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Read books online » Fiction » Dubius by el.smith (mystery books to read txt) 📖

Book online «Dubius by el.smith (mystery books to read txt) 📖». Author el.smith

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choose was my family, they needed me, and as the saying goes, “Destiny is your future, and family is your past.” It means that your destiny should be first, and your family isn’t. Once you leave, there is no going back. I don’t think I could leave them and give up my life. I would just marry Grace’s brother or someone else on my block, and live happily ever after in Medocris with my family.
I awake to an alarm going off, todays the day. I was going to choose Medocris and live the rest of my life here. I sighed, was it truly better to choose the life you live of the life you want to live? Always watching the Interpidus always doing whatever they want, the Custodes always getting to read whatever they want and learn, or even the Principes deciding our rules and getting a say in what happens all over the country.
Oh well, I won’t ever know what that’s like. I shrugged, and dressed in a grey tee, jeans, and my grey tennis shoes. I jogged downstairs, and saw that everyone was already eating. “Good morning everyone.” I said smiling as I sat down, and filled my plate with eggs and plain toast. “Good morning.” Everyone said back, and I dug in.
“So, today is a big day. You guys have a lot to think about and what you are going to choose.” Tom and I nod as father continues. “Your mother and I have to get there early to help set up.” Okay, so when they leave I’m sure Tom will ask me what happened, I’ve kind of been avoiding him. But I don’t know what to tell him, Gloria told me not to tell anyone though. I nodded to them, and wiped my mouth on my napkin.
“Okay, see you guys later, love you.” And with that my father opened the door for my mother. She thanked him, and said goodbye to us and left. Tom smiled at them as they left, and when they were out of site, he whirled around to face me. My face fell; I knew what he was going to ask me. But instead of asking he meerly said, "I have to go in early. I'll see you there." He hugged me and then left. Wow, he seems different. I wonder what was with Tom today?

Chapter Three
The opening ceremonies began as i waited in line with Tom. The ceremony was goning to last about an hour before we were to be introduced. the process is short but will last a few hours with all of us here. i patiently waited while we started the process.

The process of getting a new Destiny is simple. in order to give up your past life you must get onto the stage. once up there they have 6 boxes with items that relate to each destiny. in the Intrepidus there is a fire, in custodes there is a book. in the Aricolae there is cornicopia, in operarios is a plain white rag, in Medocris there is a stone and in principes there is water. each represents the significants of each destiny.

They started to call our names, starting with the end of the alphabet. so tom would go before me. we waited and before i knew it tom was next. we watched the boy infront of us go as he broke the egg over the Custodes box. uh oh, the first transfer of the ceremony. those who transfer are frowned upon by most people at first, but after a while no one remembers.

They called tom and he walked out on stage and grabbed an egg. the egg represents new life and when broen over the boxes they signify new life has been chosen. i watched tom walk over to the boxes looking swiftly betweem the custodes and the medocris. he broke the egg and i heard many people gasp and i starred in horror. my selfless brother, the nicest person i know has choosen custodes!!!!!

Completely shocked i felt like my whole world was crashing down. i watched as he exited the stage, omg, how could this of happened? my brother, the one more selfless, nicer, and more likely to be medocris than me. now how could i leave mom and dad? i sighed, and relaized how loud it was in here. everyone in the audience was in an uproar. oh God tom, what have you done, and wat will i do?

the end for now, will add more later

Text: all rights reserved to the author
Images: all rights reserved to the author
Publication Date: 10-12-2012

All Rights Reserved

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