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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Two by Heather Ray (red scrolls of magic .txt) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Two by Heather Ray (red scrolls of magic .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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to her pillow. She couldn't deny the residuals that kept occurring in her dreams: the figure in purple with flowing blonde hair, the constant presence of magic, the powerful Eagle that was tattooed on "Kreia's" palm.

The pieces fit together into a strange puzzle. It seemed that Kreia and Erol were Power Rangers together, along with several other youths. Kreia wore purple, and seemed strongly connected to the Eagle. Also, Kreia and Erol were in love.

And finally, they seemed to perish in a battle against the silver-haired sorceress that dug her fingertips into Erol's neck.

That vision, which was the first in the series, still caused chills to creep up Alexis' spine. Her stomach seemed to retch at the sight, as if she could feel his pain somehow.

Or was it Kreia's pain she was feeling, as she watched her beloved slip away into an untimely death?

"This is all just nonsense," Alexis growled to herself, "I must be... unconsciously trying to pull the different dreams together, that's all. It's no message from beyond. Just meaningless dreams."

She hesitantly cast her bloodshot gaze to her night table, where the cherry wood box sat beside the gold key. Alexis chewed her lip, and reached over to the box. Carrying it and the key back to her bed, she slowly unlocked the clasp and pulled it open.

There, snuggled peacefully on the pillow, was the Eagle medallion her grandmother gave her.

The talisman presumably given to a human girl by an Angel, with pale skin, flowing blonde hair, coal black eyes, and a purple garment.

"Yeah, right," Alexis muttered, shaking her head. "Silly superstition."
She looked back at the coin, and gasped in shock. Why was the coin suddenly gleaming... purple?

Alexis' eyes grew wide as she promptly shut the box. "I need some water."

Her entire body trembled as she shoved the box under her bed. Throwing on a robe to keep out the chill, she hurried down the darkened hallway to the bathroom. She switched on the bathroom light, and stared at her exhausted countenance. With a heavy sigh, she turned to the clock hanging on the wall.

"Four-thirty," she groaned, turning on the faucet, "Now how the heck am I going to get through the school day? I can't get any sleep


She lowered her face to the sink, and splashed the cool water onto her face. Blindly, she reached behind her and pulled a towel from the rack, and dried her face.

When her eyes opened, she released a horrified shriek.

In her reflection, coal black eyes stared back at her.

She stumbled backward, tripping over the hamper and falling to the floor.

"Alexis!" Amanda called urgently, throwing open the bathroom door. She gasped when she saw her daughter on the floor, her legs gathered to her body, and her face buried into her knees.

Amanda fell onto the floor beside her, and shook her gently. "What happened?"

"I... I..." Alexis muttered, lifting her head. She hesitantly opened her eyes, bracing herself for the terrified scream she expected her mother to expel at the sight of her unnaturally black eyes.

She was surprised when Amanda made no such reaction.

"Are you okay?" Amanda whispered, gazing at her daughter worriedly,
"what's wrong?"

Alexis blinked in confusion. "I... uh..." she stammered, rising to her feet. She caught her reflection in the mirror, and marveled at her restored green eyes.

She swallowed, and turned back to her mother, a weak smile on her face.

"I saw... a cockroach."

Amanda's eyebrow rose. "A cockroach?" she repeated.

Alexis nodded. "Yeah. A cockroach. It crawled back into the wall."

Amanda released a small chuckle. "A cockroach," she marveled, "After living in Philadelphia for sixteen years, you scream at a cockroach? I thought there was a burglar or something!"

Alexis tried to laugh. "Yeah. Silly, huh?"

Part Two

Chapter One

There was a bounce in his step as Jason strode into the crowded halls of Angel Grove High Monday morning. He wore a smile that, for the first time in days, was purely genuine.

Finally, after all the torment he had suffered since Tommy first lost his Green Ranger powers, the leader of the Power Rangers was at peace.

No more guilt, no more relentless questions. He had proven

he was a capable leader, rather than a useless flop.

And strangely enough, he had Lord Zedd and Goldar to thank for his renewed self-esteem.

In an admittedly inspired plan, the reigning Emperor of Evil decided to capitalize on Jason's feelings of inadequacy by targeting the four remaining Power Rangers. He managed to kidnap Kimberly, Zack, Trini, and Billy while en route to visit Tommy, and forged magical waxen candles to drain them of their Morphin' powers as well.

Once again, Jason had to face Goldar to save his teammates. But, much to the surprise of his opponents, Jason was able to pull together enough to emerge victorious.

Zedd had inadvertently given Jason the opportunity to redeem himself of the failures he had made with Tommy.

Jason felt completely renewed. He forced himself to face the demons of failure, in order to cleanse his mind for the situation at hand.

He couldn't succumb to doubts with four dear friends on the line.

And he finally learned that he was a capable leader. No, he wasn't perfect

... but he did succeed when it really counted.

And that helped him look at the Green Ranger catastrophe with new eyes.

True, Tommy's powers were stolen by the Green Candle. But Jason did manage to save his dear friend's life, by leaving the Candle behind.

It was a difficult decision, but in the end, what was more important: his best friend, or a coin?

Yes, the Green Ranger was gone forever. But Tommy Oliver was alive and well, and ready to live out his life as a normal person. He was free from the responsibilities of being a Ranger, and he had been able to make up for the destruction he had caused as Rita's pawn early in his career.

He had a clean slate, and Jason finally recognized that Tommy was okay. Sure, he missed being part of a team, but he had made true friends in the process.

The friendships he had forged amongst the Rangers would live far beyond the extent of their Ranger careers.

"Jason, you're looking well this morning."

Jason grinned, and turned to Billy, who stood with Trini at the latter's locker. Both Rangers eagerly returned their leader's smile.

"Absolutely," Trini commented, giving Jason a tight hug, "It's great to have you back!"

"I feel

again!" Jason sighed. "It's amazing. I'm finally free of all the guilt I've been carrying around."

"You should never had let yourself sink so low," Trini chided gently,

"We're your friends! We're supposed to lighten your burden, not add to it."

Jason nodded, a small smirk on his face. "I realize that now. I don't need to alienate myself from my friends."

He had learned that lesson in part a few days ago, when he confided somewhat in that girl from his Chemistry class.

"I'm satisfied that you're not thinking

about it so much," Billy commented, glancing at his watch, "While I'm certainly cerebral, analyzing problems one can't solve is pointless, and terribly stressful."

He then touched Trini's shoulder, and gestured to the stairs. "We still have a few minutes. We can probably catch up with Mr. Hepsburg about that aerodynamics project."

Trini nodded, waving at Jason as the pair hurried to their destined classroom. Jason leaned against the lockers, a pensive frown on his face.

That girl had advised him not to think about it. The same one that reached out to him earlier that day, right before Goldar and Zedd struck. She had followed him out of the Youth Center, only trying to help him see how useless all his worrying really was.

Of course, he didn't see. He didn't want

to see. Perhaps, he wasn't ready to just accept his faults and move on.

But that didn't excuse how rudely he treated her the last time he saw her.

I'd better apologize,

he decided, I shouldn't have brushed her off. She didn't deserve that.

He tried to remember her name. She didn't introduce herself when they met outside the weight room; but she had already known who he was.

He did recognize her from Chemistry class, though. She sat in the back, next to Angela.

Angela would know who she is,

he realized, a smile returning to his face, I think I've seen them together at the Juice Bar.

His plan of action decided, Jason hurried to Angela's locker, where he'd seen Zack hover many times before.

Chapter Two

Her legs felt like lead. Her backpack felt heavy enough to be carrying a bowling ball or two. Her eyes stung, begging her to just close her eyelids and give them rest.

That was easily the worst night’s sleep Alexis had ever experienced.

She exhaled slowly as she weakly pushed open the bathroom door. She braced herself as she made her way to the sink, and leaned against the mirror.

Her eyes were still the deep emerald green she was familiar with.

“Thank God," she sighed inwardly,

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