good. We won by 4. Those kids are amazing.”
“We are getting a dog.” Gloria said.
“Cool, what are you going to name it?” I asked
“We want to name it Nicky.” She said
“Oh, I would name it Buster or Charlie.” I said smiling. Milo laughed. About an hour later while we were watching TV, the door bell rang. I answer the door and it was two men in uniform. Gloria dropped to the floor. She started crying. Milo grabbed his head and was holding his breath. I dropped the television remote that was in my hand and sat down in the chair next to the door. I couldn’t believe it. All I could think that it was my fault. He said he wanted to be like me. Its my fault he left and its my fault he is not here.
“Can we come in?” One of the men said. I stood up and said yes. I closed the door beside them trying to hold in the tears. “Mr. and Mrs. Trove?” He asked
Milo looked up, “Yes.” He had everything to do to hold back his tears. GLoria was still on the floor.
“We are very sorry to tell you but your son Nicolas Trove passed away.” I heard Gloria sob even louder. I heard he say oh god repeatedly. They said “He was a good man and even better soldier.” The first man said then the second cut in, “He died while his unit was under attack. He saved 5 of his other men. He covered them while they went to shelter. He will be presented with an award of honor. If you want more about how he died you can call this number.” He said handing me a card, “We are so very sorry for your loss.” Milo stood up.
“Telling us that he gets an award does not bring him back. Did you know he was only 17. Barely even grown up.” Milo said. The men left five minutes later. I stayed that night. Gloria didn’t move from her spot till two days later. At night she cried. I felt her pain. I went up to her.
“Gloria, you should eat something. Nicolas wouldn’t want you to be like this.” I said as she stood up.
“You don’t know what he wants and you should not be talking. He told me that you were the reason he was going. My baby boy. Not even 18 went to war because of you and now he is never coming home. You don’t know what that feels like.” She said and she was right.
“You’re right. I don’t know what I feels like but I do know what it is like to go to war and it is an honor. He is not coming home but I would rather him die in war fighting for his country than in a car accident, while speeding.” I told her. She dropped to the floor.
“God, he really is not coming home.” She started crying again. “Please bring him back, please bring him back.” She kept mumbling.

Everything in my life is gone. I haven’t talked to Milo and Gloria in two months. I’m thinking about going back to war. I have nothing left to keep me here. My life is dark. At night I’m starting to have dreams again. I thought about what I said to Nick before he left. I told him the things he will see and dream about are horrible and that if he doesn’t die in war he will wish he was. I signed up and deployed a few months later. I didn’t care that I didn’t say good bye to Gloria or Milo.
War is just what I left it. It made me so happy to be back. I had a new unit. We were moving into a different part of our map and when we did we got ambushed. Our enemies knew we would keep moving and closed on us. I got down behind a ditch. I don’t think anyone saw me but my men were out there. I had a duty to help. I stood up and took one out at a time. I had to keep ducking to make sure no one would hit me. All I can hear is people screaming and gun fire. Everything happens so fast you are not sure what is going on but I no what I have to do. I stand up and take our four of there men. One of them saw me and aimed. I couldn’t move fast enough and there I was. It was the slowest moment I ever saw. I could see the bullet moving into me and I couldn’t move. It hurt. There was a lot of blood. My men ran to the next shelter and I ran with them. We made it. My arm was bleed uncontrollably. I tried to keep pressure but it hurt so much. The next day we kept moving and again our enemies expected it and ambushed us again but I didn’t see them this time. I turned around and fired with out aiming. All a sudden I saw Nicolas. He was standing in the field about 30 meters away. He was waving and saying Roseanne, come to me. Then the sounds stopped. I couldn’t hear any guns being fired and I didn’t see any men.

Publication Date: 03-16-2011

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