Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

Fiction genre suitable for people of all ages. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Our electronic library is always at your service. Reading online free books without registration. Nowadays ebooks are convenient and efficient. After all, don’t forget: literature exists and develops largely thanks to readers.
The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Sensei of Shambala by Anastasia Novykh (10 ebook reader .TXT) 📖

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this phenomenal prediction,” Nikolai Andreevich said. “But wait, he was a science-fiction writer, and in addition to that, nobody knew him. His book wasn't published again. How could people have known? If only he had written that it would really happen some day, if he had named it a prophecy, I think, people would have paid attention to it. But he said his novel was science fiction.”
“You know what the issue is. A person receives pure knowledge. But to save himself from the inquisition of fools, he calls these books science fiction. It was science fiction for clever people, for those who can understand it. After things happen, everybody starts to understand it, even the fools. But a clever person could have understood even then and taken a grain of truth out of this so-called science fiction.”
“To put it simply, you mean to say that a clever person, having read this book, would never have booked a ticket on the Titanic.”
“Absolutely right… And it doesn’t just concern this book. Just read science fiction. All science fiction is divided into clever science fiction and into fairy tales for adults, but it is embarrassing to call it a fairy tale, so they write ‘science fiction.’ Writers of clever science fiction simply download the information from time levels of various realities. They download the future, which can come true with the right combination of certain wave conditions. They receive knowledge and describe it. This, in turn, psychologically prepares a clever person who has read this book for forthcoming events. It forms skills of multidimensional thinking, allowing them to orient themselves in the quickly changing conditions of life. All this not only expands a person’s adaptable range in preparing his consciousness for a qualitatively new step in perception of the world around us, but also creates preconditions for the internal change of a person himself, simply speaking, to transition to another wave of a new reality.
“Just recall books by H.G. Wells, who correctly determined and prepared mankind for future scientific and technical progress. Or recall Jules Verne, who predicted many openings and inventions that subsequently came true. Or, in particular, take Alexei Tolstoi's book, “The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin”, written in 1925-1926 in which the laser is actually predicted. The first laser wasn’t invented until 1960. And take Aleksandr Beljaev's books! For example, his novel “Star KEC” written in 1936 practically carried real prophecies about the ways of astronautics. There are many such examples… And how many grains of truth are reflected in the books of writers like Ivan Efremov, Isaac Azimov, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Alexander Kazantsev, Stanislaw Lem… There are many talented people to prepare a clever reader for forthcoming events. But they have to write their books in the genre of science fiction because the clever one will understand it anyway, but the fool will not take offence.”
Nikolai Andreevich grinned. “You know, to be fair, I also treated science fiction with much prejudice, reading it as you have said like a fairy tale for adults. But once I read a note in a magazine that John F. Kennedy, when he was president, invited several science fiction writers into his ‘brain trust’ for forecasting possible developments of the future. It was also mentioned there that a hobby of some talented, world-renowned scientists was reading science fiction. Many scientific terms have even come to us from science fiction. To tell the truth, it surprised me.”
“It is a normal situation. You see, when a person reads a book he starts to live as though in its world, that is, he begins to adjust himself to the same frequency of perception as the author. Here the reader can face a surprising phenomenon, a kind of burst of brain activity. Call it what you will: generating ideas, inspiration of the subconscious, as you wish. But this burst is mostly a short-term transition to the corresponding frequency of perception of this book, which is fixed in our memory. Corresponding ideas are then born on the basis of available personal knowledge and experience. Therefore, many talented scientists, politicians, and ordinary people who aspire to understand themselves and the world around them get ideas, and the future opens right from books, including science fiction, from this unique database of non-realized realities. It can emerge in memory in any form and at any time – right at the moment of reading, or in a dream, or suddenly dawning upon you later.”
We were silent for a little while. The fire quietly crackled as the branches in it burned. Its flame bewitched and fascinated us with its mysterious living beauty and bright range of light play. We could stay there for eternity listening to Sensei’s unimaginably interesting stories in the open air in this finest nook of nature where, it seemed, even stars came down from heaven to hear our conversation better.
“I wonder whether there are prophetic dreams?” Nikolai Andreevich started talking again. “Or is it just the work of the mind in forecasting further events?”
“Prophetic dreams certainly exist. If a person has enough personal spiritual power or if he is tied to someone with the force of love, his brain can spontaneously adapt to that frequency that coincides with future events. He then receives these data in a dream, in a straight way, escaping analysis. But later, giving out these data, his mind participates in direct processing of the information. Therefore we can see events not in their pure state but in their interpreted version on the basis of our emotions, experiences, former impressions, images, and so on.”
“You know, I had a prophetic dream once,” Stas started to tell about his life experience.
For a long time we talked about different strange things in this world and its surprising cases. We recalled stories connected with it and listened to the simple and, at the same time, unusual narrations of Sensei about the mysterious human mind and its unlimited abilities. Only at daybreak did we finally go to bed.


Strangely enough, either because I had heard so many things at once or because of some other reason, that morning I had an unusual dream. It was bright and emotional. The most important thing was that I had never had such a dream before. I felt as though my consciousness floated above the ground, observing from a height everything that occurred in the world. At first, everything was silent and quiet. But then I felt myself somehow uneasy and frightened, as if I expected something. I noticed a bright red star that descended from the tops of high, snow-white mountains in the East. This star began to come nearer and quickly grew in size. A transparent train followed it. The closer it came to me, the more space this train covered, changing the world and making its outlines blurred and translucent. When I looked more closely, I saw that everything that was captured by the train boiled as if nature rose against human civilization, growing in its force. Volcanoes blew up and shook the Earth with their rumble. Enormous waves arose in the middle of oceans, and these waves quickly moved to megacities. Fires stormed there, where there was no water. Winds twisted huge tornados, destroying everything in their path. It was as if nature had brought down to mankind all the negative force that was produced by people during the entirety of civilization. I became frightened and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I saw myself standing in the middle of an amazingly magnificent field with different beautiful flowers. The star was still approaching and changing the space behind itself. I looked back. Behind me were cities full of people who didn’t expect anything. This severe force approached to them.
When the star approached very close, I made out that it was a Horseman. His attire and amour were made of pure gold, which brightly gleamed and shone like red fire. Even his horse was covered with a horse cloth made from fine plates of pure gold. The dazzling clothes completely hid the Horseman, leaving uncovered only his eyes. In his hand he held a spear. At the end of the spear there was a flag with the image of a bud of a lotus inside, in the middle of which was a pyramid, an eye, and also some hieroglyphs and pictures. The Horseman rushed with his horse across a huge field of beautiful flowers.
Suddenly, at full tilt, the Red Horseman sharply pulled the reins to stop the horse. I saw his gaze, which seemed extremely familiar to me. The Horseman’s attention was caught by a modest forget-me-not with five sky-blue petals. He dismounted from the horse and bent over the flower, as if examining and admiring it. As soon as the Horseman dismounted, all the element forces started to cease and calm down. Only an easy echo of this huge force, which moved after the warrior, came to the cities. For me it was a riddle – why was such a mighty Horseman stopped by this ordinary-looking flower? In fact, there was a whole field of the biggest, most beautiful flowers around him. Why did he stop for a long time?
Even when I woke up, the feeling of reality of this dream did not abandon me. These two questions were precisely engraved in my memory. Certainly I had had dreams before, but I had never had a dream so real, so full of sensations and emotions. The most important thing was that in the dream everything was absolutely clear, I had a real sense of all those events, I knew that it was very important. But when I woke up, I could not recall in any way what it meant and how I should understand it. There were only bright emotional impressions left and these two questions, which simply cycled in my memory.
This dream really intrigued me with its singularity. First, I thought that my brain had just shown me yesterday's information in this way. But nobody had mentioned the things in my dream in such detail. It puzzled me a little.
I chose a moment when all the guys ran to swim and came up to Sensei. He was standing in shoal water, gradually getting used to the water temperature. Taking advantage of his solitude, I began to tell him my strange dream, complaining that I could not recall its sense at all. I only remembered that it was very important for me. Contrary to my expectations that he would fully decode this dream from physiological and philosophical points of view, Sensei only smiled and, looking at me somehow mysteriously, said, “The time will come, and you will know everything.”


1. Life is unpredictable, and anything might happen in it, even the most unbelievable, what you yourself can’t imagine.
2. A young body doesn’t mean the age of the soul at all.
3. All great things are ridiculously simple, but it takes a lot of hard work to master them.
4. The human is an intelligent creature. His main force of action lies in his thoughts.
5. It is important to have a great desire, and opportunities will come.
6. For every Vijai there is a Rajah.
7. Fear begotten by imagination sees danger even where there is no danger at all.
8. With healthy thoughts, there will be a sound mind, and with a sound mind, there will be a sound body.
9. Any blow caused by your rage will come back to you in the end.
10. The potential of a human is limited only by his imagination.
11. You should not wish ill for other people, even in your thoughts. With the power of your thought, you are setting a trap for yourself, for your body and mind. The more you think about it,
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