Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Country Girl by Hayley Smith (top 100 books to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «Country Girl by Hayley Smith (top 100 books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Hayley Smith

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insisted I keep in case I visited my grandparents. the work clothes included a large shirt, old jeans, and work boots, everything came from Texas in the work clothes for some reason.
I finished and packed my shoes in a smaller suitcase before stacking them up and laying out a green sundress for tomorrow, I stripped off my clothes and put on pajamas- consisting of a cute, tight tank-top and comfy, fuzzy short shorts- throwing the ones I had taken off in a hamper that my mom collected at night, and pulled out my phone from the shorts I had taken of, and placed it in the pocket hidden in the sundresses ruffles before walking over to my bed and laying down on top of the covers, looking at my giant fuzzy dog stuffed animal that was the only one I had ever had, I wrapped my arms around it and soon fell asleep, dreaming of my horse and seeing her the next day, I only hoped my grandparents didn't have any horses left, but they probably did.

I woke to someone sitting on my stomach and little fingers poking my cheek and I forced my self not to smile at Tristan.
As he continued poking, suddenly I flashed open my eyes and yelled "Boo!" making him jump, his fingers dropping from my face as his blue eyes went wide and he started laughing, I absolutely loved that nothing could scare him, scary things just made him laugh.

"Morning Tristy," I said, lifting him off my stomach and saw he was dressed as I placed him lightly on the ground.

"Morning Missy," Tristan said in a sing-song voice "Momma said we're leaving soon," I shot up standing and grabbing my clothes, leaving Tristan there with a grinning face.
I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower with all of my strawberry scented soaps.
When I was done, I stepped out and dried off with one of the soft blue towels that matched the blue under-the-sea themed bathroom.
I put on the sundress and tightened the spaghetti straps so it didn't hang low and walked out, I had underwear under it with a bra without straps, everything clung to my body like i preferred it, not drooping at all.
I grabbed my suitcases and handed them to my dad who was waiting for me and he left, heading downstairs to get a taxi probably, and grabbed my stuffed dog, it was a Mastiff and had no long fur, just soft fuzz on it. I added it to my brother's stuffed animals and brought them to the elevator, stepping out I placed them with everything else before my brother ran over to me, jumping in my arms and I looked at my mom who was coming from behind with my dad.

"Here are the plane tickets," My dad handed them to me and I slipped it in with my phone in the hidden pocket, "Be careful, hold hands, don't forget anything, love you," he added 'love you' as a after thought and I rolled my eyes.
My father had never wanted kids, heck, he never planned on having any with my mom, but sometimes people just aren't careful, my birth was a mistake, but not Tristan's, I had begged my mother for a full two years before she sighed and caved in.
We exchanged hugs and then stepped back, me taking all of the suitcases in my hands and Tristan holding onto my arm and his stuffed animal box under one of my arms.

"I love you two, be careful," My mother said, sounding more truthful than my father by a lot.

"We love you to, Mom," I said, smiling at her.

"Bye momma," Tristan said, giving a little wave at my mom, that made my heart sad a little, he and my dad had never gotten along, my dad didn't even want him, he didn't want me either, he probably was glad we were leaving now.
I helped Tristan into the Taxi, putting our things in the trunk, and getting in myself. I had to buckle Tristan, then myself, and paid the taxi driver to take us to the airport.
I had two hours to relax my muscles before carrying the things again.
**Two Hours Later**

I pulled Tristan out of the taxi, grabbing our things and telling him to hold on to my arm tight and he did, probably leaving little red marks, but I didn't care as long as I knew he was there.
I deposited our things in a weird escalator for luggage that was supposedly new or something and picked Tristan up, checking the time on my phone, seeing we had half a hour.

"Hey Trist, do you need anything?" I asked softly, and he nodded his head, his soft blonde curls bouncing a little from the movement.

"Yeah, I'm hungry sissy, can I have a pretzel?" He asked and I smiled, he absolutely loved pretzels since he was two.

I walked to the food court and bought him a soft pretzel quickly before turning and heading out. He ate his pretzel in silence, being carried like a toddler by me as I walked quickly- to quick for him- to the plane, boarding just in time, I strapped him in his seat-not near the window since he didn't like heights- and pulled out my phone, grabbing earbuds from my carry-on bag and strapping myself in after that, we weren't in first class like I had been when I was little and had flown to visit with my mom, we were just like everyone else now, average... as close to normal as someone can get.

"Tristy, we're going to have a long plane ride, poke me as many times as you need to if you need something," I told him, and he nodded.

"Okay sissy, but I wanna take a nap, Momma woke me up way to early than usual," He said quietly and he leaned his head on my arm and was out like a light, making me smile at him, his cute little curly blonde hair brushing on my arm. I put my earbuds in, turning on my playlist and cranking up the volume, I closed my eyes, my head resting against the small window as the plane took off into the air, heading for the last place I'd thought I would ever be, Montgomery, Texas.


Tristan woke me up a little while later and I laughed slightly when he missed poking my arm that was near his and poked himself, my face soon grew serious when I had pulled my earplugs out and heard the women's voice telling everyone to get off. I stuffed my phone in a pocket in my carry-on and slung it over my shoulder, grabbing Tristan into my arms after unbuckling both of us.

As I was trying to force my way through the people someone tapped me on my shoulder and I turned my head and saw a women wearing a sort of western outfit, probably from Texas and coming back.

"Hey honey, do you need any help?" She asked in a sweet voice and I raised a eyebrow, confused at why I would need help.

"Why would I need help?" I asked curiously, my brown eyes full of wonder as I took in her fake looking blonde hair that looked like it was burned to a crisp to make it curly.

"With your little boy of course! You look so tired and so young," She said and shock registered, my mouth hanging open as I saw a couple of figures moving out of the seats near her and walking next to her, but I didn't look up to know they were male, I didn't want to see anyone else from Texas as I felt anger overwhelm me. As I shut my mouth, remembering how my mom said how unladylike that was.

"He is not my son! He's my little brother and we are doing just find without 'helpful' people like you," I said angrily, whirling around and I knew my long hair must have hit her as I stormed out of the plane, before I left, I saw Tristan stick his tongue out at someone and I could have sworn it was that women and the thought made me smile.
"I see Grandpa," I said as I spotted someone waving a hand at us and I hurried over as Trist jumped out of my arms and ran to him, our grandpa swung him around once before setting him down, smiling at us.

"Hey Grandpa," Tristan and I said at the same time and he grinned bigger and I rolled my eyes, he always tried to say stuff when I did, he thought it was funny though I found it a little annoying.

"Hey kiddos, we should go get your luggage," He said and I nodded, holding Tristan's hand as we walked to the escalator type thing and we saw our bags almost immediately, I split them between my grandpa and I and Tristan held tight to my arm as we walked out to his truck.
We put the luggage in the bed of the truck and my grandpa strapped it in while I buckled Tristan in the back seat before I got in the passenger side myself. Once my grandpa was inside, he started driving to the countryside.

"Have you got your driver's license yet?" My grandpa asked me as he drove and suddenly I felt bad, I hadn't talk to them for a while and they didn't know yet,"

"Yup, right when I turned Seventeen I got it, though there isn't much to use it for in Brooklyn, not many have one though," I said, feeling proud that I was one of the only people who did.

"Cool, oh, that reminds me, I have a present for you when we get there," He said and I smiled, suddenly hearing a light snoring that announced Tristan was asleep.

"You didn't have to, grandpa," I said, smiling at him "But thank you so so much," I smiled bigger and he smiled too.

"It's fine, and your welcome," He said as we neared a large building and I looked at it, it was brick and had a large garage door to the

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