Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» My Fake World by Mani Gmelin (best fiction novels TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«My Fake World by Mani Gmelin (best fiction novels TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Mani Gmelin

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the blue. Iā€™m quite random. One time, when one of my teachers was talking to the class in civics or something, I randomly yelled out ā€œpotatoes.ā€ I donā€™t know why at all. Thatā€™s also an example of one of the stupid, not-thinking things Iā€™ve done. I got a detention for it.


ā€œHello?" I asked as I entered an abandoned house on the corner of some street and another street. I was sure that it was on a corner though. You ask why I was entering an abandoned house at 3 am in the morning? Itā€™s because I snuck out of my house through my window (of course), and I was supposed to meet my friend Sammy there. She chooses strange places and times to ask people to meet her somewhere. But since Iā€™m used to it (you kind of just act as though itā€™s normal after time), I just deal with it and go where she wants me too. And yes, I am writing this in that abandoned house right now. Yet all the stuff Iā€™m telling you happened sometime around five minutes ago. I have no idea whatā€™s gonna happen after I stop writing in this. It could be something totally abnormal, like, Max from "Maximum Ride" strode in here just after tucking in her wings. That would be awesome! That can't happen though, because she isn't real. Huh. Thereā€™s a piece of paper on the floor by a wooden dresser in front of me.

Dang it! Now Iā€™m curious. I walked over by the dresser and picked up the piece of paper. It surprisingly had writing on it!
To be continued In, "Lying isn't always the best policy,"

I was bored series book two!
Naw, Iā€™m just kidding. This is what the note said:
Hey Meredith. Yeah, sorry Iā€™m not there. Thought I would be, but I got stuck in this elevator after going to the store. I kind of got this premonition that I might get stuck in an elevator.
ā€œWow, sheā€™s really weird, isnā€™t she?ā€ I said to myself. I continued reading.
So, I wrote this note, placed it where you found it, by that wooden dresser. Then, I went to the store and was gonna come back and meet you where you are now, standing approximately three feet away from that couch in there.
I looked around to see if Sammy had been spying on me this whole time. No one was there but me. Yes, the note was longer, so I kept on reading it.
I had a premonition about that too.
No comment. At all.
Anyway, after I left the store, this was a two story store by the way; I went back down the elevator and got stuck. That is why youā€™re reading this right now with me not there, so, yeah.
Bye I guess,

I finished reading the note and looked up. I had felt something dripping onto my head. There was a leak in the ceiling of the house. I moved out from under that spot and sat down on the couch. I seriously came here for nothing? Now I was pretty ticked off. Umā€¦ I was also kinda wonderinā€™ what that squishy annoying thing I felt was. I got off the couch and looked at it. I had sat on the one spot that had a lot of mold on it. Eew! I got up and brushed my butt off with my hand. Disgusting. Thatā€™s when I figured thereā€™s no point in being in this abandoned house anymore. These are my reasons: (1) itā€™s a freaking abandoned house! (2) Its 3:30 in the morning! (3) I want to be asleep! (4) Sammyā€™s not even here! (5) I snuck out of my house and my parents donā€™t know where I am! (6) I might be in huge trouble!
Thatā€™s pretty much all my reasons. I walked outside and made my way towards my house. At least it was only like a mile away. Then, the worst possible thing that couldā€™ve happened at that moment happened. It started pouring. The rain dowsed me as I walked sluggishly to my house at around 4 in the morning. My parents might already be awake! I thought. Theyā€™re real early birds. I hoped they hadnā€™t checked on me, since, you know, I wasnā€™t there.


I finally got home and snuck through my window at the back of the house. I got in my room and the door was open. Thatā€™s sooo not good.
I searched the whole house, calling, ā€œMom?! Dad?!ā€ Oh crap. They had gone looking for me. Why does my life have to be so bad sometimes? Iā€™ll do my best and draw a picture of how I was feeling. Here it is:
Yep, that seems about right. Now it's about 1 oā€™ clock in the afternoon. Itā€™s also the same day when all that stuff that I was just talking about happened early in the morning. My parents, Marnie and Joney, eventually came back. They were super mad at me, so I told them that I was outside in the backyard this whole time. Iā€™m not a very good liar. They werenā€™t convinced, and instead of asking me what really happened, they just grounded me. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m writing in this. Also cause, since they grounded me, I have no technology to use instead.

My Mom knocked on my door and said that I have to get ready for school tomorrow, since itā€™s 9:45 at night on a Sunday. Ah, wonderful school. Iā€™m being sarcastic. Anyway, my parents are making me go to bed at 10pm every night on school nights, instead of my usual ā€œgo to bed whenever you want, but youā€™ll have to deal with the result,ā€ bedtime. I liked that one better, even though some days when I stayed up really late, and I have to wake up at 5:30am, I would only get about an hour and a half of sleep. The first day Iā€™m not grounded anymore, I swear to god Iā€™m going skydiving. See? Thatā€™s just another one of my random, yet true, comments. Let me just remind you again, none of this is true. Iā€™m actually just sitting on my bed, not grounded, writing in this. But keep reading, because my fake life keeps getting better and better.

ā€œMom, can I go see NeeNee?ā€ I was about to walk out the door without asking, ā€˜cause we all know she wonā€™t notice if Iā€™m gone for a couple hours, but I decided to ask anyway.
ā€œYeah, sure, whatever honey!ā€ She yelled from the kitchen.
I left and started walking down the sidewalk. NeeNeeā€™s house was only about three or four blocks away, so I figured I would get there in around five minutes from now. NeeNeeā€™s one of my best friends. Thatā€™s one of the reasons Iā€™m going to her house. The other reason is because weā€™re gonna spy on the absolute meanest person EVER. In the world. Well, sheā€™s probably not the meanest person in the worldā€¦ I might be exaggerating just a tad. Anyway, her name is Satonna. Isnā€™t it weird how much that sounds like Satan? You only have to change a few letters. I swear that sheā€™s the devil in another form on Earth. Satonna knocked NeeNeeā€™s lunch and my lunch out of our hands at school; in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing! We were obviously really ticked off about it, since we are spying and videotaping her right now to get revenge. NeeNee and I are really hoping she does something embarrassing so we can catch it on tape. Weā€™re not stalkers, mind you, we just really want revenge on her, for making us look sooo stupid in front of everyone at school.

We watched as she talked to her friend Miranda, and then Miranda left. Satonna looked sad, or maybe mad, but we were at a distance, so we werenā€™t sure how she looked up close right now. She sat on the curb, and buried her face in her hands. ā€œDo you think sheā€™s crying?ā€ I asked NeeNee. ā€œI donā€™t knowā€¦ maybe sheā€™s tired?ā€ NeeNee replied. ā€œYeah right. I highly doubt that.ā€ I said, thinking about how embarrassing this must be for Satonna. But we have to catch her doing something totally embarrassing. Like, itching her butt or picking her nose. ā€œI know what you weā€™re just thinking about. Thatā€™s disgusting.ā€ NeeNee said, surprising me, and making me wonder if she was gonna start being like Sammy. Saying stuff like, ā€œI predicted that was gonna happen yesterday,ā€ or, ā€œI had a premonition about that.ā€

The funny thing about revenge is that you have to sit spying on the person and videotaping them for hours. ā€œCan we stop now?ā€ NeeNee asked. Her stomach grumbled. ā€œNo, we canā€™t. We need revenge. Satonna deserves it. But go eat, I donā€™t want to listen to that. Itā€™s creepy sounding.ā€ I told her, and she said, ā€œOkay,ā€ and left her bedroom to go eat something. I kept watching Satonna. She got up and her face looked red. OMG, she was crying! ā€œNeeNee! Come in here!ā€ I called her from her bedroom. ā€œOkay! Iā€™ll be right there!ā€ she called back. NeeNee walked in with some food in the corners of her mouth. I could tell her that later. Right then, I had to explain to her what just happened. ā€œSatonna was crying. When she got up, her face was all red, and I think I saw tears running down her face. She also wiped some snot on her arm.ā€ NeeNee shivered with disgust when I said that. "Ugh. But that's not embarrassing. And don't you think it would be a little too mean to show her crying?" "Yeah, I guess."

Once I got back home, I had to eat dinner. My mother's cooking is disgusting, so I just pretended like I was eating. Then, I got up every 5 minutes to go spit out the food in my mouth. She didn't even notice! I would make myself something to eat later. Once I was done "eating" I went upstairs to my room and started writing a new post on my blog about how I saw Satonna. Like no one actually reads my blog, so she must not. Since I like typing, I just figured I'd write it.

The next day when I went to school, I was in lunch then Satonna just walked up to me. I was sitting with my friends NeeNee, Sammy, Jennifer, and Connor. "Hey, so I read your blog last night." Satonna said when she was standing right behind me. "Wow, seriously? I thought nobody read my blog. Thanks Satonna." Sammy elbowed my rib and I glared at her for a second. "And that's why I know that you spied on me and saw me crying." Satonna continued. My heart felt like it stopped beating.

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