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Read books online » Fiction » Survival Of The Fittest by Catherine Holland (novel24 .TXT) 📖

Book online «Survival Of The Fittest by Catherine Holland (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Catherine Holland

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rigor mortis is?"

Daryl nodded, so Gabby continued, "With the infected, the reverse happens, somehow, the infection turns their bones to mush, or at least, part way. But even after they're killed, they're still dangerous, it's mainly the blood, I don't know how, or why, but the blood causes the infection to manifest quicker.

"Saliva, or scratches, or even bites, take longer to make the transformation, but the strangest thing of all, is that even after an infected person is killed, the blood doesn't congeal."


Chapter Six

Daryl looked shocked, then said, "What do you mean, the blood doesn't congeal?" Gabby shrugged, "When a person dies, the blood in the body isn't being pumped through the heart, or any other organs, or muscles, so it isn't being oxygenated, which causes the blood to thicken, and congeal.

"I'm not really sure why it doesn't happen with the infected, maybe something in the virus keeps the blood oxygenated enough to keep it from congealing, but they don't bleed like we do, their bodies, somehow, keep the blood inside of them, and I think that's why there's so much blood when they get killed."

The rain was slowing down from a heavy fall, to a shower, Gabby and Daryl were both soaked to the bone, she turned once more to look at the now still bodies of the infected, then headed back into the office to dry off. Once inside, she was handed a towel to dry her hair with, she gratefully took it, then secured the back door after Daryl had entered.

She rubbed her hair dry, then rummaged in her pack for a fresh set of clothes. Ten minutes later, Gabby was wearing dry clothes, and ensuring that her hair was dried, and tied back in a thick braid that extended halfway down her back. She went into the back office to check on Angel and Danni, Angel was still sleeping, and Danni was drinking a can of coffee and eating a pastry slice.

Danni finished eating, then said, "So, what happens now? The storm's going to break, right?" Gabby nodded, "Yes, the storm's going to break, and once the sun rises, I'm going to kill the infected, then move their bodies." Danni nodded, easily picking up on what Gabby wasn't saying. "Then you're going to leave, and take Angel with you."

It was said as a statement of fact, and Gabby didn't bother to deny it, "Yes, that's what I intend to do, as well as finish some other business, and forfill a promise." There was a tense moment, and a long silence, then Danni said, "I want you to take me with you, when you leave, I can help you look after Angel, and I'll learn how to shoot a gun."

Gabby studied Danni's face, then said, "If I agree to let you come with me, you'd need to be aware of what my life is like. It may seem easy to you, for everything I do, but I can assure you, it's not." Danni opened and closed her mouth several times, as though she was trying to speak, but was unable to form the words.

Danni took a deep breath, looked up at Gabby, then said, "If I were to go with you, what would it be like? I don't expect it to be easy, because I know it won't be, but you're right, I would need to know, so tell me." Gabby smiled sadly at her, then replied, "OK, I'll tell you, but you have to know that if you choose this life, once you start, it's almost impossible to stop."

Danni nodded, then said, "I understand, and I would still like to know, if I still want to go with you after listening, then you can't say that you haven't given me fair warning." Gabby nodded, took a deep breath, then said, "I live by a strict set of rules, and they are: Never stay in the same place twice, and never for longer than one night, if it can be helped.

"If it can't, then a maximum of two nights, or you'll be up to your eyeballs in the infected. Secondly, always search any place you stop at for the infected, if you're not sure, then search again, and search everywhere, then kill all infected on-site, a bullet to each head works best, but decapitation does the job as well.

"Thirdly, never, unless the circumstances are dire, never go outside, or turn a light on after dark, it'll attract the infected like a moth to a flame. Fourth, eat and sleep when you can, you never know when you'll get another chance. And finally, train yourself to sleep lightly, on the rare occassion that the infected manage to break in to the place you're staying, you have to be ready to move at a moment's notice.

"Other than that, just try and stay alive, and keep alert, you can never, for one second, let down your guard, or think you're safe, the second you do, you're dead, or you're risking the life of everyone around you. That is of course, if you still want to come with us." Danni was silent for a long moment, she then replied, "I'll need to think on it for a while, if that's OK?"

Gabby nodded, "That's fine, I would've been surprised if you'd accepted straight away, this isn't something to be taken lightly, but as soon as I've cleared the front of the office of the infected, we're leaving, which gives you about two hours." She waited until Danni had nodded, before turning away and walking past Daryl, heading into the small kitchen.

Gabby made herself a mug of coffee, then silently held up the coffee jar when she realised she wasn't alone, Daryl shook his head, then waited until Gabby had finished making her drink. He made himself a mug of tea, and as they silently drank, Daryl said, "Do you think that Danni will go with you?" She shrugged, and replied, "I don't know, it's obvious that she's become attached to Angel, but this type of life isn't easy, and never will be."

Daryl was silent for a moment, then said, "Do you really believe that there's safety in numbers? Or that we have even the slightest chance, or surviving this?" Gabby drank more of her coffee, then replied, "There is safety in numbers, to a certain extent, I mean, say for example that everyone here came with me, It'd be easier to set up sleeping shifts, and get supplies.

"But, if a large group is together for too long, then there's always the chance that a few people would think themselves secure, and stop doing patrols, or argue over getting supplies, and constantly moving. As for survival? You won't know unless you try, I guess it depends on how much you want to live, and what you're willing to do, to stay alive."

Daryl considered her words for a few minutes, then said, "A few months ago, you would've been charged with mass murder and most probably ended up in an asylum, but now? All bets are off, it's kill or be killed, and anyone would do anything, for the chance to survive."

Gabby's lips lifted in a half-smile, "Exactly, a few months ago, the thought of killing anyone would've made me sick, it still does. but they're not human anymore, and given the choice between me and them? I'd pick my own survival every time." Daryl smiled back, "So would I, which is why I'm coming with you when you leave, and before you protest, or disagree, I think you should ask the others if they want to join us as well."

Gabby drained her mug, then looked at her watch, they still had an hour and a half before sunrise, she took a deep breath, nodded to Daryl, then walked into the back office, to make the offer to the remaining drivers, explaining about her lifestyle, and her rules, she then said, "I know this is a huge decision for you to make, but I'm leaving after the infected are dead, you have until then to decide, but the choice is yours, you can join me, or stay here, or do whatever you have to, to survive."

She then walked back into the kitchen, sat on the floor, then closed her eyes, setting her internal alarm for one hours' time:

Gabby jerked the steering wheel to one side, and pulled over, she looked her brother in the eye, and replied, "You listen to me, Seth. I would never, under any circumstances abandon you, no matter where you are, or who you're with, I will always find you, are we clear on that? Remember the morning after the first attacks? When you and mum were in the back of this very car?

"Mum said that I would keep you safe, I failed mum, and I've nearly lost you a few times, I couldn't stand it, or live with myself one more second, if it was my fault that you were killed, or worse, turned into one of the infected. That is why you have to get on that Submarine, you also asked if we could go home, remember? "

We couldn't go home, because it wasn't safe, that is what I intend to do, I'm going to make it safe, so you can come home." Seth was quiet for a long time, then he took a deep breath, and said, "I'll only get on this Submarine, if you promise me three things." Gabby nodded, "Name them." Seth looked at her, and said, "When you find the cause of this infection, and stop it, come and find me, and bring me home, and don't get killed or eaten."

Gabby hugged him hard, "I promise, Seth, with every breath in my body, I promise." Seth hugged her back just as hard, and after a few moments, Gabby got them back on the road, a few minutes later, she was following the signs for the docks. Ten minutes after that, Gabby pulled to a stop on the loading bay.

From her seat, she could see the top half of the Submarine, it was huge, and gunmetal gray, there were a few nervous looking soldiers walking along the docks, armed with machine guns. They soon spotted Gabby's car and raised their guns, walking cautiously over towards them, Gabby said, "Seth, give me your guns, trust me." He handed them over, and Gabby stashed them under her seat.

She then slowly got out of the car, and walked cautiously over to the soldiers, they were stood talking for a few minutes, then Gabby walked back over to the car, opened the passenger side door, and said, "It's OK, grab what you're taking with you, the soldier just wants to check and make sure you're not infected, then you'll be allowed to board."

Seth, Sophia, and Natalia climbed out of the car, grabbing their bags along the way. Ten minutes later, Gabby was hugging her brother one last time, and handed him a back pack, he looked at her curiously, but she shook her head, and said, "It's to help you start a new life, there should be enough in there so that you're set for life. Prepare yourself, Seth, this infection may very well spread from here, to the

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