Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» Never Forget the Past~ by FOTN (best novels ever .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Never Forget the Past~ by FOTN (best novels ever .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author FOTN

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flashed his fangs and smiled. ā€œSure thing BABY,ā€ he growled and walked downt he road into town. He left the boys stairing after him. HE walked down the street hands in his pockets and his mind realing. He sighed as his house came into view. He walked threw the door and got a beer bottle to the head. He yelped and lept back. Hois mother glared. ā€œHOW DARE YOU LOCK ME IN HERE!!!!ā€ He shrugged. He knew why he showed extream weakness today after the fight, his mother had beat him unconches yesterday and his body hadnā€™t completely healed. He walked into his room and locked his door. If his mom got out of the house she would be druck as can be tomarrow. Drake tried to sleep but a scence of loss kept him from sleeping, he looked around his room and shrugged nothing was diffrant. He closed his eyes and finally relaxed finally into sleepā€¦.


ā€œRa, RUN,ā€ blond hair fell infront of there eyes as they ran threw the woods, screaming could be heard from the side. ā€œRyanā€™s dead, COME ON YOU CANT DIE RALEN COME ON,ā€ screamed another male voice ahead. ā€œIM not going to make it SAM, I canā€™t,ā€ there breathing was labored and heavy, as they started to slow the pounding paws of dogs and people could be heard. The ground came closer as the boy fell to his knees. He was grabbed from behind and pulled into a cold body. ā€œRalen, I cant believe youā€™re the one to give up firstā€¦ hum maybe you arenā€™t as strong as I thought,ā€ the guy holding him licked his neck, he growled and started to struggle his body was numb but he wouldnā€™t die without a fight. ā€œThereā€™s my boy,ā€ the guy whispered before shoving his wrist onto Ralenā€™s face, Ralen screamed as the blood ran down his throat, then everything went dark, as the guys fangs bit into his neckā€¦.

Drake woke up screaming. ā€œDAM,ā€ he cried pulling his knees to his chest he felt the tears running down his face. He knew what that meant. His mate, his soul mate was dead, before they ever even meet. ā€œItā€™s not fareā€¦ā€ he cried in tell the light shown threw his blinds. He opened his eyes and looked at the time. It was time to get ready for school. He whimpered and uncurled from his curled up position. He sighed as he pulled on some blue ripped jeans and a black and silver shirt that said ā€˜LIFEā€¦ SUCKSā€™ he wanted to laugh and smiled at that but couldnā€™t bring his self to. His life wasnā€™t worth anything anymore, the one person he couldnā€™t wait to meet, he changed for was dead, and he couldnā€™t do anything, ya fate might give him a new mate, but he didn't want to have to live through that. HE walked down stairs and his motherā€™s hand meet his face before he could blink. ā€œA-hole, why are you still here,ā€ she was drunk, yep she got out last night, and he wasnā€™t going to lock the door today, she wanted to drink herself to death then she can, itā€™s been going on scene his father died. ā€œIā€™m heading out Mom, Iā€™ll see you after school,ā€ he hissed as he walked out the door. Drake walked towards the school, the sidewalk hot under his feet. He held his head down he walked through the crowd of people.

He bumbed into the back of someone standing in the door way. ā€œWatch it, FREAK,ā€ growled Jackson, his smile widened as he saw who it was. ā€œAw, what happened Draco, DAD hit you to hard, because he was disappointed in his son,ā€ Drake looked up his eyes a blazing scarlet, a new color. ā€œNO, BECAUSE HE DIED LAST YEAR, and MY MATE DIED YESTERDAY, so your commets and your opinions mean SHIT to me at this point, so FUCK YOU and go to HELL because im NOT DEALING WITH YOUR MOTHERFUCKING BULLSHIT, SO FUCK OFF,ā€ Drake screeched as he pushed past the shocked shifters. He felt Maceā€™s eyes on his back, as he walked towards gym class. Drake stopped by his locker and grabbed his books, he looked at the dark space and sighed. He slammed it shut and walked into the gym. It had already started and Coach Baker gave him a ferm glare. ā€œWhat are you doing in here so late.ā€ Drake shrugged and turned to sit down but the coach blew his whisle. ā€œNo, you are not going to sit down and act like you didn't show up late to class, you are going to be on Jacksons team, Mace you can tell him what postion he is going to be playing,ā€ with that the class got ready to play basketball. Jackson glared slightly, Mace just stared. ā€œFine, Dracoā€¦ā€ but before he could finish the scentence. ā€œMy names DRAKE, not DRACO,ā€ he hissed. He was having a bad day already. Mace didn't move but Jackson got mad. ā€œWell, sorry MR. DRAKE,ā€ he hissed. Drake nodded and moved over to side. He played as far as he could. It was ten minutes before the class was over and the teacher yelled. ā€œ Drake run a mile and half before you leave, as punishment for getting to class late.ā€ Drake nearly screamed. He was sore and tired, and his emotions were running ramput. He started running and relaxed. He used to love to run. When he left this school, he was in track and other sports, he loved to run the most, his dad used to push him to do his best, so when eh died and they moved back he couldnā€™t loss himself in it anymore. He ran his eyes closed and pictured himself in the woods running with his dad. He went faster and faster he pasted four and a half miles in a minute, he really didn't care he had two more minutes and wanted to run as long as he could.

ā€œDraster, come here,ā€ Drake looked up and skidded to a stop he rolled on the ground and growled. ā€œFuck,ā€ he got to his feet and walked towards the coach. ā€œYes,ā€ he glared at the coach. ā€œWell, I was going to say I only said a mile and a half not four and half, but if you would like we could use you on the track team, Mace and Jackson, might be able to keep us in the leuges but we need more good runners, and if you would likeā€¦ā€ but drake interrupted him. ā€œNo, sorry but Iā€™m not joining any teams,ā€ Drake looked at his shirt and it was drenched in sweat. He shook his head and walked around the coach towards the bleachers. The athletics guys were flirting with the girls and were blocking his way.

ā€œHay, guys I need my stuff.ā€ The guys looked at him funny and went on talking. ā€œI would like to get my stuff and go..ā€ they kept talking. Drake rolled his eyes and grabbed one of them by the shirt and though him over his shoulder. He landed with a thump as Drake grabbed his backpack. The other guys snarled. ā€œReally FREAK,ā€ Drake shrugged and pushed through them and headed to the door. The bell rang before they could grab him.
The end of the school day came quicker then expected. Maces boys continued there game except they were more goofed off then normal. Drake had gotten the first layer of painting done, but wished Art class was longer. He looked at the cafeteria and felt the weight of the days falling on his shoulders. He groaned and started to walk out of the school. His feet dragging on the ground he continued in tell he knew he was about to pass out. He stopped somewhere in the parking lot and sat down. He couldnā€™t feel his body. He leaned back against one of the trees that made the parking spot. He closed his eyes and was out in seconds. He dreamed of the day his dad died, the car that plowed into him and the wolves that didnā€™t give a fuck if he died or not.

Flash Back

The sound of the metal being pushed into unnatural positions echoed across the court and school. Drakes form ran towards the front of the building. ā€œMan thatā€™s the worst accident Iā€™ve ever seenā€¦ā€ ā€œI feel sorry for whoever has to identify that body..ā€ ā€œI hope that didn't scratch my car or Iā€™m suing that fucking driverā€¦ā€ all the snide comments and remarks were lost as the familiar black hummer lay in a pile of twisted steaming metal and glass. Drake ran forwards and started ripping at the metal but his dads voice echoed through the unrecognizable doors. ā€œGo ill be fine, tell your mother everything happens for reasons we cant change, ok son, remember I will always love you and your mother, the goddess has reasons for what she doesā€¦ill see you again one dayā€¦ā€ then everything went quit. HE screamed as someone pulled him back. ā€œStupid,ā€ the teacher holding him back growled as the car exploded. ā€œDADā€¦..ā€ thatā€™s all that could be heard the screams of his sorrow of his loss. The sirens stated and everything went blackā€¦

Drake jerked awake as voices echoed around him. ā€œI cant believe that loser, after all those years he thinks he can come here and think he can start with a fresh identity, right when I find himā€¦.ā€ ā€œHay Mark isnā€™t that him layin down over there..ā€ Drake glaced up shacking the fog from his head. ā€œYa, lets go say HI,ā€ Mark snarled as he walked forward. Mark was a line backer, and had the fitting form to go with it. He had deep grey eyes that showed his anger and light brown hair cut short. Drake rolled his eyes, being a artist really sucked at times like this when you go over all the details of someone in your head you realize how screwed you are. Drake started to get to his feet but the blood rushed down, his vision blurred and he could barely moved. He nearly fell to the ground again, but he held onto the tree and took a deep breath. ā€œDraco, nice to see you again, you remember me im the one you threw across the gym today. Drake blinked a couple of time, ā€œWhatā€¦ā€ Drake shook his head and nearly fell forwards. ā€œHay what are you doing Mark, remember what Mace said about leaving the boy alone, something happened yesterday and he revoked the rule this morning,ā€ Jackson stood beside a car and his dead stare at Mark finally got the message through. ā€œFine, but tell Macen to watch hisā€¦.well you know,ā€ Mark turned with his group and left. ā€œWell done Jackson, for one who hates him almost as much because of things you stick up for him pretty well,ā€ Maces dark form appeared out of nowhere. ā€œThanks bud, but I think you could use some info, your boys about to pass out, from the looks of it.ā€ Mace nodded but the motion looked to slow to be real. Drake closed his eyes and couldnā€™t open them again. He fell forwards, he felt someoneā€™s arms wrap around him, but the smell is what helped him relax. Sage, and the forest during a rain storm. He took a deep breath and growled in content, he didn't want to move, this was the most relaxed he had felt at least before his fatherā€™s funeral. ā€œMace, I think he looks pretty dang comfortable,ā€ chuckled Jackson. Mace growled and slide Drakes bag up his shoulder. ā€œCome on his mom hasnā€™t put in for rooms at the pack house, he can stay in mine for nowā€¦or forever both works for me.ā€ Mace smiled as he carried Drake towards a black corvette.

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