Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Sleepover by sarah422 (recommended books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «The Sleepover by sarah422 (recommended books to read .txt) 📖». Author sarah422

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She saw Derek in her TV! She turned around and only saw her dog, Koko. She jerked back around and saw
Koko lying in the phantoms lap, and he whispered help me.

HE NEXT DAY, before they had to go back to class, Crystal goes to tell Kelli about the happening the day before.
They talk, and Kelli doubts her.
“Even if u weren’t imagining it, how do you suppose we fix it?” Kelli asked.
Crystal then goes to Arianna for help to ask what she did when she got haunted.
“You were hallucinating! There’s no way that a story had started a haunting. I can’t believe you think that!”
She searched it up and found out that even though you think a story is fake, it could just as well be real. It opens a door for that demon or ghost to come into your life.
Crystal thought about how she felt, like her best friend had just stabbed her in the back. She knew what she had to do.
The next day at Woodkindle, she calmly walked over to Kelli. They talked for a while.
“Last night my mom was driving when her car broke down. It took about a half hour when all of the sudden it started up again. Also my brother was brushing his teeth, when the bath turned on. A moment later, it turned off. I’m starting to think that you may be right.”
“Crystal, I have to tell you something.” Arianna admits.
“It’s part of the story. I wanted to go see the movie, so I just said that I finished even though I wasn’t.” Arianna started.
“What do you mean?” Crystal asked suspiciously. The bell then rang.
“You’re going to Kelli’s birthday party, right? Next month,” Arianna interrogated.
“Yeah, why?” Crystal asked.

“I’ll tell you then, that way you and Kelli can hear it the same time.”
While Diane was babysitting the little girl from next door, Diane goes to the bathroom and has the baby wait on the foot of the door when she hears her scream? “Ghost! Boogey Man! Ghost!” Diane goes and picks her up and see’s a face rapidly disappear with the wind.
Paranoia was in the kids mind. Whenever something about a ghost came up, they got scared. Days of school passed, and the bell continually sang it’s song for school to be out. Finally, the weekend came.

Saturday morning, Crystal smells coffee. But her mom didn’t drink coffee?
“Mom! Is dad still home?” She asked in confusion.
“No, he left for work three hours ago; you do know it’s a quarter till noon, right?” Mrs. Diecuss questioned.
“Did he finish the pot of coffee he made?” Crystal asked, full of curiosity.
Her mom told her that he hasn’t been drinking coffee and he’s been drinking tea.
“Maybe my senses are funny right now and I smell herbal tea,” she thought. She walks over to her bed and see’s three tiny droplets of blood.
Back at Kelli’s, her father is talking to her mother on a cell phone when in between the lines they hear a raspy voice moan on about death.
Also, when Ashlee took her history book, notebook, and a writing utensil to do her timeline project.
About to sit down at her desk, she stands up and her history book soars across the room, just barely missing her head. It wanted something to happen to her.
Nothing happens, until Ashlee’s party.
At the Barns residence, Kelli and Crystal were talking. They leave the dwelling, unattended, and
go to the alley down the road. Crystal brought her bag with her.
“We need to talk.” Crystal demanded.
“Why? What’s going on?”
Crystal digs around in her bag and pulls out a cut up cardboard box.
“A wigi board! Have you gone mad?” Kelli exclaimed quiet enough to where no one could hear her.
“I need answers! You need to help me,” Crystal convinced.
She reasons with Kelli and she warms up to the idea. Putting her finger on the pointer, Kelli asks the first question.
“Who are you?”
“Summer,” she answers.
“What do you want?” Crystal interrogates.
“Nothing, I’m the friendly one.” Summer replies.
“Is there another?” Kelli continues.
“Watch out.”
They turn around when there’s a big man, hovering behind them, meaning harm to the teenagers.
They grab her bag and rush across the barren field of land, with the phantom hot on their trail. They get to the road and it vanishes.
Frightened, the two girls sit in Ashlee’s room and Crystal follows in suit with what they did before.
“What do we do?”
Summer doesn’t respond. What was she thinking? They might as well ask how do I get rid

of you. About to put their invention away, the pointer moves?
Take Devin to room thirteen.
“Why would we take him to Cedar Grounds?” Kelli wondered. Little did she know, her chance will come.

T KELLI’S HOUSE, she was getting ready for her birthday. She was texting her friend of directions to her house when she sees a notice:
I’m coming to get you!
And she turns off her phone and looks up and sees Hanna give her a nasty glare.


At the party, Crystal is eating her pizza. She reaches for a napkin and there’s a threat etched into the towel:
You come looking, they die.
She sticks it into her pocket. After dinner she talks to Arianna and Kelli.
“Guy’s, I now have proof that this is true.” Crystal pulls out the napkin, with the etch starting to vanish, she had to go quick!
“Whose they?” Kelli asked. No one had a clue.
Arianna had a confession to make.
“Okay, I didn’t tell u the whole story.” She said with guilt in her voice.

“What do you mean?” Kelli asked, feeling like she was left out.
“The rest of the story goes like this. Kayla and I were across at the daycare we volunteer at and at the end I got a warning in the notebook saying:
Meet me outside room 13 at 4:30. Bring Kayla with you!
We decided to not make it mad, so after our work was done we walked across. Kayla had to use the restroom. Fifteen minutes later, I start getting worried. When I see her, she starts saying really weird stuff? ‘Their coming’ she kept telling me. When she got up, she started making a rhythm with the sinks. Left, right, middle, middle, left right, right, middle, left. Then, using the same rhythm, Kayla jumped from stall to stall.
Hesitant, she turned the middle faucet on. Blood came spewing out. A mumble came from her mouth that I couldn’t hear. Then I turned around and saw three people standing there. One looked like Derek with the black hair and blue eyes, the other sort of resembled Hanna with the red hair, brown eyes. The last, looked angry. Scarlet red hair with eyes that matched. The glare he gave me scared me. I backed up and fell right into the sink that the blood was still running in. I ran out to Kayla, whose back to normal, and tell her. She said my hair was just wet with water? I race her to the bathroom where the sinks are still running. They were water? I didn’t see the people anymore either? I looked at my hair and it was soaked, but not with blood? The thing I didn’t understand was I saw my hair before I went for Kayla and it was blood red.
“We then went to room thirteen. I saw a note written in blood.
I warned you!
I looked down at my watch. It was 5:30! I heard the door slam behind me. Then someone starts asking questions I couldn’t understand? Eventually, I was out and never went back.”
“We need to go!” Kelli shouts full of enthusiasm.
“Are you crazy! I told you this so you would AVOID any further investigations!”
“Calm down! We’re not going to go in, just investigate outside. Anyway, last time I looked, room thirteen was getting ready to be torn down. They don’t allow people in.”
“You’re going to get hurt!”
“No we won’t. We just have to find a good time to do it.”
Days pass, and then weeks, and then months. They never get their chance. Until the end of the year when they have the national field week for the high school’s at Woodkindle. They have a weeklong camping trip at Cedar Grounds.
Day by day they investigate around room thirteen. When they find themselves in front of the opened door to the eerie class room. Crystal is the first to take the step. One by one, they all walk in.
The door slams closed, and they find themselves locked in the haunted room.
Arianna looks in the desks and finds a napkin. Some type of note was written on it in ink pen? She could vaguely read it, but it read out:
Be careful. You never know what’ll come to you.
Next thing they knew, a chair was thrown at Arianna’s head! She was sent home and all evening, was recovering from a severe wound on her head.

ONE WEEK LATER, Crystal’s birthday comes up. Her, Kelli, Ashlee, Arianna and Hanna go camping by Caribou Lake. Their all playing their board games and having fun when they decide to play a famous game “Got your back”. It’s sort of like truth or dare.
The game goes like this:

You roll the dice to see who goes first, move the number of spaces the dice tell you to. On that space, there’s an action you have to accomplish to move on and you lose a turn if you can’t.
Ashlee goes first. She roles a seven. She remembers a riddle she used to tell her brother when she was younger when he rolled.
“Roll a seven go to heaven.” She heard someone whisper.
“What did you say?” Ashlee questioned. No one said anything, but they all heard it?
They kept on playing when Kelli looked up at Ashlee to make sure she was alright.
“Watch out!” Kelli screamed.
Ashlee, afraid and aware of what might come to her, slowly turns around to look behind her. There standing was a lady that very much resembled their friend Diane. The straight red hair, smooth complexion, big eyes. But something was unfinished, something different that assured them it wasn’t Diane, but what was it? The skin, it was almost white. Almost, transparent.
That’s it! Ashlee thought. It was a ghost. The one thing that wasn’t explained was how it looked so much like Diane? She was well and alive at her home when they left?
Hours go by, then days, then a week. Crystal, being a worried friend, calls Diane’s home. No one answers? Not even her brother? She thinks maybe she’s not home and calls her cell. No one answers? She hangs up and goes to bed, thinking she was going to see her at school.
Next day Crystal walks in late but still finds that Diane isn’t there? She talks to the teacher and ask if Diane called in sick or asked for independent study, neither. A long time went by without Diane coming to school. Numerous calls to her house that was unanswered.
They try to find a number to reach Diane when they finally got hold of her mother. Diane
She was very sick and she had a parasite turning and
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