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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » I NickNamed Her Red by Adrien Hywel (good books to read for young adults TXT) 📖

Book online «I NickNamed Her Red by Adrien Hywel (good books to read for young adults TXT) 📖». Author Adrien Hywel

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/> I spent the evening at the bar, I only had two beers, and Juice had had four. He seemed to handle his drink well, because he wasn't getting his but completely kicked by me at pool. ´Call for you! ´ The prospect shouted from the other side of the room, ´From who? ´ I asked, as I walked over to the bar. He shrugged ´Canada, I think´ he replied.

´Hello! ´ I chimed down the line, as Juice and the prospect watched on. ´Ahh, thank their god, I finally got you Tank´ Juice watched me, as a very wide smile spread across my face ´Steve Twig! I thought I had heard the last of you! ´ Juice's eyes widened. ´Nothing can keep me down baby, ohh.. And yeah happy birthday! ´ I could see that Juice could hear him, because his mouth dropped when he heard ´baby´. I laughed ´Thanks man, how are you calling me? I thought your mom busted you´ he paused, ´ Im on a pay phone, next to forty two´ I smiled. ´Ohh, I got'cha, so any new stock? ´ I looked at Juice, he seemed confused with what he was hearing. Forty two was our favorite comic book shop; people who aren't Sci-Fi addicts don't really get the name, so I will explain. The meaning of life as depicted in (The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy) is forty two 42.

´Yeah, I just got a Futurama trilogy´ Juice still looked lost ´Nice, so how was your very last days of school´ he started laughing ´I threw Nelson Genes out of a window, then punched him in the face´ Juice squinted. ´No way! Is that the same Nelson Genes that grabbed my ass? ´ Juice now seemed horrified. ´The very one, so how were yours? ´ My face dropped ´Very anti-social´ I paused, and looked at Juice ´And, I nearly go raped´ I heard Steve gasp ´but don't worry! 'I quickly added ´A knight in shining black leather saved me´ I said, smiling at juice, and he smiled back. 'Would by chance this knight, own a black Harley? ´ Steve asked teasing, ´Yes Steve he does´ I sighed, he knew me so well. Juice seemed amused by are playful banter, ´He's actually sitting next to me right now´ I said, and Juice smiled ´Áha!, I knew it, you've already slept with him!´ My face went red, ´No, I haven't Steve, so you're not getting your five bucks yet´ Juice looked puzzled, I gave him a I'll tell you later face. ´How did you get this number anyway? ´

'I called the number you gave me, I ended up with Gemma, she told me you would probably be at the clubhouse so she gave me this number´ of course he did, I thought. ´Soo, I hear you're a biker chick now´ Juice smiled at the idea. ´Gemma right? ´ I heard him confirm ´Man! She can't keep her mouth shut around you, can she? ´ I heard him laugh ´Nobody but you can, Tanky' ´Tanky?' Juice asked slightly amused. I sighed and brought the phone to my chest ´Just a nickname' I explained.

´So, the toughest girl on the planet, how are you holding up in California´ He said California with a Spanish accent, it made me laugh. ´Pretty well Twiggy, how's the north looking? ´ He sighed, ´ Hey Steve, you're alright right? ´ I asked worried. ´Yeah, it just...´ he trailed off. ´Just what man? ´ I was impatient, a certain untamable quality of mine. ´It's Depp, he's not being that easy on me right now´ Depp was his stepdad; he had been for over a year now. ´What do you mean Booga?´ He sighed, ´He's pretty pissed with me right now, he wants me to quit the drums and get a real job, I think he just wants' me to move the hell out, so he can fuck my mother all he wants'.´ I was expecting this from Depp. ´Real job?, you mean like waiting tables, keeping books, and kissing somebody's ass?´ I asked, ´Yeah, I mean I think he's just going to nag me until I move out, but that's what he wants me to do´.

´I thought you were earning sweet, at the Chameleons?´ I asked him, he snorted in response, ´They don't even pay me half the time, and after you left people just, stopped coming´ he trailed off ´Oh´ I sighed, and looked at Juice. He was drinking yet another beer, ´You know what´ I said down the line ´I got a new gig´ I added, ´Really? In a small town like that? ´ ´It's in the next town down you imbecile´ I paused and looked at Juice ´I'm playing guitar, at a strip joint´ I heard him laughing. ´You serious? ´ He asked, I looked at Juice again, he seemed to be holding in hysterics. ´Yeah and I think I could get you a job there too´ Juice seemed shocked, he just looked at me, Steve seemed to have the same reaction. ´Really´ he asked ´Really´ I answered.

´I'll call Katie and ask her about it´ I told Steve, down the line, ´You seriously think, that I would drop all I have going on here and move in with you and your biker friends, again?´ He asked, and I could see the frustrated look on Juice's face. ´Yeah´ I answered, he paused, and ´You know me very well Tanky´ he laughed aloud, to Juice's surprise. But I wasn't surprised, I knew he wanted to get as far away from Depp, as he could, and Charming was very far away. ´So start looking for tickets, and I will get Gemma to setup some shit´ I could see Juice, he was wondering how the hell this all happened so quickly. ´OK Tank, talk to you in a bit´ I smiled ´Yeah, talk to you later´ he didn't hang-up, ´And tell hey to your biker friend for me´ I looked at Juice, he seemed amused ´I will doll, see ya´ he hung-up.

´You didn't tell me you had friends´ Juice said, he was smiling ´Friend, my best friend, only one friend´ I corrected him and he nodded. I went home to a very happy Gemma, apparently Steve had called her back after he got off the phone with me. She liked Steve, he had come to Charming once before, before Juice was even a hang-around. I eventually handled the shit with Katie, she had apparently not even interviewed any drummers, and she had found my offer very convenient. Steve called me that night, and we set everything up, he was coming on Sunday. He didn't understand the joke I had made about going to church that morning, he was an Atheist, and I was an Atheist.

I was on my way to the airport, when Tig had called me, he said that the dorm room plan had fell through, Steve had to stay in Jax's old bedroom . He liked Steve two, but he hadn't seen him since he was fourteen. I guess he had found it odd, a fourteen year-old boy, coming to stay with the girl that you saw as your own little sister. But he had seen how Steve had made me happy, and he didn't really mind, I mean he was no harm to anybody so why bother. I parked in an easy spot and looked in the mirror, I straightened my hair and checked my face. I got out of the car, locked the door, and walked to the giant glass building through the midday sun.

I paused once I got to the arrivals door, once I stepped inside I was hit with the signature amount of freezing cold air. I walked up to the waiting area, I straightened my black tank top, and it had a very large picture of a skull on it (see my profile for pics). After I had waited for a while it finally hit me, I was getting my life messed up, I mean how could Juice spend time with me when I had my... I paused and thought about it for a second, Steve was soul mate, and together we made perfect sense. Are relationship was complicated, innouf without the fact that we had made-out on multiple occasion. I looked at the screen, the plane had already landed.

Steve wasn't one for waiting, so I wasn't surprised when he was the first one out. I looked at him, he looked back at me and smiled, I ran over to him and looped my arms around his neck. He hugged me very tightly as he obviously, took in my faint scent of gasoline, motor oil, and obviously lavender. He on the other hand smelled of cinnamon, apples, and coffee. He loosened up a bit then kissed me very close to the mouth, he hugged me again ´Missed you a lot´ he said and I giggled ´Missed you too much´ I answered and he giggled with me. I unconsciously kissed half his lip, and thought that we must have looked like a couple, standing here in the middle of the airport, pressed up against each other. He finally let go ´How was the flight ?´ I asked, he sighed ´Nothing that hours of Nirvana can't cure´ I smiled, He had his old backpack, and one suitcase with him. We walked out of the airport, into the sun. ´Man do I miss heat like this!´ he stated and I rolled my eyes as we walked over to the car.

´Nice parking´ he said as I opened the boot, ´If you like that, you've got to see me on a bike´ he put his case in the boot. ´Make any progress?´ I shrugged, as I closed the boot then locked it, ´You've got to see me, to understand´ he smiled, ´seriously, I mean Gemma said you were good´ I shrugged. ´She also said, that I'm going to go to prom´ he opened the passenger side and got in, I did the same and we shut the doors at the same time. ´What, nobody asked you to prom?´ he said sarcastically, ´They did but I didn't catch most of their names´ he laughed ´didn't your biker friend ask you?´ I started the engine ´Which one?´ I asked innocently and he sighed, ´You know´ he insisted. I shrugged ´The Latino, with the Mohawk´ I just looked at him blankly, as if I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. ´The one with the fucking lightning bolts on his head!´ he shouted as I backed up, ´Ahh...´ I paused, ´No´ I added flatly. ´I thought you liked him, I mean when you came back last year you couldn...´ I pointed at the small compartment, and changed the subject ´There should be some Nickelback in there´ I said and he sighed.

He eventually lightened up when we started singing along to 'FOLLOW YOU HOME' he was smiling and looking straight ahead, 'cause you're my Mississippi princess, my California queen´ we shouted in unison. The windows were wide open, the warm dry California breeze was flowing through them, blowing through my scarlet hair. Steve turned down the volume ´You look happy !´ he shouted at me, ´That's because I am!´ I shouted back at him.

We passed the Welcome to Charming sign, and Steve obviously had something sarcastic to say. I didn't answer him, and we eventually reached the house. When we got inside, Gemma was waiting in the kitchen, "Oh my God Steve, you've grown!" she said as he walked over to her and hugged her. I really wasn't surprised wither reaction, the last time she had seen Steve he was fourteen years-old, and five foot two. After they had done some catching up, she offered us a lift to the clubhouse.

She had to run some errands but she promised
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