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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga/Spectrum Force by Heather Ray (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga/Spectrum Force by Heather Ray (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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fighting tooth and nail against an endless enemy. *Spectrum Force! We have come up with a plan that should help us set everything right.*

She felt the relief and excitement erupt from her team, and continued. *We will place a sealing spell into the portal, and prohibit the Chaotics from replenishing their forces. Once you destroy the monsters already on Earth, we will be able to restore Jocelyn and Kimberly, and permanently seal the portal.*

*Yes!* Tamara cheered, *Thank God you're back, Spectra!*

Spectra smiled at the warm greeting. *I believe we will need one of you to help fend off any creatures that pass through the portal during the casting.*

*I'm on it,* Matt responded immediately.

*Spectra?* Craig responded. *Who is this 'we' you keep mentioning?*

*I have an ally you will all meet shortly. For now, be careful and be confident. This battle nears its end.*

She then drew her mind back, just in time to see flashes of energy and blotches of blackness amidst the swirling snow and winds. They had reached the battleground, which was pot-marked with energy blasts and black ooze from the nightmarish creatures that hobbled along the tundra or flew in the bitter currents of air.

She blinked. "There is more than one type of Chaotic here."

Luminus nodded grimly. "The longer the portal remains open, the more Chaotics will learn of its existence. With time, surely very powerful creatures will pass through."

"Then let us waste no more of it," Spectra decided, her feet touching the snow. She raised her staff, and opened fire at the flying creature that had approached them. After several moments, the creature erupted in a burst of dark energy, opening the path for Spectra and Luminus to hurry into the cave.

The cave was brightly illuminated with a warm green glow. As the pair of seasoned warriors passed cautiously through the narrow opening, they were met by a loud pounding, followed by an even brighter burst of energy and a horrible shriek.

Scowling, Spectra ran ahead, her staff glowing as she mustered energy for an attack. However, when her gaze finally fell upon her student, the ferocity slipped off her face, replaced by concern.

Matthew leaned against the unyielding rock wall, panting heavily while cradling his leg just above the knee. Even in the dimming light, Spectra could see the deep red quickly saturating the vivid green of his costume at the site of the wound.

"That… last one got a good hit in," Matt hissed between gritted teeth.

As she approached, Spectra could make out numerous bloody gashes marking the slim Green Enforcer. All his other wounds were shallow compared to the one slicing open his thigh, but nonetheless Spectra felt her concern rise. And the way the young man's shoulders heaved with each breath spoke volumes.

"I'll take you back to the ship," she decided, reaching for his arm. "We can-"

"No!" There was a steely note in his voice that startled his mentor. "We don't have time! We'll only see the Power Rangers' world for another twenty seconds at most!"

Luminus inspected the portal, frowning at the black nothingness projected. "This is the dimension where our Orange Enforcer is presently?"

Matthew nodded, finally easing into Spectra's grip to take the weight off his injured leg. "I saw Jocelyn and a couple Power Rangers about fifteen minutes ago. Then the red distortion came, and a few seconds later a monster passed through." He winced as he and Spectra began moving, approaching the portal and Luminus. "After that, the portal turned white for a few seconds, and then the blackness came. I'm pretty sure that's the same cave Jocelyn was just in; they must've pulled back. Without Jocelyn there to illuminate the cave, we can't see anything."

Spectra glanced at the Green Enforcer sideways. "So the Power Rangers and Jocelyn are already at the site of the portal? That should make our job much easier."

"Even though they may be physically near the portal, we cannot communicate with them across dimensions," Luminus realized. "The exchange must be executed on both sides if this is to work."

The portal then flashed red, causing all three to take a cautious step back.

"We've got about twenty to forty seconds before a monster passes through," Matt pointed out, drawing away from Spectra. "We can expect one to three monsters to come through at one time."

Spectra frowned deeply at Matthew, who couldn't hold a pained hiss as he put weight on his leg. "And you've been standing vigil in this cave all alone, fighting off each monster that has passed through the portal since Jocelyn last appeared?"

Matt tensed at the rebuke in her tone. "Not… exactly. If there were too many for me to fight, I led them out of the cave, threw them out, or called some backup. It's too cramped for the whole Force to fight in here."

Spectra's gaze slid back to Matt's most prominent wound. "You've fought enough today. Go back to the ship." This time, it was an order. "You can hardly stand, much less fight."

Grimacing beneath his mask, Matthew focused his power. A warm green glow saturated his body, lifting him off weakened legs and letting him hover ominously a foot off the ground. "I don't need to stand to fight, Spectra."

Spectra clenched her fists. Since when had Matthew been so recklessly stubborn?

"Spectra, to my side!"

She refrained from responding to Matthew's insubordination, choosing instead to lead by example and obey her own mentor's direction. The elder's hands stretched toward the portal, a faint nimbus of energy outlining his hands.

He stepped to the side of the portal, nodding for Spectra to follow. "Matthew," he spoke, "there are two creatures passing between here and Chaos. You must push them out of the cave immediately. Do not try to fight them here; I must begin casting the spell as quickly as possible to make sure I don't miss the next window. Push them out, and then you and your teammates can make quick work of them." He spared the young man a potent glance. "Do you understand?"

Matthew nodded, his aura intensifying as he gathered his strength. A heartbeat later, the portal flashed, drawing two more winged abominations into a realm of matter.

Matthew reached out with his powers, latching on to each creature and hurling them toward the cave's mouth before their misshapen feet touched the soil. He then streaked after them, ignoring the throbbing in his head, the fire in his leg, and the ache in his heart.

Spectra watched him leave, her face drawn with concern. "He's too badly wounded to continue, High Father."

"He will not rest until Orange is found," Luminus said sagely. "His thoughts are consumed with determination to rescue her. There is no sense in trying to convince him to take another course of action; not when time is limited."

He then drew his open palms together, urging the light of his power to intensify. "Spectra, you recall how to create force field spells?"

She blinked her disbelief. "Of course!"

"Good; creating a seal within a Multiversal portal is very similar. The key, as always, is to make the barrier 'fit' the circumstances, to make sure nothing leaks. Now, pay attention."

His fingers began swaying, weaving tendrils of magic and creating a shimmering lens just in front of the portal. "Now I'm calibrating the seal to withstand the Chaotic energies that still permeate this cave. Once Chaos reopens, I can cast the seal within that tunnel, and fasten it there."

After several moments more, the consuming blackness in the portal gave way to fierce red. Then, Luminus extended his hands, and the portal flashed.

Spectra jumped back, reflexes demanding she cover her eyes. When she opened them again, the portal gleamed before her, the angry red appearing vaguely pink through the translucent barrier.

"So, it's done?" Spectra murmured. "The portal is sealed?"

He nodded. "Remember, this is only a temporary fix. I calibrated this seal to withstand the energies we've already faced here, meaning if a more powerful Chaotic attempts to pass through, the seal may not hold. So long as I stay near the portal, I should be able to adapt the seal to compensate; assuming I am able to make the adjustments in time." He then stared through the mouth of the portal. "Retrieve Kimberly, and then see that everyone reports here as soon as they are able. We may have averted catastrophe in this Realm, but I fear great danger threatens the other Realm."

Spectra nodded, her face grim.
Chapter Fifty-Two

Keith twisted in the air, narrowly avoiding ravenous claws and the furious bat of a leathery wing. *I'm clear! Fire!!*

Bright yellow energy collided with the wayward monster, hitting it in the underbelly and mercilessly pummeling it in Keith's direction.

Keith smirked fiercely, his hands flashing as he summoned an answering stream of power, plowing into the monster on the other end.

It took only a moment for the dual-assault to disintegrate the creature.

"We're making progress," Tamara noted, descending to Keith's side. "Only five to go."

"Four," Keith corrected, grinning as Rachel slashed through another Chaotic with her Dia-Staff. Craig was also relying on his handheld weapon as he battled another Chaotic high in the sky.

Below, Keith watched the Green Enforcer's aura charge with blinding light. The freshman flew headfirst into a Chaotic, and Keith watched in slack-jawed shock as the creature staggered. Matthew pivoted for another volley, but the creature quickly recovered its bearings, turning and opening its maw…

"It's gonna spit!" Keith growled, diving below. His hands squeezed the air, driving his powers deep into the frozen, rock-solid soil of the North Pole.

Matthew gasped just as he saw his target vomit the deadly corrosive acid, and tried to dodge out of the way… when a sudden wall of red-tinged snow and earth erupted from the ground, three feet thick and six feet high, just in front of the Chaotic. The corrosive liquid ate away at the barrier, buying Matt the seconds he needed to angle out of harm's way. Though he didn't have the time or the focus to control his landing, instead crashing into the icy snow and digging a wide trench with his body.

A bombardment of yellow bursts won the Chaotic's attention, as Keith hurried to check on the dazed Green Enforcer.

"You okay?" Keith panted, running to where Matthew had finally skidded to a halt. A quick glance around showed that Tamara, Rachel, and Craig had the remaining creatures actively engaged, giving Keith a moment to examine his wounded friend.

"I'm… fine," Matt wheezed, though as he picked himself off the snow, his slow, ginger movements proved otherwise.

"Like hell you are!" Keith snapped, pointing at Matt's bloodied leg. "Matt, your costume's as red as mine!"

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