Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » I Am Your Superior by Taiga Uchiha (smart books to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «I Am Your Superior by Taiga Uchiha (smart books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Taiga Uchiha

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off and sets them in their rightful place, the only thing he has a right to, before approaching me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Clio watching sceptically.

"Long time, no see. I'm hurt you haven't contacted me in months, (Y/N). Would've figured you'd come crawling back to me."

"I'm surprised you haven't tried, Ryan. I thought you'd be the one to pathetically come beg me to take you back", I spit at him with as much venom and bitterness as possible.

He feigns hurt, bringing a hand to his heart before scoffing and walking by me, whispering in my ear,

"You were never anything to me, just a mere toy."

My face turns red from anger and embarrassment.

Keep the drama to a low, (Y/N). Don't look at him, don't acknowledge him. Out of sight, out of mind.

I come back to my senses and notice Levi staring intently at me.

-Was he staring the whole time? The fuck is his damn problem?-

I raise an eyebrow and scoff silently before brushing it off and starting the second class since Master Worth went back into the office.


Soon, third class came along and a good friend, Michael, shows up. I felt relieved that I didn't have to be around Ryan alone. I would count Clio, but she's much too young for all this drama. I smiled and greeted him. I see Levi is still here. I assume he's just watching the classes. I start third class, which today is sparring since it's Thursday. After opening class, I send the students off to gear up, then I myself, also going to get changed. Master Worth comes out of his office and waits for the students to finish. I go upstairs and grab my helmet and mouth guard, which I don't have to wear all the gear because I'm a black belt, before going back downstairs.

After a few minutes, everyone was ready. First fight: Ryan and I.

-This is going to be a disaster.-

I internally groan before making my way to the mat. We both attain our fighting stances and the match starts. I admit, Ryan IS a good fighter for a blue belt.

The match goes on and on easily, well, that is until he makes an illegal move and kicks down onto my knee. I gasp, surprised that he would go so low to get back at me for whatever the fuck I did. I also hear the onlookers suck in a breath of air too. Apparently Master Worth didn't see it because he did not stop the match. I release my full potential, since I was going a little easy on him, and I start to attacking him like I'm trying to kill him, which I really am, and my adrenaline too high to feel the pain in my knee.

We fight like our lives depend on it before there's someone pulling us off of each other. The match ended and we didn't even know it. We do our honouraries before I look at Ryan and spit at his feet.

"Good fight, haven't seen one like that in quite a long time", Master Worth praises.

I decide to leave, already knowing that my father is outside waiting on me, and head- more like limp- upstairs to put my stuff up and gather the things that I will take home. I go back down and walk out the entrance, glancing at Levi as I walk by. I reach my soon-to-be car, a cream coloured Mini Cooper S, and get in the passenger's side, waiting for my dad to drive us home.




The next day at school I met up with my friends, very excited since tomorrow is my birthday and I get my licence on Tuesday next week.

"I can't wait!", I shriek in Kaelyn's ear, dragging out the word "wait", "I'm so happy!", also dragging out the word "happy".

"And have you seen that new guy Levi?", I inquire enthusiastically, or way too overjoyed, whichever one, "He's so attractive!", again, I drag out the word "so".

"I have, but he's not my type", she responds nonchalantly.

"True true", I say seriously with an exaggerated serious face, crossing my arms and nodding, while leaning back in my chair.

The bells rings for first period and Hell starts. Mine is US History and I absolutely hate it.

-Ugh, kill me now.-

I sit down in my seat and I put my stuff away and lay my head sideways on the desk, my arms hanging off the sides, watching as people walk in.

After a few people, who I don't care to know the names of, walk in, Levi follows and takes his seat behind me. I bring my arms onto the desk and turn my head into them, burying my face as I groan, catching the attention of my friend, Savannah, beside me. She flings her body onto my back and I peek at her.

"What's wrong?", she asks concerned, even though she's practically laying on top of me in class.

"I'll text it to you later gur", I respond, my voice muffled by my arms.

The tardy bell rings and we all stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence. I can feel Levi's eyes boring holes into my head.

Goddamn, what is his problem?

I scoff inside my mind. We sit back down and class begins.


I can still feel him staring at me. I turn around abruptly, seeing his eyes widen just a fraction before returning to their normal, bored glare. I glare at him.

"What is your problem? You've been staring at me the whole damn class.", I ask a bit angrily.

He shrugs a bit.

"Just trying to figure you out, brat", he responds, coldly.

"Brat!? Who the fuck you calling a brat?! I'm not a brat, you fucking asshole!", I seethe before turning back around.


First period ends and now it's time for French. I'm also very good at it too. I heard that Levi is French, so why didn't he get his schedule change...?

-Stop thinking about that damn asshole, (Y/N).-

I shake my head.

At least he sits across the room.

French rolls by and we're given our French names. Mine is Céleste.

"Ok class, tomorrow we will be changing groups!", Madame Bradford announces.

Shit, I like where I sit. Do I have to sit with Levi? What is his French name? Oh fuck it, I don't give a damn. Why am I thinking about him so much?

As I mentally contemplate many things from why I'm thinking about Levi to what time I'm going to sleep tonight, second period ends and I learn nothing, though I am a little fluent in French already.




Third period: Algebra 2. I absolutely hate math, but I'm so good at it. I find an empty seat near the back under the air conditioner so I don't freeze my ass off. I wrap myself up in my jacket and play on my phone.

I feel a breeze and look up to see someone walk by.

-Oh good god. It's the fuckboi, Cole.-

I internally groan. He sits beside me.

"Hey (Y/N)", the fuckboi says all flirty like.

"Don't you have a girlfriend, Cole?", I ask bluntly, looking back down at my phone.

"No, I don't", he says, obviously lying.

"Not what I heard, so fuck off", I reply, still looking at my phone.

"Playing hard to get, I see?", he teases.

I look at him dead in the eyes.

"Fuck. Off. Asshole", I say as slowly as I can, "I'm not fucking interested and I don't see how you can attract anyone being as ugly as you are, you fucking troll."

He laughs and keeps trying to flirt. I didn't know Levi walked in during our little conversation and overheard being as how me trying to block Cole out takes all my attention. After a few minutes, he speaks up.

"Hey, dumbass. I believe the girl told you to fuck off", he says coldly, glaring at Cole.

"What're you? Her boyfriend?", he asks, glaring back.

I sigh.

"Look", I turn to Cole, "I am not interested, you fuckboi", turning to Levi, "And I don't need your damn help. So both of you, fuck off."


I turn in my seat, bring my legs up and rest my shins against the desktop and lay my head down on my knees. Cole leaves back to his seat and Levi takes the one he just left.

The teacher, Coach Shay, comes in and assigns seats. Levi moves to the seat behind me and I stay where I'm at and Cole rehabilitates the seat beside me. I groan out loud and roll my eyes.

"Why'd you have to sit by me?", I mumble, disgusted.

For the rest of the period, we were free to do anything we wanted. So, I slept... Or I tried to sleep.

Cole's started to flirt again.

"Dude, shut the fuck up", I say without looking at him, not even opening my eyes.

"Aww, c'mon babe. Talk to me", he whines, smirking.

My eyes snap open and I sit up.

"Do not fucking call me "babe". You don't have that damn right", I snap.

"Well... Can I?", he asks.

"Fuck no."

"Why not?"

This is when Levi cuts in.

"Hey, fucktard, leave her alone", he snaps, coldly, "Your voice is annoying as shit", starting another glaring contest with the hoe.

I sigh, exasperated, and let it be, finally going to sleep.


Fourth block: ROTC. At least I have some power... I hand out the Sailor's Creed and Orders to the Century.

"You have to know these by next Thursday, every day you don't know them after Thursday is 10 push-ups", I announce, getting many groans and protests.

"Lock it up! I didn't ask for your feedback", I say, and they shut up.

"Now, everyone line up at the hatch, starting with the first row", I order, "We are going to get fitted for our uniforms."




I open the door and gesture for them to come out.

"Okay, you're going to stop before the supply room and wait for Master Chief to call you in to

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