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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Last Word She Said by Praveen Kumar (polar express read aloud .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Last Word She Said by Praveen Kumar (polar express read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Praveen Kumar

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which DJ was compalining in start.



DJ came back from uncle's house

After 2 days DJ came back to hostel and called me.
Hey sweetu, so tell me where I have to come so that you can tell me the surprise?
Okay so you are more curious to know? suppose if I do not tell you then what will you do? I asked in naughty way
I will kill you duffer.
Okay kill me, I will not tell you?
Please Amir, do not let me to wait, I want to know, please please please .....
Okay baba, come to my house, I will tell you everything.
At your home, are you mad, Aunty will know everthing about us
So what is the problem if my mom will get to know everything, this will make easy for us to get our parents agree.
Amir, I don't think this is right, but any ways if you think this is right then I am coming.

DJ reached my home in the evening after 3 hours of my call.
Ting tong! my house ring rang,
Amir, open the door and check who is there?
Mom I am busy, looking for some thing so please check your self.

Amir, some one came to meet you, My Mom called me after 2 minutes!
I reached drawing room and saw DJ was sitting on my mother's side.

Oh hi!! DJ when you came? even you did not call me before coming.
Just now when I asked you to open door, mom replied
Mom she is DJ my friend and DJ she is my mom, I introduced both
I know my son, we already introduced ourself so there is no need of formality, mom replied by pulling my ear.
Sorry mom!
I like the girl, just ask her to fix meeting with her parents, my mom said by touching DJ cheeks with her soft hands.
Aunty, am I dreaming or you really agree for our relation and how did you know about us. DJ asked to my mother.
My child I know about you from the first day when my son met you, he told me everything on the same day.
You cheater! if you told everything to aunty then why did you hide from me? DJ shouted
I told him to do so, mom said.
because that time you did not know that my son want to marry you.

Aunty, Aamir is so lucky that he have parents like you. I wish every parents should be like you. Today my half concern had been finished, now just looking to get my parents agree too.
My mom: Deepika, we are two only in our family me and my son and we have this little house but we will treat you as our child, because I have no daughter and if you marry to my son then you will be my daughter.
So child are you still ready to become my daughter-in-law.
DJ: Aunty, I never demanded to god for bunglow, car or any high profile thing. I just want a small but happy family where I will have a lot of love, where I do not ever lack of parent enrollment.
And all these thing I will get here in your house only.

Aamir, you really surprised me and gave me a lot of happiness.

No my dear this is not main surprise, I said.
So there is much more that I can't imagine?, now you are exciting me to know, please Aamir tell me na..
Just call your parents and tell everything about us.
So here after surprise you want that I deserve some pain?
Why? why you will suffer from pain, don't you want that your parents become agree?
I really want it but Amir...
No Amir and other, just call and tell everything.

I forced DJ to call her parents and she called.
She was very nervous when she was calling to her parents and just repeating one thing that I can't tell anything over call.
Her father picked call..
Hello Dad!
Yes my dear, how are you?
I am fine Dad, can I speak to Mom?
What happened my child, is everything okay?
Yes papa there is nothing to worry, as it is long that I talked to mom so can I speak to her?
Sure Beta, one minute..

DJ's father called her mother over phone..
Yes my child, are you okay? DJ mother asked
Oh! mama I am fine, how are you?
Every thing is perfect here, just me and your father are prepairing for annual function in our school.
DJ became silent for moment..
Hello child, are you there?
Mom I want to tell you one thing..
Yes Beta, tell me
Mom promise me you will not react badly and will understand that I want to tell you.
DJ, tell me and what is the thing that you want to tell me in which you are so nervous?
Mom, if I choose my lifepartner of my choice, will you allow me for it?
DJ, what rubbish you are talking, I hope there is no such situation for which you are asking, DJ mom shouted on her.
Yes mama, here is a boy whom I like most and I want to make him my life partner, if you allow me.

DJ for this only we left you there, just focus on studies, we are alive to take decision for your future.
Mama please think on it once.

Stop it DJ! and we are coming there after annual function. After saying this DJ's mother dropped the call.

As her mother dropped the call, DJ started crying with tears and shouted on me.
I told you that over call I cannot convince my parents, now see what happened, they are coming after few days and after that everything will get over and all this happened because of you.

Don't worry Child, everything will be fine, just let your parents come we will talk to them. And till that time just focus on your project. My mom said consolingly.

How? Aunti I do not think that everything will be fine now, because my mom was very angry.
And Amir, "is this your surprise"?

I know DJ but when they will come, then face to face it will be easy to convince them.

After few days when Annual day got overed, DJ parents came to her hostel and asked her about me an my family and then asked her the address of my house.
Some one was knocking at my door, I opened the door and found DJ and her parents standing outside.

Amir, my parents and Dad he is Amir. DJ introduced us.
Oh Hello! uncle please come in.
Mom, look who is here.
My mom was cooking for lunch and after some time when she came and asked surprisely about DJ parents.
Mom see DJ parents.
My mom welcomed her parents in our tradition way and after that asked few minutes to bring some coffee with snacks.
DJ also helped my mom and then everyone started talk.

So you are the guy whom my daughter like most? DJ's father asked
Dad actually I also like him most and if you allow, I want to marry with him, DJ interuppted our conversation.
DJ please keep your mouth shut, we are talking na. uncle shouted on her.
So Amir, does your mother agree with this, or your religion person will accept this marriage?
Sir, according to my point of view, if we care for our childrens happiness then we are not supposed to care of people's chattering that are of no use for us. My mom said!

We also have no issue with caste and religion because these are the things which are made by we people only, and for us also, our daughter happiness is more important.
DJ, we were already agreed with this relation but we wanted to hear all this matter from you, and you did as a good child and we are happy for this.
Dad you were agreed means? how you came to know about this and from whom?

DJ father: My child, if any other guy came to us and had words with us for your relation then we might never agreed, but the way this guy convinced us and told us everything, that time only we decided that Amir is the only guy who can full your whole life with joy.
Aamir had asked us to tell all this to you as a surprise.
DJ: Dad when he met you, I am not understanding anything.

DJ this was only the surprise for you that you did not know and I agreed your parents, so tell me darling how was the surprise? I asked
Amir, you are really hero for me, the thing which was the toughest thing for me, you made it very easy and did not left anything for me to do. But how and when you did this?

DJ as you were shouting on me in start that, where I was without informing you for 5-6 days? during that time only I met your parents and I was away from you for this reason only without informing you to give you surprise.

5-6 days to make DJ parents agree.

As DJ was busy in her final year project then I decided to meet her parents because this was only the time where DJ needed to focus on study more and I did not want to disturb her.
As my mother knew everything about us so I asked my Mom to meet DJ parents. My mother allowed me and then I packed my bag and reached Lucknow, I was afraid and nervous because I was going to ask DJ's hand from her parents and the worst thing was that we both are of anti religion. I had a question in my mind that will DJ parent agree or not, will they listen me or not, how will they react? I had all these question in my mind. But I had a hope that as a teacher they will listen me and understand.
I did not know DJ address but once she told me the school name where her parents are teacher. I reached the school during lunch time.
I asked gate keeper.
kaka, I am here to meet Mr. and Mrs. Joshi who are primary teacher, where I can find them?
May I know who are you? gate keeper asked!
Sure kaka, I am Amir came from Allahabad and I am Mr. Joshi daughter's friend.
Okay sir, please make entry in register and go inside and just take left, there you can ask anyone he/she will leave you there.
okay thank you kaka!

As Mr. Joshi was taking lecture so I waited outside till lecture got over.
Hello Sir!
Hello, yes how may I help you?
Sir can I have some time of you, because I want to speak you some important thing?
Amir as this is

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