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Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» Seven Summer Nights by Ashok aatreya (web based ebook reader .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Seven Summer Nights by Ashok aatreya (web based ebook reader .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Ashok aatreya

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have come on a missionā€¦ā€™ā€™
ā€˜On missionā€¦? How do you know it Swamiji? She was surprised.!
ā€˜Life is a mission..and we are all in search of Anandā€¦happinessā€¦ā€™ā€™
ā€˜Yes Swamijiā€¦I now understandā€¦She felt relievedā€¦took deep breath.
ā€˜You want to meet meā€¦You are lucky.. Only today we are performing love charms and rejuvenation Home ..A sort of fire ā€“riteā€¦ā€™ā€™
ā€˜Thatā€™s wonderful Swami jiā€¦Can I also participate in Hooma..?ā€™ā€™
ā€˜ā€˜Homā€¦not hooma..ā€™ā€™ Swamiji was in corrective mood..
ā€˜Sorry Swamiji..I will correct the spelling..ā€™

Swamiji laughed at the other endā€¦Then you come at the dusk timeā€¦Gaudhooli lagnaā€¦itā€™s good timeā€¦
ā€˜Thank you Swamiji..ā€™ā€™
ā€˜Hā€¦Rā€¦Iā€¦N..Gā€¦ā€™With utterance of this typical sound Swamiji cut the line.

Julia was spell-bounded by this new soundā€¦hā€¦rā€¦iā€¦nā€¦gā€¦ this sound was invoking a new energy in herā€¦as if some binding unknown power was calling her from distanceā€¦She felt obliged that Swamiji invited her to perform Homaā€¦Then suddenly she came in normal moodā€¦
ā€˜ā€˜What exactly is the meaning of Homaā€¦fire-rite.. can you explain me..Sameerā€¦being an Indianā€¦Julia asked himā€™ā€™
ā€˜ā€˜ Very strange you forget (forgot) itā€™ā€™
ā€˜ā€˜When did I remember it?
ā€˜In Arya Samaj where we were married, the ā€˜homā€™ was performed and we took seven circles of fire there
ā€˜ So you meanā€¦weā€™ll again take seven rounds the fire at Swamijiā€™s Ashram..?
ā€˜ā€˜I donā€™t know what Swamiji and you talkedā€¦ā€
ā€˜ā€˜Oh so you are jealous my dear Indian husband ? She was in good mood, cut a joke which Sameer did not like. He kept mum.
ā€˜Please now tell me again What the love charms and rejuvenation homa mean..?ā€™
You know my English is very poorā€¦better you tell me about these wordsā€¦

Then for a while Julia also became detachedā€¦she thoughtā€¦perhaps she is running very fastā€¦and the poor fellow, his Indian husband has no guts to accept or oppose her on this scale on such mattersā€¦Would he prove to be a hen-pecked husbandā€¦if given a chance ! She laughed on her own question!

There was now a gap. Sameer from this point of time was of course changed in his temperament. Julia was beyond her normal behavior .At that moment she cared for no other. Her flights and daydreaming soon began to make her feel that she has reached somewhere on topā€¦For attainment of objects of pleasure and happiness Swamiji had sent her open invitation which she was not prepared to dispense. She had now but little time for even consultation with Sameer regarding her golden opportunity comes to her on platter. She almost became imprudent and thoughtless and was prepared to invest all her energy in service of the god man who had called her from Ashram.

On the other hand her impulsive behavior was now troubling Sameer. His inner chauvinist man became alert all of a suddenā€¦He realized he was being dominated by a foreigner for nothing. His Indian ness now wanted to show teethā€¦he would not be a cowardiceā€¦simply following herā€¦as a servantā€¦now ā€˜theyā€™ are no more superior to usā€¦what of that if she speaks good Englishā€¦Itā€™s her languageā€¦she might be richā€¦but the way she is ā€˜dictating terms and conditionā€™ ,was now intolerable to Sameer. From his in-most self , he decided to give a tough fight to her dictatorial behaviorā€¦after all he is her legal husband and married properly in Arya Samajā€¦he would soon see that this marriage is registered in Municipal recordsā€¦God knows from where an image of a poor buffalo came to his mind..! He immediately reacted and thought , she had been pestering him since the day they metā€¦but now onward, he would not tolerate this sort of pestering by flies on a buffalo !. He was not convinced, how and why Julia decides things at her own and never bothered to consult him ? more one way trafficā€¦the lease time is over nowā€¦in marriage both the partners have the equal right to leap-frog on one-another back and no body is permanently bending down. ā€¦.itā€™s a turn by turn game of lifeā€¦
ā€˜ā€˜What happened to you Sameerā€¦you are not speakingā€¦thinking about the home..?ā€™ā€™ She asked him.
ā€˜ā€˜ Yes our home.ā€™ā€™
ā€˜ā€˜Itā€™s niceā€¦may I share your ideas..?ā€™ā€™
ā€˜ You will not go to Swamiā€¦Sameer orderly told her with sounding heavy tone.
ā€˜ā€˜ Whaaaat you toldā€¦ā€ Julia cried.
ā€˜ā€˜ I decided .ā€™ā€™ He was serious giving his final verdict.
ā€˜ā€˜You decided on my behalfā€¦.you dirty Indianā€¦ā€ She made hue and cry out of this situation.
And before any other word slipped from Juliaā€™s tongue, Sameer, in rage, abusing her Khasamkhaniā€™(killer of husband ) slapped her hard across the faceā€¦The entire room moved like Juggernautā€¦.and she fell down on the carpeted floor.

It was perhaps part of Juliaā€™s ā€˜randomizingā€™ research on Indian husband!At length, however, in the human behaviour and particularly in marriage- love, hatred,peace,violence,romance,
conflicts,doubts,faith,separation, fidelity,infidelity,pride,prejudice
are the multi-dimensional binding forces and ā€˜oneā€™ should never take hasty decision on one aspect of life. As a matter of fact ā€˜staying in the wedlockā€™ means tolerable independence from both the sidesā€¦Itā€™s never a one way trafficā€¦This affair believes in pledging life to the stake of ultimate mutual happiness and not seeking individual benefits for unlimited selfish mottoesā€¦In this way Sameer and Julia fortunately and grace of god came out from troubles of carrying egoā€™s in the light of this institution called marriageā€¦Perhaps ā€˜something- differentā€™ was written on the back of this ā€˜Pegasus-couple.ā€™ ..The horse of ā€˜Aswamedhā€™(horse-sacrifice) was to be sacrificed in the ā€˜Homaā€™ as part of destinyā€¦Both of them reached in the Ashram where Swami Jivananand was waiting as host-priest to perform his part of the game.
When the couple reached in the scented environment of Asham, the ā€˜fire-ritualā€™ was in the full swing,..Jati flowers with twigs of Shakhoda and ā€˜Hring-karā€™ chantings to win the girl in ā€˜telephone-loveā€™ was being offered in fireā€¦According to ā€˜internal sourcesā€™ Swamiji was conducting this ceremony as it was his eternal desire to kindle and spark ā€˜ Kundaliniā€™ with the help of some deserving discipleā€¦and to everyoneā€™s surprise his long awaited disciple had been calledā€¦
She was none else but Juliaā€¦and today was that dayā€¦The ā€˜Shaktipatā€™ process started and Julia was invited from audience to sit in the evening sessionā€¦She accepted ā€˜Swamijiā€™s wishā€™ as part of adventure and her hidden- mission.

ā€˜ā€˜So you have ultimately comeā€™.ā€™ Swamiji threw a smile on her face radiating his psychic energy in the centre of fore-head.
She was now a truth seeker, with Goorooji SwamiJeevananandā€¦.
ā€˜ā€¦ You had accumulated lot of dirt, filth of the material drainage in your earlier life but now you are very quiteā€¦ feel in you now a new healing charge of high energyā€¦ I bless you to transform your past deeds to seek a new inward journey and destiny .Be a part of spiritual kingdom that would end in you all previous materialistic gymnasticsā€¦Swamiji was transforming her consciousness in the new spiritual world, She felt.
ā€˜ā€¦Gurooji was a Jesus, a Shiva, a Krishna, a Buddha a Moses to her and she was moving tenderly like cool breeze to meet the divine heights far away from the maddening crowds of hatred, anger, lust, fear, passionā€¦and certainly physical death and decay under his aura.
ā€˜Do you know who are you? It was a question from within.
ā€˜I am a traveler, the answer came automatically.
ā€˜Where you are goingā€™
ā€˜Perhaps difficult to know, but certainly the path is wonderful!
ā€˜Are you alone in this journey?ā€™
ā€˜Till I am impatient I will be alone.
ā€˜What sort of impatience?ā€™
ā€˜Of merging with oneness.ā€™
ā€˜Who obstruct you from merging?ā€™
ā€˜My own selfā€¦my ego.
ā€˜But now you are a blessed spirit! Submit your total existence to me. I am your friend philosopher, guide and Guru andā€¦!

Julia was silence in inexplicable joy. She raised her head for a moment and a silent gesture of Swamiji took her in lap of super consciousness. Perhaps it was a moment of full enlightenment.

ā€˜ So your new identity is jeevyani .You are the second supreme person in the cosmos after Jeevananand.
ā€˜Does the change in name mean anything to me now Swamiji?
ā€˜Itā€™s not changed, itā€™s the continuous life as in past you were Jeevayani and future too you will be Jeevayani.The meaning of Julia and Jeevyani is the same in the spiritual world.ā€¦( (Swami smiled )
You are now in the old track of your life for some timeā€¦to discover past memories of your earlier birth and to fulfill new obligations of this life.

ā€˜What were my past memories Goorooji and what I have to do now?
ā€˜In your previous births you have passed through many phasesā€¦the most important phase is that of Julia to Jeevyanee and now in the reverse order you will traverse through many past memories just to wash your sinsā€¦ā€™
ā€˜My sins?ā€™
ā€˜Yes my childā€¦this body and this world around you is the river bed of sins and one has to take dip again and againā€¦rejuvenate oneself for attaining oneā€™s true self which is the ultimate objective of all jeevatmaā€™s (Living beings )ā€™
ā€˜But how could I know about my past lives..Is it possible Goorooji ā€“Julia asked this simple question to Swami.

Swami again smiledā€¦and in restrained manner said-ā€˜The illusions of life must vanish before the life divine can be realized.

ā€˜ā€˜Now you feel you are under control of your Guruā€™ā€™
She silently observed all that and followed the instruction .Guru put a tilak (caste mark) on her fore-head.
ā€˜You are married Julia ?ā€˜Swami asked her
ā€˜ā€˜Recently only almost a week ago..ā€™ā€™
ā€˜Greatā€¦with a soodraā€¦? He cunningly questioned and misinterpreted Jats as Soodraā€™s..
ā€˜ā€˜ I donā€™t knowā€¦he is Sameerā€¦ā€™ā€™ She answered innocently.
ā€˜But this ā€˜knot is not valid according to Indian scripturesā€¦donā€™t worry you have come to right place ā€¦you will be purified.ā€™ā€™
She was not understanding all that ā€˜linguistic problemā€¦but was enjoying the ā€˜Homaā€™
Then Swamiji told her-ā€˜ For this day, to eliminate your ā€˜untouchable-consciousnessā€™, I have buried an iron spike of ten fingers length under your seat with the mantra ā€˜Visvakar manam havish mantraā€¦that means you are the true disciple of your Guru free from all last sins and capable of ā€˜love charms and rejuvenationā€™ā€™
ā€˜ā€˜Thank you Swamijiā€¦ā€™ā€™
ā€˜ā€˜ Oh no thanksā€¦now listenā€¦I am planting in you a single spark in a dry hay stack which will assume the form of big fire spontaneouslyā€¦It is kindling new energy in you and you are now free from all previous sins including your last sin, marrying a soodraā€¦!ā€™ā€™

In the loud chanting of ā€¦h..r..i..n..gā€¦h..r..i..n..gā€¦h..r..i..n..gā€¦ nothing was heardā€¦ And fascinated Julia accompanied her Swamiji in his private chamber for further ā€˜Deekhsaā€™ During all that process her husband was kept away by the Ashram bodyguards and musclemenā€¦Only by passing through the train of people and flickering thoughts, Julia could only see the waving hand of Sameer in the crowdā€¦That was unfortunately the last glimpse of her Indian husbandā€¦and after that the game of sex-worship having roots in antiquity with all its mysterious cults was played in so called Ashram. Julia being the centre of ā€˜All Kama (sex) and Desireā€¦born of the union of the inert Male Principle and his Sakti or Energyā€¦But the worst part of this so called ā€˜rejuvenation ā€˜cult was misuse of the situation of poor Sameer and her spouse Julia, the irredeemable and pervert expression of Swamiā€™s licentious desires to seduce the American lady with disorderly usage of mantra. hrā€¦i..n..gā€¦h..r..i..n..gā€¦ā€¦then krangā€¦kringā€¦krungā€¦kraingā€¦kraungā€¦kraā€¦in his so called Homa in most disillusioned and deceitful mannerā€¦unfortunately Julia took it very normallyā€¦It was a
dream (no nostalgia) for her. Very nearer to her desire for mystic experience.

In the private chamber of Swami Jeevananand the ā€˜Placing of Jarā€™ceremony started as the prelude of ā€˜Deekshaā€™(Teaching) and the wine (ambrosia) was ready for drinkingā€¦It was part of ā€˜Pancha Makars (Five M )or Panchtatva ā€“ like, Madya (liquor)Mansa(Meat) Matsya( Fish) Mudra(Parched corn), and Mithun(Sexual intercourse) This special session was arranged for Julia for her cheerful life, increase
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