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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Overcoming Circumstances by Belinda Slider-Baker (best book club books of all time txt) 📖

Book online «Overcoming Circumstances by Belinda Slider-Baker (best book club books of all time txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Belinda Slider-Baker

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She started talking up a storm to him.  Marissa and I headed to the kitchen to start getting lunch and talking.  Thane said he would play with Emmison in her play area off of the living room.  

I told Marissa what was happening with Thane and Coor.  Even though I told her on the phone, telling her in person let me see the reaction on her face.  

After spending a few days with Maris, Emmison and Geoffrey, Maris’s husband, it was time to head back to Lexington.  I couldn’t have asked for a better surprise from Thane.  He was truly an amazing man.  Thane and Geoffrey really got along too.  They have a lot in common.  Geoffrey said he would bring Marissa and Emmison to Lexington in a couple of months to stay at Thane’s.  Emmison will love the indoor pool.  

As soon as we got back to Lexington, I needed to finish up a big account.  It was my last major account before I had the baby.  I had to call the doctor’s office on Tuesday to make an appointment.  I was excited when Dr. Harman’s office told me he could see me on Friday.  

Thane and I had dinner Tues, Wed and Thursday night. I stayed at his place on Tuesday night and he stayed at my place on Wed. night.  Tonight, being Thursday, I am not sure what I will do.  I told Thane over dinner on Thursday that I had a doctor’s appointment at 3:30pm on Friday.  I would not be able to have dinner with him until later Friday evening if he wanted to still have dinner together.  

I really wanted to ask him to accompany me to my doctor’s appointment, but I was afraid too.  I know he said he would be there for me and the baby, but the ‘what if’s’ always come to play in my mind.  I called Thane right before I got to the doctor’s office.  He knew I was calling, because before I could say a word. 

“Blythe, are you feeling okay?” 

“I am okay; I am just thinking and wanting too much.”  

I say and put my head down.  

    “What do you want, Blythe?”

    “Dinner with you later tonight.”

    “Blythe, we were already going to have dinner.  What is wrong, baby?”

    “Nothing, just wish I could see you.”

    “Soon, baby, very soon.”

    “Okay, see you soon Thane.”

    “Bye baby.”


I walked into Dr. Harman’s office at 3:10pm.  I signed in at the nurse’s desk and sat down.  Right after I sat down I looked up and there stood Thane.  Relief overtook me and Thane noticed that right off.  

“I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to be here until I heard your voice on the phone.” He said.  

“I really wanted you here, but I was scared to ask.  I didn’t want you to feel sorry for me or obligated by any means.” 

“Never be scared to ask me anything and if I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t.  Honey, I will always be here for you and the baby always.” He said in a soft caring voice.  

The nurse then called my name.  Thane and I walked back to the examination room.  After a series of questions, Dr. Harman came in to measure my belly and do an ultrasound.  He started rolling the ultrasound wand over my belly, and we could hear the heartbeat.  We could see the baby’s entire body on the screen.  Its fist was in his/her mouth.  I had tears just streaming down my face.  Thane was holding my hand.  I could see Thane’s eyes, and they were misty.  Thane wiped my tears away and held my hand tighter.  The doctor said he could tell us the sex of the baby.  I told him I wanted to know.  I asked Thane if he wanted to know.  He said if I wanted to know then it was fine with him too.  He seemed shocked when I asked him.  

“It is a girl.” The doctor said,  

I was so excited.  

“I am going to have the little girl I always wanted, Thane.  I always wanted a girl.  I want to be the mother to her that I never had.”  

“Wow, I get to spoil two girls now.” Thane said.  

After the doctor left, I got dressed.  

After we left the doctor’s office Thane took us out to celebrate.  As we were eating, I asked Thane what girl names he liked.  Thane looked straight into my eyes and tears escaped his eyes.  

“What is wrong Thane? I am sorry if I hurt you.”  I said in a very scared, sad voice.  

“Nothing is wrong, Blythe, they are tears of joy.  I am just surprised you asked me for my opinion on something so important.”  

“Thane, you said you wanted to be a part of our lives.  I am holding you to that.”  

“Thank you, baby, thank you.  You have made me a very happy man.”  

“So, what girl names do you like?”  

I could see Thane thinking about it.  

“Pacey, Breyella, Zoey, Faith, Hope, Belinda, Jasmine, Kendra, Gracelynn, Braelyn, just to name a few.  What names do you like?” He asked.  

“I like Gracelynn, but I really like Braelyn.  I know what her middle name will be.  So, I will be giving our baby the middle name, Dawn.”  

Thane grew very pale, and his eyes lit up.  

“What did you just say?”  He gasped.  

“Dawn will be her middle name.”  I said.  

“No, tell me what you said word for word.”  

“Thane, I am not sure what I said word for word.  I said something like I have to give our daughter the middle name Dawn.  I don’t understand Thane, what is going on?”  

He put his head in his hands.  His shoulders were going up and down.  I left my chair and went to him.  I lifted his head.  He was crying.  I grabbed and hugged him.  

“What is wrong Thane?  I don’t know what I said to upset you like this.  Am I pushing you too much?  If I am, I don't mean to.”  

“Do you not realize what you said?  You said ‘our’ baby.  Yes, our baby.”  

“Oh, I said.  Thane, what do you want?  I am so confused with all of this.” I pleaded to him.   

“No, I am overjoyed.  I am not upset, they were tears of joy.  I just can’t believe you said ‘our’ baby.”  

“It just came out that way.  You are going through this pregnancy with me.  She is ‘our’ baby in every way.”  

“Blythe, why is Dawn so important to you?”  He asked.

“My granny’s middle name was Dawn.”  

“She was a wonderful woman, Blythe.  I am so glad I got to know her while we were working on my skyscraper.  I never knew her real name, because you always called her granny.”  

“Her name was Juanita Dawn Brownstone.”  

“I think Dawn would be a beautiful middle name to honor your granny.”  Thane said in a very proud voice.  

“Braelyn Dawn, what do you think of that name?”  

“I like Blythe.”  

“Now Braelyn Dawn what?” I say in a very serious voice.  

“What do you mean, Blythe?”  He asked.  

“Her last name: Slidenger or Mansfield?”  

Thane’s eyes grew really wide, and I immediately said: 

“Sorry, that isn’t fair to you.  I don’t want you to think I am doing this for money or anything like that.  I just thought..I thought..”  

I just couldn’t even talk anymore.  

“Blythe, stop it.  I would be honored for her to have my last name.  I am hoping you will take it too.”  

I was speechless.  

“I..I..I’m not ready for that yet.  I can see us married down the road, but not anytime soon.”  

I then bolted from the restaurant.  I heard Thane coming after me.  As he approached me, I started to walk down the sidewalk.  I just couldn’t think straight.  I thought Thane would make a great dad for my baby.  I just never thought about myself long enough.  I wasn’t thinking.   I truly loved Thane.  I just couldn’t tell him that.  I was hurt so badly by two men.  I just can’t get past my past.  I just needed more time to get used to the idea of becoming a mother first.  Hopefully Thane will understand that.

“Bly, stop.”  

I froze.  Nobody but Granny, Maris, and Coor had ever called me Bly.  Why did he just call me that?  What the hell was going on?  Then he was standing beside me before I could even open my mouth.  I had so many questions running through my mind.  

“Why did you run, Blythe?”  

“Why did you call me Bly?”  

“I heard Marissa call you that for days when we were in Michigan.  I just thought it was your nickname.  If you don’t want me to call you that, I won’t.  It just popped out of my mouth.”  

“Granny, Marissa and Coor are the only ones that have ever called me that.  Even mom doesn’t call me that..Well, maybe she did sometimes.”  I said with a smile on my face.  


“Marissa’s mom, Iris, she is my mom too.  I call her mom.  I think I have only called her Iris a handful of times to her face.  She is a wonderful woman.  She lives in Greenville right beside the house I grew up in.”  

“Oh, I understand.  I was confused for a moment.  I thought you said you haven’t talked to your real mom.”  

“I don’t have any other mom, Thane.  Iris is my mom.  She always has and always will be.”  

“I would love to meet her sometime then, Blythe.”  

“I would love for you to meet her too.”  

“Thane, I don’t care that you call me Bly; I was just shocked to hear you say it.  I am sorry I ran out.  I just get scared when it comes to relationships.  I don’t know what is wrong with me.”  

“Nothing is wrong with you.  We will just take this slow and see what happens.  I don’t want to push or rush you, Blythe.”  

“Okay, thanks.”

He laced his fingers through mine, and we headed to his car.  As soon as we got to his car, my phone vibrated.  It was a text message from Cooryn.  

‘Hey baby, how are you?  How is the baby? I will be in your area next month. Can we have dinner or something?’ 

I texted back: ‘I am doing great.  The baby is a girl!  Yes, Coor, I am having a girl.  I am so excited.  My dream is finally coming true.  Yes, I would love to see you when you are in town.  Just call me whenever you get into town.  Until next time
love and miss you

‘Sounds like a plan Bly.  Until next time
love and miss you too XOXO.’

“Cooryn just told me he would be in Lexington next month.  He wants to get together and have dinner.” I said.  

“I am glad you will get to see him.” Thane said.  

The next month flew by.  My doctor’s appointment went well.  She is starting to kick up a storm now.  Cooryn just called and said he was in town.  We decided to meet at a little restaurant downtown.  I invited Thane, but he said he had a meeting.  After dinner Coor and I went back to my house.  I told him he was more than welcome to stay in my cottage if he needed too.  He said he was only in town for a couple of days, but he would take me up on the offer when he came back in Mid-July.  He was opening a new cancer center and this trip was to finalize the paperwork for the building they were purchasing, but in July, he would be here for at least 4 weeks to get the center up and running.  

As we were sitting on my couch, Braelyn decided she was going to start kicking up a storm.  I asked Coor if he wanted to feel her kick.  He placed his hand on my belly.  

“Wow, Bly, that is amazing.  You look so beautiful pregnant.  I am so happy for you and Thane.  I know a real family is all you have ever wanted.”  

“Thank you and yes, Braelyn will make my life complete indeed.”   

“Welcome, baby.”  

“So, are you seeing anyone, Coor?”  I asked in a very curious voice.  

“I was going out with a nurse from one of

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