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Read books online » Fiction » Bad Blood by Rashel Jordan (most popular novels .TXT) 📖

Book online «Bad Blood by Rashel Jordan (most popular novels .TXT) 📖». Author Rashel Jordan

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It was the book of battles,you know,the dark arts against white magic.
I looked in all the descriptions and only found one match.He was my family's worst enemy.Michael Black.He was a fallen angel.He held a grudge against my family because we wouldn't let him be King in the early 1600's.Can you believe that?Goddess,and now he was after my family again.I wrote down his name and his description.I put a map of the town in front of me.I put the scarab in the middle,right on top of my house.
"I summon the power of Three
Violet,Raven,and Me
Show me where the danger be."I said.The scarab lit up with a purple light,which meant that the house was safe.A red light showed up.It was close.I looked at the address.It was that apartment building around the corner.I wrote that down.
"I summon the power of Three
Violet,Raven,and Me
Show me where safety be."I said.The scarab moved.I put a map of the United States next to the town map.The scarab slid over to it.
It stopped at Paradise,Ohio.I smiled,knowing that there would be a place of safety.I wrote down the name of the city and state.I happily put all the stuff away and went to sleep.



The next morning,I let Violet sleep.It was only 4:45 A.M.
I was packing up the stuff in the basement.You know,the spell stuff.I called Raven,not caring if I woke her up.
"Hello?"humph.She was already up.
"Listen,Raven.I need you to help me with some things."I was biting my finger nail.
"Does it have to do with magic?"Raven hoped.
"Sort of."
"Okay.I'm on my way."Raven hung up.Just when I had finished packing the stones and gems(each in they're own little velvet pouch),I heard a knock on the door.I opened it and let Raven in.Beside her was Elijah.
"What is he doing here?"I asked her.
"I thought since it was magic,he could come."Raven shrugged.
"So,how's Violet doing?"she added.
"Better.She hasn't spoken since she told me...what happened."I smiled sadly.
"I'm sorry for your loss,Corrie."Elijah said.I nodded.
"What do you need help with?"Raven said.
"I know where stalker boy is and who he is.But that's not the point.I called you because I need help packing."I said,folding my arms.
"Packing so you can go beat up stalker boy?"Raven said with excitement in her voice.I sighed.
"No.I'm packing to get away from stalker boy."I looked at her.
"Wait...who is stalker boy?"Elijah looked confused.I gave him the letter.I saw him read it and his fists almost crushed the paper.
I put my hand on his shoulder.He started to calm down.
"When did you get this?"he asked tightly.
"When we kidnapped Nathan."I answered.
"Where is he?"
"You can't just go call him out!"I yelled.I was in front of him now.I had one hand on his chest.I was against the door.
"And why not?"he sneered,angry as hell.
"Because his name is Michael.Michael Black."I said.
I saw recognition rise in his eyes.
"Oh."He backed away and leaned against a wall.
"So you're leaving.Just like that."Raven said.
"Nope.Not just like that.Other people are coming with me."I said.
"Nathan,Violet,and you."I said.Raven's eyes lit up.
"Really?I can come?"she was shaking with excitement.
There was an ear busting scream upstairs.I was the first one to run.
I ran into my room.Violet was in the corner crying.
"Violet!What happened?"I ran to her and shook her shoulders.She pointed to my window.I turned and gasped.In my window was a dagger stuck in the cracked glass.I went over to it.Raven and Elijah were trying to calm Violet down.I looked out my window.No one was there.I opened my window so I could grab the dagger from the handle.When I pulled it out,I noticed a little piece of paper on it.

Let's play a game of Cat and Mouse.Ready or not,the game has begun.
That's what it said.The paper burned in my hand.I took the dagger.
"Come on.We need to pack and fast.Now!Only pack the important stuff.The suitcases are downstairs."I said,opening my secret workshop.I swept my arms over the counters and pushed everything into a bag.I put my jewelry on,I might need it.After that room was cleared,I started packing my clothes.I saw Violet across the hall in her room,packing her clothes.
Once I was done,I went downstairs.Raven was packing the books on the shelf.Elijah was packing the pictures.
"When you're done put the stuff in your car,Raven.Make sure Violet is safe.Don't pack anything else.I'll be back."I said grabbing my car keys.
"Where are you going?"Raven asked.
"Going to get Nathan."I walked out the door.It wasn't hard to find him.He was shooting hoops at the basketball court.The reason he did it so early was because he wanted to be alone.I parked and went to the fence.I still had my pj's on.
"Nathan!"I stopped him in mid-jump.He looked at me.I told him to come here.
"Hey,Corrie.What are you doing here?"
"Come on.We need to come to my house.Now."I said.My patience was running thin.
"Um...okay."he got in my car.I drove to my house.When I got there,I got out.Nathan did,too.I told him to wait.I went inside.Raven and Elijah were waiting for me.
"Come on.There is one more room we need to go to."they followed me.I went to the weapon room.I heard them gasp.I went to the dagger section and grabbed the twin blades and handed them to Raven.Next,I packed everything up and carried them to my car.
"We're taking your car,Raven."she nodded.
"Bye,Eli."I said.He looked mad.
"I'm going."he said.
"No.You're not."I said.But I didn't know he was as stubborn as I was.
"Ugh!Fine."I said.
"Jeesh,you two act so,so...married."Raven said.
"Nathan,get in the car."I said.
"No."he snorted.I turned to him.No one said no to me.
"You don't have a choice.Get.In.The.Damn.Car."I said eerily calm enough to kill a bird.He swallowed.He got in as instructed.I let Elijah drive.
"Wait!"Violet said.I looked at her in shock.
"What?"Raven said.
"I'm hungry."she said.I giggled.
"Okay,we'll stop for something on the way."Elijah looked at me in the mirror.After we all ate,Violet fell asleep on my lap.I ran my fingers through her baby blond hair.Nathan cleared his throat.
"Where are we going?"he asked quietly.
"Paradise."I smiled.
"Well,isn't that ironic?"Raven snickered.
"Ohio."I added.Elijah nodded.
I felt Hellewise agree with my choice.High praise from Hellewise!




Now that you're caught up,yes we live in Paradise,Ohio.Nathan agreed to NOT kill us and we enrolled ourselves in a school near by.We moved into a huge old house(more like palace). Violet was now fully functional.She got a job at a local store to keep herself busy.Elijah and I are training Raven.Elijah is training her in magic and I taught her in weapons and combat.Since today is a Sunday,we wanted to blend in.
We bought ordinary clothes(but I kept my old ones,too) and I had to get contacts.Do you want to know what color? Blue.Like Raven's.But if we were going to act the part,we had to look the part.We had to pretend that we were all brothers and sisters.Ew.Well,at least we were safe.Right?


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Publication Date: 08-19-2011

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this to my niece,Corriander,for being my muse and also L.J. Smith for giving me this idea.

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