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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » A CHILDHOOD GONE by Renae Naik (electronic reader TXT) 📖

Book online «A CHILDHOOD GONE by Renae Naik (electronic reader TXT) 📖». Author Renae Naik

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and was told that her parents would be called and notified. That day Sadie was really afraid to go home. That day she went home and lied to her mother about the reason that she had gotten into trouble but, by then Neema already received a call from the principle Oops! But this was something she couldn’t talk herself out of and had to face a beating with the largest wooden spoon in the kitchen drawer.

She accepted who she was… a total nobody to anybody. Not even elly could stand being around her, at first she thought that it was because elly was expecting a  baby and was very moody but even after the baby was born, Sadie was not even allowed to carry her own niece. It made her feel like she was so dirty that even her own sister wouldn’t let her near her first and only niece whom they named Medina, and that tore away the fun and excitement of being an aunt for the first time. She didn’t hold that against medina though because even when she had extra spending money she would buy sweets or hairclips for her. Sadie gave her the nickname ”Pooks”, she felt like it suited Medina and till today… we don’t know why.

Weeks later Sadie had missed her transport and had to walk home. It was a fairly hot day and she was so irritated that she kept talking to herself. On the opposite side of the road she noticed a dark in complexion, plumpy girl with her hair tied so tightly above her forehead that it looked as if it would tear right out of her scalp! Being as friendly as she usually is, Sadie crossed over for the company. She introduced herself to the girl who in return introduced herself as “Tisha”

As they talked they realised that they did not live very far from each other and this brought some happiness to Sadie as now she has found a new friend. That day they talked and laughed so much that the long walk no longer bothered Sadie and she was almost home. She said goodbye to Tisha and they both went on their way.

Days passed by and Sadie enjoyed Tisha’s company, they laughed, joked and sometimes even teased each other. One day while washing dishes at home, Sadie heard Tisha calling at the gate; she left what she was doing and went to see what the fuss was about. Tisha explained that she needed Sadie to accompany her to the dentist to meet her brother as he had left his patient file at home. Sadie put on a pair of shoes and left. When they got to the dentist, Tisha’s brother was outside waiting for them. Sadie paused for a second and at that point she was just staring at Tisha’s brother, Shaun. She found him rather attractive and couldn’t help but blush. He was 21 and she was only 15 years old, just beginning to learn about boys and love.






Weeks later and Sadie has been going to Tisha’s house more often, why? You guessed it, to see a bit more of Shaun. She was falling, and she was falling hard. Did she stand a chance though? He was 6 years older, working but most of all, to her he was single! And she was always a go getter… someone who wanted something and her ego; well that ego would stop at nothing to get what she wants. So she kept at it, going there all the time and trying to be in his face until one day, that he spoke to her and indirectly asked her out. She was ecstatic but the reality was that her mum would not let her be out till late, so Tisha came up with a plan and called Sadie’s mum to say that they going out with her family for dinner and might be a bit late. Lame excuse, but it worked!

That night Sadie went out with Shaun, they had a few drinks with his cousin and his girlfriend and for the first time Sadie felt a bit grown. There was something about being out that late, with the guy she was so in love with and let’s not forget intoxicated, that highly excited her… that night they shared their first kiss. Something that she had been waiting patiently for, and to her this was a start of her love life. By the way, Randy was still in the picture even now, by this time he had a girlfriend of his own but kept making empty promises to Sadie in the background, but now Shaun was   her distraction…a much more mature distraction, if you know what I mean.

That is when Sadie realised that she was into guys older than her, she didn’t want someone who was going to mess her around. At this young age she was so serious about love and the more time she spent with Shaun, the more she realised she loved him.






Days had passed by and Sadie realised that the love she had with Shaun was almost impossible to move on from and one day while camouflaging a sleep over with Tisha, decided that this was the night that she will give herself to Shaun and experience love on a different and more advanced level, the kind that she had only seen in movies. That night she was so nervous, not knowing what to do with herself, she found herself overthinking as always however she went about her routine, she had showered, shaved everywhere, washed and done her hair, put on some lotion and body spray and then her matching underwear and silky nightdress…was she overdoing it or did she do it to make him want her the way that she wanted him?

That night she went to his room while Tisha was on the lookout for her parents and they watched a movie together. Towards the end of the movie they began to kiss and it was rather obvious where this was going. Knowing that his parents were in the house, Shaun was equally nervous but they decided to take the risk and go with the flow.


The next morning she woke up to the sound of Tisha’s mum’s voice calling her to get ready for school and not knowing what to feel. She was more mixed up than a bag of skittles. She jumped up out of Shaun’s bed and dashed back into Tisha’s room as if nothing had happened. She was terrified of Shaun’s father as he was a brut! Not only was he a drunkard but the whole neighbourhood knew and feared him. Not a single person you met could say that didn’t know Uncle Ron! He was an electrician and he could fix anything and everything… while he was sober that is. His personality was vulgar and rude none the less, he was fearless. He spent more time in jail than at home due to all the unnecessary fights at the local shebeens. In his drunken state Tisha and her mother Laura were often victims of his abuse, hopefully now you will understand why Sadie was afraid of him.

His wife Laura was the opposite of him she was very loving and caring towards her children always seeing to their needs. Shaun being the  eldest was the most spoilt rotten of them all, not only would she take his meals to his bedroom where he spent all his time but, she would also go and get the empty plates from him and take him a bowl of warm water to wash his hands after his every meal. She respected her son as he and Ron were not of the same bloodline as the other three of her kids and she would always defend Shaun whenever there were any disagreements between father and son. In return Shaun worked his butt off to support the family and was more of a father figure to his younger siblings. Kiki, the baby sister only five years old at the time, his visually impaired brother, Theo who was nineteen at the time and not forgetting Tisha, the reason for bringing Sadie into his life.














Speaking of Sadie, she went to school that day daydreaming about the night before. She felt wanted and liked the idea of being touched that way. As for Shaun, some days he showed interest in her and other days was full of moods, They watched movies most nights and got to know each other better and by now Laura caught on as to what was happening between the two of the but didn’t interfere she let them be but as soon as Sadie heard Ron’s voice she would run back to Tisha’s room.

This love story was rather complicated. A teenage girl in love with an older guy… how would it work? But to her it became a norm and a daily routine. Their relationship continued for weeks and finally Sadie felt the need to tell her mother about their relationship. It had been playing on her mind that entire week so she discussed it with Shaun and they concluded that they would approach her mother on Saturday. That day she woke up and helped her mum clean, then showered and left to see Tisha. She waited there both patiently and anxiously for Shaun to come home from work. Finally at 4:12pm he walked in and they decided that they would go to the shops and then go see her mother. The shop was just

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