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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Bear- hug by Madhab Kumar Bandyopadhyay (best free novels txt) 📖

Book online «Bear- hug by Madhab Kumar Bandyopadhyay (best free novels txt) 📖». Author Madhab Kumar Bandyopadhyay

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‘I have checked, some of them are already guarding the rear side,’ uncle tried to explain as calmly as possible; ‘if we stay here, they will break open the doors and we are finished. We don’t even have a paper-knife….’

‘What chance do we have for survival?’ Sudipto interrupted.

‘In the jungle out there we may hope for a fifty-fifty chance.’ replied uncle. ‘Anyway, friends, we are not going to sell our life cheap.’ Barun declared and everybody agreed.

All of a sudden, Sudipto embraced Rita tightly and began kissing her everywhere. Strange was her reaction; she reciprocated with equal vigor. It was not as sudden as it seemed. Since the appearance of the murderous gang of bears, they had been feeling a strange attraction to each other. They had exchanged numerous lusty glances. Now, when it seemed that their fate was sealed, they felt an irresistible physical urge. They readily succumbed to the urge in the face of imminent danger.

Gradually, Rita felt that her knees were giving in. She unzipped him and fell on the ground with Sudipto still in her tight embrace. Sudipto reciprocated and oblivious of the presence of others started love- making. The spirit appeared infectious. Arko and Ruchika as well as Barun and Ria formed pairs; they engaged in passionate and shameless love- making.
The men searched for safety in their loves’ breasts, the women found security in their partners’ embrace.
All of them became united by an unspeakable feeling. In the veins of each lover flowed the feelings of their partner. Each of them could feel the deepest inside of their love. Bereft of all privacy, without any cover or place to hide and without any feeling of guilt or shame, they discovered the craving for life. A spiritual transformation took place. Or was it the spirit of some ancient cults, which looked upon women as the source of all forms of life and life in abstraction of all forms, that had always been running in their blood and surfaced when lives were being challenged by death?

Uncle stood alone near the door. The raw physicality of the situation did not embarrass him. The naked display of human passion at its highest, that too in a group, did not appear to be a pervert orgy. He was surprised that the scene of simultaneous multiple sexual performances seemed to be the most natural and purest of scenes he had ever encountered. A feeling of tender love and affection for his friends overwhelmed him.
Nobody counted the minutes and seconds. The lovers saw eternity in every second.

At last the impatient men outside shouted, ‘Quick, we can’t wait any longer.’ The girls and the boys, recently transformed into men and women, emerged with their baggage and were made to fall in line. The gunman guarded the rear and those with the tangis distributed themselves in the line and the procession of fourteen persons started towards the deeper part of the forest. Moon had by then appeared in the sky. Moonshine, reaching through the thick foliage, gave the forest some sort of other- worldly appearance. It was as if everything presented itself in complementary color.

After what appeared to be an eternity, they emerged from the deep forest and uncle was surprised to find the lights of the hotel they had left. With time it became clear that they were actually heading towards the hotel.
The seven armed men led the group to a windowless room of the hotel and bolted the door. The room had stacks of various articles of everyday use. The manager was sitting in front of a table turning the pages of some sort of a register. ‘So, you are ultimately in my clutch. What do you think? You can escape me here, at Naturehut!’ 'What do you want?’ asked Uncle.
‘What do I want? I want ….I want to kill you,’ shouted the manager, ‘give me back the two bed-sheets you stole.’‘We are no thieves.’protested Arko.To their surprise, Barun brought out two bed-sheets from his bag, his hands trembling.
'Please,sir,don't murder us,' he appealed. ‘Murder!Yes, I have half a mind to murder you.Before I murder you, would you please tell me what led you

to think so?' 'Simple,’ Uncle now took over, ‘Those murderous bear-like men armed to the teeth! Why would you send them to fetch us if …..’
‘Wait, wait,’ interrupted the manager, ‘You simpletons, you idiots! I sent them to ensure your safety. In such nights black bears frequent the deeper part of the forest; nobody till date has survived a bear-hug, our guests included.’

At the start of the vacation, the girls and the boys had written to their families that they would not be able to spend much time with their families as they would be busy with an 'educational tour' that summer.


Text: All rights reserved by the author
Publication Date: 06-14-2010

All Rights Reserved

To Rumi,Sumi&Sus

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