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Read books online » Fiction » Noblespirit's Clan by Chocolatemeerkat (e book reader for pc TXT) 📖

Book online «Noblespirit's Clan by Chocolatemeerkat (e book reader for pc TXT) 📖». Author Chocolatemeerkat

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The camp fell into a stunned silence. No cat spoke, but this silence turned into masses of yowls. Many cats dipped their heads, one of them being Softpaw.
"How did she die?" Dimstar demanded, his neck fur bristling with fury. Noblekit watched as Marigold stepped forward, her eyes showing sorrow. "One of the new warriors, Longstripe, slashed her neck open. I tried to save her, but it was too late." She explained.
Noblekit glanced over at Softpaw, who looked very upset to know of the grave news. He approached her slowly. "Why are you so upset? I never knew Cloudscream incredibly well, but everyone will miss her. I'm upset, but you look like you've lost your mate."
"Cloudscream was my mother." Softpaw sniffed. "I already lost my father a couple of moons before you were born, and now StarClan send for my own mother." She then turned away, not even looking at the kit. "Just leave me alone." Noblekit winced, but padded back to his mother, who licked him behind the ears. "It's alright, little one."
"May all cats old enough to catch their prey join under the Hidden Rock for a clan meeting!" Dimstar yowled. The clan gathered beneath the leader, whilst the kits watched from the nursery.
"Today, 3 apprentices have shown that they deserve their warrior names. So can Softpaw, Treasurepaw and Hawkpaw come up here please?" Dimstar called. The three apprentices rushed up, but Softpaw's eyes were still clouded with pain and grief for her dead mother.
"I, Dimstar, leader of CourageClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard in your noble code, and I ask that you make them warriors in turn." The cream leader then turned to the apprentices. "Softpaw, Treasurepaw and Hawkpaw, will you uphold the warrior code and use it to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!" The apprentices cried. Dimstsar smiled. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I grant you your warrior names. Softpaw, from this day onward you will be known as Softcloud. StarClan honours you for your loyalty and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of CourageClan." He went over to the next apprentice. "Treasurepaw, from this day onward you will be known as Treasureheart. StarClan honours you for your courage and quick thinking, and we welcome you as a full warrior of CourageClan." He finally went over to the last apprentice. "Hawkpaw, from this day onward you will be known as Hawkfrost. StarClan honours you for your determaination and your speed, and we welcome you as a full warrior of CourageClan."
"Softcloud! Treasureheart! Hawkfrost! Softcloud! Treasureheart! Hawkfrost!" The clan chanted.
"In tradition of our warrior ancestors," Dimstar continued. "our newly named warriors will sit vigil tonight and guard camp before joining their new denmates tomorrow."
I wonder what my warrior name will be!

Noblekit thought excitedly.
"Come on, litte one." Brightflower meowed gently. "I think you've had enough fun for one day." The tom-kit followed his mother, yawning.

Noblekit woke up to find himself sleeping on top of a pile of leaves, with a cool breeze ruffling his pelt. A perfect forest surrounded him, but there was no sun in the sky. There was no moon either, just a frighting, cloudy sky.
"Welcome, young warrior." A strange voice said from the shadows. Noblekit scrambled up to his paws and looked for where the cat who spoke to him.
"Over here!" The voice hissed again. Noblekit finally saw a dark grey she-cat with lighter tipped ears and green eyes. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "I thought I would be sent a warrior

, not a little weak kit." She mewed bitterly. Noblekit ruffled his fur in anger. "I am not weak! My father Talonstrike isn't, and neither is Brightflower, my mother!" He roared, pouncing onto the she-cat's front paw. He dug his jaws into her leg, trying to cause pain.
"Right." The she-cat rolled her eyes and kicked the kit off her. She crouched down and grinned. "I see you have some skills. But despite having no training, you aren't afraid to attack me. How?"
"I-I don't know." Noblekit admitted, shaking his pelt. "I just know." The grey she-cat wasn't convinced, but she looked intrested. "My name is Shademask. I'm a StarClan warrior who has been sent to help you become a great warrior." She explained. "You're Noblekit, correct?"
"Yes." The kit told her. "Are you going to make me the strongest cat in the forest?" Shademask grinned again. "I will try. I shall visit you every day to check up on your progress, and to give you some lessons. We'll start tomorrow. Agreed?"
"I agree!" Noblekit chirped. Yet again, Shademask grinned, but this time it seemed strange, almost frightening. But the young tom kit had no choice. He could trust a StarClan cat any day.
"Very well. Go and rest, young Noblekit. You will need your strength tomorrow." Shademask gently rasped her tongue over the kit's head and faded away.


"From this day onward, until you gain your warrior name, you shall be known as Noblepaw. Clawfur, you are a quick and powerful warrior. Pass your excellent skills down to Noblepaw."
"From this day onward, until you gain your warrior name, you shall be known as Heartpaw. Auroralight, you are cunning and brave. Pass these skills onto Heartpaw."
It had been a moon since Cloudscream had died in the battle against ForestClan. Lightingkit, Rockkit and Wildkit were now apprentices, meaning the apprentice den was quite full with now 7 apprentices. Emberpatch's litter weren't very old, but they were playful and energetic young kits. Rushpaw had finally gained his full medicine cat name, which was Rushbreeze. Noblepaw was proud for his friend, but prouder for Softcloud, for she had recieved her first apprentice: Wildpaw. Lightingpaw had Dimstar and Rockpaw had Moonstripe.
"Come along, young one. We will go on border patrol first." Clawfur called to his apprentice, flicking his tail over to Lilypetal and Windsong. "Those two are about to go to the ForestClan border."
"Great!" Noblepaw exclaimed, bouncing around. "I'll get to see more of the territory!" Clawfur smiled, and led his clanmates into the bushes.

ForestClan smell so weird!

That was the first thing Noblepaw thought of when he reached the border. He could scent some cats nearby, but not many, perhaps just three or four.
A rustle startled the CourageClan cats, especially Noblepaw. It was only a small ForestClan patrol, as Noblepaw had suspected, but Clawfur and a tall light brown tom were hissing and growling. "Ferretjaw." The deputy growled.
"Well, well, we meet again." Ferretjaw snarled, baring his teeth. "Are you still trying to get over what my son did to your precious warrior in the battle?"
"Longstripe? Your

son?" Clawfur sneered. "That young tabby couldn't possibly be your kit!"
"Believe it or not, it's true." A small she-cat hissed from behind. Ferretjaw flicked the young cat's ear with his tail. "Quiet, Brokenpaw. You do not need to speak."
"Who's that

?" Brokenpaw meowed in disgust, glaring at Noblepaw.
"That is Noblepaw, my apprentice." Clawfur replied. "You will leave him alone, he this is first time out of camp."
"Hi!" Noblepaw chirped. Brokenpaw snorted. "I'm protecting my clan, not making friends. That's a sign of weakness."
"Listen to her, Noblepaw." The golden apprentice could hear Shademask's voice in his head. "She makes a fair point. Why don't you prove your strength and fight her?"
Obeying the StarClan cat like a leader, Noblepaw sprung at Brokenpaw and raked his claws down her side. Brokenpaw yelped, but narrowed her eyes in suprise. "And the brave young apprentice attempts to kill off the wicked ForestClan she-cat." She mocked cruelly. "I like a cat with a bit of determaination." She crouched down and pounced, tearing at Noblepaw's pelt. The CourageClan apprentice slashed her muzzle and dug his teeth into her leg.
"You fight like a kittypet!" Brokenpaw jeered, kicking the apprentice off. "Pick on someone your own size, squirt!"
Before Noblepaw could get up, Clawfur grabbed his scuff and dragged him away from Brokenpaw. "What did I tell you, ignorant apprentice?" He hissed angrily. "Leave him alone!"
"And I think you should learn to control your apprentice and your lies, Clawfur." Ferretjaw replied coldly, ushering Brokenpaw and the rest of his patrol away. "That cat is not a new apprentice if he knows battle moves."
The ForestClan patrol then swiftly retreated, leaving the CourageClan cats stunned.


Text: Warrior Cats belongs to Erin Hunter, the rest belongs to me. Do not copy or edit without permission from the author.
Publication Date: 06-09-2012

All Rights Reserved

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