Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Book online «Found by Anaya Phoenix (recommended books to read txt) 📖». Author Anaya Phoenix

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him this.
“but alpha-“ the wolf is about to whine but Michael steps forward,
“are you disobeying a direct order from alpha?” it sounds like a threat, if he were a sprite I would be seriously afraid.
“no alpha” the redheads eyes go back to their normal green. He looks at me,
“sorry alex” he mutters,
“it’s fine. We had the same problem with cora” I reassure him. He perks up a bit and steps forward, I stop him with my hand. He frowns at me and I rip a small piece of clothing off of Elizabeth’s footie, I give it to him while keeping Elizabeth a safe distance away.
“sniff this then pass it down” I tell him, he raises it to his nose for a long sniff then passes it to a brunette who’s eyes still have not been completely muted. The cloth goes around the whole semi- circle. I let them relax for a little while, I expand Elizabeth a little bit
“you wanna hold her? While I go get the nursery set up because I completely doubt your ‘alpha’ thought to fix it” he nods eagerly and I purposely ignore Michaels glare. I know what he’s going to say ‘I was trying to find you, nothing was more important blah, blah, blah’ and right now I don’t want to hera it. The redhead holds his hands out and I shake my head,
“Like this” I show him how to hold his arms and then I lay her down in them, I turn on my heel and head to the door. I don’t say ‘bye’ or ‘I’ll be right back’ but I wish I did. I open the door just before the messenger knocks on the door, I don’t need to sniff him to know he’s a sprite. He’s dressed in red leaves, which is the normal attire for a messenger.
“are you alexis, the sprite of danhmor?” he asks, I shake my head. He holds out a piece of beige parchment and flies off. I look at the seal and my heart almost stops, it’s the seal of the sprites of flickenhammer. Our council. I don’t open it, instead I numbly close the door and walk back into the living room.
“lexy?” Michael asks, I don’t look at him just at the letter. How could they have known, that’s a stupid question of course my mother would tell them. She was a good little sprite always loyal and caring towards the council. Even when it came to her daughter and granddaughters safety. He walks toward me and looks at the paper.
“what is it alex?” he asks worried, instead of answering him I open the letter. The writing is so close to my mother’s that I want to cry but I know it isn’t because of the way the x is shaped in my name:
Dear Alexis, sprite of danhmor,
We have received information that a child is to be born to you. Congratulations to that, but it is the species of the child that we have been forced to inform you that there will be a meeting called when the child is at the age of 8. Until then she will have dominion over the weather and temperature of her birth city. The city of Helen. Much luck to you, see you in a decade!
From the council of flickenhammer.
I want to read it again, to say that my eyes are tricking me. But they aren’t this letter says until she reaches the age of 10. That means they don’t plan on keeping her around past then. I look to Elizabeth with tears in my eyes, my sweet beautiful baby. The one who told me I had a pretty house just before we walked in. I doubted It but now I’m sure of it, she spoke to me. With the letter still in my hand I walk to her, I don’t see the redhead or the brunette or Michael. Just her. I hold her in my arms and cry silently, maybe we could run away. They would never find us, we could make it. I don’t argue with myself, this is the right thing to do. We could make it, someplace where we will never be found.

Publication Date: 12-04-2011

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