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Read books online » Fiction » Eastern Fury and The Drunken Lord by Andrew Scorah (books for 20 year olds .txt) 📖

Book online «Eastern Fury and The Drunken Lord by Andrew Scorah (books for 20 year olds .txt) 📖». Author Andrew Scorah

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not ten feet away stood Sygo, he was dressed all in black and wearing a tengu mask, the forest demon. Chihiro though it was fitting, the mask was designed to intimidate, it failed where Chihiro was concerned.
"He is mine, every one stand off!" Sygo shouted. The few people that had been watching the events unfold quickly vanished off the street. An eerie silence descended as the two Ninjas eyed each other. Chihiro narrowed his eyes and watched as Sygo dropped back into stance, his sword held by his right side.
"You have come along way brother, my father is a fool, sending you to your death."
"We do not have to do this, you can come back with me, face the council."
"I would surely die, what profit in that?"
"What happened to you that you have forgot our ways?"
Sygo laughed harshly,"They are the old ways Chihiro, belonging to a past that is dead and buried, you could join me"
"I do not think so."
Chihiro launched himself at Sygo with blistering speed. Their blades clashed with the ring of forged steel, silvery blue sparks flew into the air; circling each other trying to gage the others next move. They came together again in a ballet of clashing steel, using the ghost steps of Tai-sabaki to avoid being cut. Each was as skilled as the other, never giving any quarter, back and forth they fought, spinning, slashing, stabbing;like two whirling dervish's from an opium soaked nightmare. A group of Long riders, including their leader Dan Savio, emerged from the saloon to watch the spectacle. It seemed they had forgotten their reason for being there that night, and so remained unaware of the squad of U.S Cavalry approaching from the station.
The two Ninja spun through the air, blades seeking an opening but finding none. They landed and immediately Chihiro flipped over Sygo striking down to his head as he landed, Sygo blocked the strike and spun aiming for Chihiros mid section but missed as he dodged back. A cloud of blinding powder flew from Sygo's hand, Chihiro dropped to one knee rubbing his eyes.
The squad of cavalry halted when they saw the two men fighting, Savio's men spied them and opened fire, the soldiers dived for what ever cover they could find; returning fire. The Long Riders retreated into the saloon and the Soldiers made their way forward.
Chihiro back flipped away from Sygo, hearing the gunfire and hoped no bullet found Sygo. A sharp pain as Sygo's blade found him, blossomed along his arm and he heard Sygo laugh.
"Your done Chihiro, I can taste your blood and feel my victory!"
"Yes beaten dog."
"Shut the fuck up!" Chihiro had centered himself and extended his Haragei to feel Sygo's spirit, Chihiro was just a blur as he sprang forward, spun and took a surprised Sygo's head from his shoulders. Blood spurted into the air, his body did not realize it was dead and so for a moment remained standing, useless muscles spasming, seconds later it collapsed onto the street, the dust turning red all around it.
Chihiro turned from the headless corpse of Sygo just as the Soldiers stormed the saloon, the sounds of a furious battle could be heard from inside. He performed the Chiburi and sheathed his sword. The troop commander approached him.
"That is the darnedest thing I ever witnessed Mister," he took off his cap as he looked down on Sygo's corpse.
"Kingsley got word to you then?"
"Don't know no Kingsley," the troop commander said, "A man was arrested in Pine Rock he let drop about the raid on our train, that is why we are here." He walked away to join his men,shaking his head.
Chihiro heard his name called, he turned to see Lord Kingsley Pugh stagger out of a Saloon a couple of doors away. On his arm was the girl he had saved earlier.
"Why haven't you given the signal yet dear boy?" he said just before he stumbled over Sygo's body, "Oh I see you started with out me."
The girl looked apologetically to Chihiro, "I tried to tell him but he just kept right on a drinking."
He shrugged and walked off into the night, his work done. It would be a long time before Red Bluff would forget the night the Eastern Fury, as he came to be known, walked their streets. Lord Kingsley Pugh told the tale to any one who would listen, how he helped defeat a hundred, sometimes a thousand bandits and brigands, all depending on how much whiskey he had drunk. Sometimes at night the towns folk swore they heard the whistle of his blade, or may be it was just the wind.


Text: Andrew Scorah
Images: Andrew Scorah
Publication Date: 03-17-2012

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