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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Slytherin Princess by Tabitha Repass (best ereader for textbooks txt) 📖

Book online «Slytherin Princess by Tabitha Repass (best ereader for textbooks txt) 📖». Author Tabitha Repass

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near tears, and slid off his back. "Your house would harm me and my house would harm you. Hermione thought it would be for the best," Harry said looking up with a blank expression on his face. "Harry I've lived with you at the Dursley's for ten hellishly long years. I hated all of them because I had to watch them treat you like rubbish, but I loved them because I got close to you. You were my only friend in that nightmare, I know you better than anyone, and you should know me enough to know Vernon paled to chalk white whenever he had me barking mad," I whispered. "I know your birthdays on the same day as mine; I know your ring finger on your right hand twitches when you're nervous or lying. I know that when you have that expressionless mask on you're trying to hide pain, and I know you don't want to do this Harry," I stated tears streaming down my face. "Oi! Potter why's the slytherin princess crying?!" Lucian shouted. "Levicorpus!" Lucian shouted again, and Harry was up in the air upside down. "See what I mean Camilla?" Harry said in a smug tone. "Fine. Forget the first ten years of your life, forget every moment you had with me, and forget I was ever your best friend," I stated calmly my face calm, and a void of all emotion. I turned on my heel, and started to leave. "Milly! Aren't you gunna tell him to drop me?" Harry yelled, and I turned to look him square in the face. "Don't call me Milly anymore. You could, but that was when you were my best friend. I don't think I will either. I mean I really can't control his actions, but Lucian. If I hear you killed, or maimed him, it's your ass," I stated in a monotone, and left looking for the Slytherin common room. I bumped into a tall figure, and looked at his robes. 'Gryffindor,' I thought sourly. "If you see a girl with big, bushy, light brown hair in the Gryffindor room, tell her she'd better watch her back. I have a good reason to," I said my face still blank. "And what-" one voice said. "Would that-" another voice said. "Be?" they said at the same time. "Well, you know Harry Potter right?" I asked. "Who wouldn't?" The red head to the right asked. "Well, he was my best friend I lived with him at the Dursley's, me and him only had each other, and she ruined my bloody friendship with him," I sounded deathly calm, and had my head down. "We were friends for eleven years if you count our birthdays that just passed," I whispered looking up at the twins. "Ah, we see," they sympathized. "Cami! Are those blood traitors bothering you?" Draco asked running up. My eyebrows came together, and I cocked my head to the side. "No these boys are not bothering me, and what's a blood traitor?" I asked thoroughly confused. "A blood traitor is someone that is friendly with muggles, or mudbloods. They're a disgrace to pure-bloods such as Slytherin, and I suggest you don't hang out with them or you'll get ridiculed by your own house. Being the Slytherin princess or not," Draco tsked pulling me away from the twins who looked astonished. "What were you doing with them?" he asked looking me over. "I bumped into them after an incident with Harry and told them to tell Hermine or whatever her name is she'd better watch her back," I answered truthfully. "Mudblood granger?" he asked, and I nodded. "Why does the ever gentle Slytherin princess want revenge on Mudblood granger?" he asked smirking, and it kind of distracted me. To the point I almost didn't answer his question. "She ruined my friendship with Potter," I growled his last name, and the torch lighting the area around us, and I yelped in surprise. "Lumos," I whispered quietly. "Um, why are you mad about something like that?" Draco asked looking at my wand. "I lived with Harry at the muggle house, and I was treated like royalty he was my best and only friend. Granger just told him he'd be better off unharmed if he wasn't my friend anymore," I was stony faced again. "It's not like you should care, I mean he's in Gryffindor," Draco snorted. I gave him a death glare, and had him pinned to a wall in a second. "How would you feel-" I was cut off by a loud voice. "Drakie!" it was Pansy, and Draco's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. "Go with it," I whispered, and spun us around so he was pinning me. I let out a girly giggle. "Oh, Draco," I sighed, and let out another girly giggle. Draco caught on, and then kissed me. Pansy walked in to the hallway to see the scene, and left with an angered squeal. "Now I know why you're in Slytherin," Draco stated smiling. I ignored his comment, and mused over how Pansy looked. "I'm calling her Pug-face for the rest of the years here," I stated, and walked with Draco to the Slytherin common room. 

-2 Years later-
*Draco's P.O.V.*
"Come on Milly let's make Potty regret letting you go," I smiled sadistically. "Okay Drakie," she agreed in a sing song voice. 'Merline, I love her voice,' I thought as I walked behind her. "Come on Draco, we have to hurry before he leaves the Great Hall," she called, and I ran after her laughing. She let out a wild giggle, and started to slow her running so I could catch her. "Boo," I whispered in her ear as my arms wrapped around her middle, and lifted her up. I carried her into the Great Hall while she let out a trill of giggles. Harry looked over, and looked shocked to see her laughing again. He followed my arms that were wrapped around her waist, saw me, and his mouth dropped open. His face was a picture of shock, and this made me smirk. I walked to go sit down. I sat down in between Terence and Theodore with Camilla on my lap. "You're very light Milly. Have you been eating?" I asked feeling worried I could feel none of her weight on my lap. She gave me a flat look like I was stupid. "Yes I've been eating, you've watched me eat before," she stated smugly. "Fast metabolism Hun, at its finest," she giggled again. "Just to let you know my parents wanted to meet you, and said you're welcome to visit for the holidays and summers," I smirked at her surprised face, and she turned around on my lap to hug me. "Thank you; I'd like that so much. I get away from Potter, and get to stay with you. A double bonus," she smiled, and placed a small kiss on my lips. She slipped off my lap and into the spot next to me so we could eat. "I just know how much you hate being in that muggle house. You deserve better. You should talk to Dumbledore about getting you adopted to a wizard family. Pure-bloods would be richer than those muggles, and you'd be treated like royalty," I stated looking at her pretty sure I had adoration painted plain on my face. "I'll do it if you go with me," she stated with a sly smirk. 'Oh how I love her being in Slytherin,' I thought giving her a grin. "I'll go, but you have to be a good girl," I warned her with a wag of my finger. "And if I'm not?" She asked looking up at me through her lashes. "I just might have to punish you," I stated smirking lazily.

*Harry's P.O.V.*
'I hate him, I hate Draco Malfoy,' I thought stabbing at my lunch with the fork. "What's bothering you Harry?" Hermione asked, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of hate towards her as well. "Nothing," I stated roughly. "Harry, I know something's wrong," Hermione warned. "How do you know?" I asked glaring at her. "It's easy for anyone to figure you're mad Harry you look like you're molesting your chicken," she stated in a matter of fact voice. "Cami could have seen I was mad before I started 'molesting my chicken' as you put it! She could tell you anything about me! That even you wouldn't know! She's the only one that knows me inside and out! She knows me more than she's ever known anybody, but now thanks to you I had to push her away! You know it was the worst thing I've done!" I yelled and the whole great hall was silent, and quite frankly I didn't care. "You know the worst part? Go ahead and guess! When I told her what you said I should she cried! Then Lucian was demanding why! He levitated me upside down because I made her cry! She didn't stop him! Vernon wouldn't beat me because she would stop him! Even if we were fighting, and her doing that shattered me Hermione! Cause I knew I broke her heart!" I yelled, and looked over at the Slytherin table to see their princess stiffen up. "I'm sorry Harry, but it really was for the best," Hermione whispered. "For who in this blasted situation?!" I yelled. "C'mon Draco," I heard her soft voice crack as she pulled Draco out of the great hall. "I think that was a bit harsh mate," Ron commented looking at a blubbering Hermione. "I really don't care right now Ron!" I snapped, and left to go sit at black lake. Malfoy and Milly were sitting by the tree, and talking. I took the invisibility cloak from inside my robes, and snuck up behind the tree they were sitting against. "I really cared about him Draco, and then he takes Grangers advice over me. I hope I didn't sound conceited when I said that," she mumbled. "No! Milly, you're the least conceited person I know," my blood boiled at Malfoy using my nickname for her. She started laughing uncontrollably, and rustling around. I walked around the tree to see what was going on, and she was lying on the ground with Malfoy on her tickling her with no mercy. 'That use to be me,' I thought sadly, and sat so nothing graphic happened.

*Camilla's P.O.V.*
Draco was on me his fingers tickling my sides with no mercy. "Draco... stop.... please!" I cried out in between giggles. He stopped, and fished something out of his pocket placing it on my stomach. "My parents were close with yours, and they told me this was a family heirloom," he stated, and I lifted up the silver necklace. It had a silver snake with diamond studs going along the body. "Thanks Drakie," I smiled at him, and he clipped it around my neck. "And this is from me," he murmured in my ear, and placed a velvet case on my lap. I looked at him warily, and opened the little ring box. It was silver, and had two snakes coiled around a jade facing opposite directions. "It's beautiful Drakie," I cooed, and slipped it onto my middle finger on my right hand. "An early birthday gift," he stated with a shrug. "Lucian and Peregrine are visiting for your birthday then staying the weekend," he smiled thinking he knew what my reaction would be. My eyes widened, and I flung myself at him giving him a giant bear hug. I don't think he was expecting a hug because he tumbled back, and I was laying on top him in my death grip hug. I was about to get off him when I saw Harry. 'I wonder when he's gunna figure out I can see past the invisibility cloak,' I thought, and the laid back down

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