Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » The Spectrum Force Volume Three by Heather Ray (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Spectrum Force Volume Three by Heather Ray (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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"Of love!" he continued, bowing gallantly. "And of redemption!" he concluded, falling to one knee and clasping his hands. "The story of the fair princess Perdita, sentenced to death as a child due to her father's jealous suspicion of her mother. Thanks to the Gods, the princess is spared, banished to a foreign land and raised by kindly shepherds, completely ignorant of her royal blood. She encounters the dashing prince Florizel, who falls so madly in love with her he is ready to sacrifice his kingdom just to marry a lowly shepherdess."

Tamara struggled against a fit of giggles as Chris smirked rakishly at her, holding out his hand invitingly. "My fair Perdita, more divine than the Queen of the Heavens, I gladly trade my princely crown for a pauper's rags just to see your radiant smile grace my every morn."

Tamara glanced at his hand, a small frown wrinkling her brow. Chris noticed her hesitation, and instantly slipped back to reality.

"You didn't read the play," he realized.

"I'm… working on it," she corrected.

"Tammy, casting is in a week! How are we supposed to practice if you haven't even read the play? You can't get into character unless you know who the character is."

"I know," she said quietly.

Chris regarded her for a moment, a confused frown on his face. He then sat back down on the couch, trying to catch her gaze.

"Something's wrong," he decided.

Tamara did her best not to overtly show her panic. She frowned, as if the very suggestion were absolutely ludicrous.

"Tamara, something's wrong

," he repeated, this time more urgently. Tamara practically gulped. "I've known you since you came to Dreiser. You're a great actress, but you're a lousy liar. Something's up. You've been acting weird the past few days… and you look dead tired, too."

Her mind raced. What was she supposed to do? How could she wiggle her way out of this predicament?

"Hi guys!" a rushed voice called, as the front door yawned open. Both turned around, and watched as Rachel hurried past them, closing her bedroom door behind her.

Tamara's gaze quickly shifted back to Chris. She couldn't begin to hope that momentary distraction was enough to veer him off course...

She blinked in surprise when she noticed Chris' gaze remain on the door Rachel disappeared in.

Tamara gaped for a moment, rising to her feet. She walked around the couch, leaning her elbows against the back and grinning at him.

Chris rolled his eyes at the gleeful expression on Tamara's face.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" she sang triumphantly.

Chris' eyes widened, mortified. "SHH! She can hear you!" he rasped.

Tamara leaned closer to him. "What's with all the secrecy, anyway?" she whispered, "I mean, what's the big deal? She's not the first girl to catch your eye. Why not get her attention?"

Chris smirked at the challenge. "I'll show you why."

With that, he jumped off the couch, and stood right outside Rachel's door.

Both heard the sounds of shuffling, and closet doors opening and closing. Finally, the door slid open, and Rachel stepped out in a neat gray pantsuit, frowning as she struggled with a disobedient earring.

She blinked as Chris fell to one knee. "Fair princess, you blind us mere mortals with your ethereal beauty. May minstrels sing your praises for generations without end, and tales of your grace and power over men transcend those of Helen of Troy."

Rachel stared at him as though he were speaking Swahili. Then, she slipped past him and grabbing her coat. "I'll be back at six, Tam!" she called.

Tamara watched wide-eyed as the front door slid closed behind her. She then shook her head, forcing her mind to recover from the surprising scene before her, and glanced at Chris.

"I'm sorry about that. Rachel doesn't intend to be mean... she's just... uh..."

But Chris didn't seem phased at all by the rude rejection the object of his affection rewarded him with. His smirk returned, a mirthful glimmer in his gray eyes.

"I know." He leaned against the wall, folding his arms almost pensively. "When I turn on the 'actor' charm, most girls are flattered or amused... usually both. In either case I got their attention, and that's how I get their numbers, and get the process going. Most girls love the idea of a bold, romantic guy with a sense of humor."

"Rachel's not like 'most girls'," Tamara pointed out.


ly. That's why she's so interesting


Tamara laid a hand on his shoulder, the gears in her mind kicking into high gear. "I'll put in a good word," she suggested, "I'm good at that. And once I figure out what her schedule's going to look like this semester, I'll make sure our study sessions are at a time she'll actually be around-"

She lost her train of thought when she noticed Chris' incredulous expression.

"Oh no, Tammy," he stated, shaking his head, "I can handle this."

Tamara frowned. "How?"

Chris grinned. "Adapt, that's how. Trust me, it's all about getting her attention. And when I've got that, I've got a shot."

His eyes met Tamara's. "Her birthday's coming up. What's the date?"

Tamara's jaw dropped. "How'd you know that?"

He pointed to the ring on her finger. "Ray's got one just like that. But it's an amethyst... the February birthstone."

Tamara smiled, shaking her head in disbelief. She then pointed her finger in his face, eyes narrowing. "You're good

," she accused.

Chris shrugged. "I just notice things. We'll see how 'good' I am when she

notices me


Tamara giggled, her imagination running wild with different reactions Rachel would make when she finally caught on. "It's the 24th," she answered finally, "We'll have a cake for her... she doesn't like it when we make a big deal about it... you're welcome to join us if you'd like."

"I think I'll-"

Chris stopped abruptly when he noticed the worried expression kill the mirth in Tamara's face. He was baffled as she suddenly clasped her hands tightly, chewing her lips furiously.


She blinked. "I... um... I've gotta go," she said hastily, "Gosh, look at the time!"

Chris watched in bewilderment as Tamara turned her back to him. She grabbed her jacket, sliding it on carefully and stuffing her right hand in her pocket immediately. She pulled open the door with her left hand, glancing at him impatiently.

Chris didn't budge. "Where are you going?"

Both heads turned when they heard the distinct sound of heels clapping against the hardwood floor of the hallway outside.

"Tammy," Rachel breathed, "I'm really sorry; I can't believe

I forgot we had to pick up Jocelyn from downtown!"

Tamara blinked in confusion before finally catching on. "It's okay, I forgot too. But knowing Joce, it'll probably take her longer than she expected."

With her back turned to Chris, Tamara could smile her appreciation at the rescue.

"I hate to cut your study session short," Rachel said, turning her eyes to the young man standing near them, "but Jocelyn went to some museum downtown, and I don't know how to get there. Tammy needs to come with me. I'm just awful

with directions."

Chris watched Rachel, a smirk rising on his lips. She smiled persuasively as she spoke... it was so different from the impatience he was used to seeing. She was definitely capable of being charming, when she wanted to.

"Don't worry about it," Chris said finally, returning to the couch. He rapidly gathered his notes, and slid on his leather jacket. "Tammy and I need to do a bit more independent work before we can really benefit from a group session."

Tamara glanced away guiltily.

"Hey, it's no big deal," Chris assured her, "Call me later, okay?"

He then turned to Rachel, and much to her surprise, he grinned warmly at her. "Next time, I hope you smile again."

Rachel blinked at the odd comment. "Uh, okay..."

"Chris," he finished, grasping her hand firmly, "I don't think we've formally met."

After a brief moment, he released her hand strode down the hallway.

Rachel frowned her confusion, gazing at the retreating figure for a moment. "What's with him?" she wondered.

Tamara fought against a snicker at the expression on Rachel's face, pulling her hand from her pocket. Her mirth quickly switched to worry as she considered the pulsing yellow energy that glowed from the gemstone. "We've got to move."

Rachel nodded, closing the door behind her. She reached into her blazer pocket to retrieve her ring.

Tamara smirked. "Clever," she complimented.

"Can't run around with a glowing ring, now can I?" Rachel pointed out as she slipped it on. She then lifted her fist above her head. Tamara immediately mimicked her movement.

"Spectrum Sync!" both called.

Both young women disappeared as opaque cloudy energy bathed them, replacing loose clothing with molded armor shimmering with the rich hues of their distinctive energy signatures.

Tamara giggled slightly as she gazed down at her armored form. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of that!"

Rachel nodded her agreement, and the two touched the center panels on their silver belts.

Chapter Twelve

The Red, Orange, and Green Enforcers waited in the empty main chamber of Spectra's vessel. The silence was disturbed as two more members of the Force materialized.

"Where are Spectra and Craig?" Rachel asked after a brief glance at her team.

"Good question," Keith muttered, "If I knew it would take this

long for everyone to assemble, I would've brought my car home instead of abandoning it downtown!"

Matt sighed. "Abandon it? You left it in an enclosed parking garage with twenty-four hour security!"

The team fell silent again, all turning toward the sound of footsteps originating down the narrow hall. Spectra emerged from what looked like a closet, her expression frustrated as she toyed with a machine in her hands.

"Spectra?" Keith gawked.

The Force all stared in surprise at their mentor. Her bright pink eyes were wide with intensity... whether fear or anger was impossible to tell.

She glanced up from the machine, and quickly surveyed the team. "Craig?"

"He's probably still at basketball practice," Matt offered.

Spectra leaned over the main computer in the hub of the ship, and pressed a few commands. A grid-map of Langstrum Alps materialized on the screen, with a single blue dot of light flashing in one rectangular box.

"One of you must go retrieve him from this location."

"Yeah, he's in the coliseum," Keith mused, "but can't we just call him?"

"You can try if you wish."

The Red Enforcer shrugged, closing his eyes as he reached out with this newly-acquired sixth sense. He pushed passed the doors into the conscious minds of

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