Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Night Lullaby by Char Marie Adles (read after TXT) 📖

Book online «Night Lullaby by Char Marie Adles (read after TXT) 📖». Author Char Marie Adles

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/> “Why don’t you come in and have some tea?” he ask mom. “It’s been awhile.”
Mom nodded and stepped inside as he moved to let us in.
“I would love that and it has indeed been a while, Master.” mom said with a grin.
She sit me down as they talked for a moment, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to see the little boy mom promise I could play with.
I wondered off into the big house as mom told Master about dad.
I walked down a large hallway that lead to a bunch of sliding doors, but at the far end an open glass door lead to an outside garden. I ran out the door and jumped off the porch the wrapped around the entire back of the house.
“Wahh! Such a big house!”
I spun in circles. “WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” I giggled.
I fell down and giggled some more.
A small crow circled my head.
“Caw!” it said.
“Caw! Caw! Caw!” I said back.
“Finn what is it?”
When I stopped and looked around I saw a small boy about my age, maybe four, peeking out from the open sliding doors of his room. He was in a robe.
He had long black hair tied back and silver eyes. He just stood there staring at my with the distant look.
“Who are you?” he asked.
I jumped up and ran over to where he stood on the porch. I climbed up on to the porch and ran over to him, giving him a big hug.
“So cute!” I cooed.
He gave me a startled look.
I stepped back but held on to his hands.
“Just the kind I like! I’m Fira! I came to be your friend!” I said with a big smile.
“Go back!”
I smiled at him. “Huh?”
“I don’t need a friend! So scram!” he said loudly, in a mad voice.
Then with that he slammed the door closed in my face.
I felt a small tear trace down my cheek. I sniffed a time or two and slowly walked away.
“I am a wing-less, jinxed crow…so you cannot come near me…” he said in a whisper, but I was to far away to hear.
I wondered back around the room I heard my mom talking to Master.
“How’s Tain’s health?” mom asked.
“Still no doing to well. His wings just won’t appear…”
“I see…”
“I heard that before he came to live with me, when he was still with his parents, people were nasty to him. And just like that the child’s hopes and will to live were taken from him. If he doesn’t have the will to live on…I can’t do anything for him…”
I stopped before I went into the room. Master sounded so sad. I run into the room and landed in his lap.
He looked surprised.
I put each of my small hands on each of his cheeks. I gave him a serious look.
“I’ll make him happy! Don’t worry! I’ll make him better.” I said seriously.
Master’s face softened, and he smiled gently at me, then he hugged me.
“Thank you, Fira. I leave him in your hands.”
“Okay!” I jumped off his lap and gave mama a kiss before I left the room running.
“What an odd child,” I heard my mother laugh.
I ran down the hall and back outside. His doors where open again and he was laying on a bed on a platform close to the ground.
As he heard the squeaks of the boards under my small feet as I ran he looked shocked and then mad.
“Why are you back? I told you I don’t need a friend!”
I stopped at the doors. “Yup, I heard,” I said as he stood up, “So I came back to be your bride!” I ran over to him and hugged him.
I let go and simply smiled up at him, sweetly. He looked surprised and blushed a little.
He sat on the porch as I played a game with Finn and used my arms as wings. He smiled at me when ever I looked at him and grinned.
“Huh?” Mama was standing around the corner looking at us, but we were having so much fun we didn’t notice. “Look’s like we worried for nothing.” mom said and left us alone.
After I while I sat next to him, but the big mountain next to the house caught my attention.
Tain sighed.
“What is it,” I asked.
“That’s the mountain where my grandfather goes to train. I wonder what the top looks like.”
“Okay let’s climb the mountain!” I said cheerfully throwing my arms in the air.
“What?!” he said shocked.


“I can’t climb anymore…! It’s so high…” Tain said panting.
We were covered in dirt and dust from climbing all the way up to the mountain top and we were almost there. I was tiered, but I want to get to the top.
“You can do it! You can do it!” I cheered him on.
“We don’t have wings…” he panted, but kept up just behind me.
I could see the top so I grabbed his hand.
“You can see the top!” I said excited.
“We…can’t do it…” he panted.
“We’re almost there! You can do it!”
And then we were at the top. The forest and mountain spread out before us under the beautiful light of the golden sun set. The sun shined dark gold and orange.
“Wow…so pretty!” whispered. He squeezed my hand.
“I managed to climb…to the top…”
“With me!” I said with a smile.
He looked at me with a daydream look.
He reached out and put both of his hands on my cheeks and leaned in and kissed me on the lips.
“Thank you, Fira…” he whispered.
What was that?!
I covered my face with my hands to hide my sudden blush and the rock beneath my foot gave way.
I fell backwards.
“Fira!?” Tain called in shock. Then he leaped off the cliff toward me, his hands reached out to caught me.
Then suddenly only a split second after he leaped off, two big beautiful black wings appeared from his back. He winced as they did, but still came for me.
He has wings!
Then he had a grip on my wrist.
“You have wings! It’s great!”
He winced again beating his wings. “I can’t…support two people…it’s to…heave…” he panted.
I needs wings too!
There was a ripping sound from my back, and it felt as if someone had pour boiling water over my back. I bit my lip against the urge to scream in agony.
“Then I’ll fly too!” I said and bit my lip again.
I felt the ripping this time and it felt as if my bone broke my skin and grew out in a matter of seconds. Then I had to big white wings on my back covered in blood.
I grabbed his sleeve and tried to pulled up beating my wings. With each trust of my wings, I want to scream, but I cried instead.
I tried desperately to pull him up.
“…I can’t hold...on either,” I cried and then we dropped from the air like stones.
“Wahhhhhhh!” we screamed as we fell. The pain was getting worse.
We landed in a bunch of bushes and soon Tain fell asleep as the sun sat.
“Hold my hand…” he whispered in his sleep. I took his hand, but even the small movement made my small body want to give up. I squeezed his hand. And soon I was nodding off as well.
Mommy was flying over and saw us, but I was too weak to move or she landed and took us out of the bushes.
She looked us over and I was slipping into sleep as she took each one of us in an arm and flew up into the sky.
“Mommy Fira wants to marry Tain…when I get older…” I mumbled.
I let the soft caress of the cool breeze lull me to sleep.

My head pounded and I covered my head with the blankets to block out the light coming from somewhere close.
What? Another memory dream? I wondered.
So it is true I do know him, or I did when I was little.
“Mommy Fira wants to marry Tain…when I get older…”
I blushed and pull the blanket even closer over me head. Why did I have to remember that?!
I laid there for a while and then got out for the bed. I was still in my shorts and tank top, so that was good.
I rubbed my pounding temples.
It feels like a hang over.
Then I remembered what had happened. I shot straight up from where I was sitting on the bed and looked around. I was in my new room. I looked around to see that no one else was in the room and I hurried to the first room I had met Grandpa. I paused when I was in front of the closed door and laid my head against the closed doors. I heard the voice within. They were Grandpa, Master, and Tain.
“She hit her head pretty hard,” Master said.
“She’s just like her mother,” Grandpa sighed, “I can only hope that she wants to stay now, I’ve been very lonely since I was left in this big place alone.”
“You will not be lonely anymore. She is a kind girl and I’m sure she still loves you very much,” said Master.
“Lord Adrian I ask that you entrust her to me. I’ll take good care of her, and protect her no matter what.” This one was Tain. I gritted my teeth.
Knocked on the door.
At once the talking stopped and someone got up to answer the door. It was Master.
He blinked in surprise and then smiled warmly. “Come on in Fira.” he said.
I walked in and nodded my thanks. He went back to where he had been seated
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