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Read books online » Fiction » Lightstar's Life by Crystal Chen (universal ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Lightstar's Life by Crystal Chen (universal ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Crystal Chen

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to Frostpaw, his hard eyes softening. “Frostpaw,” he meowed, “Do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?”

“I do.” Her mew was soft yet firm.

“Then from this day forth, you shall be known as Frostfur. The Clan welcomes you as a full-fledged warrior of MoonClan.” Frostfur’s green eyes glowed with pride as she licked her leader’s shoulder and skipped her way over, plopping down beside me. “Congrats!” I whispered to her, “We’ll be the best warriors ever!” The light gray warrior seemed to float off the ground and soar to the heavens. When I thought she’d gone too far, I nudged her awake, “Frostfur! Wake up!”

Next, Flamestar padded up to Darkpaw. “Darkpaw,” he meowed, “Do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?”

Darkpaw took a breath, “I d-do.” He mewed shakily.

Flamestar fixed him with a stony glare, and then meowed, “Then from this day forth, you shall be known as Darkcliff. The Clan welcomes you as a full-fledged warrior of MoonClan.” The black warrior licked his shoulder and padded over and joined the warrior crowd.

Flamestar turned to the remaining apprentice, “Lightningpaw,” he began, “Do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?”

“I do.” The black and white striped cat mewed loudly.

“Then from this day forth, you shall be known as Lightningstrike. We welcome you as a full warrior of MoonClan.” Lightningstrike licked his leader’s shoulder and stepped back into the warrior crowd. Flamestar stepped back to admire his Clan proudly as the familiar cats surrounded us, chanting our new names:

“Lightfoot! Frostfur! Darkcliff! Lightningstrike!”

My Clan’s cheers lifted my heart. I felt like I’d just grown wings, soaring the heavens with Frostfur. It was the best day of my life.

First Apprentice

Half-a-moon later I had my first encounter with StarClan.

“Lightfoot.” A soft, comforting mew sounded in my ear. I opened my eyes.

“Where am I?” I mumbled sleepily, looking around. The warriors’ den had disappeared, and in place of it was a shimmering forest, mysterious and beautiful.

“You are in StarClan.” The she-cat meowed.

“A—am I dead?” I meowed in alarm.

“No, Lightfoot.” She mewed gently. “I am Willowsong. I have come to you in a dream.”

Suddenly the scene shifted. Willowsong morphed into a wispy ghost, eyes glowing white. My throat tightened in panic as glittering stars circled me, faster and faster. A flash of red light nearly blinded me.

“Willowsong!” I cried, “What’s happening?”

Her voice seemed to echo, and it seemed to shoot out from every direction:

“Lightfoot, a great destiny awaits you. Don’t give up when loved ones pass away. Keep your eyes ahead and things will work out right.”

Blurry images started swirling into a dizzying mixture. I forced myself to shut my eyes. Darkness engulfed me and I let myself be pulled out of the dream.

“Lightfoot!” Frostfur’s meow sounded just above my head. “Wake up! Were you having a dream? You kicked me, hard! Can't any cat get sleep around here?"

I blinked sleep out of my eyes, feeling dizzy from the twisty dream. â€śYeah.” I mewed, getting shakily to my paws. “Wha—what happened?”

Frostfur looked accusingly at me, “You kicked me, hello.”

Sunfang groaned from the corner of the den. “Will you quit it?” he meowed crossly. “I haven’t gotten even thirty seconds of sleep!”

“Sorry.” I mewed shamefacedly, “But I had a dream from StarClan.” But the golden warrior was already sound asleep.

“A dream from StarClan?” Frostfur raised her eyebrows. “Tell me about it.” So I did.

“Well,” she mewed, “There is a bigger chance of getting to be the leader, but who knows? If it’s StarClan’s will, then let it be.” I stretched and opened my jaws in a yawn. “Can we go on hunting patrol?”

“Well, duh,” Frostfur meowed, “if we ask Shadeblaze.” I thought about the pale brown tom. “He’s getting old.” I joked, giving my sister a lick on the cheek.

“Yeah.” She agreed, “He’ll probably move to the elders’ den soon.”

“Will you shut your muzzles?” Sunfang hissed, rubbing his eyes, “Someone’s trying to sleep.”

“Sorry.” I mewed, dipping my head apologetically before padding out into the pale, chilly moon high air. Signaled by the flick of my tail, Frostfur followed me out.

“Leaf bare is coming.” She meowed absently. I nuzzled her shoulder in agreement. A heartbeat later, Flamestar’s voice rang across the camp: “Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting.” I winked at Frostfur and we trotted to sit under the tall pedestal. Soon the cats stationed themselves, groggy with sleep. I spotted Specklemist with her hyper kits, Mintkit, Pepperkit, and Swiftkit, bounding along beside her. They are ready to become apprentices!

“We have three kits, each six moons old, old enough to be made apprentices.” Flamestar began. “Mintkit, Pepperkit, Swiftkit, come forth.” The kits scrambled to their paws and tumbled over each other, trying to get to Highrock before the other did. A few amused mrrows rose from the assembled cats.

The kits steadied themselves and gazed up at their leader, eyes bright. Flamestar leapt down from Highrock and approached them. “From this day forth, you shall be known as Mintpaw, Pepperpaw, and Swiftpaw, until you are given your full warrior names. We hope that you train hard and serve your Clan.” The new apprentices mewed with delight and sat as tall as they could.

“Frostfur, come forth.” Flamestar meowed. I urged my sister forward and she padded up. “Even though you are young, you will mentor Mintpaw. We all hope that you will share all your skills and knowledge with this young apprentice and help her become a fine warrior.” Frostfur’s eyes glowed with pride as she lowered her muzzle. Mintpaw gave her an energetic nose touch before bouncing off with Frostfur hot on her tail. I felt a pang of envy and pleasure for the light gray she-cat.

“Sparrowpath, come forth.” Flamestar meowed. Pepperpaw trembled with excitement as her own father padded up. “You will mentor Pepperpaw. We all hope that you will share all your skills and knowledge with this young apprentice and help her become a fine warrior.” The broad tan-with-brown-stripes warrior lowered his muzzle, and his own daughter stretched her neck and touched his nose with her. Then they both retreated back into the crowd. Flamestar looked at the remaining kit, hesitating for a heartbeat.

“Lightfoot, come forth.” He meowed. My heart skipped as he said my name. I jumped to my feet and quickly trotted up to the dark brown kit. “You also are young, but I chose you to mentor Swiftpaw. We all hope that you will share all your excellent hunting skills and knowledge with this young apprentice and help him become a fine warrior.” My heart swelled with pride as I leaned down and felt Swiftpaw touch my nose gently. I’m gonna make this apprentice the best. I promised myself. Raising my muzzle, I padded back into the crowd, Swiftpaw following my tracks.

The crowd of MoonClan cats all opened their jaws:

"Mintpaw! Swiftpaw! Pepperpaw!" Then Flamestar raised his tail for silence. He went on with other news about the border patrols and whatnot.

“Great StarClan! We have our own apprentices!” Frostfur whispered excitedly to me. “I know, right?” I purred with delight. “I’m gonna make Swiftpaw the best warrior in store!” 

"Nuh uh!” Frostfur meowed teasingly, “I bet Mintpaw will be the best!”

“Hush it!” came the angry hiss of Sunfang, “We are trying to listen!” I returned my attention to our leader. Flamestar was speaking, “—will retire and move to the elder’s den soon, but not quite yet.”

“Who?” I mewed softly to Frostfur. “I think Shadeblaze.” She mewed back. Shadeblaze. Just the thought of my own father made me tremble with rage. “I wonder who the new deputy will be…?” I meowed, half to myself, half to Frostfur. She shrugged absently, eyes ahead.

“You may go back to your duties.” It was the voice of Flamestar, ending the ceremony. I stood and stretched my sore legs, one at a time.

“Lightfoot, Frostfur.” A gruff voice meowed behind us. I turned to see Shadeblaze, “Flamestar wants you two on hunting patrol, with Sunfang and your apprentices.” My heart leapt at the sound of “your apprentices.” It was time to train!

“Swiftpaw! Come on!” I called, padding around the camp. Swiftpaw and Mintpaw both had disappeared. Near the sandy hollow, I found Sparrowpath mentoring Pepperpaw. “Have you seen Mintpaw and Swiftpaw?” I meowed to the tan warrior. He flicked his tail toward the camp entrance. My eyes widened. â€śFrostfur!” I meowed urgently, “They might’ve gone out of camp!” The light gray warrior was sniffing among the brambles near the apprentice den. She spun around, “Hurry! Let’s go!”

We raced to the rock-hidden camp entrance. I let my jaws hand ajar, scenting the air. "This way!" I shouted, pounding in his direction. The sound of roaring and whimpering not far off made my heart pound hard. "Fox!" I hissed, skidding to a halt behind a few bushes. Swiftpaw and cowaring, his back pressed against an oak while a huge female fox towered over him, chops smacking and eyes gleaming with hunger.

A yowl shrieked behind me and jolted me awake. Frostfur had attacked! “No!” I cried, leaping out of the hiding place. I grabbed her scruff and yanked her back. “What were you thinking?” I hissed to her, trembling with fear. The gray she-cat didn’t answer, eyes locked on the fox. Swiftpaw pressed his small body against the tree, eyes wide with horror.

“We have to drive it out!” Frostfur hissed, “Before Swiftpaw becomes crow food!” I calmed down forcefully. "On my mark.” I meowed, taking just the right heartbeat when the fox turned its back on us to jerk my tail forward. With a yowl, I leapt onto the beast’s back. Its shriek pierced the air as Frostfur raked its muzzle, over and over. The warrior darted back and forth, nimbly avoiding the fox’s flailing claws. I sank my fangs into its shoulders. The beast howled with pain and bucked like a horse. I knew I couldn’t hold on much longer. With a yowl, I sprang to the head of the monster and gave it one last slash between the eyes before landing softly to the ground. The fox snarled and spat, struggling to flee. Blood flowed freely from the wound I’d inflicted on it, and I watched grimly as it stumbled away. Swiftpaw uncurled and slowly stepped out from his hiding place. “Y—you okay?” he whimpered.

“I’m fine.” I meowed shakily, muscles trembling. "You?" I looked at Frostfur.

“I’m good.” The gray warrior mewed slowly. “…that was— scary.”

“I agree!” Swiftpaw suddenly jumped up, excited, “I get to tell Mintpaw and Pepperpaw when we get back!” He spun around to run home, but I grabbed his scruff just in time.

“Not so fast.” I meowed softly, trying to sound threatening, “Why did you run off?”

Swiftpaw whimpered again. “Mintpaw dared me to leave camp. I dared her back. We both ran away…”

“Mintpaw!” Frostfur exclaimed, “Where did she go?”

“She wanted to go to the Gathering place.” Swiftpaw mewed.

“Oh, no.” My heart lurched, “Frostfur, find her!” The light gray she-cat nodded and raced off. â€śNow, as for you.” I muttered to Swiftpaw, carrying him back to camp.

“Where was he?” Flamestar questioned once we’d returned.

“Ran away. Frostfur’s looking for Mintpaw now.” I meowed, “Almost got shredded by a fox, but good thing we came just in time.” I gave Swiftpaw a teasing tail flick. The apprentice lifted his head and mewed solemnly, “I will do everything I can not to let it happen again, Flamestar.” He vowed. Feisty apprentice. I thought with amusement.

“Well, let’s get on with training. We’ll see just how good your skills really are.” I was just turning away when Flamestar’s meow stopped me, “Lightfoot, do you think you should go see Sorrelsky? You have a nasty wound there on your shoulder.” I twisted around and saw it, red and blue over my leopard-patterned light gray coat. “Alright.” I mewed, “Swiftpaw, can you wait here for me?” The dark brown apprentice nodded vigorously and planted himself to the grass. I purred with amusement and turned, padding for the medicine cat’s den.

“Hi, Lightfoot.” Sorrelsky meowed as I approached, “What’s up?”

“Hi, Sorrelsky.” I meowed, dipping my head, “Flamestar told me to come over, since I

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