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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Broken by Joyce Raley (primary phonics TXT) 📖

Book online «Broken by Joyce Raley (primary phonics TXT) 📖». Author Joyce Raley

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Chapter 4

"Hi, Alec!" Emily said cheerfully as the boys finally returned. "How was your trip?"
Alec glared at her for a second, making her sulk away, before turning to me. "Freya, come with me." He turned back to the door, but I didn't move. "Why?" I asked instead, giveing him my most innocent look. He sighed, pulled me off the couch and dragged me into my bedroom.
"Free, tell me, did you sneak out when we left?"
"Yes.." I answered him carefully. He'd called me by a nickname I didn't know I had. Or I didn't remember.
"For how long?"
"A few minutes. Why?"
"Nothing." He gave me a soft smile. "When do you eat anyway? You never touch the food here..." I giggled and he paused. "What?"
"I drink nectar. Like a butterfly." I opened my mouth and a thin pink string unrolled itself. I guess you could say it was a second tounge.
"Oh! Gross!" Alec stepped back, making a face. "Eew."
"Hurtful!" I said, smileing and rolling my "tounge" back. He laughed and kissed my forehead. I wont tell him what I did. It would hurt him so much worse than the pain I go through everyday. I wont send that pain on anyone else, so I go through it silently. But when he finds out, I know he'll feel so betrayed, he wont much care about what happened. Then he'll realize how much pain I must have gone through to agree to this.
My mind began to have problems wrapping itself around my thoughts by then, so I stopped worrying. "Alec, do you really love me as much as you say?" I asked timidly. He smiled as he answered, "Or course I do, sweet." I didn't care about the deal I had with Alec's brother right then. All I wanted was someone to love, and someone to love me back. I stretched up on my tip-toes, and brushed a soft kiss on his lips. Stunned, he gaped at me, so I turned and left him in his daze.
* * *
"Alec, I want to go for a walk." I sighed. It had been almost six months, and still no sign of Marquez. In some ways I was relieved. Alec and I had begun to grow so much closer, though I was rarely allowed to leave the house unless I was hungry."Alright, alright." He smiled and took my hand. "It's begun to get boring around here anyway."
He took me out to the woods, but avoided the clearing he had taken me to-probably scared I'd jump into the water this time. Actually, I very well might. We chatted lightly for about an hour befor I heard a familiar voice in my head. It wasn't one of my main voices that lead me through bad places, but instead it was Marquez's.
"Freya, come to your little clearing. I'm waiting." That's all he said. That's all I needed. I turned to Alec, "My head hurts and I'm tired. Let's go home." He agreed and took me home. What will happen when he finds out about my deal with his cruel brother?

Chapter 5

I snuck out that night, once I was sure everyone was sound asleep. The night was somehow soothing. Maybe it was because I was headed for my death. The thought made me chuckle softly to myself as I entered the twisted clearing. Marquez sat waiting on the exact root I had sat on the first time I had come. Funny how I can remember things at all, isn't
"Ah, Alec's little beauty didn't chicken out after all. You were just waiting to get out alone, weren't you?" He smiled wickedly.
"Yes." I answered, my first wave of fear setting in. It wont last long. It wont last long. I kept telling myself. It wasn't helping much.
Suddenly, Marquez was standing next to me. "You'll taste great then. Wait here."
He disappeared, but was back within secounds carrying wood. Fire wood. He made a small bonfire with impressive speed. "There. That's better light." He winked at me, then tore off my clothes. I gasped and struggled not to object or cry out. Instead, I gritted my teeth until it hurt.
"I'm going to make this count." He whispered, lying me on the ground and pushing a
smoldering stick into my stomach. I screamed in agony as it burned my skin to no end. I
heard Marquez laugh as the preasure of the stick was released. My vision was blury with
tears, the fire seeming to dance around me from all sides. I heard the familiar, terrifying growl come from Marquez as he changed shape. I felt his disgusting slober fall onto my belly. Then I felt his teeth ripping into my stomach. I let out another blood curdling scream of pain and Marquez's howl of triumph.
He kept on biting on me. One after the other after the other. Each time my screams
became more and more desperate for death. This was so much worse than what my mother put me through. So much worse.
Suddenly, Marquez was thrown off of me as five figures raced past after him. I realized that it was Alec and his family. No, Alec...

"Freya? Freya! Can you hear me?" All I heard in his voice was fear. Fear of losing me. I smiled up at him, my body going numb to all my pain. My brain shattered again, but
without the awful ache. I began to see things floating around Alec's blury figure. They looked like little monsters. Little bitty demons all staring at me and Alec. How cute

, I
thought lazily.
"No, Freya. You can't die. You can't. Please.." He was looking down at my stomach. I raised my head slightly and saw a big gaping hole where my actual stomach should have been. My intestines were spread out arond me. I could even see my spine. If I still had a stomach, I'd feel sick to it. The blood was awful.

My mind broke again.

I started seeing colors that weren't there. They were so pretty. "Alec, can you see the pretty colors? And the little demons?" His tears dropped onto my face as he shook his head in despair. "No, Freya.", He said, "I can't see them." I smiled again and began to laugh softly. "What?" Alec asked quietly, his voice cracking.
"I was so stupid, Alec. So very very stupid. Right befor he bit me, I realized that I loved you. More than anything. That's when I didn't want to die." This time Alec laughed. It was the sound of relief. He leaned down and kissed me gently. I pulled him closer, glad I was numb to my pain but not this. He knew, even with all the medical help in the world, that I was going to die. I knew it too. My heart ached for him. I could pratically hear his heart shatter into a million tiny pieces. I knew, but I felt the life finally leave me anyway.
* * *
I stared down at my pale faced love. She actually, finally said she'd loved me.
Finally. But now she was gone. I would never see her bright, but distant smile again. Never hear her laugh. Never see her beautiful silhouset in the sun again. Never get to touch her, love her, kiss her. None of that ever again. She was gone. Gone.

Emily had her arms around my waist, helping me to stand. "Come on, Alec. We'll take her home and have a funeral for her. She's probably happier now, anyway." True. She probably was. Or maybe her heart was broken just like mine at the fact thyat we would never see eachother again.

I loved her.

* * *
I loved him.


Text: This was written from my own original ideas from my insane mind.
Publication Date: 03-04-2012

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