New Beginnings by Bellanessa21 (love story books to read .TXT) 📖

- Author: Bellanessa21
Book online «New Beginnings by Bellanessa21 (love story books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Bellanessa21
“Do you play Veronica”, Jonathan gestured to the piano and inviting me closer. “No, I don’t, I’ve only seen them on the T.V. in the Rec Center, it’s beautiful though,” I lightly touched the black and white keys wishing I knew how to play.Maybe if I really do stay here I could learn to play.“I can teach you whenever you want, if you would like to learn,” Getting up from the pianos bench Jonathan walked towards the right and I followed. He led the way into the living room and the kitchen showing me the plasma and the state-of-the-art kitchen where we saw Mr. and Mrs. Henderson peeling carrots and dicing tomatoes. “I think you’ll like this room,” Jonathan smiled and opened the door to a library. Oh, wow! So many books I walked in and found armchairs and a few bean bags on the floor, a table with a desk, computer, and lamp to do studying or homework. What caught my eye was the fireplace, it was gorgeous and cozy next to the chairs and had me thinking of reading next to it during the winter.What are you thinking roni, get it together,shaking my head I pulled myself out of my fantasy and asked Jonathan if we could see the rest of the house. Confused, he led me out and made his way up the stairs explaining where he and his parents slept and that the door with a ‘UNDER CONSTRUCTION’ sign was my unfinished room. The hallway dividing the families rooms led to two more guest rooms, one of which was mine until my room was finished.
“I’ll come and get you in ten minutes so we can go eat”, Jonathan called from the end of the hallway leaving me to wander around the house. Closing the door to the guest bedroom I walked to the edge of the bed, letting myself fall into it with a thump.Is this really happening? Did I really leave the program and come live with a rich family that has a piano in the living room? I guess the question is will I stay. Am I okay living with a family and adapting to this new life that is being offered to me? It wouldn’t be a bad thing if I stayed, I could learn to play the piano and maybe I could finally get my happy ever after. Heaving a big sigh I sat up, looked around the room and made the decision to try my best.
“Veronica dinners ready, let’s go outside”, Jonathan called from the other side of the door knocking lightly. “’k I’m coming,” I answered and opened the door to follow Jonathan outside.I really need to ask if I can call him John, saying his full name is kind of long. Coming down the stairs and heading through a door in the living room john led me to the back yard.
The back yard is something else. It’s a small clearing filled with trees and a trail leading to a private lake which holds a boathouse complete with a boat and a pair of jet-skis. John and I walked to the wooden picnic table sitting opposite each other as Mr. and Mrs. Henderson passed out the food. Dinner was good Mr. Henderson made steaks and Mrs. Henderson made side dishes of mashed potatoes, bread and salad. They mostly talked about the upcoming school year and what school I would be attending St. Mary’s Catholic school. Oh no, catholic school? That means uniforms!
Mrs. Henderson smiles warmly at me,” you’ll do fine, don’t worry about school yet you have the whole summer before you have to worry, and tomorrow you and I will go shopping for clothes and paint for your room,” turning to Mr. Henderson she asks, “Dear, when will Veronica’s room be ready?” leaning against his chair Mr. Henderson sighs and answers, “the room should be finished soon, maybe as early as next week.” “You don’t mind sleeping in the guest room until next week do you Veronica,” asked Mrs. Henderson. Swallowing my last delicious piece of steak I cleared my mouth and told them it would be fine. Standing to clear the plates off the table Mrs.Henderson stopped me, “oh, don’t worry about that, we’ll do it, you should go rest we have to get up bright and early tomorrow to go into the city. “Ok, well good night everyone, and thank you for dinner,” handing over my plate I walked back inside the house and went straight to my room.
Sinking into the warmth of the blankets I closed my eyes and just breathe. Ok, day one over and done. I miss the gang, I wonder how they’re doing and if everything is ok. Amaras warning managed to worm its way into my head and made a cozy bed determined to stay the night. My breathing relaxing and slowing down, my mind started giving way to pointless fantasies of the Henderson’s and I being one big happy family. Exhausted from the whole move I graciously sank into a deep slumber.
I was dreaming, this I was sure of. I opened my eyes and found myself in the arms of a woman with dark hair gently running her hand up and down my back soothingly. Who is this woman and what is going on? Glancing around her hair I looked at my surroundings trying desperately to place the location. Fog?? It swirled around us blanketing the early morning sun and making everything hazy. I saw dead trees leaning precariously level to the floor in odd forms giving the impression worthy of appearing in scary thrillers. Momentarily jostled, I was adjusted on the woman’s arms and given a different view. Red? Why is the floor red? Following the dark color my eyes traveled up and slowly became fixated on a large chunk of metal that resembled a car. Engulfed in flames I could hear the groaning and cracking of windows as well as a noise making its way toward the woman and I. “R-Rose”, the noise whispered. That’s not a noise? That’s a person! The woman lowered me to the ground gently caressing my face while whispering, “Stay here little one, I’ll be right back”. Watching the woman make her way towards the car I sat back and waited. What am I doing? Go! Get up and see what’s going on! I yelled at myself. Slowly standing I walked nearer to the car, careful to avoid the debris burning itself out and being found out. Crouching down I peeked through the cars shattered window to see the woman’s back to me kneeling on the ground in front of something. Listening hard I tried to hear what was happening but only got bits and pieces. “Rose- pl-please”, the voice groaned. Who is she talking to? The woman remained still whispering, “don’t worry Lizzy, I’ll take care of her”, she bent down to the floor, touched something and stood up. “Veronica, I thought I told you to wait for me”, the woman came around the car and lifted me into her arms cradling me to her and started walking away from the charred mass that once was a car. Wait! Who are you? Don’t leave! Who was that person you were talking to!
“Roni-Veronica, wake up!” The voice was shaking me, I could feel hands pushing my hair back and lingering on my face. I don’t understand! Who was that person in the car accident? Who was the woman holding me? “Veronica- its ok, you’re ok, you’re safe open your eyes”, there was that voice again. Struggling to open my eyes I found myself looking into a pair of frantic blue eyes, pushing away from the embrace I found myself in I backed into the headboard. “Veronica, dear are you ok”, Mrs. Henderson asked expression hurt as she sat on the end of the bed.
My mind frantic I managed to stammer out an apology to Mrs. Henderson while trying to control my heavy breathing. “I-I’m so sorry, I- I didn’t mean it, it was just a nightmare,” I whispered from my end of the bed. Glancing up I made contact with Mrs. Henderson and caught a surprised look on her face before it was replaced with a small smile, “That’s fine, nothing to worry about dear. Are you sure you’re alright?” I nodded and thanked her for checking up on me. “You must have had a horrible nightmare, would you like to talk about it?” Mrs. Henderson gently pressed. Relaxed enough, I crawled back into bed and laid there for awhile.
“Mrs. Henderson?” “Yes dear” she smoothed my hair back and tucked the blankets around me. “The dream- I don’t understand- it was a car accident and there was a woman with dark hair, I couldn’t see her face and she left me and walked to the car-I-I think someone was hurt, I think I was dreaming of my parents car accident,” I started shivering even through the warmth of the blankets. “Hush now, it was just a dream dear,” she soothed rubbing my hand. “Can you stay with me- at least until I fall asleep,” I asked, embarrassed at what a chicken I was turning into. “Of course dear,” Mrs. Henderson grabbed a rocking chair and put it next to the bed. She started running her fingers through my hair saying “You have such beautiful hair Veronica, is this ok,” she asked releasing my hair. “it’s ok,” I replied and leaned into the gentle stroking, enjoying the feel.
Slowly, oh so slowly my eyes started closing as I was trying to level my breathing. I could hear the creaking of the rocking chair going back and forth, back and forth as my breathing lengthened. Soon I was warm and comfortable nearing on the brink of sleep I thought I heard singing. No, not singing, humming. Mrs. Henderson was humming me to sleep. Nestling deeper into the blankets I finally relaxed and let sleep consume me guided by the gentle humming of what sounded like a lullaby. My last coherent thought was no one’s ever sang me a lullaby before.
Secrets Revealed
The next morning as I got dressed Mrs. Henderson knocked on my door, letting her in she asked how I slept, “Fine, I didn’t have that nightmare at all, I don’t know why I even had that dream.” Smiling Mrs. Henderson gave me a hug telling me to finish getting ready because we’re going to the store, with that said she went out into the hallway to get her jacket. Wow, I’m going shopping, I’ve been shopping before but mostly for food
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