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inflate coronavirus deaths.

We say to citizens: do not be afraid, this virus is benign unless you are part of the populations at risk. If the TV channels do the same thing with the flu, the figures will be much higher than for the coronavirus! The TV channels will report to you every day, on average, 3 million cases and 2,000 flu deaths. And for tuberculosis, TV channels will report to you each day, on average, 30,000 cases and 5,000 dead. In fact, the flu virus infects 1 billion people each year and kills 650,000 and tuberculosis infects 10,4 million people each year and kills 1,8 million people. In addition, on TV you are informed about “cases” but they are screenings and not cases. A scientific article, SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data, published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, has proven that the danger of the virus was overestimated and that fear could be more dangerous than the virus itself.

We REFUSE the compulsory vaccination and we REFUSE the compulsory coronavirus vaccination certificate to travel, for the following reasons:

The vaccine is not essential because 85% of the forms are benign, 99% of the infected subjects recover and the children as well as the pregnant women are not subjects at risk. In addition, a large part of the population is already protected against SARS-CoV-2 by the cross-immunity acquired with the seasonal coronaviruses

Saying that we are not sure of this is a LIE and raising doubts on the duration or the effectiveness of this protection is a manipulation aiming to protect the business plan of the vaccine.

We say to governments: EVERYTHING must return immediately to normal (including the reopening of hospital services, air transport, economy, schools and universities) and this global hostage-taking must stop because you have known, with supporting evidence, that you as citizens, have been the victims of the biggest health scam of the 21th century.

We say to the citizens: to keep you in the “flock”, it is possible that some will try to discredit us by all means, for example by accusing us of conspiracy, etc. Do not listen to them, they are LIARS because the information you have been given are: medical, scientific and documented.

Dear citizens: a lot of scientists, eminent professors in medicine and health professionals around the world denounced what is going on and it’s time for you to wake up !If you don’t talk, new dictatorial measures will be imposed. You must REFUSE this. We assure you that these measures have nothing to do with medicine or hygiene or the preservation of public health, it is dictatorship and madness.


This is the official Covid narrative.

1.A deadly novel virus is sweeping the planet (It is not novel or new because it is 80% similar to Sars-Cov1 and it is similar to other coronaviruses)

2.Nobody is immune and there is no cure (Millions are immune because it is a coronavirus and millions have had a coronavirus in the past so will have immunity. Also there is a cure because dozens of Doctors around the world have cured thousands of covid patients using Hydrochloroquine and Ivermectin)

3.Asymptomatic people are major drivers of the disease. (Never in the history of infectious diseases have healthy, symptomless people been the drivers of any pandemic or of a virus spreading)

4.So we have to lockdown and wear masks until everyone is vaccinated (Dozens and dozens of scientific peer reviewed articles have shown lockdowns and masks do not slow down the spread of a virus or reduce deaths)

“Our world is gripped by fear. And that fear is very much the product of a false narrative. When I say it’s a false narrative, I’m telling you that every single element, every single element of this narrative (4 points above) is false. The narrative says that there’s a deadly virus spreading across the planet that nobody’s immune to it, and there’s no cure. Even asymptomatic people can spread it and are major drivers of the epidemic of disease. And unless we lockdown and wear our masks until vaccines arrive and everybody gets vaccinated, we’re all going to die. And anybody who challenges this narrative is a lunatic, a menace, a danger to society. Hence the suppression that Alec was talking about. But it is and always has been absolutely clear to us that no element of this narrative is justified in the face of reality. The reality is that there is a virus. It is having a meaningful impact in some regions of the world. Very few people are susceptible to generating severe disease. There are several available treatments. Asymptomatic people, in a more sensible era known otherwise as healthy people, are not drivers of the epidemic. Lockdowns and mask mandates have been ruled out by pre-COVID science for good reasons, never recommended. They’ve been tried. They have not worked, and they have caused great harm instead of protecting the vulnerable minority. We have hurt them”. - Nick Hudson – founder of PANDA (Pandemics - Data & Analytics) –

Nick Hudson - PANDA (Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics) is a multidisciplinary group seeking to inform policy. It is a collective of leading scientists, actuaries, economists, data scientists, statisticians, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers, and businesspeople working as a collective to replace bad science with good science.

PANDA’s scientific advisory board includes some of the most renowned names in infectious diseases and epidemiology, such as Scott W. Atlas, Sucharit Bhakdi, Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, Scott Jensen, Martin Kulldorff, Michael Levitt, Paul E Peterson, Ellen Townsend, Michael Yeadon, and many others.

Nick Hudson’s full video titled ‘The UGLY Truth about the COVID-19 Lockdowns (March 2021)’ can be watched here:


“It’s all bullshit … It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality … Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know.” Dr Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information, gave an interview to former-Presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak and dutifully trotted out the WHO Global Script but let slip his true feelings believing the interview over, and the camera turned off. May 26th 2020.


Is Covid-19 extremely deadly?

Scientists from Stanford University in California show that the mortality rate of covid-19 is between 0.02 and 0.4%. To put these figures in context: seasonal flu has a mortality rate of 0.1%. When this study was criticized, the principal investigator responded:

'There's a kind of mass hysteria at work here that just insists that this must be the end of the world, and it must be that the sky falls on our heads. It's based on speculation and science fiction and an outright attack on studies with data. But rejecting real data in favor of speculation is mind-boggling.' - Dr. John Ioannidis, Stanford University

Dr. Ioannidis also stated:

“If you compare the numbers that we estimate to have been infected, which vary from 48,000-81,000, versus the number of documented cases that would correspond to the same time horizon around April 1st, when we had 956 cases documented in Santa Clara County, we realize that the number of infected people is somewhere between 50 and 85 times more compared to what we thought, compared to what had been documented. Immediately, that means that the infection fatality rate, the chance of dying, the probability of dying, if you are infected, diminishes by 50-85 fold, because the denominator in the calculation becomes 50-85 fold bigger. If you take these numbers into account, they suggest that the infection fatality rate for this new coronavirus is likely to be in the same ballpark as seasonal influenza.”

Study: COVID Infection Fatality Rate at Only 0.15 Percent

A new study released by Professor John P. A. Ioannidis of Stanford University, California, has found that the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 is significantly lower than previous studies indicated. According to Ioannidis, a medicine and epidemiology professor, the virus is less deadly than once thought, registering at a mere 0.15% fatality rate.

Ioannidis’ research, published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, considered data collected from six “systematic evaluations” of global infection with the novel coronavirus, each one taking account of between 10 and 338 individual studies from 9 to 50 countries around the world.

The famous Oxford University in the United Kingdom came to a similar conclusion: 'The COVID-19 fatality rate is somewhere between 0.1% and 0.41%.'

Over 120 scientists wanted to confront the rampant misinformation going on by the media and governments. They came forward with sobering information about Covid-19. These are some of their statements:

'The overall clinical results of COVID-19 are comparable to severe seasonal flu, with a mortality rate of about 0.1%, or pandemic flu.' - Professor Dr. Giulio Tarro

'In my first video about COVID-19 I suggested that the mortality rate should be around 0.7%. The opposite was proven to me today. In fact, the death rate is one-tenth of that. Here's the plain truth: COVID-19 isn't much worse than bad flu.' - Professor Sam Vaknin, Israël

'99% of active cases in the general population are mild and do not require specific medical treatment. Deaths occur mainly in the elderly, in people with serious chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.' - Dr. David Katz, Yale University, USA, founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center

'In Germany about 2,500 people die every day, and only 12 people have died in the last 3 weeks because of covid19. I lean out of the window and say: we may not have more deaths in 2020 than in any other year.' - Prof Dr. Hendrick Streeck, Professor of Virology and Director of the Institute for Virology and HIV Research at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn

The infection fatality rate is:

0-19 years: 0.003%

20-49 years: 0.02%

50-69 years: 0.5%

70+ years: 5.4%

For instance, this means a child has a 0.003% chance of dying from Covid, which is practically zero.

Why do we all think Covid-19 is such a dangerous virus? Because that's what we were told by TV and mass media. A specialist in microbiology and infection epidemiology, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, however says that true scientific evidence that Covid-19 is extremely dangerous, is lacking.

'Draconian measures that restrict people's fundamental rights in such a comprehensive way can only be imposed if there is reliable evidence that a new virus is extremely dangerous. Has there ever been such a scientifically based indication for COVID-19? In my opinion, the simple answer is "no".' - Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Specialist in microbiology and infection epidemiology, former head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz.


More than 2,500 medical professionals in the Netherlands have signed an urgent letter to the Dutch government. Here are some excerpts:

The current global measures taken to combat SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) violate human rights to a large extent.

Damage in the psychosocial domain, economic damage and damage to non-covid health care and total health care costs, is unparalleled.

There is as yet little or no evidence of the usefulness of social distance at a distance of 1 to 2 meters. In the open air, people get hardly infected...

On the other hand, social distancing has a clear negative effect on public health.

Sincere scientists reveal how face masks don't help but increase the risk of infection. Social distancing has no scientific basis. There is no risk of infection outdoors, in shops or in restaurants. The only way to transmit covid-19 is to stand face-to-face to someone who has a cough and a fever. The mortality rate of Covid-19 is the same as that of seasonal flu. Bought scientists on the other hand, hide every cure from humanity, so they could cash in from selling billions of vaccines. They create mass hysteria, to further this agenda.

During the so called covid19 pandemic fear is used to impose totalitarian control on the public worldwide. ’Science says we’re all gonna die, if we don’t lock down our entire nation!’ ‘Science says we should all wear face masks, or we will all get this deadly virus!’ 'Science says...'

Manipulating the masses has never been easier. Simply combine 'science' with 'fear' and people turn into puppets that

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