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hindrance. No nerve can do its part unless it be well nourished. If not it will fail to execute its part for want of power—for by it all blood must move. These nerves are found in plexuses in all parts of the body; they are abundant in the skin, fascia, muscle, lymphatics and all organs great and small. The Osteopath must know or learn that no infringement can be tolerated in any part. Nature's demands are surely absolute, and require that the last farthing shall be paid in full. Now for a start—we will explore the neck; here we have the great and small occipital and the cervical group all receiving from the brain and feeding parts below. Thus we must stop at the neck and read the lessons that can be found there, and learn them well; or we will find that we will not be able to meet diseases only to be defeated. We must have the fight during the four seasons of the year. In the cold seasons we will find lung and other diseases—croup, pneumonia, diphtheria, sore throat. All these do their mischief through the nerves of the neck.

Where is or who is the great thinker who knows and can tell all of the duties and actions of the nerves of the neck, or what nerve failed and slept while a tubercle was formed in the lungs? Which nerve slept while fat is heaped up in useless piles in the body? Let us wake up! Consumption does not come without a cause. What plexus is overcome and allows the lungs to waste away? To what ganglion of the spine would the finger of reason point, and say, "that is the cause of phthisis pulmonalis?" In our search we find a division of nerves run from the brain through the regions of the neck, and find a point at which a branch leaves a greater nerve on a line that leads to the lungs. We will likely find a ganglion at which place all or much of one or both lungs are supplied. Then we, by reason, would see that freedom of action cannot be. If some substance should intrude by pressure on any nerve in that region, we must judge by conditions if that pressure has cut off nutrition equal to feeble condition of the lungs.


In our physiologies we read much about digestion. We will start in where they stop. They bring us to the lungs with chyle fresh as made and placed in thoracic duct, previous to flowing into the heart to be transferred to lungs to be purified, charged with oxygen and otherwise qualified, and sent off for duty, through the arteries great and small, to the various parts of the system. But there is nothing said of the time when all blood is gas (if ever) before it is taken up by the secretions, after refinement, and driven to the lungs to be mixed with the old blood from the venous system. A few questions about the blood seem to hang around my mental crib for food. Reason says we cannot use blood before it has all passed through the gaseous stage of refinement, which reduces all material to the lowest forms of atoms, before constructing any material body. I think it safe to assume that all muscles and bones of our body have been in the gas state while in the process of preparing substances for blood. A world of questions arise at this point.


The first is, Where and how is food made into gas while in the body? If you will listen to a dyspeptic after eating you will wonder where he gets all the wind that he rifts from his stomach, and continues for one or two hours after each meal. That gas is generated in the stomach and intestines, and we are led to believe so because we know of no other place in which it can be made and thrown into the stomach by any tubes or other methods of entry. Thus by the evidence so far the stomach and bowels are the one place in which this gas is generated. Now comes question two: As I have spoken of the stomach that generates and ejects great quantities of gas for a longer or shorter time after meals, this class of people have always been called dyspeptics. Another class of the same race of beings stand side by side with him, without this gas generating. He, too, eats and drinks of the same kind of food, without any of the manifestations that have been described in the first class. Why does one stomach blow off gas continually, while the other does not? is a very deep, serious and interesting question. As number two throws off no gas from the stomach after eating, is this conclusive evidence that his stomach generates no gas? Or does his stomach and bowels form gas just as fast as No. 1? and the secretions of the stomach and bowels take up and retain the nutritious matter and pass the remainder of the gas by way of the excretory ducts through the skin? If the excretory ducts take up and carry this gas out of the body by way of the skin, and he is a healthy man, why not account for No. one's stomach ejecting this gas by way of the mouth, because of the fact that the secretions of the stomach are either clogged up or inactive, for want of vital motion of the nerve terminals of the stomach. Another question in connection with this subject: Why is the man whose stomach belches forth gas in such abundance also suffering with cold feet, hands and all over the body, while No. 2 is quite warm and comfortable, with a glow of warmth passing from his body all the time? With these hints I will ask the question: What is digestion?

CHAPTER VI. The Lymphatics.

Importance of the Subject—Demands of Nature on the Lymphatics—Dunglinson's Definition—Dangers of Dead Substances—Lymph Continued—Solvent in Nature—Where Are the Lymphatics Situated?—The Fat and Lean.


Possibly less is known of the lymphatics than any other division of the life-sustaining machinery of man. Thus ignorance of that division is equal to a total blank with the operator. Finer nerves dwell with the lymphatics than even with the eye. The eye is an organized effect, the lymphatics the cause; in them the spirit of life more abundantly dwells. No atom can leave the lymphatics in an imperfect state and get a union with any part of the body. There the atom obtains form and knowledge of how and what to do. The lymphatics consume more of the finer fluids of the brain than the whole viscera combined. By nature, coarser substances are necessary to construct the organs that run the blast, and rough forging divisions. The lymphatics form, finish, temper and send the bricks to the builder with intelligence, that he may construct by adjusting all according to nature's plans and specifications. Nature makes machinery that can produce just what is necessary, and when united, produces what the most capable minds could exact.

The lymphatics are closely and universally connected with the spinal cord and all other nerves, long or short, universal or separate, and all drink from the waters of the brain. By an action of the nerves of the lymphatics, a union of qualities necessary to produce gall, sugar, acids, alkalies, bone, muscle and softer parts, with the thought that elements can be changed, suspended, collected and associated and produce any chemical compound necessary to sustain animal life, wash out, salt, sweeten and preserve the being from decay and death by chemical, electric, atmospheric or climatic conditions. By this we are admonished in all our treatment not to wound the lymphatics, as they are undoubtedly the life giving centers and organs. Thus it behooves us to handle them with wisdom and tenderness, for by and from them a withered limb, organ or any division of the body receives what we call reconstruction, or is builded anew, and without this cautious procedure your patient had better save his life and money by passing you by as a failure, until you are by knowledge qualified to deal with the lymphatics.


Why not reason on the broad plain of known facts, and give the why he or she has complete prostration. When all systems are cut off from a chance to move and execute such duties as nature has allotted to them, motor nerves must drive all substances to and sensation must judge the supply and demand. Nutrition must be in action the time and keep all parts well supplied with power to labor or a failure is sure to appear. We must ever remember the demands of nature on the lymphatics, liver and kidneys. They must work all the time or a confusion for lack in their duties will mark a cripple in some function of life over which they preside.


Dunglinson's scientific definition of the lymphatics is very extensive, comprehensive and right to the point for our use as doctors of Osteopathy. He describes the lymphatic glands as countless in number, universally distributed all through the human body, containing vitalized water and other fluids necessary to the support of animal life, running parallel with the venous system, and more abundantly there than in other locations of the body, at the same time discharging their contents into the veins while conveying the blood back to the heart from the whole system. Is it not reasonable to suppose that besides being nutrient centers, that they accumulate and pass water through the whole secretory and excretory systems of the body, in order to reduce nourishment to that degree from thick to thin, that it may easily pass through all tubes, ducts and vessels interested in distribution, as nourishment first, and renovation second, through the excretory ducts. The question arises whence cometh this water?


This leads us back to the lungs as one of the great sources of which you have been informed under the head of "Lungs, Gases and Water." With this fountain of life saving water provided by nature to wash away impurities as they accumulate in our bodies, would it not be great stupidity in us to see a human being burn to death by the fires of fever, or die from asphyxia by allowing bad or dead lymph, albumen, or any substance to load down the powers of nature and keep the blood from being washed to normal purity? If so, let us go deeper into the study of the life-saving powers of the lymphatics. Do we not find in death that the lymphatics are dark, and in life they are healthy and red?


What we meet with in all diseases is dead blood, stagnant lymph, and albumen in a semi-vital or dead and decomposing condition all through the lymphatics and other parts of the body, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver and fascia. The whole system is loaded with a confused mass of blood, that is mixed with much or little unhealthy substances, that should have been kept washed out by lymph. Stop and view the frog's superficial lymphatic glands; you see all parts move just as regular as the heart does; they are all in motion during life. For what purpose do they move? if not to carry the fluids to sustain by building up, while the excretory channels receive and pass out all that is of no further use to the body. Now we see this great system of supply is the source of construction and purity. If this be true we

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