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Read books online » Fiction » Tadeus Days by Miyamoto Donovan (10 best books of all time .txt) 📖

Book online «Tadeus Days by Miyamoto Donovan (10 best books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Miyamoto Donovan

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taboo to speak about, but it was a taboo that the media cover an event like that in such a fair way.

Emma couldn’t concentrate for the entire class and she was in the need to ask for someone else help, someone who did pay attention to the explanation about Free Speech and Interpersonal Rights; but for Emma even if it was another day, it wasn’t another day for the entire faculty, everyone was in a somber mood. About 1 pm, knowing that the rest of her classes were going to be cancelled, she decided to return home because there wasn’t anything to do at the campus.

Fourth Chapter

Nobody really knew Jaison, he was known as Jaison between the student body of the faculty of Communications and Publicity; he was a complete mystery to everyone because he never gave details of his life, except that he lived with an aunt who nobody really knew.

Some people said that his dad left his mom for another woman and he was living in the same city as Jaison, but nobody was really sure about the veracity of his background because he was the one who gave his story and it was always changing it. The only common ground in every version of his stories it was the his mom was murdered because she was a syndical leader, and the guerrilla and the paramilitary didn’t liked syndical leaders because they could move the people away from their leftist influences, in other words being a syndical leader in Colombia was being like chess king, you will end killed no matter what; but those were other times of more violence.

Other stories said that Jesus was really a member of the militia; he was in cover to kill Rolando because they knew about his charity helping street kids and possibly members of the Colombian Revolution. Jaison had strict orders to clear the path so they could enroll people from that college to their cause; maybe it was true because those days, that was an strategy of the paramilitary forces as well as the guerrilla, they went to college and schools to enroll students and teachers, but they didn’t went publicly they send moles to the places they considered strategic in their cause.

Probably it was true because some other suspected members of the revolutionary groups they didn’t like Jaison at all, and most of the time they were arguing but it was clear that Jaison had the control of the faculty and he had more influences over the campus than them.

A student who knew Jaison from another college, she always said how problematic he was and at the end he was expelled after he threaded a teacher with a knife; she wasn’t sure how he ended in La Tadeo after that incident; she always spoke about how a loner he was, as well as aggressive; some time later after this story was heard, another gossip came, this time it was said that he tried to gain political control in the campus but he was expelled and almost arrested after the police knew about his violence outbourst.

Many stories were told about him, but not a single one of them could said a truth about who he was, except that everyone was scared of him. During the course of 2007 everyone was trying to be amicable with him, or ignoring him completely because there wasn’t other choice, he was there like the Big Brother; but Jaison biggest mistake was that he got obsessed with Rolando he wanted to be him at any cost because Rolando had the respect he didn’t had, but it was a conflict of interest because with his obsession he murdered him, but with his obsession he fell for him, he feel for the Cuban gentleman.

With the rain came Jaison, and with the storm he left; nobody really knew him very well and the ones who looked like they knew him, they never spoke about him again, they expressed some fear in their faces when he was mentioned; at the end his life was a mere gossip, a story half way told, someone who came to everyone’s life but at the end he was only a Visitor Q.

Third Chapter

In the faculty of Communications, Emma De La Espriella was a star between the student body; no one like her knew how to get an interview with personalities of the city. Everyone thought about her as the friendly girl who will have a big future, because she knew how to handle people in a friendly way, also Emma was the Communication Officer of the branch of the Young Journalist of Colombia Association of the college.

The office was located in the third floor of the faculty, it was basically one small room that was adjacent to the meeting room of the Communication faculty, but that single room had a great view of the horizon in the 13 mile. Dominic was also a member of the association; he served mostly as Emma’s assistant and photographer from time to time.

It was a nice day of April, it was the 16th, it was sunny day and it was really beautiful. Emma and Dominic were the only ones in the office; no one else was there, not even Jaison who was the Head of the branch. Emma was a really nice girl, she rarely doubt about anyone and usually didn’t asked questions about anyone’s life, but Dominic was the opposite as he was almost a paranoiac conspiracy believer, one more loose screw and he would be an alien believer. They were working on the webpage of the branch and updating the calendar of events.

“Dudette, I feel tired” said Dominic in a low tone. “I know dude but we have one more hour left and we are going to use it” replied Emma in a really low tone.

“Hey Dudette, I’m wondering where is Jaison?, he never miss one here”. “I heard he was going to Barranquilla about something, but I didn’t pay too much attention on what he said”. “Ah! Boomer, I was going to ask him something about next week event at the multiple room” said Dominic lowering his tone. “Dude, hell! You can ask me, I am the second in command!” Replied out loud but Dominic only could give a frantic laugh as we wasn’t waiting for that answer. “You know what dudette, I will ask you later, we only have 30 minutes left to end this and we are not going to have a break for the rest of the day”. “Y’right dude, time is flying”.

For the rest of their morning Emma and Dominic ended the updates of the webpage and the first class they had was Radio News with Rolando at the radio’s cabin, but there was no hurry because the class was at 1pm and it was only 11am.

When they finish, Dominic went to the third floor with the Cave gang, Emma decided to go to the cafeteria and have lunch before the class start. While they were walking to the departing point, Emma received a call from Jaison, he told her that he was going to be a more time away than he expect and she was in charge now of the Young Journalist Association; Emma receive the news with some joy because she didn’t expected to heard that.

“Dude it was Jaison, he told me that he was going to be away for a little more time and that I that I was in charge of the association” Emma said with a big grin in her face; “Dudette, congratulation, so that makes me the second in command?” replied Dominic with a sardonic smile. “No dude that will be Josephine, you’re still my assistant”, said Emma laughing hard.

A few minutes later, Emma went to the cafeteria and Dominic went upstairs to meet the Cave gang. Emma was jolly because she didn’t expect that call. When she arrived in the cafeteria, she ordered a lunch and a diet coke, then she tried to spot anyone she knew but everyone else was in class or back at home, so Emma decided to eat alone. There weren’t any tables available so at the end, she went to eat outside in the patio that was in the middle of the cafeteria and the main building.

April the 16th was a beautiful day, it wasn’t raining, the sun was shining and there was a cool breeze roaming in the air; it was a perfect day to eat outside and Emma was enjoying her meal below a really bushy tree; for her that day was really calm so far. When she finished her lunch she went upstairs to wait for the class with Dominic and the Cave gang. Emma never hanged out with the Cave gang but she was a good friend of many of them, and sometimes she visited the third floor to cool herself in the sunniest days.

It was above 1pm, everyone was inside the radio cabin and Rolando didn’t show up. Nobody knew why he was late, he always reported when he was going to be tardy and everyone was thinking that maybe he got jammed in traffic because he didn’t had classes in the early morning. About 3pm when the class was about to finish everyone was thinking that what could happened because they didn’t receive any call from him; one of the girls went to the faculty to know if he called there, but the faculty secretary was worried too because he didn’t called to report that he wasn’t coming either.

Many people tried to call him back to his cell phone but he didn’t answered, also there wasn’t any response from the other school he used to teach, and not even from his house; then they started to realize that he didn’t report either yesterday, panic came because he was missing.

About 3:10 pm the dean went to the radio cabin, most of the people were still there, including Emma and Dominic. The dean words were somber “Your teacher is missing, nobody has seen him for 24 hours, the police had been notified”, then a small guy with a squeaky voice said that Jaison hasn’t been seen for over a week either, but nobody pay attention to the squeaky guy.

Emma then said that she received a call from him that his was in Barranquilla in some event at the UniNorte; the dean looked at Emma strangely “When did he said that?”, “this morning” Emma replied, “Can you call him back?” asked the Dean very politely. “Sure, and what I say to him?”. “Ask him where he is?” “Why I need to say that?”, “Because there isn’t anything in Barranquilla or at any other college right now involving the Young Journalist Association”. Replied the dean.

Second Chapter

April the 15th was the day that Rolando was murdered according to the necropsy report; they said he was chocked and the mauled with a hammer or an object similar in weight that was missing from the scene. The police didn’t made anything to catch the criminal, less than a week the case was closed. Many of the students and friends were angry, between those were Laidy and Dominic because everyone suspected and some of them even said that Jaison was the killer and no one else because he was bragging one time he got high behind the place where the stoners used.

Laidy was one of the first to know about that their teacher was dead, the news came on the 18th, he was found in his home after the corpse started to smell; she didn’t went directly to the scene but a friend of
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