Tales Of ForestClan by Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) . (ebooks children's books free txt) 📖

- Author: Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) .
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Swiftpaw though, following the patrol out of camp.
As the patrol reached the border, Sandtail looked back at them. "Remember, Bramblestar wants no fighting. We are only patrolling, as normal, and sorting out scent markers." She told them.
"Yes Sandtail." The cats meowed, following the deputy.
As suspected, there was a ReedClan patrol. Leading it was Applewhisker, their deputy. He was with Swanfeather, Yellowpaw and Cinderfoot.
"What did Fishstar tell you at the gathering last night? Or are you all mouse-brained?" Swanfeather hissed. "The fish belong to ReedClan!"
"We are not taking fish. We are patrolling our border, as usual." Sandtail told them. "ForestClan don't need your precious fish, we have enough prey."
Wise move.
Swiftpaw thought. However, he did notice that the ReedClan cats had their sharp claws sheathed, ready to attack. Applewhisker glared at them. "How do we know that you are telling the truth?"
"Do you deny the words of a fellow deputy?" Sandtail retorted. "And anyway, we're not looking to pick a fight. Don't think we're blind, we can see that you have your claws out."
"We never said you were blind." Cinderfoot hissed. "Unless you have one of your deaf elders on patrol."
elders are not deaf!" Runningbreeze yowled. "All our cats are loyal and true, unlike your clan of crowfood!" Now the ReedClan cats were furious, and Sandtail cuffed him over the head. "What did I tell you? No fights!" She hissed. The deputy then turned back to the ReedClan patrol. "I apologise for the stupidty of my warrior. Now, we're leaving you in peace while we set scent markers."
"You will
pay for that little remark of yours." Applewhisker hissed angrily. "Now go and set your precious little scent markers. We don't care."
These ReedClan cats are so moody! They think they're all great and powerful, but the only great and powerful ones are StarClan. No cat or clan can match their wisdom.
Swiftpaw thought angrily.
"Also, we are welcome to drink from the stream." Brokenheart told them. "One of the apprentices looks like she needs water, otherwise she will die." She mouthed something to Featherpaw, and then the little apprentice crawled around on the ground, making her voice all raspy.
"We brought her so she could drink." Sandtail meowed. "Surely you will not let this inoccent cat go thirsty?" Yellowpaw muttered something to Swanfeather, and the she-cat laughed. Swiftpaw's eyes glowed in anger, and now it was his turn to talk. "You better not have made fun of her! She's had a hard life, and you're making it no better! Just let her drink, and show that you have some kindess somewhere in your hearts." He spat.
Swiftpaw waited for the ReedClan warriors to attack him, but instead they started discussing amongst themselves. Applewhisker then turned back to Swiftpaw. "You speak wise words for a young cat. Please, we allow you and your apprentice to take a quick drink." He mewed.
"But remember, no fish." Cinderfoot growled, her claws still sheathed. The ForestClan cats dipped their muzzles down to drink the cool, refreshing water. Featherpaw still kept up the act as she crawled over, with Brokenheart nudging her along.
That was pretty fast thinking. I doubt that we would have got a drink if Brokenheart didn't come up with that idea.
Swiftpaw thought. I wish my thinking was that good.
Eagletalon paced around camp, his paws guiding him to random places. Since he had no patrol to go on, he had nothing to do. His friends, kits and mate were all out on patrol with other members of the clan, so he didn't really have anyone to talk to.
As he padded around, he noticed Spottedlark looked a bit down. Being his usual self, Eagletalon went up to the pretty young she-cat. "Are you alright?"
"I'm rather fond of Barleyfoot, but he doesn't notice me." Spottedlark sniffed. "We're close friends, and I respect him."
"Have you told him that you have feelings for him?" Eagletalon questioned. "Look, I can't help forever, apprantly Oakpelt wishes to speak with me." Spottedlark looked up at him. "Go then. I'll speak to another cat."
"Thank you." Eagletalon dipped his head, and ran swiftly into the medicine den.
In here, Flowerpaw was sniffing at Gorgekit, Frostear's son. Everyone knew that one of his claws were longer than his other claws, causing him pain when he walked. Eagletalon greeted the apprentice, and then went over to her mentor. "Oakpelt, you wanted to see me."
"Yes." Oakpelt poked his head up and greeted the warrior. "StarClan spoke to me last night." Eagletalon sat down. "What did they say?" He asked curiously.
"They spoke of four cats. One who repeated when other's spoke, one which ran fast, one which was a bird's best defence and the last cat sang at sunrise. These cats would stop the arguements that the clans have, and bring peace to the forest." Oakpelt explained. "StarClan also said these cats would be wise and respected by others of all clans."
"Erm, what does this have to do with me?" Eagletalon asked awkardly. "I don't see how I fit into this."
"Think about it. I just have a feeling you may be involed. You are wise and loyal. Use your common sense and figure it out."
"Um, yeah, whatever."
"Don't play games with me, Eagletalon. This is serious
business which affects the future and survival of our clans, and the other two clans of the forest. Please treat this as an important message, not a joke."
"I am aware that this is urgent." Eagletalon lashed his tail angrily. "What do you think I am, a kit who knows nothing?"
"Eagletalon, please control your temper. I know you are angry, but you must keep your voice down. It is not time yet to tell anyone else about the prophecy. Seriously, if you tell anyone, I'll claw your ears and whiskers off. Understood?" Oakpelt said grumpily.
"Alright." The tom rose to his paws and started to leave the den, questions buzzing through his brain. But one question came up often:
Who are the cats that StarClan speak of?
Echopath watched her clanmates as they lived their lives in the clan. Despite last night's attack, ForestClan were still strong.
The survival and future of all cats lies in the paws of apprentices and kits. They are the youngest cats who replace us older, more experinced cats when our time is up. They must learn our ways and the wisdom required to be a full member, or a leader. This is then passed on through to the cats of the future.
She thought, remembering what Bramblestar had told her last night. StarClan watch over every cat in every clan, no matter how old or how young, or how sick or how healthy you are.
Her thoughts were disturbed when Pinewhisker padded over. "Hi Echopath. Want to hunt with me?" He asked cooly.
"Sure." The silver she-cat rose to her paws quickly and followed the brown tom out into the forest.
Beams from the sun were shining through the branches of the trees, making dew visable everywhere it had reached. Small footsteps scratched the ground, and birds called out to eachother in song. Echopath plodded along beside Pinewhisker, her ears pricked and listening out for prey nearby.
"Where did you disappear off to last night, before the attack?" Pinewhisker asked, trying to create conversation.
"Eagletalon wasn't being very nice." Echopath told him in a low voice.
"What did he say?" Pinewhisker questioned.
Before Echopath spoke, there was a loud yowl. Echopath spun her head round and saw Rabbitleap's hunting patrol limping over in pain. "Help! Fox attack! Cats are hurt!" He was then followed by Chickenpaw, Pigeonwing and Spiderleg, who all had wounds.
"Come with us. We'll continue hunting." Pinewhisker meowed, nudging Pigeonwing along. Echopath gently nudged Chickenpaw forward, Spiderleg limped along and Rabbitleap helped Pigeonwing.
"The fox was huge!" Chickenpaw meowed to Echopath. "It was bigger than Rabbitleap! And it's teeth were like thorns!"
"How delightful." Echopath mumbled, not really listening as she helped the young apprentice along. "I'm sure Oakpelt and Bramblestar will love to hear about it when you get back."
Chickenpaw said nothing else, as he could see that his temporary mentor didn't have enough time to listen to his story. So, he piped down. Echopath glanced at him. Mouse-dung! I've really upset him!
She realised angrily. I'd better apologise later to him when he's better.
At sunset, camp was silent. More patrols had gone out, but Echopath hadn't been selected again, she was ment to be training her sister's kits. But this wasn't happening at this very moment. Echopath just wanted some time to herself for a bit.
"Oh Roseheart, what will I do without you?" She muttered to herself silently, tears streaming slowly down her cheeks.
There was then a small rustling close by. Echopath jumped back, but then realised the rustling had come from Lionclaw, who was padding over with a young hare dangling in his jaws. "Hi. Featherpaw told me you didn't look very happy when you heard about the fox encounter." He meowed, dropping the prey.
"I made a promise to my sister to look after her kits." Echopath sighed. "But apprantly Featherpaw had to be rescued by Swiftpaw yesterday and Chickenpaw almost died." She then shuffled her paws and mumbled "It was your brother's fault."
"Eagletalon? When did he come into this?" Lionclaw questioned curiously, sitting down beside her. Echopath looked up at the older warrior. "If he hadn't taken Willowstream for a mate, I may have been happier. But nooo, desert your friends for new crushes. That's how your fox-brained brother does his duty." She hissed.
"To be honest, you do prove a point. We were like best friends and brothers into one, but when he met that Willowstream cat everything changed." Lionclaw grumbled.
"So I wasn't the only one." Echopath mumbled, gently resting her chin on his shoulder. Lionclaw nodded. "Yes." He licked her ear and padded away. "Come along, I think Bramblestar needed some help with Roseheart's kits. Apprantly one of them complained about having strange dreams."
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