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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Homewrecker by LadeeTai (good books to read for beginners .txt) 📖

Book online «Homewrecker by LadeeTai (good books to read for beginners .txt) 📖». Author LadeeTai

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the room. She handed it to Val and Sat again.” Usually, in this case you never hear about what a counselor or therapist’s life is like, or shrunk for that matter. You always see them taking out their clipboard, writing down your life and getting the check. Than when they come back they have it all memorized, I don’t do that. So today I want to tell you a little about me, and from each of you I’d like to know something about you. You paid for an hour, but I am adding on an extra one and there is no catch.” Said Dr. Bolan. Handing Val the clipboard. “That’s yours.” Val looked confused, “What am I doing with it?” “This is for 8weeks, Val, you may learn something about your husband that may make you angry, You will need that to swing at him.”Dr. Bolan said chuckling. Val had laughed finally for once in weeks. John hid a smile behind his hand. “Ahh, So she smiles. Val the clipboard is just something for you to write down everything we talk about. Once it’s over, I want you to see it, and realize how much progress you both have made in your marriage. I can see on your face and John’s that you both are struggling to pick up the pieces, and Val when I saw your face, It looked as if you had lost something and you were never getting it back. I wanted to make you smile” Val smiled again. “Thank Dr. Bolan.” “Call me Lisa.” Said Dr. Bolan. “Okay” both Val and John spoke at the same time.” My name is Lisa Bolan, I was a terrible teen. I went to Jail four times, twice for attempted murder, once for auto theft, and another time for robbing a bank. That was only in 1year and I was 16. I got pregnant at 22. I never found out who the father was. I’d had sex with many different guys, I could not find a job because no one wants to hire a felon. So I became a prostitute. Making 500 dollars a day, I got so many diseases it’s shameful. At 25 I met a wonderful man during prostitution and we waited 5years almost 6 to get married, He wanted me to get clean. It was hard, but I did it. He was 35 and he was a Lawyer, He helped me achieve everything I have. My first REAL job, all my certificates, everything you see here, it was because of him. At my age of,30, we got separated to resolve our situation, He was having sex with a relative of his and mine. For years I could not get past it. For years, we never did anything to fix it. I am 45 now and my husband died, and I am left with my two beautiful children, and now I have a boyfriend. Who I love dearly.” Said Lisa without missing a beat. “If you love someone, and you know that threw thin and thick water’s they have been with you, don’t give up on a marriage that both parties desire to repair, because that can be fixed. Only until you stop trying will it become unbearable than it will seem too hard, and then you will give up, But I assure you both. Whatever happened here, I will help you both mend the pieces.” Said Lisa gripping both their hands while looking into both of their eyes. The meeting went on and Val began telling a little about herself, and after John spoke on himself. Val jotted things down on the clipboard. Before the meeting ended, Lisa handed Val a pink diary, on it she had written,” VS”. Handing John a blue one she had written “JS”. “Take these, I want you to write in them daily, but wait till the day has ended and write from the morning till the night, about anything, about John or Val, about what happened in the day, and at the end of this 8week counseling I will tell you what I want you to do with them,. Now its 4:15, scoot along you to and write down a magnificent story.” “Val, I want you to give me a hug when we come out this room and John I want you to walk ahead of her quickly, I want scare the people in the waiting room, the other wife could cry on cue, I doubt you can though. “said Lisa with a laugh. Doing as Lisa said the couple in the waiting room looked terrified at what she could have done, to make John walk off like that. Val smuggled a laugh as she ran after John. Both John and Val laughed once they had caught up to one another. Val and John climbed in the car and driving home they both stayed quiet. Val read over the clip board jotting a couple more things down, putting the date at the end of what she had written. John finally pulled into the driveway. Val looked at John. “John, I love you” she said stepping out the car to see her kids and pay the babysitter . John put his head to the steering wheel, immediately he cried. Val hadn’t said those words to him in weeks, it felt so good to hear them. John hadn’t realized how long he had been out in the garage until Val came out to get him.
At 10:30pm Val wrote in her diary;
I feel strange, writing down my thoughts. I’ve never done this before. We’ll today, I finally told John that I loved him, he didn’t come in the house for almost four hours, It scared me to death, thinking that he may have left me. He was only sitting in the car crying. It touched my heart. We actually had sex once we had put the kids to bed. It was not considered, Because before we had it, The kids had pissed John off because I made mash potatoes and Keenan started throwing them at his sisters and they fought back, food was everywhere the kitchen was a mess, He took them all at once whooping them. Michelle and Jana of course cried. Keenan only said he was sorry. It made me smile. After that John and I went up stairs and talked about Lisa. She’s a wonderful women we both agreed. John got up to go but before he left he gave me a kiss on my cheek. I kissed his cheek, and we hugged for a long time, and we began kissing. It turned passionate. Then came the sex needless to say we both we tearful as we made love. It felt really good, and the sex was excellent. Ha! You thought the sex was just good. No. I sent John back to the guest room though. He unhappily went, but I don’t want to rush that. I didn’t want to rush the sex. So I guess i have to control myself. NO MORE SEX! Gdnight.
At 11:45pm John wrote in his diary;
Thats probably the most unimportant thing right now, but I made Val cry and scream. It was wonderful. I love her so much. I would run back in the room and try to lay down and cuddle with her but she sent me away. I wanted to go for a second time but she only shook her head a pushed me out, Maybe I’ll get some more tomorrow? I think so. I’ll just walk up to her naked. :D. I am glad Bill recommend Lisa. She is going to be really good for us, She ‘s very caring with a sense of humor. I had to whoop my kid’s today… Val gripped my hand as I walked out Jana and Michelle’s room, She tugged on it telling me not to run back in and make it my fault. It was hard, Jana told me she hated me. It felt horrible. I love my baby girl… Hopefully she will understand when she gets older. Keenan actually told me he was sorry. That’s my Big man. I’m still going… I think I might have to rub one out…. John
Val had left the next morning for work, John left the kids with Val’s mom as he went his Job too. Evelyn his secretary walked in his office. Eve had a terrible crush on John and John did not need her flirting…Especially right now. He had actually fingered her once before Val and John married. He never told Val. Eve walked in shutting the door behind her. She handed him today’s task’s on a sticky note. John took it without looking at her. Eve always wore a tight suit, just for him, and He’d always be tempted just by looking at her. He had come close to having sex with her a couple times when Val was ignoring him, but Bill and his receptionist always came in at the right time, and today Bill had called in sick. Eve wrapped her arms around John’s neck running a tongue along his ear lobe. She started to rub John’s chest. “Eve stop…please” John said with a shaky breath as he thought about Val. Eve only continued hearing John weakening. She knew about Val but she gave not even two damns about that woman. Eve knew about John’s high sex drive and she also knew Val wasn’t giving him any and she wanted some. She started jacking John off. John pushed her away. She only bit and licked his ear, and stroked him faster. John jumped up moving. “Eve! Go back to work, or I will fire you!” John said flustered. Eve only started removing her blouse… Val pulled up to John’s building, a bag of Chinese food in her lap. She got out the car smoothing her skirt, she walked inside the double doors. Debbie the receptionist sat behind her desk typing in something on the computer. Walking over, Debbie looked up seeing Val.”Oh hey Val, John should be in his office.” “Okay” said Val smiling. Eve had stuffed John between her lips. John stood for a slight second, it felt so good, he felt his knees buckle, John jumped away zipping his pants up quickly. “EVE!!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE!” he said yanking open the door “GET YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT! YOU’RE ARE FIRED!” Eve look at him in surprise, her brow wrinkling in anger. “ I DON’T WANT YO STANKY ASS NO WAY!” she said using her shirt to cover her breasts. Val had just walked right there at the conflict. She only smiled. John was trying… Eve looked at Val. “You need to get another wife any damn way. She is not even that pretty. “ said Eve pushing past Val. Val rolled her eyes not caring, John looked at Val. “Hi baby. What are you doing here?” said John trying to calm his temper. Val showed him the bag of Chinese she had brought. “Want to have lunch with me?” asked Val. John nodded, Val looked beautiful today. She was wearing makeup and her waist length hair was in tight curls. Val started taking out boxes once she had come in and shut the door. John grew hard staring at his wife, He didn’t quite understand why people said she was so average. She was beautiful in his eyes. John leaned over kissing Val passionately. Val pulled away. “John, please. Let’s take things slow. Last night was a little to fast for me it had me stunned.” John bit his lip fighting off his urges. “Can you play with me?” said John showing her how badly he needed something. Val got up locking the door, and they quickly had sex on his desk; it was something they hadn’t done in a couple
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